Omegle - Troll a Stranger. Now!



леле секакви има на овој свет :
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: hi

Stranger: ok lemme ask a personal Qs .. what is your boobs size..??


Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi stranger
Stranger: hi there random stranger
You: so you got a pussy or a dick
Stranger: wanna meet up ?
Stranger: im a girl
You: where you live
Stranger: thank you
Stranger: i live in canada
You: and how is it
Stranger: its really cold up here
Stranger: we all live in igloos
You: you sure>?
Stranger: and drink coffee 24/7
You: i always thought those were the snownigger
Stranger: whats a snow nigger?
You: a nigger livin in the snow
You: like a sandnigger lives in the sand
Stranger: well
You: well
Stranger: umm im not black
Stranger: soo im not the n word
You: well you said you were a girl
You: not an animal
Stranger: yea
Stranger: but here in canada its really cold
You: are your nipples hard?
Stranger: and we have to live in snow houses
Stranger: or igloos to stay warm
You: i hear you
You: so practically
You: you are a sandnigger
You: living in canada
Stranger: umm no
Stranger: ure just retarded
You: freezing your vagina
Stranger: im a girl
You: pretending to be snowniggers
Stranger: that lives in canada
Stranger: im not black
You: so you're a thing
Your conversational partner has disconnected.


(Простор за Реклама)
Член од
16 декември 2007
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Connecting to server...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: hey

Stranger: hello hun

You: :D

You: what up :D

Stranger: im gr8 u a guy

You: ye last time i checked

You: :)

You: hhahaah

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


Охохохо ами овој последниот разговор ќе влези во историјата:

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: hi

Stranger: hi sweety

Stranger: f / m?

You: f

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

:pos2: Супер за тепање време, ова!


Член од
18 јуни 2008
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OMG!!!!!!!!!!! ЧИТАЈ!!

Stranger: Hi~!

You: Heya...

Stranger: from?

You: Macedonia :)

Stranger: ok, i am from Korea

Stranger: and no, we don't have any newclear bombs~! T_T hahahah
Член од
14 декември 2008
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Connecting to server...

Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hi

You: hi

You: asl?

Stranger: 15/f/usa

Stranger: u?

You: 15/m/macedonia

You: well

Stranger: idk where tht is

You: 14,5

You: :D

You: it's

You: in europe

You: a small country

You: on the Balcan

Stranger: cool :) i just turned 15 in april :)

Stranger: oh

You: :D

Stranger: so...

You: so..

Stranger: copy cat!

You: what are we gonna chat bout

Stranger: idk pick something

You: you are a lady

Stranger: mhm

You: you should go first

Stranger: nah idk wht to talk about

You: me neither

You: leak of ideas

Stranger: u would b bored if i picked it. b/c it would b about the jonas brothers :)

You: u got msn so we could chat

You: when we

You: have ideas

You: ?

Stranger: up

Stranger: xoxMrsJonasoxo

Stranger: yup*

Stranger: urs?

You: wtf???

You: i meant

You: an email

Stranger: thts my name

You: for windows

You: live msn

Stranger: yeah thts wht it is

You: realy?

Stranger: mhm

You: no @sdlad stuff?

Stranger: idk

You: because mine is


You: ok nvm

You: are you in middle school

You: ?

Stranger: no high school

Stranger: u?

You: rly?

Stranger: mhm

You: well

You: in our country

You: schools

You: are ranged

You: diferently

You: sry for my english

You: :D

Stranger: its k

You: i'm going to be 1st year in middle school from september

Stranger: oh im in 10th grade

You: which city are you from?

You: wow :D

Stranger: a city

You: ?

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Долг chat али на крај „ливна“ :(


Motherfucker Jones
Член од
30 јуни 2008
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Stranger: I'm a creature of the night and I love poneys

You: helloooo

Stranger: and we have another case of way too many vowels


Член од
25 септември 2008
Поени од реакции
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: Hey

You: I am scared

You: You?

You: Oh it's so nice to chat with you
Your conversational partner has disconnected.


Член од
21 август 2008
Поени од реакции
You: You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: hI!

Stranger: I say: hi!

You: good boy!

Stranger: no sorry

You: why?

Stranger: good girl

You: oh im boy and a looking for boy

You: :(

Stranger: ok

You: but im not a gay :|

Stranger: but if you want I can suck you and give my ass

Stranger: is ok

You: i want

Stranger: ok good

You: mmmmmmmmm

Stranger: where?

Stranger: of course not tonight and only if you live close to me

You: .......... i dont have idea maybe you?

Stranger: city?

You: amsterdam maybe?

You: where are you from?

Stranger: good not far

Stranger: close to you

Stranger: if you are from amsterdam

You: not im not from amsterdam :S

Stranger: ok tell me

You: im from macedonia :)

You: you? :D

Stranger: how you can go to amsterdam

Stranger: paris

You: for you everything!

Stranger: how is possible

Stranger: I will give you a good service

Stranger: but I need to know you

Stranger: ok if you are gay and clean

Stranger: I will not give my pussy

Stranger: only my ass

You: cooooollllllllll

Stranger: show me yourself

You: yes i want to lick your ass!

Stranger: good

Stranger: I like it

You: do you want to lick my ass?

Stranger: I like

Stranger: but first I want to see you

You: hhhhmmmmmmm

You: its good

You: i mind sexy!

Stranger: as you want show me a link with you

You: how?

Stranger: tell me a link

You: i gonna link with you?

Stranger: do you have flickr? or similar

Stranger: do you have some pic on net?

You: hhhhhmmmmmmmm

You: do you have a fb maybe?

Stranger: fb?

You: facebook

You: :D

Stranger: facebook

Stranger: yes but I dont want to show now

You: :( :( :(

You: (angry)

Stranger: ok bye

You: why?

You: :S

Stranger: I ask you something and now you say: angry?

Stranger: so I say: bye bye

You: but i say angry becouse you dont want to tell me your facebook

You: :S

Stranger: OK I am to late, you lost a good opportunity

Stranger: bye bye

You: bye

You: have a nice dreams

Баш кул ќе беше ако ми дадеше Facebook :pos::pos::pos:


You: You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: hI!

Stranger: I say: hi!

You: good boy!

Stranger: no sorry

You: why?

Stranger: good girl

You: oh im boy and a looking for boy

You: :(

Stranger: ok

You: but im not a gay :|

Stranger: but if you want I can suck you and give my ass

Stranger: is ok

You: i want

Stranger: ok good

You: mmmmmmmmm

Stranger: where?

Stranger: of course not tonight and only if you live close to me

You: .......... i dont have idea maybe you?

Stranger: city?

You: amsterdam maybe?

You: where are you from?

Stranger: good not far

Stranger: close to you

Stranger: if you are from amsterdam

You: not im not from amsterdam :S

Stranger: ok tell me

You: im from macedonia :)

You: you? :D

Stranger: how you can go to amsterdam

Stranger: paris

You: for you everything!

Stranger: how is possible

Stranger: I will give you a good service

Stranger: but I need to know you

Stranger: ok if you are gay and clean

Stranger: I will not give my pussy

Stranger: only my ass

You: cooooollllllllll

Stranger: show me yourself

You: yes i want to lick your ass!

Stranger: good

Stranger: I like it

You: do you want to lick my ass?

Stranger: I like

Stranger: but first I want to see you

You: hhhhmmmmmmm

You: its good

You: i mind sexy!

Stranger: as you want show me a link with you

You: how?

Stranger: tell me a link

You: i gonna link with you?

Stranger: do you have flickr? or similar

Stranger: do you have some pic on net?

You: hhhhhmmmmmmmm

You: do you have a fb maybe?

Stranger: fb?

You: facebook

You: :D

Stranger: facebook

Stranger: yes but I dont want to show now

You: :( :( :(

You: (angry)

Stranger: ok bye

You: why?

You: :S

Stranger: I ask you something and now you say: angry?

Stranger: so I say: bye bye

You: but i say angry becouse you dont want to tell me your facebook

You: :S

Stranger: OK I am to late, you lost a good opportunity

Stranger: bye bye

You: bye

You: have a nice dreams

Баш кул ќе беше ако ми дадеше Facebook :pos::pos::pos:
изгледа цел форум почна со Dirty Talk ... и сите машки ќе имаат Cyber Girl Friend :pos2::pos2::pos2::pos2::pos2::pos2::pos2::pos2::pos2::pos2::pos2::pos2::pos2::pos2::pos2:


Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hello
You: i fuck for free x)
You: joke :(
Stranger: oh, good
You: how are u stranger?
You: talk to me i am lonely x(
You: why do u ignore me
You: my mum does the same to me :(
Stranger: oh
Stranger: sorry
You: no problem
You: i get used to it
Stranger: how are you ?
You: well lonely as i said
You: so i came here to chat with some1
Stranger: yes :)
Stranger: me to
You: are u a male or female?
You: u are ignoring me again
You: damn i will suicide
Stranger: and you ?
Stranger: fermale
Stranger: omg!
Stranger: don't do that :x
You: i am male
You: 15 years old
Stranger: cool :)
You: u?
You: are u 15 too?
Stranger: no, i have 14
You: hehe nice where are u from
You: why dont u answer me
You: imma fucking suicide i cant stand this :mad::mad::mad::mad:
You: :(
Stranger: i from
You: *dead*
Stranger: brazil
You: *dead*
Stranger: and you ?
You: *dead*
Stranger: stop this boy
You: *dead*
Stranger: ok, i undersant
You: *dead*
Stranger: were are u from ?
You: dont ask me i am dead:mad:
You: omg u noobish brasilians :mad:
Stranger: ?
Stranger: what ?
You: *dead*
Stranger: you have a msn ?
You: how can i have a msn, when i am fucking dead :mad:?
Stranger: sahuashuusahusahusa, OH, ITS TRUE
Stranger: and mysapce
You: *dead*
Stranger: myspace*
You: maybe i can do sth about it, u know here in hell watching nude teens is allowed
Stranger: oh, that's so cool )
Stranger: :)
You: please disconnect so i can show this to kajgana, just close the conversation:mad:
Stranger: why ?
You: *dead*
You: do it:mad:
Stranger: i like you
You: everyone likes me
You: but thats not the point
You: *dead*
Stranger: please, you have a myspace ?
You: i dont have, but u know, show me urs i'd rly like to see a naked teen here in hell, at least for last time
You: *dead*
You: sry the connection is breaking
You: Lucifer is going mad:mad::mad::mad:
Stranger: i just quit going when you pass me your msn or your myspace
You: fuck the signal is fucked u....
Stranger: you are stranger, but i like this
Stranger is typing...
Член од
11 октомври 2008
Поени од реакции
Must See Crazy Guy lol

Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: eya
Stranger: heya
Stranger: u female?
Stranger: u gay?
Stranger: u men?
Stranger: u man??
Stranger: u like boys?
Stranger: u li´ke giiiiiiiirls?
Stranger: are u even here?
You: o_O
Stranger: i like ->>> (.)(.)
You: lolz i like them too
Stranger: thats gay dude
Stranger: those are man boppies
You: :O
You: lolz
Stranger: have u heard of
Stranger: um
Stranger: the saaaalads finger?
Stranger: i comes at night!
Stranger: ITS STALKS PPS :(
Stranger: AND IT POKES EM :(
Stranger: OMG
Stranger: I AM SO SCARED :(
Stranger: HOLDME:(
Stranger: gay... -.-
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
or save this log or send us feedback.


2398 users online
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Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: heyy
You: hello random stranger x)
You: hey i am from CIA, i am investigating sth
You: can u help me out here
You: ?
You: i wont tell KGB PLIZZZZ
Stranger: yea
You: are u a male or female
Stranger: female
Stranger: females
You: how old are u
Stranger: 15 nd 16
You: ok, so u may think i am a sick bastard but i am just trying to help the world, carefuly answer me
You: how wide is ur pussy
You: ?
Stranger: how am i gonna help da world by tellin u how wide my pussy is
You: ok so i told u i know u are afraid of KGB but tell me the secret info
You: pls
Stranger: idk i jus got done having sex wit my gf
You: are u a lesbian
You: so u are 2?
Stranger: na bisexuals
You: ok dont let ur gf to watch our conversation its top secret omg i told u :mad:
Stranger: shes watchin and she dont care
You: u mean she doesnt care
You: omg u dont even know english
You: u are rly fucked up
You: go fuck urself
You: i tried to save the world
You: and u fuck around with ur creepy gf
You: fuck off
You: u type too long
Stranger: yo dude dont even fukn go dare dont u eva talk to my fukn gf dat way so y dont u back da fuk off her asshole!!!!!
You: are u retarded
You: retarded
You: disconnect right now
Stranger: suck my dick bitch
Stranger: its 10 in
Stranger: o yes
Stranger: better then yours
You: mine dick is awarded for the best for 2009 year
You: so dont fuck with him (H_
Stranger: wow my dick willl fuck your dick up
Stranger: right noW!!!!!!!!!
You: *winner*
You: that was easy u sucker
You: noob go learn
Stranger: um ur dif a LOSER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stranger: my dick is still bigger then your will ever be
You: ok stop this i am laughing like crazy hahahhaah
Stranger: lmao so are we
You: this site rocks ffs
Stranger: o hell yea
You: i am joking whole day long
Stranger: nice!!!
You: and my dick is still bigger than urs .!.

Ок доста зараза е ова јако е :pos2::pos2::pos2::pos2:
Член од
11 октомври 2008
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Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: :DYou have disconnected.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.


Член од
18 април 2006
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Дибек од Лондон :tapp:

Stranger: of course, well im european too
You: from?
Stranger: but...we have the pound
Stranger: :)
You: UK?
Stranger: indeed
You: London?
You: :)
Stranger: yes!
Stranger: haha
You: Chelsea fan? :)
Stranger: no sorry, liverpool
You: How the...
You: but you are from London?
Stranger: hah i know, but i dont like arsenal or chelsea
You: west ham, fulham, charlton, tottenham?
Stranger: yeah, well i chose liverpool
You: ok :D
Stranger: hah since i was a little un
Stranger: i live near chelsea which is ironic too

Kajgana Shop

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