Omegle - Troll a Stranger. Now!


Customization Windows OS
Член од
8 јануари 2009
Поени од реакции
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
Stranger: hi
You: hi
Stranger: from?
You: Macedonia
Stranger: OMG
Stranger: spartan!!!!
You: ?
You: haha
Stranger: GO WARRIOR!!!
Stranger: FIGHT!!!
You: hahahahaha
Stranger: UUUUHHHHHHH~~~
Stranger: i wanted the movie
Stranger: watched
Stranger: the alexander
You: yes
You: great movie
Stranger: it mentioned he is "gay"
Stranger: i dont know if it is true
Stranger: but he is a great leader
Stranger: won hundreds of battle
Stranger: s
Stranger: the end?
Stranger: ok, then see ya
Член од
6 април 2009
Поени од реакции
Stranger: hellow
You: hey
Stranger: how are you???
You: cool,and u?
Stranger: meh okay
You: where are u from?:D
Stranger: australia
Stranger: hbu?
You: london
Stranger: omfg
Stranger: awsome
Stranger: ^^
You: yes..:D
Stranger: aw no fair
Stranger: xDDD
Stranger: are you a boy or a girl??
You: girl
Stranger: oh cool
Stranger: do youlike panic at the disco?
You: no,i like sex on the beach
Stranger: ahh kay
Stranger: o_O
You: :D
Stranger: hehe

You: hey sexyyyy
Stranger: hi
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
:tapp:..изгледа не е секси..:tv:

Stranger: spring brother is real man
You: ziti majka??:D
Stranger: japnenes?
Stranger: o ha yo
You: no
Stranger: where u from?
You: from the hell
Stranger: spring brother's hell
You: yeahh
Stranger: kool man
Stranger: 老子看你就是中国人!
Stranger: 信春哥
You: да ми кушиш пушо
Stranger: 打你嘛撒子几把东西
Stranger: 脑残!

You: heyy sexy
Stranger: how long is u dick?
You: 1 meter
Your conversational partner has disconnected.:uvo::uvo::uvo::pos2::pos2::tapp:

You: hey sexy

Stranger: hey im wayne

You: im, jessica

Stranger: wassup sexy

You: only sex

Stranger: wat?

You: u want to fuck with me?

Stranger: yea

Stranger: where u from?

You: london

Stranger: kooool

Stranger: im from US

Stranger: lets do it

You: ok lets go,,where is you MUM?:)

Stranger: at work

You: da ja ebam

Stranger: wat?

You: where we will meet up?

Stranger: u shuld cum here

You: i want you to fuck me

Stranger: i do 2!!

Stranger: do u hav a pic of urself?

You: yes

Stranger: can u give me a link 2 it?

Stranger: u goin send it?

You: kwNa fr0m LonDon ‹る BITCHES CREW•° --html

You: are u there??

Stranger: yea

Stranger: NICE!!

You: suck my dick:D

:pos2::kesa:..Досаден ми стана..:tv:


Ја се најдов со некој од Литванија, затепавме муабет за Македонија. Паметен дечко. Не поддржува. :)

Александра Д.

Првиот пат направив добар чет со една од Австралија така си разменивме знаења за бендови и слично... После зборував со Кина и на крај ме откачи еден/на кога дозна дека усм од Македонија :pos:
Член од
27 јуни 2007
Поени од реакции
Stranger: Hiiii

You: hey

Stranger: Can I ask you two questions?

You: yes

Stranger: Are you female?

You: yes

Stranger: Can I see your tits?

You: yes

Stranger: Really?

You: no

You: asshole.

You have disconnected.

:uvo: Ц ц ц, ретко некој нормални тука се некој фрикови.


High Value
Член од
5 јуни 2009
Поени од реакции
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
Stranger: We are now playing the silent game. The first person to speak after this message loses the game. If you close the conversation you also lose. Good luck!
i vakvo znaci imalo

Stre3T Danc@

The definition of #BFABB
Член од
10 април 2009
Поени од реакции
Stranger: how are you to day?
You: a good mood :)
You: you?
Stranger: me too
Stranger: :)
Stranger: hmmm... how about your sex male or female?
You: female
You: I suppose you're male
Stranger: hehehee
Stranger: great
You: so...are you male?
Stranger: yap
Stranger: hmm... i thing you'r Sorcerer :)
Stranger: lol
Stranger: do you have facebook account?
You: sure
Stranger: hmmm... maybe i can add you :)
You: maybe you can give me a link to your account :)
Stranger: ok
You: will you?
You: thanks I'll add you ;)
Stranger: ok
You: reQ sent ;)
Stranger: thx to add me
Stranger: :)
You: np :)
Stranger: hmmm
Stranger: nice pic
Stranger: :)
Stranger: i thing you live in rusia?
Stranger: :D
You: no..
You: macedonia :D
You: btw tnx :)
You: where do u live?
Stranger: ups
Stranger: sorry
Stranger: :D
Stranger: i'm in indonesia
Stranger: :)
You: ohhh that's sure is far away
Stranger: hehehe.. lol
Stranger: what are you doing now?
You: just chatting with ppl :)
You: you?
Stranger: just look my facebook and chat with you
Stranger: :)
Stranger: you have yahoo messeger?
You: no..sorry :(
Stranger: hmm.. ok fine
Stranger: :)
Stranger: are you a dancer?
You: yeah I sure am :D
Stranger: hmm... i see
Stranger: :)
Stranger: i like dance to
You: great ;)
Stranger: break dance i very like that
Stranger: hehhehhe...
Stranger: what about you
You: I like hip hop dancing

Јас си запознав другарче :) :icon_lol: Итоа од Индонезија :) Отпрвин мислев дека сево ова е фејк ствар...па и лажев за името :icon_lol: Зашо имаше некои фриклиња и така :) :)


Stranger: Hey nigger

You: more pickati majcina

You: so how u know im a nigga?

Stranger: bc

Stranger: i can see you

You: i ja e ebam majkati sea pa so?

Stranger: but i wont soon bc the night wil fall

You: night started to stand up here not to fal

Stranger: donmt talk that nigger shit to me

Stranger: nigger

Stranger: i kill niggers

You: what nigger shit? like ebati gzot majcin?

Stranger: ya

Stranger: KKK

You: more na kurov pickati mater pederska

You: is that ok? niggaa?

You: u here pickati majcina niga?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

хмм изгледа ме разбра :pos2::pos2:


Член од
25 септември 2008
Поени од реакции
Се исплашил дечково.

Connecting to server...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!

Stranger: Hi I'm not a female ok ?

You: don't worry I wont eat you

Александра Д.

Connecting to server...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!

You: Yoooo

Stranger: yoo

Stranger: what's up??

You: wazaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa?

You: p*

Stranger: hahah

You: :)

You: Where are you from?

Stranger: brasil

Stranger: and u?

You: Mother earth, north hemysphere

Stranger: there is so cool yes??

You: yeaaaaaaaaah

You: it's so hot i'm dying

You: and i think I'm DeaD

Stranger: why??

You: Dead

Stranger: how old are you?

You: 14 but only the dead body

You: you? alive man?

Stranger: yes i'm alive

You: How is the feeling?

Stranger: good

Stranger: and yours??

You: just good?

You: here it's awesome

You: i can play with the Satana

You: and he likes me i think

You: No, I'm sure

Stranger: you likes Marijuana ??

You: No

You: I hate her

You: She's acting very bad with me

You: And she thinks that I'm a lesbian

You: so she is a bad person

You: i'm not a lesbian thanks guys

Stranger: what you enjoy to do?

You: Drinking wine for halloween

You: you?

Stranger: drink is good

Stranger: i love it

Stranger: you drank a lot today?

You: no

You: not at all

You: i just have eaten a watermellon and i'm drunk of it i guess

You: you?

Stranger: not yet

Stranger: i will start drink now

You: wow

You: great

You: but what?

You: bear?

You: wine?

Stranger: what is watermellon??

You: well..

You: it's a fruit

You: and very big

You: and tastyyyy

You: mmmm

Stranger: i wil drink Brazilian cachaça


Stranger: maybe wine

You: see this

You: it's a watermellon

Stranger: ok

You: sorry I was just bored

You: haha

Stranger: wait a minute

You: okay

You: And I'm from Macedonia. :)

Stranger: ow i love watermellon

You: I LOVE IT TOO... mm

You: it's my favourite

Stranger: in brasil the names is (melancia)

You: I can eat eat eat eat eat and i can't get fat

You: :)

You: hmm... :) here it's

You: lubenica
Your conversational partner has disconnected.


без лекарско
Член од
29 јуни 2009
Поени од реакции
Connecting to server...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

ни hi не успеав да кажам :pos2::pos2:


Маршал Изет Фазлиновић
Член од
5 ноември 2008
Поени од реакции
You: hi.
Stranger: hi
Stranger: whats your name
You: why are you asking me, when you know i won't tell you my name :)
Stranger: hahh how would i know that some people do
You: lol :)
You: so how are ya?
Stranger: lol good how bout yourself?
You: Im fine also. Nice site :)
You: Btw are you m/f ?
Stranger: haha female
Stranger: i mean male wow
Stranger: i was asking are you female
Stranger: lol
You: LOL
You: shit, im male too.
Stranger: damnit
You: yah.
You: so how old r u?
Stranger: uhm
Stranger: done
Your conversational partner has disconnected.


Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
Stranger: hey
You: helou
Stranger: how r u?
You: im fine, u?
Stranger: me 2, thnx
Stranger: where r u from?
You: Im from Macedonia, Europe.
You: u?
Stranger: im from Poland, Central Europe...


You: heyz.
Stranger: hi
Stranger: how r u
You: fine, u?
You: from where are u?
Stranger: fine thanks
Stranger: Im from malta
Stranger: u
You: Nice ^__^
You: im from Macedonia.
Stranger: how old are you
You: 18
You: u?
Stranger: your think*
You: i can't...
Stranger: Im 21
You: oh i see ... :)
You: okay than.
Stranger: are you student
You: no...
You: i don't learn.
You: i go to the dumpsters and find something to eat.
You: :)
You: lol
Stranger: your name*
You: Tom
You: but not my real name.
You: =)
You: just my cyber name... lol
You: what bout urs?
Stranger: are u girl
You: Well Tom is a male name, so idk.


Не ми се падна ни едно женско у ПМ.


Налив од кинези... до сега ниту еден не ми се погодил што знае англиски, упорно си пишат овие на кинески...

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