Der Spiegel: $1,3 милијарди за мисијата ЕУЛЕКС на Косово, никаков резултат

Член од
17 март 2005
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Германец вели дека за 10 години колку што бил на Косово, не видел никаков напредок таму.

Мисијата на ЕУ потрошила последниве 4 години $1,3 милијарди без да успее ништо да промени на подобро.

Единствено нешто што е јасно за Косово е дека е длабоко во прегратката на организираниот криминал и дрогата, вели Германецот.

Главните криминалци се надвор од досегот на полицијата, која е поплнета со членови на ОНА/УЧК и кои се лојални на сопствените кланови, а истата е корумпирана.

I've known Kosovo for more than 10 years. In my opinion, we have achieved almost nothing in that time. I'm mostly disappointed with the police. Despite many years of intensive training and equipment meeting European standards, police officers are more interested in doing radar speed checks than in fighting crime. Nabbing speeding motorists doesn't require any movement; you just sit comfortably in your heated police car.

It's my impression that corruption is quite high among Kosovar police officers. I was told that, if you're caught with a stolen car, all you have to do is pay the officer a bribe to take care of the problem.

The major criminals are already out of reach, protected by traditional clan structures and the old-boys' networks within the former Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), from which many police officers were recruited. They obviously don't want to be seen as whistleblowers, and they're hardly likely to investigate their former commanders, who have struck it rich in the drug trade.

A wall of silence, impenetrable to police officers like us, protects these networks. In reality, we hardly have any idea what's going on here. For example, the city of Ferizaj is considered the biggest hub for the drug trade in the Balkans, and yet we hardly ever seize significant amounts of narcotics there.

'Firmly in the Grip of Organized Crime'
The only thing that's clear is that Kosovo is firmly in the grip of organized crime. You only have to look at the many new gas stations and shopping centers, where there are almost no customers. It isn't too much of a leap of faith to conclude that their main purpose is to launder money. Besides, apartment buildings are being built everywhere, and there are far more luxury cars than in neighboring Macedonia, for example, even though the per capita income in Macedonia is significantly higher.

Only a few weeks ago, the chairmen of both the Pristina municipal government and Kosovo's football federation were arrested. They are accused of promising land in a conservation area to a developer in return for bribes and expensive cars. The only reason the case came to light is that the permits were not issued, and yet the officials still wanted to keep the cars.

The judiciary is also a long way from being fully functional. Many positions are not filled, or they are constantly being refilled. Some judges have apparently been known to refuse to hear certain cases. Colleagues recently told me that a war criminal sentenced to 15 years in prison was seen having lunch with one of the country's top politicians in Pristina.

It's certainly a success to see war-crime charges being brought against a former KLA member. An example is Fatmir Limaj, a popular politician with the governing party and a member of parliament. He was even a cabinet minister for a while. He was accused of being responsible for the torture and death of seven Serbs and a Kosovar while serving as a KLA commander. A key witness, who had been brought to Germany for his protection, committed suicide in (the western city of) Duisburg in September 2011. A court acquitted Limaj in May.

Kosovo is a country in which centuries-old traditions live on, and blood feuds are part of the culture. We Central Europeans have not been able to convince the Kosovars of the benefits of adopting a new legal and value system like the one we have in the West. That's because they see that the old structures remain powerful while government institutions are weak. I fear that the Kosovars will ride us out, just as the Taliban are waiting for Western troops to withdraw from Afghanistan.

Even with all of this, none of those responsible for the EULEX mission is telling Brussels the truth. They just send sugarcoated reports from Kosovo, so-called "okay reportings." Perhaps they have to do so to keep their jobs, so that they can continue working in foreign missions. But it doesn't help Kosovo.
Член од
9 октомври 2012
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Нашол тој каде да инвестира, а баш ги сметав Германците за паметни луге.

3нае BMW да направи, а не знае да го процени косово? :confused:
Член од
28 мај 2008
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Кога на криминогено племе со сила ќе им направиш држава, ова е резултатот.
Член од
13 февруари 2012
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Ај сега кажете дали е Косово спремно за ЕУ?

3ошто не смее да има војска?

И дали има криминал и дали човеков е во право, а ако не е, зошто не е?
Член од
20 ноември 2012
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ako covekot bil direktno involviran za toa sto zboruva togas normalno deka znae podobro od mene.
kosovo ne e nitu 1% spremna za evropa, dolg pat ja ceka no vazno e toa sto na toj pat e, ne e na nekoj drug :)
se dodeka amerika ja kontrolira drzavata normalno deka nema da ima vojska, sekogas sum rekol jas, nie albancite trebda da sme zablagodareni sto amerika ima interes od nas
ne bese navreda toa,vrti suci tvoeto staro ne se sporeduva so nesto novostvoreno ;)
Член од
13 февруари 2012
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Kажи ми во овој случај со Kосово, што ти подразбираш под америчката поддршка и која е цената на истата?
Член од
20 ноември 2012
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Amerika dobiva partner od 10 milioni narod vo region kade sto dolgo vreme malku imalo vlijanie, a nie si dobivame krilja pod gazdite na svetot.

Nemoj da mi se pravite sega majka Tereza tuka, site lizaat gz, samo nekoi uste ne sfatile koj treba da se lize.
Член од
13 февруари 2012
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Не се нервирај. 3а каков партнер станува збор кога на цел свет оваа ситуација му изгледа како робовлатеделтство? Навистина за каков партнер станува збор? Да не планира да ја нападне Русија (со вас како маченици)? ;)
Член од
20 ноември 2012
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voen, strateski, ekonomski partner. znaes sto znaci ti da imas pod svoe vlijanije drzavi na koi im pripagaat teritorii kako sto se kosovo i albanija, cela taa zemja za transport, fabriki, resursi. Pred 15 godini nemavme nisto a deneska imame nesto, se dodeka prodolzuva vakov trend, so zadovolstvo bi ziveele vo ova robstvo nie, a vie fantazirajte si za ideal world.
Член од
13 февруари 2012
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Сигурно знаете како воени партнери дека ако америка сака да завојува индиректно на балканов дека вие ке го јадете и тоа на големо.
Член од
13 јули 2009
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Германец вели дека за 10 години колку што бил на Косово, не видел никаков напредок таму.
Bruxel go prai EULEX kriv za nivnata slaba rabota vo KS i ne albancite od Kosovo !
Albancite baraa bezprekorno od EU da si go napustat Kosovo deka od nivnata rabota nemalo nikakov rezultat dosega .

Even with all of this, none of those responsible for the EULEX mission is telling Brussels the truth. They just send sugarcoated reports from Kosovo, so-called "okay reportings." Perhaps they have to do so to keep their jobs, so that they can continue working in foreign missions. But it doesn't help Kosovo.
I do samite niv se dosta fateni so mesanje na korupciata vo Kosovo
Член од
13 февруари 2012
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Mногу јасно и да треба да го напуштат Kосово. Aма сите знаеме какви гниди се и какви прљави работи прават па чекаат да видат дали можат да искористат уште нешто.

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