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24 октомври 2010
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Детски муабети ..
Од кај се појави па ти?
Ај сега што да ти правам на тебе....кој детски муабет да ти го кажам....ццццццц
Ебати ерата на ботовите.


Член од
3 јуни 2011
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., budna i svesna lichnost,odnosno avtentichno religiozna lichnost,samo odgovara na situaciite.Toj ne e pod vasha kontrola nego ne mozhete da go povlechete nadolu,i ne mozhete da go naterate da pravi bilo shto., <>OSHO<>
Член од
6 март 2007
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Го гледам човеков на youtube и ме изненади во позитивна смисла. ВО кратки црти би го нарекол, најдобриот учител, затоа што го разбирам секое негово зборче, и со два дена гледање на неговите клипчиња почнав поинаку да размислувам. Ме смирува додека го слушам, исто како да медитирам.
Член од
24 октомври 2010
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It is said about Chuang Tzu that when for the first time he entered the hut where Lao Tzu, his would- be master, was living, Lao Tzu looked at Chuang Tzu and said, ”Remember one thing, never ask me how to become enlightened.” The poor fellow had come for that very purpose. But Lao Tzu made it clear, ”Only on this condition will I accept you as my disciple.”

There was a moment of silence. Chuang Tzu thought, ”It is strange. I have come to become enlightened, that is the very purpose of becoming a disciple. And this old fellow, so beautiful and so graceful, is asking such an absurd thing: if you want to be my disciple, promise me that you will never ask about how to become enlightened.”

But it was already too late. He had fallen in love with the old man. He touched his feet and he said, ”I promise I will never ask how to become enlightened, but accept me as your disciple.”

Immediately came a hard slap, ”You idiot! If you are not going to become enlightened, then for what purpose are you becoming a disciple? I was asking this promise because I could see in you such beautiful intelligence that you might have immediately realized the point of my asking. You are enlightened; there is no way to become enlightened. There is no need. In fact even if you want to become unenlightened, there is no way.”

There have been masters like Bodhidharma. You ask him how to become enlightened and you will get such a good slap on your face that you will wake up immediately, saying, ”I am sorry, I had just fallen asleep. I am enlightened.” Those days were beautiful, when it was perfectly accepted that a master can slap the disciple. Now people have completely forgotten those beautiful moments and those beautiful days and those beautiful people.

All the meditations are nothing but an effort to feel your enlightenment – which is already the case; whether you feel it or not it does not matter. If you feel it you will rejoice, your life will become a dance, moment to moment, of tremendous glory and majesty, of grace and gratitude. If you don’t recognize it you will remain miserable, asking all kinds of idiots, frauds, ”How can I become enlightened?”
Член од
24 октомври 2010
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The Therapy called Compassion

Yes, only compassion is therapeutic — because all that is ill in man is because of lack of love. All that is wrong with man is somewhere associated with love. He has not been able to love, or he has not been able to receive love. He has not been able to share his being. That’s the misery. That creates all sorts of complexes inside.

Those wounds inside can surface in many ways: they can become physical illness, they can become mental illness — but deep down man suffers from lack of love. Just as food is needed for the body, love is needed for the soul. The body cannot survive without food, and the soul cannot survive without love. In fact, without love the soul is never born — there is no question of its survival.

You simply think that you have a soul; you believe that you have a soul because of your fear of death. But you have not known unless you have loved. Only in love does one come to feel that one is more than the body, more than the mind.

That’s why I say compassion is therapeutic. What is compassion? Compassion is the purest form of love. Sex is the lowest form of love, compassion the highest form of love. In sex the contact is basically physical; in compassion the contact is basically spiritual. In love, compassion and sex are both mixed, the physical and the spiritual are both mixed. Love is midway between sex and compassion.

You can also call compassion prayer. You can also call compassion meditation. The highest form of energy is compassion. The word compassion is beautiful: half of it is passion — somehow passion has become so refined that it is no longer like passion. It has become compassion.

In sex, you use the other, you reduce the other to a means, you reduce the other to a thing. That’s why in a sexual relationship you feel guilty. That guilt has nothing to do with religious teachings; that guilt is deeper than religious teachings. In a sexual relationship as such you feel guilty. You feel guilty because you are reducing a human being to a thing, to a commodity to be used and thrown away.

That’s why in sex you also feel a sort of bondage; you are also being reduced to a thing. And when you are a thing your freedom disappears, because your freedom exists only when you are a person. The more you are a person, the more free; the more you are a thing, the less free. The furniture in your room is not free. If you leave the room locked and you come after many years, the furniture will be in the same place, in the same way; it will not arrange itself in a new way. It has no freedom. But if you leave a man in the room, you will not find him the same — not even the next day, not even the next moment. You cannot find the same man again.

Old Heraclitus says: You cannot step in the same river twice. You cannot come across the same man again. It is impossible to meet the same man twice, because man is a river, continuously flowing. You never know what is going to happen. The future remains open. For a thing, future is closed. A rock will remain a rock, will remain a rock. It has no potentiality for growth. It cannot change, it cannot evolve. A man never remains the same. May fall back, may go ahead; may go into hell or into heaven but he never remains the same. Goes on moving, this way or that.

When you have a sexual relationship with somebody, you have reduced that somebody to a thing. And in reducing him you have reduced yourself also to a thing, because it is a mutual compromise that “I allow you to reduce me to a thing, you allow me to reduce you to a thing. I allow you to use me, you allow me to use you. We use each other. We both have become things.”

That’s why...watch two lovers: when they have not yet settled. the romance is still alive, the honeymoon has not ended and you will see two persons throbbing with life, ready to explode — ready to explode the unknown. And then watch a married couple, the husband and the wife, and you will see two dead things, two graveyards, side by side — helping each other to remain dead, forcing each other to remain dead. That is the constant conflict of the marriage. Nobody wants to be reduced to a thing!

Sex is the lowest form of that energy “X.” If you are religious, call it “God”; if you are scientific, call it “X.” This energy, X, can become love. When it becomes love, then you start respecting the other person. Yes. sometimes you use the other person, but you feel thankful for it. You never say thank-you to a thing. When you are in love with a woman and you make love to her, you say thank-you.

When you make love to your wife, have you ever said thank-you? No, you take it for granted. Has your wife said thank-you to you ever? Maybe, many years before, you can remember some time when you were just undecided, were just trying, courting, seducing each other — maybe. But once you were settled, has she said thank-you to you for anything? You have been doing so many things for her, she has been doing so many things for you, you are both living for each other but gratitude has disappeared.

In love, there is gratitude, there is a deep gratefulness. You know that the other is not a thing. You know that the other has a grandeur, a personality, a soul, an individuality. In love you give total freedom to the other. Of course, you give and you take; it is a give-and-take relationship...but with respect.

In sex,it is a give-and-take relationship with no respect. In compassion, you simply give. There is no idea anywhere in your mind to get anything back; you simply share. Not that nothing comes! millionfold it is returned, but that is just by the way, just a natural consequence. There is no hankering for it.

In love, if you give something, deep down you go on expecting that it should be returned. If it is not returned, you feel complaining. You may not say so, but in a thousand and one ways it can be inferred that you are grumbling, that you are feeling that you have been cheated. Love seems to be a subtle bargain.

In compassion you simply give. In love, you are thankful because the other has given something to you. In compassion, you are thankful because the other has taken something from you; you are thankful because the other has not rejected you. You had come with energy to give, you had come with many flowers to share, and the other allowed you, the other was receptive. You are thankful because the other was receptive.

Compassion is the highest form of love. Much comes back — a millionfold, I say — but that is not the point, you don’t hanker for it. If it is not coming there is no complaint about it. If it is coming you are simply surprised! If it is coming, it is unbelievable. If it is not coming there is no problem — you had never given your heart to somebody for any bargain. You simply shower because you have. You have so much that if you don’t shower you will become burdened. Just like a cloud full of rainwater has to shower. And next time when a cloud is showering watch silently, and you will always hear, when the cloud has showered and the earth has absorbed, you will always hear the cloud saying to the earth “Thank-you.” The earth helped the cloud to unburden.

When a flower has bloomed, it has to share its fragrance to the winds. It is natural! It is not a bargain, it is not a business; it is simply natural! The flower is full of fragrance — what to do? If the flower keeps the fragrance to itself then the flower will feel very, very tense, in deep anguish. The greatest anguish in life is when you cannot express, when you cannot communicate, when you cannot share. The poorest man is he who has nothing to share, or who has something to share but has lost the capacity, the art, of how to share it; then a man is poor.

The sexual man is very poor. The loving man is richer comparatively. The man of compassion is the richest; he is at the top of the world. He has no confinement, no limitation. He simply gives and goes on his way. He does not even wait for you to say a thank-you. With tremendous love he shares his energy. This is what I call therapeutic.

Buddha used to say to his disciples, “After each meditation, be compassionate — immediately — because when you meditate, love grows, the heart becomes full. After each meditation, feel compassion for the whole world so that you share your love and you release the energy into the atmosphere and that energy can be used by others.”

I would also like to say that to you: After each meditation, when you are celebrating, have compassion. Just feel that your energy should go and help people in whatsoever ways they need it. Just release it! You will be unburdened, you will feel very relaxed, you will feel very calm and quiet, and the vibrations that you have released will help many. End your meditations always with compassion.

And compassion is unconditional. You cannot have compassion only for those who are friendly towards you, only for those who are related to you. Compassion is all-inclusive...intrinsically all-inclusive. So if you cannot feel compassion for your neighbor, then forget all about meditation, because it has nothing to do with somebody in particular. It has something to do with your inner state. Be compassion! unconditionally, undirected, unaddressed. Then you become a healing force into this world of misery.


"If mind wants to comprehend reality, it will have to come out of the past and the future. But coming out of the past and the future, it is no more mind at all. Hence the insistence of all the great masters of the world:
the door to reality is no-mind."
--- надополнето: Aug 20, 2011 10:24 PM ---
"Real love is not an escape from loneliness, the real love is an overflowing aloneness. One is so happy in being alone that one would like to share — happiness always wants to share. It is too much, it cannot be contained; like the flower cannot contain its fragrance, it has to be released."
--- надополнето: Aug 20, 2011 10:25 PM ---
‎"Your innermost core has always been pure; purity is intrinsic to you, it cannot be taken away. Your virginity is eternal; you cannot lose it, there is no way to lose it. You can only forget about it or remember it. If you forget about it, you live in confusion; if you remember it, all is clear."
--- надополнето: Aug 20, 2011 10:30 PM ---
‎"And there is a tremendous difference between perfection and totality.
Perfection is a goal somewhere in the future, totality is an experience herenow. Totality is not a goal, it is a style of life. If you can get into any act with your whole heart, you are total. And totality brings wholeness and totality brings health and totality brings sanity."
Член од
24 октомври 2010
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Truth needs meditative eyes. If you don´t have meditative eyes, then the whole life is just dull dead facts, unrelated to each other, accidental, meaningless, a jumble, just a chance phenomenon. If you see the truth, everything falls into line, everything falls together in a harmony, everything starts having significance​



“If you choose according to your own inclination, according to your own intuition...[the inner voice] is very strong in children but, slowly slowly, becomes weaker. The voices of the parents and the teachers, the society and the priest, become louder and louder. Now if you want to find out what is your voice, you will have to pass through a crowd of noises.

“Just watch inside: whose voice is this? Sometimes it is your father, sometimes it is your mother, sometimes it is your grandfather, sometimes it is your teacher; and those voices are all different. Just one thing you will not be able to find easily — your own voice. It has been always suppressed. You have been told to listen to your elders, to listen to the priest, to listen to the teachers. You have never been told to listen to your own heart.

“You are carrying a still, small voice of your own, unheard, and in the crowd of voices that have been imposed upon you, it is almost impossible to find it. First you will have to get rid of all those noises, attain a certain quality of silence, peace, serenity. Only then will it come, as a surprise, that you also have your own voice. It was always there like an undercurrent.

“Unless you have found your natural inclination, your life is going to be a long, long tragedy, from the cradle to the grave. The only people who have been blissful in the world are the people who have lived according to their own intuition and have rebelled against any effort by others to impose their ideas. Howsoever valuable those ideas may be, they are useless because they are not yours. The only significant idea is that which arises in you, grows in you, blossoms in you.”

Step 1: Who’s speaking, please?
“Whatever you are doing, thinking, deciding, ask yourself: Is this coming from me or is someone else speaking?

“You will be surprised when you find the real voice. Perhaps it is your mother; you will hear her speak again. Perhaps it is your father; it is not difficult at all to detect. It remains there recorded in you exactly as it was given to you for the first time — the advice, the order, the discipline, or the commandment. You may find many people: the priests, the teachers, the friends, the neighbors and the relatives.

“There is no need to fight. Just knowing that it is not your voice but somebody else’s — whosoever that somebody else is — you know that you are not going to follow it. Whatsoever the consequences — good or bad — now you are deciding to move on your own, you are deciding to be mature. You have remained a child enough. You have remained dependent enough. You have listened to all these voices and followed them enough. And where have they brought you? Into a mess.

Step 2: Thankyou...and Goodbye!
“Once you identify whose voice it is, thank the person, ask to be left alone and say good-bye to it.

“The person who had given that voice to you was not your enemy. His intention was not bad, but it is not a question of his intention. The question is that he imposed something on you that is not coming from your inner source; and anything that comes from outside makes you a psychological slave.

“Once you have told a certain voice clearly, ‘Leave me alone,’ your connection with it, your identity with it, is broken. It was capable of controlling you because you were thinking it was your voice. The whole strategy was the identity. Now you know it is not your thoughts, not your voice; it is something foreign to your nature. Recognizing it is enough. Get rid of the voices that are within you and soon you will be surprised to hear a still, small voice, which you have never heard before...then a sudden recognition that it is your voice.

“It has been there always, but it is a very still, small voice because it was suppressed when you were a very small child, and the voice was very small, just a sprout, and it was covered with all kinds of crap. And now you go on carrying that crap and you have forgotten the plant that is your life, which is still alive, waiting for you to discover it. Discover your voice and then follow it with no fear.

“Whenever it leads, there is the goal of your life, there is your destiny. It is only there that you will find fulfillment, contentment. It is only there that you will blossom — and in that blossoming, knowing happens.”
Член од
24 октомври 2010
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Love has to be just your flavor,
your aroma, your fragrance.

When you pass by the side of a rosebush,
the rosebush does not bother whether it likes you or not.

Its fragrance is available to you as much as to anybody else.
Its fragrance is available to the birds, to the animals, to the trees –
and unconditionally, without any expectation in return.

Its fragrance is available
even when there is nobody present to enjoy it, appreciate it.

It simply goes on releasing its fragrance;
it is its nature.


Член од
3 јуни 2011
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sekoj e roden kako orginalen.sporedbata e nevozmozhna,ti si ti jas sum jas buda e buda isus e isus i nikakva sporedba ne e mozhna<ako pravite sporedbi,vie sozdavate superiornost,inferiornost,a toa se raboti na egoto,zhivotot stanuva pekol., vo ovoj svet, mnogu e teshko da se najde srekna lichnost,zashto nikoj ne gi ispolnuva uslovite za da bide sreken.Prviot uslov e deka treba da se ostavat site sporedbi<>OSHO<>


Ima li nekoj tuka shto barem ednash ja praktikuval Dinamichnata Meditacija (ili bilo koja druga "dolgometrazjna") i, dokolku ne mu e dovedena vo prashanje intimata, e vo sostojba da otkrie nekoja impresija vo vrska so istata?
(Me interesira zatoa shto sakam da znam dali da pochnam da ja praktikuvam taa, ili da odberam nekoja druga, poefikasna.)



Bastardo dentro
Член од
12 јануари 2011
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Ima li nekoj tuka shto barem ednash ja praktikuval Dinamichnata Meditacija (ili bilo koja druga "dolgometrazjna") i, dokolku ne mu e dovedena vo prashanje intimata, e vo sostojba da otkrie nekoja impresija vo vrska so istata?
(Me interesira zatoa shto sakam da znam dali da pochnam da ja praktikuvam taa, ili da odberam nekoja druga, poefikasna.)

jas ja imam prktikuvano, Vo priroda ,sam. Nema potreba od inpresii, trebe samo da go "smirish" mozokot, a ne da "sheta" kade saka toj. Toa e celta na dinamicnata meditacija,da pocnesh da go kontrolirash mozokot. Za pocetok taa e odlicna meditacija


Член од
3 јуни 2011
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kako shto se odvivaat rabotite vo fizikata ., taka se odvivaat i rabotite vo metafizikata.,
za sekoj potroshen kvantitet na energija se sluchuva soodvetna promena na kvalitet., kvalitetnata promena ne prestavuva nishto drugo tuku ishod od kvantitativnata promena<>OSHO<>


jas ja imam prktikuvano, Vo priroda ,sam. Nema potreba od inpresii, trebe samo da go "smirish" mozokot, a ne da "sheta" kade saka toj. Toa e celta na dinamicnata meditacija,da pocnesh da go kontrolirash mozokot. Za pocetok taa e odlicna meditacija
Pa ne bi rekla deka e za pochetok. Bara pregolem fizichki i emocionalen angazjman, a toa e premnogu iscrpno.
I mislam deka primarnata cel e da gi "isturish" negativnite emocii i chuvstva i, po moe mislenje, paralelno ne osloboduva og Egoto i red drugji pridobivki.

No, da! Potpolno Ste vo pravo :) Mislata ednostavno treba da ischezne, ne samo vo meditacijata, tuku generalno vo zjivotot.

Meditirate redovno? Sekogash vo priroda? A preku zima? :)
Se izvinuvam shto tolku prashuvam :$ Ne morate da mi odgovorite ;)
--- надополнето: Sep 9, 2011 1:17 PM ---

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