Ајде од крајот...
Не мора да ми честиташ... и ти ќе го надминеш и ќе си продолжиш понатаму.
Е сега за концентрацијата и врската со медитација...
The eight limbs of Ashtanga Yoga are:
- Yama – code of conduct, self-restraint
- Niyama – religious observances, commitments to practice, such as study and devotion
- Āsana – integration of mind and body through physical activity
- Pranayama – regulation of breath leading to integration of mind and body
- Pratyahara – abstraction of the senses, withdrawal of the senses of perception from their objects
- Dharana – concentration, one-pointedness of mind
- Dhyana – meditation (quiet activity that leads to samadhi)
- Samādhi – the quiet state of blissful awareness, superconscious(?) state. Attained when yogi constantly sees Paramatma in his (jivaatma) heart.
Не може да дојдеш до медитација (освен ако му веруваш премногу на умот кога ти прави трикови и те залажува) ако не се поминати и усовршени до најмала ситница претходните гранки од јогата.
Не може да медитираш ако не може да го контролираш умот, едноставно не можеш. Ако не може да го контролираш телото, пак не може да дојдеш до медитација. Умот секако не сака работа. Тој ќе измисли секакви бедни трикови за да мислиш дека ти работиш нешто полезно а тој те шета по негово.
Затоа без контрола над умот, ништо.
Појасно сега?
Е сега за волот...
“Three are the Beasts wherewith thou must plough the Field; the Unicorn, the Horse, and the Ox. And these shalt thou yoke in a triple yoke that is governed by One Whip. Now these Beasts run wildly upon the earths and are not easily obedient to the Man…
The Unicorn is speech. Man, rule thy Speech! How else shalt thou master the Son, and answer the Magician at the right hand gateway of the Crown? …The Horse is Action. Man, rule thine Action. How else shalt thou master the Father, and answer the Fool at the Left Hand Gateway of the Crown? …The Ox is Thought. Man, rule thy Thought! How else shalt thou master the Holy Spirit, and answer the High Priestess in the Middle Gateway of the Crown?
…Thus bind thyself, and thou shalt be for ever free.” -Liber III vel Jugorum
Osho – To be asleep means to live a life in which awareness has no place. You are doing something, but your mind is somewhere else. You are walking along the street, your body is there in the street, but your mind is having a conversation with your wife, or may already have reached the office ahead of your physical arrival there. Your mind is already making arrangements in the office while you are still walking along the street. Mind in one place, body in another, is the characteristic of lack of awareness. Mind accompanying body is the characteristic of awareness.
You are here, listening to me. In these moments of listening, if your hearing is all, if only your hearing remains and your mind wanders nowhere else but is here and now, if hearing is the only thing happening, as if the rest of the world has disappeared, as if nothing else remains. Here, I am the speaker, there, you are the listener and a bridge is created between us. Your mind does nothing else, it falls silent, utterly silent; it hears, only hears. When only hearing remains, you experience awareness. For the first time, you discover what meditation is.
Meditation means being in the moment, not leaving this moment. Someone asked Buddha, ”How shall we meditate?”
Buddha replied, ”Whatsoever you do, do it with awareness; this is meditation. Walking, walk attentively, as if walking is everything; eating, eat with awareness, as if eating is everything; rising, rise with awareness; sitting, sit with awareness; all your actions become conscious, your mind does not travel beyond this moment, it remains in the moment, settles in the moment – this is meditation.”
Meditation is not a separate process. Meditation is simply the name for life lived with awareness. Meditation is not an hour-a-day affair where you sit for one hour and then it is over till tomorrow. No, if twenty-three hours are empty of meditation and only one hour is meditative, then it is certain that the twenty-three hours will defeat the single hour. Non-meditation will win, meditation will lose. If you are living twenty-three hours a day without awareness, and only one hour with awareness, then you will never attain to the state of buddhahood. How can this single hour triumph over the other twenty-three hours?
Целиот текст овде
--- надополнето: 26 април 2012 во 23:46 ---
Ајде од крајот...
Не мора да ми честиташ... и ти ќе го надминеш и ќе си продолжиш понатаму.
Е сега за волот...
“Three are the Beasts wherewith thou must plough the Field; the Unicorn, the Horse, and the Ox. And these shalt thou yoke in a triple yoke that is governed by One Whip. Now these Beasts run wildly upon the earths and are not easily obedient to the Man…
The Unicorn is speech. Man, rule thy Speech! How else shalt thou master the Son, and answer the Magician at the right hand gateway of the Crown? …The Horse is Action. Man, rule thine Action. How else shalt thou master the Father, and answer the Fool at the Left Hand Gateway of the Crown? …The Ox is Thought. Man, rule thy Thought! How else shalt thou master the Holy Spirit, and answer the High Priestess in the Middle Gateway of the Crown?
…Thus bind thyself, and thou shalt be for ever free.” -Liber III vel Jugorum
Ако те разбрав добро демек Ошо не знае Оксот т.е. воло да го барата како што треба т.е. мислата не знае да ја употребува

ај ти се молам човеку не биди