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A place where the beer flows like wine...
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15 јануари 2008
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25 март 2008
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АААааааа ова не ми се верува!!! Овој тип треба директно да се промовира на кајгана на главна!!!


Who is DJ SHEMA?

From his small age you could see that DJ life is music. First step with music he make it when he have only 7 years he learn to singing on piano & gitara. Then when he turned 12 he started collecting music so he continued that till today. Maybe he became a DJ because he liked to share music with other people.
When he was younger, he listen to radio station "Antenna 5" (www.Antenna5.fm), with populars DJ's mix show, where he would remix and cut up different tracks, and he just thought - I wanna do this!
Yes, he do this, when he turned 15 in "Radio BC" - Popular Dance Clubbing Radio Station (www.RadioBC.com) -English Radio, he have own programs there every first Monday of Mouth called "Party Time" - 2 hours, style: Electro & House, and last Sunday in Mouth "Don`t Panic" - 1 hour, style: Trance, he mixes there by internet.
One year later he was invited from other dance radio stations but he don`t accepted, he was very busy in this time he just start with production his own tracks, first promotion he own tracks with label was in (www.DJsWorld.com) - English world web site for DJ`s.
Inspired by the power of the music filled with his passion and the lively waves of house he continued mixing.
He started with commercial music but few years later he realized that his real style of music was the electronic music. Listening the sounds and feeling the vibrations of the progressive house, electro house, tech house, funky vocal house, electro dance and so many styles was his obsession.
His real inspiration to become DJ was looking the DJ's skills on the turntables and CDJ's. Also he was influenced while listening the mixes from the best DJ's. Recently he became one of the best DJ's in Macedonia which proved that he was working years.
His first performance in Clubs was in the Cafe Club "GALIJA" he make don`t forgetable party there he was very famous & popular, and he continues playing his own mixes, remixes & his own tracks in other clubs, he make big party in Night Club "FLAMENGO" - Oteshevo, City Club "MAGNUM" - Resen, others Cafe Clubs around Resen... Beach Bars in Prespa & Ohrid in many Cafe Bars in Bitola & Ohrid and Cafe Clubs around Macedonia, now he playing in Club "PORTA" -Resen, every Thursday, Friday & Saturday Night.
In the future he continues with his mission: giving the best enjoyment and creating the vision to his croud through the sounds of the house music. He lives for good party and dancing.

More Info Contact MSN: DjShema@live.com

Visit it: www.DjShema.tk

Welcome To Cafe & Club "PORTA" - Resen, Macedonia



Член од
15 јуни 2005
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Гиле од СтритФајтер :pos: :pos: :pos: :pos:
Како после нешто вакво да немаш предрасуди кон хаус музиката и се она што е врска со хаусот, ЉоЉ


One-winged angel
Член од
28 април 2006
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Да го свртиш наопачки и да си ги изрибаш плочките у WC:pos2:

Д ориџинл четкица.


мјаѕ.ιgℓєѕιαѕ ^^
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6 март 2008
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