Фаца сајт за зафрканции :pos2:
Прво ми се падна една одма се исклучи а после еден од Кипар и еве уште прајме муабет :pos2:
едит: се исклучи и муабето:
Stranger: hey
You: hi
Stranger: wassup
You: nothing really
You: u bored?
Stranger: yup
You: me too :/
Stranger: blind faith :/
You: hehe
Stranger: where r u from
You: macedonia
You: u
Stranger: cyprus
You: nice nice
Stranger: how old e u
You: 15
You: well 16 almost
You: u
Stranger: 17
Stranger: how about ur life
You: what about it lol
Stranger: tell me something about u?..
Stranger: u arent talking with me :/
Stranger: im still bored..
You: nothing much to say really im afraid...
Stranger: why ur afraiding?
You: btw m/f?
Stranger: male
You: lol im not afraid its just a phrase
Stranger: i know..
Stranger: are u male?
You: no im a girl
Stranger: what is ur name
You: vicky
You: urs/
You: ?
Stranger: sere
Stranger: nice to meet u
You: nice to meet you too ^^
You: soo what's the weather like in cyprus?
Stranger: dats hot
Stranger: so hot
Stranger: uhm..
You: we had some rain fortunately
Stranger: uh
Stranger: dats summer
Stranger: i must go vicky