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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
You: Yoooo
Stranger: yoo
Stranger: what's up??
You: wazaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa?
You: p*
Stranger: hahah
You: Where are you from?
Stranger: brasil
Stranger: and u?
You: Mother earth, north hemysphere
Stranger: there is so cool yes??
You: yeaaaaaaaaah
You: it's so hot i'm dying
You: and i think I'm DeaD
Stranger: why??
You: Dead
Stranger: how old are you?
You: 14 but only the dead body
You: you? alive man?
Stranger: yes i'm alive
You: How is the feeling?
Stranger: good
Stranger: and yours??
You: just good?
You: here it's awesome
You: i can play with the Satana
You: and he likes me i think
You: No, I'm sure
Stranger: you likes Marijuana ??
You: No
You: I hate her
You: She's acting very bad with me
You: And she thinks that I'm a lesbian
You: so she is a bad person
You: i'm not a lesbian thanks guys
Stranger: what you enjoy to do?
You: Drinking wine for halloween
You: you?
Stranger: drink is good
Stranger: i love it
Stranger: you drank a lot today?
You: no
You: not at all
You: i just have eaten a watermellon and i'm drunk of it i guess
You: you?
Stranger: not yet
Stranger: i will start drink now
You: wow
You: great
You: but what?
You: bear?
You: wine?
Stranger: what is watermellon??
You: well..
You: it's a fruit
You: and very big
You: and tastyyyy
You: mmmm
Stranger: i wil drink Brazilian cachaça
Stranger: maybe wine
You: see this
You: it's a watermellon
Stranger: ok
You: sorry I was just bored
You: haha
Stranger: wait a minute
You: okay
You: And I'm from Macedonia.
Stranger: ow i love watermellon
You: I LOVE IT TOO... mm
You: it's my favourite
Stranger: in brasil the names is (melancia)
You: I can eat eat eat eat eat and i can't get fat
You: hmm...

here it's
You: lubenica
Your conversational partner has disconnected.