Faith in humanity restored


Член од
14 август 2014
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Еве уште едно видео од дечкото што му подари 1000 долари на овој човек.
После видеото со лозот почнал да добива прашања како може да му се помогне на бездомникот и добил прекрасна идеа.
Собрал сретства од луѓе кои донирале, изнајмил куќа за време од 1 година, купил мебел, храна, облека, а парите што останале му ги ставил во банка.
За среќата на овој човек да биде уште поголема, нашол работа во меѓувреме. :)

Член од
22 јули 2014
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Лондонската детска болница, Great Ormond Street Hospital неодамна инсталира интересна технологија, која се смета дека е нова стапка во револуцијата на справување со стравот на малите пациенти. Во здравствената установа, поставен е светлодиоден ѕид, кој има улога да ги води децата кон операционата сала и ги тера да заборават на страшните бели мантили и инструменти.
Проектот, наречен „Природна патека“, е 50 метри долг и се протега низ ходникот на болницата. Комбинација е од 72 000 вградени светлодиодни панели и илустрации,кои како што кажавме имаат цел да ги смират децата на пат кон операционата сала. Благодарение на него децата гледаат животни во движење, меѓу кои зајчиња, елени, коњи, ежиња и птици… кои трчкаат покрај дрвца и зеленило во дигиталната шума.
Животните оживуваат, кога сензорите вградени во таванот, засечат движење. Движењата на животните ги тераат децата да мислат на игра и да се смират. Зидот е создаден од материјал кој се одржува лесно, се чисти сам и не задржува бактерии.
Член од
22 јули 2014
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The Babemba tribe of Africa believes that each human being comes into the world as good. Each one of us only desiring safety, love, peace and happiness.

But sometimes, in the pursuit of these things, people make mistakes.

When a person acts irresponsibly or unjustly, he/she is placed in the center of the village, alone, unfettered. All work ceases. All gather around the accused individual. Then each person of every age, begins to talk out loud to the accused. One at a time, each person tells all the good things the one in the center ever did in his/her lifetime.

Every incident, every experience that can be recalled with any detail and accuracy, is recounted. All positive attributes, good deeds, strengths, and kindnesses are recited carefully and at length.

The tribal ceremony often lasts several days, not ceasing until everyone is drained of every positive comment that can be mustered. At the end, the tribal circle is broken, a joyous celebration takes place, and the person is symbolically and literally welcomed back into the tribe. Necessity for such ceremonies is rare!

Член од
23 декември 2007
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You talk too much... Let me shut you up
Член од
4 септември 2007
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Извинете за англискиот, али бааги има за преведување така да :)
Браво за типкава.

Veronika Scott was a fashion student at the College for Creative Studies in Detroit when her teacher, Stephen Schock, challenged her class to create a product that filled a need, rather than satisfying or creating a fad. Veronika's design was a coat for homeless people that could transform into a sleeping bag, since in her city, she says, “you are constantly faced with the homeless epidemic."

Not only did her design win a International Design Excellence Award from the Industrial Designers Society of America, it’s become the core of Veronika's nonprofit organization, The Empowerment Plan, which hires people from homeless shelters and transition homes to help her make the coats. Now, three years later, the 24-year-old social entrepreneur expects that her team of 15 seamstresses will produce over 6,000 coats in 2014 -- all of which will be distributed free of charge to people living on the streets.

Veronika originally designed the coats seeking input from people at a homeless shelter. After receiving feedback from people who used the prototype over a Detroit winter, she refined the design to create her final version which, in addition to being a waterproof and windproof coat and sleeping bag, also transforms into an over-the-shoulder bag with storage in the arm sockets.

When she started out, Veronika states, “Everybody told me that my business was going to fail -- not because of who I was giving my product to but because of who I was hiring. They said that these homeless women will never make more than a peanut butter and jelly sandwich -- you cannot rely on them for anything. And I know my ladies enjoy proving everybody wrong."

And, their impact is growing -- according to CNN, which recently honored Veronika as one of their 10 Visionary Women of 2014, "The Empowerment Plan expects to launch a 'buy one, give one' program that will make it sustainable beyond the donations and sponsorships that keep it running now. Hunters and backpackers who’ve asked to buy the coat will be able to do so, and the Empowerment Plan will still create coats for homeless people who need them."

Veronika is also excited to show other clothing producers that local manufacturing is possible: “I think we're going to show a lot of people: you think it's outdated to do manufacturing in your neighborhood, but I think it's something that we have to do in the future, where it's sustainable, where you invest in people, where they're not interchangeable parts.”

Kudos to this Veronika for her impressive ingenuity and compassionate spirit!

To learn more about The Empowerment Plan and how you can support their work, visit

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