Omegle - Troll a Stranger. Now!


Mario Gómez

Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hey
You: asl?
Stranger: hey
Stranger: 17 female chicago
Stranger: you?
You: 17 m Macedonia
Stranger: greece?!
You: Nope , Macedonia
You: !!!!!!!!
Stranger: isnt macedonia in greece? or am i thinking of another state..? haha
You: Nope , Macedonia is a free democratic country
You: google it
Stranger: where's macedonia?
You: Norht of Greece
Stranger: so i was closeeee haha
You: Wow
You: you deserve a reward
Stranger: im not sure if your being sardonic on purpose, or if thats your nature. cause i hear europeans are a bit bitchy, but ive never really known. but now i do. thanks hun:)
Член од
4 јули 2008
Поени од реакции
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hey
You: asl?
Stranger: hey
Stranger: 17 female chicago
Stranger: you?
You: 17 m Macedonia
Stranger: greece?!
You: Nope , Macedonia
You: !!!!!!!!
Stranger: isnt macedonia in greece? or am i thinking of another state..? haha
You: Nope , Macedonia is a free democratic country
You: google it
Stranger: where's macedonia?
You: Norht of Greece
Stranger: so i was closeeee haha
You: Wow
You: you deserve a reward
Stranger: im not sure if your being sardonic on purpose, or if thats your nature. cause i hear europeans are a bit bitchy, but ive never really known. but now i do. thanks hun:)
Абре ти од американец ако бараш да ти каже нешто за географија.
Си се заебал.


ве сакам:back:

Прво уклучување ме поврза со Casey.. гуд бој..

You: hi:)
Stranger: Whats up
You: well I'm listening some music..
You: what are you doing?
You: :)
Stranger: Just chillin, and same iam listenin to music as well.
You: you are boy or girl? :)
Stranger: boy.
You: great! I'm girl

You: so what are you listening?
Stranger: Rap lol
You: wow!
You: great
You: I love rap..
You: and hip hop
You: where are you from?
Stranger: Connecticut.
Stranger: You?
You: Macedonia:)
You: so you like Eminem?
Stranger: Yeah, I have his new album Relapse
You: me too
You: you know.. relapse2 is coming
You: I can't wait!
Stranger: Yeah I cant wait haha
You: hahaa
Stranger: So what brings ya to this site..bored?
You: yeah.. I just saw it.. and I decided to try this, why not:)
Stranger: Haha same here lol.
You: see, I found you.. Eminem fan
You: you are listening some black rapers or.. not really:)
Stranger: Yeah I do :P
You: me too
You: :)
You: DMX?
You: M.I.M.S?
Stranger: I listen to alot of southern rap stuff.
You: Great:)
You: Ludacris?
Stranger: Heard of Chamillionaire?
You: yeah..:)
Stranger: Yeah I like him
You: he's good

прв пат во мојот живот ставам пипии и кис.. не ми замерувајте.. кејси е виновен.. сега ќе си муабетиме на мсн..

после 1 саат зборување..
You: mm.. now is playing Salt 'N' Peppa - Pump Up The Jam.. great song..
You: love it
Stranger: I heard of them
Stranger: Right now for me
Stranger: Nas - Disciple
You: god. I love the music nas is making..
You: Disciple, Disciple STRET'S
Stranger: Haha yeahh! Thats it :)
You: love it
Stranger: Now listening to Saigon - My crew
Stranger: The album that song is on is good.
Stranger: You might like it. Give it a search on youtube.
You: I'll find it:)
Stranger: Sucks when we disconnect we wont chat again...:(
You: you have msn?
Stranger: Yup I do :)
You: you can give me your msn.. if you want :)
Stranger: i'd love to :)
You: great..
You: I hope everything will be ok..if not..
You: you're a great boy
You: just want you to know that :)
You: if anything happends..
Stranger: Aw thx! Your very nice great girl! Truely great to chat with
You: :) thank you..
Stranger: Dont worry i aint losing touch with a wonderful girl like u..


dance or die
Член од
1 февруари 2007
Поени од реакции
Stranger: 19

Stranger: m

Stranger: ind

Stranger: u?

You: 18 m maceodnia

You: macedonia*

Stranger: ohhh

Stranger: us?

You: what ? i didnt get this

Stranger: whr is maceodnia?

You: a country in north pole

You: u didnt know it?

Stranger: ohhh


Golem alat
Член од
21 април 2006
Поени од реакции
Connecting to server...

Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hi

You: Hello

Stranger: convince me not to smash my head against the wall

You: ... Try it

И го снема ...:vozbud:


говно интерашко
Член од
24 јуни 2008
Поени од реакции
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: OH SHIT!
Stranger: ITS A LION

Your conversational partner has disconnected.



Golem alat
Член од
21 април 2006
Поени од реакции
Stranger: asl

You: Hi whatever you are out there

You: why asl

You: ?

You: this is not a msn or mirc

Stranger: are you a chick at least?


Mrs. Vedder

red cloud at sundown
Член од
12 февруари 2009
Поени од реакции
You: hello

Stranger: hii

You: how r u

You: ?

Stranger: fine

Stranger: male or female

You: f

You: u

Stranger: male

You: from where?

Stranger: Turkey

Stranger: u?

You: Macedonia

Stranger: ohhh

Stranger: veryy nice

You: yeah

Stranger: i love macedonia, ive been there, like it sooo much


Член од
21 август 2008
Поени од реакции
Stranger: hi

You: hi

Stranger: asl

You: 17 m macedonia

You: u?

Stranger: gay?

You: no

You: bi

You: bisexual ;)

You: u?



Член од
23 март 2008
Поени од реакции
Што се случува кога ќе кажеш дека си од Македонија?

You: damn
Stranger: why damn@?!
You: it started raining like hell
Stranger: but you are inside... right?



Golem alat
Член од
21 април 2006
Поени од реакции
Што се случува кога ќе кажеш дека си од Македонија?

You: damn
Stranger: why damn@?!
You: it started raining like hell
Stranger: but you are inside... right?


Ubavo ti kazal :helou:

..Inace pram muabet so edna od Majami pola saat :back:

Zakon stvar bilo ova


Уфф не да е закон, устав е. Се наполнив со контакти од кореанки и јапонки. Која слатка ствар се.:back:

vac 13

Член од
21 мај 2008
Поени од реакции
Уловив една од Мелбурн:)


Golem alat
Член од
21 април 2006
Поени од реакции
Праење филм :vozbud:

Connecting to server...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hi

Stranger: please don't ask me asl (/b/)

You: ok..i would do the same

You: its so lame

You: this with asl

You: goddamn shit

Stranger: exactly

Stranger: soooo

You: this is not msn or mirc :) its for fun :)

Stranger: right

Stranger: sooo

Stranger: how are you doing

You: good ..good ..keep in it real

You: u

Stranger: well i just got out of jai

Stranger: jail

Stranger: so i am great

You: no kidding ... :)

You: why you where in the joint

Stranger: wellllll

Stranger: let's just say i had an accident

You: ....nevermind's good to be out ..

Stranger: it is

Stranger: you ever been in?

You: i was a hostage..believe it or not :)

Stranger: no way

Stranger: tell me this story!!!

Stranger: this is going to be an awsome story

Stranger: omg

Stranger: can you just submit what you have typed so far so i can read it while you type the rest

You: .....ok ..sunday morning ..i'm sitting in my park ...drinking vodka and reading the paper ... it was boring and i call my friend to come by for drink ... while i was waithing .. he got stoned so high ..that he go to wrong house .. i mean he was break down ..drug and shit .. then he go inside the house (not realizing that he was in the wrong house ) ..he looks for me.nobody answer ... then he check in the diner room ..still thinking that he is in my house ..and surprise ... naked chick fucking with here sister ,realize that he mess up the house ...c c c..he caught this little girls and start getting naked .. the girls scream for help ..

Stranger: oh shit

You: ..scream for help ...a near by cop hear the sounds ,,, my friend .is in panic ..half naked with 2 naked sister girls in diner room in 8 am..morning ....a cop came in and start chasing my friend ..the cop ..did'n know what was going on ..and my friend was so high that he did't try to talk .. he run to the window ,,then on the street ... 70 yard forward is my house ..he run and see me in the park .. (i have no idea what was going on ..) .. i say hello ..whats up ....HE put out his knife ..and pushing in my throat ... man i was deep shit ... tha cop came by .. my friend take me to my house lika a hostage ..fucking stoned ..half naked ..with a knife .looking at my head .. by the time we all realize what was going on .. my friends starts trippin and surender ,,starts crying ..i'm in shock .. the cop is like "what the fuck just happen here " ....its a long story ,.

Stranger: dude

Stranger: you are awsome

Stranger: are you still tight with your friend?

Stranger: he got arrested?

You: .....yeah ..i know that the weed got him there ,,we are friends 15 years

You: arrested for ..public nude...

Stranger: haha

Stranger: well thanks for the chat

Stranger: good day to you sir (тука ме поштуе чоеков ):salut:

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