Euro truck simulator 1/2 ( Truck games )

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27 септември 2010
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Можеби ќе ги има кон крајот на 2021 година, ама можеби и подоцна.

Вообичаено SCS Software пуштаат во продажба ново продолжение секој ноември или декември, а најавеното продолжение на Euro Truck Simulator 2 за 2020 година е Euro Truck Simulator 2: Iberia, кое треба да ги донесе Шпанија и Португалија на мапата.

Откако ќе ги додадат Шпанија и Португалија на мапата кон крајот на 2020 година, единствени држави кои ги нема на мапата ќе бидат Ирска и Северна Ирска, Исланд, Белорусија, Украина, речиси цела западна Русија - засега на мапата ги има само Калининградската област и Санкт Петербург, Молдавија, западен Балкан, односно цела поранешна Југославија, Албанија и Грција. А може да им текне да ја додадат и цела Турција на мапата, односно и азискиот дел, тогаш ептен има да се изначекаме додека да му се посветат на Балканот.
Последни ќе сме на листа ние балканците мислам, строго на пиратерија сме генерално :D
Член од
24 април 2008
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Денес, вторник, 3 ноември 2020, SCS Software ја исфрли најновата верзија 1.39 на Euro Truck Simulator 2.

Новата верзија со себеси носи преработка на ниските и нископодните приколки, преработка на Кале - 4-от најголем пристанишен град во Франција, редизајн на почетното мени при стартувањето на играта, ажурирање на звучните ефекти и поправање на одредени грешки и недостатоци во играта.

ETS2 1.39 Update Release

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

With lots of testing, feedback, fixing and fine-tuning, we are excited to announce the arrival of update the 1.39 for Euro Truck Simulator 2!

We'd like to thank all those who took part in the 1.39 open beta and made bug reports and provided general feedback on this new version. We hope you can now begin to fully enjoy the various new features which are included within this update. So, what can you expect to find in the 1.39 update for ETS2?

Lets us give you a quick recap of the most significant changes.


One of the first things you may notice when you launch Euro Truck Simulator 2 with the 1.39 Open Beta is a redesign of the current launchpad. The main reason why we are introducing this change is to pave the way for a future addition, which will introduce new features to our games that are accessed through the launchpad.

Until then, however, you can see that the design has changed quite significantly. The profile selected at the top now affects all other options and managers found on the launchpad. This applies not only to the Mod Manager but especially to the new addition which we have placed here, Game Options.

This allows you to change your game settings without even having to load the game. So if you're just looking to tweak your game before streaming on Twitch or adjusting a few options before heading into your truck, it can all be done from the launchpad screen.


As we previously announced in a recent blog, new Lowbed & Low-Loader Trailers will be arriving at Euro Truck Simulator 2. These trailers have been reworked from the ground up, offering drivers the option to purchase them and use them in an array of different jobs including High Power Cargo Pack, and the Heavy Cargo DLC's.

Low-bed and low-loader trailers now come in two main versions - short and extended, plus they now have customizable chassis which can affect their suitability for heavy cargoes. You will now also be able to adjust and tune them up with multiple new options like colors, rear bumpers, and banners, markers, lights, ramps, side protectors, multiple versions of side/toolboxes, beacons, strobes, mud-flaps, and more! Every single one of these new options had to be adjusted properly for each of these new trailers, to be sure that they fit perfectly!

This major update affects not only the base game of ETS2, but also a lot of other DLCs such as the Heavy Cargo Pack, High Power Cargo Pack, Schwarzmüller DLC, and Special Transport.


Introducing the port of Calais, the fourth-largest port in France and the busiest for passenger traffic. Its industry accounts for more than a third of economic activity in the local area. As many of you may know, Calais is one of our base game cities which was released with Euro Truck Simulator 2.

As such, a dedicated part of our map team has taken time to give the city and port a major reskin, giving it a fresh and up-to-date look for 1.39. The biggest change you will notice is how the port is now represented in-game. In reality, Calais port is huge and so our map team has worked hard to best reflect that reality within the confines of our map scale. This newly recreated port will feature new assets including gates, terminals, ramps for ferries, and fences.

Other changes include updates to the port entrance and surrounding city areas which have been redesigned to correspond more correctly to reality now. You can read more in detail about this free update to Calais in this blogpost.


1.39 also features various bug fixes, improvements, and an update to sounds. This includes, but is not limited to, improved interior cab sound mixing and other changes in preparation for new and upcoming content.

One of the changes you can find is the addition of the Turbo sound slider in the game's Options screen. When we introduced a separate channel for turbo sound some years back, it was hailed as a crucial enhancement to the simulation. We did our best to tune it properly based on actual in-cabin recordings. Indeed, many players commented very positively on it. However, over the years we have also been receiving feedback that the whistling sound may be too difficult to bear for some players. The new slider continues the trend of giving you more control over your simulation experience. We hope you enjoy this new addition plus a few other sound tweaks which come with it.

While a majority of the changes in 1.39 are not seen visually in this version, we look forward to bringing you more content and changes in the near future.

• City of Calais re-skin

• Launchpad redesigned

• Lowbed and low-loader trailers (ownable)
• Schwarzmuller low-loader (ownable) for the Schwarzmuller DLC
• DAF XF 2017 Facelift added to AI vehicles
• MAN TGX Euro 6 added to AI vehicles (with 6x2/4 variants as well)

• Sound updates and improvements (turbo slider, sound positioning, cabin spatial mixing, sound distribution to accessories)
• Trailer browser & lister shows all valid cargo variants
• Experimental transmission input shaft emulation and clutch brake support (g_clutch_brake)

Published by Alex at 11/03/2020 11:18:00 AM
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The Wild Boy

Член од
26 декември 2017
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Пред неколку дена, искочи и за TMP :D

Поздрав до онлајн камионџиите :)

Инаку TMP (Truckers Multiplayer) е мод за ETS2 кој што овозможува играње Multiplayer, и многу јака работа.

Има и поддршка за ProMod, кој што е мод што ги подобрува веќепостоечките градови, и додава многу други.
Ја има и Македонија, а градови ги има само Скопје, Охрид, Битола и Прилеп.

За мене најјако е кога ќе се собереш со дружина, правите конови и сите една иста тура.

Уште појако е кога играш со волан, далеку по - реалистично.

И ви препорачувам на Simulation 1 да не одите Dover / Calais, оти едноставно е хаос.
Кочи, гужви којку сакаш, конекцијата станува полоша, и во најлош случај ќе се чукнеш со некој Русин или Французин и ќе треба после да се караш, а ни крив ни дужен или ти ќе го чукнеш, или он тебе бидејки е хаос и кочи премногу.

И заборавив да напоменам, креаторите на TMP се обични волонтери и они си имаат нивен живот, па заради тоа кога искочи новата 1.39 верзија, за TMP немаше поддршка и требаше пола месец и повеќе дур да направат, и прво искочи на ATS, а во меѓувреме ние онлајн камионџиите требаше да правиме downgrade на 1.38 (со приклучување на бета верзиите на ETS2) па после да враќаме на најновата верзија. Заради тоа кога ќе искочи нова верзија на ETS2 треба време дур креаторите на TMP модот направат поддршка за таа верзија.

Инаку приоритет на креаторите на ETS2 се Шпанија и Португалија, а после тоа здравје може и балканот ќе го чепнат, а и нема да има којзнае колку работа.
И секако Истанбул да го средат. Моментално вака босфор и големите мостови ги нема. Да го допрват и тоа, да го стават и азискиот дел, да ја стават грчка, и подоцна да почнат со Украина, Русија, Белорусија и толку.
Очекувам балканот да биде како DLC и да кошта 15 - 20 евра.
Последно уредено:
Член од
27 септември 2010
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Пред неколку дена, искочи и за TMP :D

Поздрав до онлајн камионџиите :)

Инаку TMP (Truckers Multiplayer) е мод за ETS2 кој што овозможува играње Multiplayer, и многу јака работа.

Има и поддршка за ProMod, кој што е мод што ги подобрува веќепостоечките градови, и додава многу други.
Ја има и Македонија, а градови ги има само Скопје, Охрид, Битола и Прилеп.

За мене најјако е кога ќе се собереш со дружина, правите конови и сите една иста тура.

Уште појако е кога играш со волан, далеку по - реалистично.

И ви препорачувам на Simulation 1 да не одите Dover / Calais, оти едноставно е хаос.
Кочи, гужви којку сакаш, конекцијата станува полоша, и во најлош случај ќе се чукнеш со некој Русин или Французин и ќе треба после да се караш, а ни крив ни дужен или ти ќе го чукнеш, или он тебе бидејки е хаос и кочи премногу.

И заборавив да напоменам, креаторите на TMP се обични волонтери и они си имаат нивен живот, па заради тоа кога искочи новата 1.39 верзија, за TMP немаше поддршка и требаше пола месец и повеќе дур да направат, и прво искочи на ATS, а во меѓувреме ние онлајн камионџиите требаше да правиме downgrade на 1.38 (со приклучување на бета верзиите на ETS2) па после да враќаме на најновата верзија. Заради тоа кога ќе искочи нова верзија на ETS2 треба време дур креаторите на TMP модот направат поддршка за таа верзија.

Инаку приоритет на креаторите на ETS2 се Шпанија и Португалија, а после тоа здравје може и балканот ќе го чепнат, а и нема да има којзнае колку работа.
И секако Истанбул да го средат. Моментално вака босфор и големите мостови ги нема. Да го допрват и тоа, да го стават и азискиот дел, да ја стават грчка, и подоцна да почнат со Украина, Русија, Белорусија и толку.
Очекувам балканот да биде како DLC и да кошта 15 - 20 евра.
Одамна ја купив ЕТС2, но со години ја немам играно. Пиши ми слободно за онлајн дружење. Само еднаш пробав, и еден куп идиоти ми го испокршаа камионот, па немав волја да продолжам со онлајн модот :D
Член од
24 април 2008
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Денес, среда, 24 март 2021, SCS Software ја исфрли најновата верзија 1.40 на Euro Truck Simulator 2.

Новата верзија со себеси носи ново осветлување и подобрена графика и визуелизација, преработени патишта низ Германија, како и нови патишта во областите на Дортмунд, Келн, Дизелдорф и Дуисбург, вклучувајќи ги и јужните делови на автопатот Бундесаутобан 7, воведување на опција за директно текстуално пребарување на градови и компании од менито за бирање на пратки за испорака, како и подобрување на менито за подесување на возилото, а за играчите на продолжението Euro Truck Simulator 2: Vive La France новитет се додавањето на градовите Бајон и Лак во близина на границата помеѓу Франција и Шпанија, како и две нови сообраќајни клучки во областите на Тулуз и Бордо.

Euro Truck Simulator 2: 1.40 Release

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Hot on the heels of yesterday's ATS update, we are excited to announce the highly-anticipated arrival of update 1.40 for Euro Truck Simulator 2 as well!

We'd like to thank all those who took part in the 1.40 Open Beta, made bug reports, and provided general feedback on this new version. We hope you can now begin to fully enjoy the various new features which are included within this update. So, what can you expect to find in the 1.40 update for ETS2?

Let us give you a quick recap of the most significant changes.

New Visual Lighting System

One of the biggest changes you'll notice when you first hop into your truck cab is the implementation of our new visual lighting system.

To prepare for this new lighting system, our teams had to make a lot of changes not only to our graphic renderer, its code, and other functionalities, but also to existing in-game world objects; including a majority of the in-game assets, textures, and materials to better work with the new physical model of the new lighting system. Want to get an in-depth look into what we had to revisit to make this major graphical change happen? Read more about it here.

We are very excited for you to be able to experience and immerse yourself in driving in the new light. The result is the culmination of a ton of hours by our programmers and visual effect artists and many other teams involved in the creation process of this new system. And even after this tremendous amount of work already spent in this area we are still not completely done. You can expect further changes and improvements to be done in the future. So while the open beta is done, we are still open and more than happy to get your feedback and opinions about this new graphics upgrade for our games.

Revisiting Germany

1.40 also brings the final phase of our Revisiting Germany project which a small team of mappers has been working on.

For those who are new to our game, the Revisiting Germany project consists of a small dedicated map team, who has been working hard to update one of the oldest map sections of the base game with a more realistic and up-to-date look.

The biggest change that comes with this update is a complete reskin and rework of all the highways and roads in this part of our in-game world, which was not retouched in previous updates.

Additionally, the areas around Dortmund, Köln, Dusseldorf, and Duisburg have not only benefitted from a complete road network redesign but a few new intersections and roads as well! The southern part of the Bundesautobahn 7 is now available in this update.

Vive La France ! New Cities

With the upcoming release of the Iberia expansion for Euro Truck Simulator 2, we know that many drivers will be excited to progressively make their way down Europe to cross into the peninsula for the first time. With France being mainland Europe's gateway to Spain and Portugal, our team has developed 2 new French locations which are a part of a free update to the Vive La France ! DLC coming with 1.40.

The first of these is the city of Bayonne, located in the southwest of France; it is the capital of the French Basque Country and an important connection for drivers heading to Spain as it is located close to the border.

The second location is the smaller commune of Lacq, which is located in the Arrondissement of Pau. While this small village is going to be just a scenic drive-through for most, Lacq is home to the largest refinery in France.

Both of these areas plus two new connecting junctions in Toulouse and Bordeaux come as a free update to the Vive La France ! DLC for Euro Truck Simulator 2, which we originally announced would arrive with the release of Iberia. However, with them being ready now, we thought it would be a nice surprise to include them early in this update.

Super Stripes Paint Jobs Pack Update

Our latest ETS2 DLC is also about to get an update - two of the amazing designs in the Super Stripes Paint Jobs Pack have been expanded and are now applicable on owned trailers! And believe it or not, there was a small social media experiment behind the choice of the two paint jobs that were picked for this upgrade.

Back in November 2020, we wrote several short and seemingly insignificant posts on our Euro Truck Simulator 2 and SCS Software Facebook pages, where we called upon our community to cast votes on which DLC designs you liked the most. Today we are happy to share with you that the two most popular designs are getting an upgrade so that everyone can match these designs on both trucks and trailers!

Your engagement and activity on our social media channels really do matter! We can't wait to see all the beautiful matching combinations on your vehicles. This may be a good opportunity for some VTCs to redesign their virtual corporate identity!



• New Visual Lighting System

• Germany Reskin
• New French Cities (Vive La France ! DLC)

• Two new paint jobs (from the Super Stripes Paint Jobs Pack) for owned trailers

• Full-text city/company search in the job selection screen
• Improved vehicle adjustment menu (F4)

Published by Alex at 3/24/2021 09:30:00 AM

The Wild Boy

Член од
26 декември 2017
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TruckersMP Announcement

1.40 incompatibility
We are aware that SCS Software has released 1.40 for both American Truck Simulator and Euro Truck Simulator 2.
To continue playing on our modification, you need to downgrade your game to a compatible version. There is no estimated release date for 1.40 support, your patience is appreciated whilst we working on supporting the new version.
Find more information on how to downgrade below:

Значи у превод, новате верзија не е поддржана сеуште на truckers multiplayer. Ќе им треба малку време, обично 2 - 3 недели да апдејтираат truckers multiplayer за да има поддршка на најновата верзија на ETS2. А до тогаш, играчите може или да чекаат, или да си направат downgrade (објаснето на линкот погоре) кон претходната верзија, ако сакаат да играат.

Инаку навистина одличен апдејт, тоа и се чекаше :)


Ќе ја стават Македонија .... Никад ....За жал


The Wild Boy

Член од
26 декември 2017
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Ќе ја стават Македонија .... Никад ....За жал

Веќе ја има на Pro Mods ама ех... не ги има сите градови, фалат доста места и на многу е скратено.

Следниот DLC ќе биде Heart of Russia, значи сега едно 2 - 3 години ќе работат на тоа, па после најлогично што останува. А тоа е Балканот.
Е сега незнам дали прво Грција ќе ја чепнат, или Словенија / Хрватска ама важно знам дека после Heart of Russia други држави освен оние на балканот за додавање нема. Па така да, може за едно 4 години од сега да чуеме за ново DLC. Оти еве гледаш Iberia сеуште не е официјално излезен, а они веќе објавија дека прават нов DLC што ќе биде базиран во Русија.
Член од
24 април 2008
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Вчера, четврток, 8 април 2021, SCS Software го пушти во продажба најновото продолжение на Euro Truck Simulator 2, Euro Truck Simulator 2: Iberia.

Новото продолжение на Euro Truck Simulator 2 со себеси носи речиси 50 нови градови, пустината Табернас, разнолика архитектура од средниот век, колонијалниот период, современа архитектура, планински предели, поглед кон Гибралтар, како и бројни други новитети кои со себеси ги носи Иберискиот полуостров.

Iberia: Release + #CruisingIberia Event Start

Thursday, April 8, 2021

The BIG day is here! Preparations to release Iberia for Euro Truck Simulator 2 are in top gear! So what time will Iberia be releasing?

Iberia for Euro Truck Simulator 2 has been released and it's now available on Steam!

So what exactly does our Iberia DLC have to offer for truckers? These are just a few of the things we think you will love!

• Travel through the Tabernas Desert, often nicknamed 'mainland Europe's only desert'
• Take a rest at truck stops and gas stations crafted to match their real-life counterparts as closely as possible
• See landmarks of all shapes and sizes, from medieval castles to statues of historical figures
• Enjoy the spectacular view of the coast and even the famous 'The Rock of Gibraltar' located on the other side of the bay from the coastal city of Algeciras
• Immerse yourself in new ambient sound, from the subtle sound of wind through the valleys to the tweeting of birds
• Explore mountainous areas with a wide range of colorful rocks
• Visit landmarks like the Guadiana International Bridge and get a bird's-eye view on it with the viewpoint feature
• And much more!

And that shouldn't be the only reason to explore Iberia for yourself! As an added bonus will also have a World of Trucks event for all new visitors to Spain and Portugal with unique rewards to be earned as you visit each city and deliver jobs. Learn more about the rules in yesterday's blog post and take part in #CruisingIberia at We'd love to see your photos across our Social Media channels using the hashtag!

So let's go #CruisingIberia while contributing to its impressively large industry! We've only scratched the surface of what this latest DLC brings to Euro Truck Simulator 2. As always, we cannot wait to hear your thoughts about this vast, beautiful, colorful, varied, culturally rich, and historic peninsula.

We will also be hosting a special Iberia release live-stream across our official YouTube & Twitch & Steam channels starting at 17:00 CEST. Don't miss out on this broadcast as we talk with members of the developers involved in the creation of Iberia and a special guest appearance from Pavel Šebor CEO of SCS Software! We will be answering questions from the community, talking in-depth about the DLC, and of course, releasing the Iberia DLC LIVE on stream!

Published by Alex at 4/08/2021 12:17:00 PM

Deleted member 95595

Road to the Black Sea ми ја игра на компјутер. Постои ли шанса да ми го игра новиов апдејт? Сега играм на претпоследен квалитет на графика, и на Ултра ако ставам ми игра, ама на моменти ми сецка па дури и подзакочува, па затоа играм на High и си тера супер.
Член од
24 април 2008
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Денес, четврток, 15 јули 2021, SCS Software ја исфрли најновата верзија 1.41 на Euro Truck Simulator 2.

Главниот новитет кој новата верзија го носи со себеси е воведувањето на заедничка конвојска игра која опфаќа до максимум 8 играчи со синхронизирани местоположби и движења на останатите возила во сообраќајот, додека меѓу останатите новитети спаѓаат додавањето на автопатот А-24 низ долината на реката Дуоро во Португалија и поправки на мапата за играчите на Euro Truck Simulator 2: Iberia, поправки на рефлектирачките навигациски знаци, редизајнирани сообраќајни знаци, воведување на опции за рачно подесување на времето и временските околности при правење на фотографии од играта, како и нови икони на мапата.

Euro Truck Simulator 2: 1.41 Release

Thursday, July 15, 2021

With lots of testing, feedback, fixing, and fine-tuning, we are excited to announce the highly anticipated arrival of update 1.41 for Euro Truck Simulator 2.

We'd like to thank all those who took part in the 1.41 Open Beta, made bug reports, and provided general feedback on this new version. We hope you can now begin to fully enjoy the various new features which are included within this update.

So, what can you find in the 1.41 update for ETS2? Let's take a closer look!

Convoy Multiplayer

Convoy is a new multiplayer game mode, where players can set up and host their own private sessions (password optional) to drive with their friends or other fellow truckers. There is currently support for synchronized AI traffic, time and weather, and the ability to take the same job as other players.

Convoy allows you to create and host an online session with up to 8 players. We plan to eventually raise the player limit in the future, however, we are keeping it small at this time due to its work-in-progress nature. Session hosts will automatically be made admins of these sessions, allowing them to ultimately control what kind of environment they want to have online, as well as having the ability to kick any trouble-makers from the session.

You can also see, filter, browse and eventually join any of the available sessions that have already been created by your friends or other truckers.

So what options and features will players be able to use and experience in Convoy?

• Any player can host and create their own private sessions for up to 8 people
• Ability to haul the same contracts/jobs together from the same company and to the same destination
• Synchronized AI traffic (random events included)
• Synchronized time and weather
• Synchronized paint jobs, truck accessories, cabin accessories, cargoes and more
• Ability to communicate with other drivers via CB radio broadcast (X key), quick replies (Q key), or text chat (Y key)

We know how many players are eager to try out this new feature; however, there are some things you will need to know before joining your friends on the road!

Notable issues / not yet implemented:

• Mods in Convoy mode are not supported in the initial release.
• AI vehicles might disappear when a player disconnects.
• Lifting bridges are not synchronized. They will be stationary for the initial release of Convoy.
• Steam invites work only through the Steam overlay.
• CB radio broadcast (hotkey "X") interferes with the text input line.

Worried about your profile progress? In-case of trouble-makers or other circumstances out of your control, players will have the option to revert their savefile to one made previously before joining the session. From friends to VTC's, we are excited to see how you will enjoy Convoy and we look forward to hearing your constructive feedback on this new online feature.

A24 Iberia DLC Addition

Today, we are happy to bring a new piece of the road network to the latest map expansion for ETS2. This update to Iberia includes the Autoestrada A24 which runs north to south across the Douro river valley, connecting A7 and A25. It passes through a very scenic region of Portugal, famous for its many vineyards.

Originally, this road was considered for release with Iberia DLC, but we did not manage to complete it in time. We decided to finish A24 anyway and bring it to you in an update, as we did not want to leave this beautiful part of Portugal behind!

Our teams are listening to feedback and making changes accordingly for upcoming updates and beyond. We look forward to bringing you similar development news in the near future, be sure to keep your suggestions and feedback coming as it really helps motivate us to improve our content.

Photo Mode: Time & Weather options

We know how much our players love to take photos in-game and spend a lot of time creating that perfect shot, and for many, this also includes finding the right lighting conditions and weather. So to help create that perfect trucking memory, we have implemented a new feature that may save you quite a bit of time when it comes to using console commands!

Introducing the new Time and Weather options! Players will now be able to choose the conditions of their liking, to create the perfect trucking snap just by simply adjusting a new slider to change the time, or clicking on two buttons to control the lighting/weather, all of which will appear in the updated in-game photo studio. We can't wait to see how drivers will use this new feature in the future and we look forward to seeing your snaps!



• Convoy Multiplayer
• Time and weather adjustments in photo mode
• Quick Travel

• A-24 Duoro Road Addition to Iberia DLC
• Iberia map fixes
• Various road signs reskinned across Europe
• Navigation sign reflection fix

• New icons on the map legend

Published by Alex at 7/15/2021 09:32:00 AM
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The Wild Boy

Член од
26 декември 2017
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Неколку дена од како играм Convoy Mode, презадоволен сум. Претходно играв Truckers Multiplayer, и тоа не беше лошо, али сега на тоа буквално немаше никаква поддршка за модови, немаше AI Traffic, турите не беа синхронизирани.

Сега со ова convoy mode (official multiplayer), има AI Traffic, турите се местат можат и синхронизирани да бидат, наскоро се очекува поддршка за модови, пр. Pro Mods да има.

Вака сега мислам дека Truckers MP доста ќе опадне, оти и така после секој апдејт на ETS2 мора неколку недели да се чека за да објават они апдејт на Truckers MP кој што ќе ја поддржува новата верзија на ETS2.
Друга причина заради тоа што ќе опадне TMP е тоа што се очекува поддршка на модови, и специјален транспорт, на пр. да те ексортира некој дур носиш некој специјален товар.

Плус на Convoy Mode си со другари, сам си хосташ сервер, можеш да го заклучиш со password, има вградено voice chat, брзи пораки (како на кантер), опција за пишување на чат, и најдоброто нешто е што сега при возење може да се пушти и мапа, а притоа да не ја сопира играта, и да вади целосна мапа. Оваа мапа е проѕирна мапа.

Сега за сега се е супер, и сум презадоволен од апдејтот. Си се договараш со другари, возиш и тоа е тоа. Гужвите од Calais - Duisburg на TMP веќе ги нема, буквално си возиш сам со пријатели, има AI Traffic, и горе доле се што треба има.

Е сега за Iberia ќе видам, одма не планирам да зимам. Ако ми го подари Iberia DLC - то некој океј, ако не сам ќе си го купам али не сум у брзање. Ми фалат и неколку Tuning packs, и горе долу друго се имам од DLC.

Изванредна игрица, добра за тепање време, ама уште поинтересна кога се игра со волан. Ако земам во иднина волан, е тогаш ќе биде по интересно.
Член од
24 април 2008
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Вчера, четврток, 21 октомври 2021, SCS Software ја исфрли најновата верзија 1.42 на Euro Truck Simulator 2 и на American Truck Simulator.

Најновата верзија со себеси поддршка за возење конвој во модовите на играта за двајца или повеќе играчи кои играат заедно, како и подобрување на поддршката за возење со волан и воведување на поддршка за возење со волан за Линукс оперативните системи.

Препорачливо е играчите кои играат било која од двете игри со волан, да ги ресетираат конфигурациските профили на воланите за новитетите од новата верзија да проработат.

ETS2/ATS 1.42 Release

Thursday, October 21, 2021

We are excited to announce the arrival of update 1.42 for both Euro Truck Simulator 2 and American Truck Simulator!

We'd like to thank all those who took part in the 1.42 Open Beta, made bug reports, and provided general feedback on this new version. Whilst our updates usually feature many new changes, this update is focused more on introducing a new and substantial feature to our Convoy online multiplayer mode alongside some smaller updates and general fixes.
So without further ado, let's take a look at what the 1.42 update has in store!

Convoy MOD Support

Support for third-party modifications in Convoy was a very frequent request from our community when we first released our multiplayer mode. Since then, our teams have made it a high priority on their list to support the use of MODs.

However, this was not an easy task for our team, especially when it came to the challenge of profile recovery when a crucial MOD is removed or changed, and visualizing what MODs are missing from the Steam Workshop when players join a server that contains modifications. We have done our best to overcome these hurdles; however, there may be a few things that might need tweaking and changing before we are fully satisfied with the results.

We have also created a completely new UI to accommodate MOD support. When you enter the session browser, you will see a new section on the right side listing the MOD compatibility requirements for the server. We have also included new icons for servers to let you know which servers have MODs enabled and which do not.

Session names in screenshots are blurred for privacy reasons.

Previously, next to the server session, we indicated if you could or could not join the server using a red or green icon depending on if the session was full or due to problems with map compatibility or even with different game version numbers. We have now introduced an orange icon, which indicates you cannot join the server now, but via the new MOD synchronization UI, you can download the missing modifications and join then!

If a modification is missing and it is available via the Steam Workshop, you will be able to download it via the Steam browser which will be overlaid in-game, so you do not need to exit the game to subscribe to it. This will be accessible via a new window that opens when you try to join a session where you have some missing MODs. This window will show you all your currently active modifications on the left side and all the modifications the server is using on the right side.

Session names in screenshots are blurred for privacy reasons.

If the server is using a modification that is NOT available on the Steam Workshop and downloaded via a third-party site, then you will need to source the modification yourself. Unfortunately, our system will not be able to check what version of the modification the server has or where it is sourced. Once you have everything required by the server, the confirm button will become available and you will be able to join the session.

We expect a majority of popular modifications to work from the get-go with this update, however, there may be some compatibility issues with others.

At this time, a convoy session will only allow for a maximum of 70 modifications during a session. We understand that a smaller percentage of our community may use more than this number and we will continue to monitor feedback made across our social media channels to tweak and make adjustments in the future if we see it necessary.

MOD authors please be aware that some modifications will require some adjustments to work properly in Convoy. Sound modifications will be heard locally by the user, but other players will not hear them as remote trucks use a simpler soundbank (or they may just hear default truck sounds) if the modification is not configured to do so. Vehicles, Trailers, and Cargo modifications must also include proper traffic models for other players to see and interact with.

Our teams will continue working hard to overcome the difficulties that may come with using third-party modifications in the convoy mode. Your help and contributions during the Open Beta have been extremely valuable to our teams, so please continue to submit your bug reports and feedback onto the appropriate sections of our forums (ETS2/ATS).

We look forward to seeing the many wonderful and creative MODs that will be used whilst convoying together with friends! We also plan to release a new FAQ in the future with more up-to-date information as we continue to work on the Convoy feature. You can find our first Convoy FAQ blog here, which answers the community's most popular questions!

Third-party modifications were used to create illustrative screenshots for this blog article. By choosing these publicly available MODs to make such screenshots we make no claim or endorsement of any kind that these MODs or their authors are officially supported, recognized, preferred, or recommended by SCS Software.

Force Feedback Update

1.42 also brings an update to our Force Feedback profiles for steering wheels and controllers which are compatible with Euro Truck Simulator 2 and American Truck Simulator.

The new FFB has been written from scratch and utilizes a 120 Hz refresh rate, independent from the main game loop. It combines some of the old artificial effects with the new centering and tire friction force feedback, which is based on real calculations from forces on the first steering axle and simulates the behavior of a hydraulic steering gear system used in most of today's trucks. This brings a more realistic and immersive feedback experience for our players!

We highly recommended resetting your Force Feedback settings to their new defaults.

We recently released a detailed FAQ blog about this update which answers some of your most asked questions about this update and goes more into depth about the topic of this update. If you missed that, you can take a read of that here!


• Initial MOD support for Convoy multiplayer

• Convoy session modification UI added for MOD compatibility and downloads.

• Force feedback improved and available for more controller types on more systems (Linux)
• Steering wheel animation range setting

Published by Alex at 10/21/2021 03:59:00 PM


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