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Денес, вторник, 13 јули 2021, SCS Software ја исфрли најновата верзија 1.41 на American Truck Simulator.

Главниот новитет кој новата верзија го носи со себеси е воведувањето на заедничка конвојска игра која опфаќа до максимум 8 играчи со синхронизирани местоположби и движења на останатите возила во сообраќајот, додека меѓу другите новитети спаѓаат редизајнирани делови од сојузната американска држава Калифорнија со воведување на земјоделски станици за инспекција, воведување на опции за рачно подесување на времето и временските околности при правење на фотографии од играта, како и нови икони на мапата.

American Truck Simulator: 1.41 Release

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

With lots of testing, feedback, fixing, and fine-tuning, we are excited to announce the highly anticipated arrival of update 1.41 for American Truck Simulator.

We'd like to thank all those who took part in the 1.41 Open Beta, made bug reports, and provided general feedback on this new version. We hope you can now begin to fully enjoy the various new features which are included within this update.

So, what can you find in the 1.41 update for ATS? Let's take a closer look!

Convoy Multiplayer

Convoy is a new multiplayer game mode, where players can set up and host their own private sessions (password optional) to drive with their friends or other fellow truckers. There is currently support for synchronized AI traffic, time and weather, and the ability to take the same job as other players.

Convoy allows you to create and host an online session with up to 8 players. We plan to eventually raise the player limit in the future, however, we are keeping it small at this time due to its work-in-progress nature. Session hosts will automatically be made admins of these sessions, allowing them to ultimately control what kind of environment they want to have online, as well as having the ability to kick any trouble-makers from the session.

You can also see, filter, browse and eventually join any of the available sessions that have already been created by your friends or other truckers.

So what options and features will players be able to use and experience in Convoy?

• Any player can host and create their own private sessions for up to 8 people
• Ability to haul the same contracts/jobs together from the same company and to the same destination
• Synchronized AI traffic
• Synchronized time and weather
• Synchronized paint jobs, truck accessories, cabin accessories, cargoes, and more
• Ability to communicate with other drivers via CB radio broadcast (X key), quick replies (Q key), or text chat (Y key)

We know how many players are eager to try out this new feature; however, there are some things you will need to know before joining your friends on the road!

Notable issues / not yet implemented:

• Mods in Convoy mode are not supported in the initial release.
• AI vehicles might disappear when a player disconnects.
• Lifting bridges are not synchronized. They will be stationary for the initial release of Convoy.
• Steam invites work only through the Steam overlay.
• CB radio broadcast (hotkey "X") interferes with the text input line.

Worried about your profile progress? In case of trouble-makers or other circumstances out of your control, players will have the option to revert their savefile to one made previously before joining the session. From friends to VTC's, we are excited to see how you will enjoy Convoy and we look forward to hearing your constructive feedback on this new online feature.

California Reskin

During our special Christmas 2020 live stream, we announced that we would be revisiting California in American Truck Simulator to give our starting state a reskin! Today, we bring the first iteration of this reskin, carrying a major road layout rework, agriculture stations, and more!

One of the most noticeable changes drivers will experience when arriving in California are the new agriculture border control stations! All drivers hauling goods into the state will have to undergo special checks from the control station where vehicles are inspected for commodities that may be infested with invasive species, and for the correct documentation. In-game, we will mimic these scenarios with a new feature, which will work very similarly to the current weigh stations. Upon your arrival at the border, depending on what you are hauling, drivers will be notified to pull over for an inspection at one of the control stations before they are given the green light to enter the state.

Our world design tools have been considerably improved during the years since ATS was released as well, and we plan to take advantage of the new power. For example, our map designers can now pay attention to details like the proper roll of the road surface in a curve. We are also trying to make sure we get our research right when it comes to unique road signage elements, proper road markings, or the use of cat's eyes. We hope to achieve a completely new look and feel when driving across the State. Read more here.

Photo Mode: Time & Weather options

We know how much our players love to take photos in-game and spend a lot of time creating that perfect shot, and for many, this also includes finding the right lighting conditions and weather. So to help create that perfect trucking memory, we have implemented a new feature that may save you quite a bit of time when it comes to using console commands!

Introducing the new Time and Weather options! Players will now be able to choose the conditions of their liking, to create the perfect trucking snap just by simply adjusting a new slider to change the time, or clicking on two buttons to control the lighting/weather, all of which will appear in the updated in-game photo studio. We can't wait to see how drivers will use this new feature in the future and we look forward to seeing your snaps!



• Convoy Multiplayer
• Time and weather adjustments in photo mode
• Quick Travel

• California Reskin part 1 including 7 Agricultural Stations and a road layout rework

• New icons in the map legend

Published by Alex at 7/13/2021 12:05:00 PM
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24 април 2008
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Денес, вторник, 7 септември 2021, SCS Software го пушти во продажба најновото продолжение на American Truck Simulator, American Truck Simulator: Wyoming.

Новото продолжение на American Truck Simulator со себеси носи 10 нови градови од сојузната американска држава Вајоминг, меѓу кои спаѓаат и Шајен, Каспер, Џексон, Шеридан и други, вториот најдолг меѓудржавен автопат I-80 во САД, националниот парк Јелоустоун, како и бројни други новитети.

Wyoming Release

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

The big day is here! Preparations to release Wyoming for American Truck Simulator are in top gear. We are also preparing for a special release stream with special guests. So what time is Wyoming releasing?

Wyoming DLC for American Truck Simulator has been released!

So what exactly does our Wyoming DLC have to offer for truckers? These are just a few of the things we think you will love:

• Deliver to and from 10 cities and discover 14 settlements
• Discover and deliver to Wyoming's important industries like coal & soda ash, farms & agriculture, railyards, and more!
• Haul livestock cargo to our new cattle auction houses
• Drive on the Highway to Heaven.
• Haul cargo on the I-80, the second-longest Interstate highway in the United States
• See wildlife unique to Wyoming including Bison
• Visit landmarks like Devils Tower National Monument and part of the Yellowstone National Park and get bird's-eye views with many new viewpoints.
• Admire accurate representations of cities like Cheyenne, Casper, Jackson, Sheridan, and more!
• Visit and take a rest at famous Wyoming rest stops & gas stations.
• Unlock Wyoming-specific Steam Achievements

...and much more!

We will also have a World of Trucks event available for all new visitors to Wyoming, with unique rewards to be earned as you visit all 10 cities and deliver jobs. Learn more about the rules in yesterday's blog post and take part in #CruisingWyoming at We'd love to see your photos across our Social Media channels using the hashtag!

We expect to have this event available to players for an extended period of time, probably way beyond the point of reaching the community goal. We don't want to motivate you to rush through the DLC in a hurry to make sure you manage to obtain the personal achievement. We simply want to reward early adopters of the DLC for spending quality time with the new content.

Speaking of rewards, all truckers in Wyoming are eligible to receive a special cabin accessory, a Triceratops plush toy! To earn this unique reward, simply take any External Contract or External Market job to or from the city of Gillette. Why this city specifically you may ask? Believe it or not, paleontologists digging in northeastern Wyoming (so near Gillette) have uncovered fossilized remains of three triceratopses - possibly the most complete specimens of the dinosaurs yet found! So be sure to claim your part of prehistoric history for your cabin.

We will also be hosting a special Wyoming release live stream across official Steam & Twitch channels starting at 16:00 CEST. Don't miss out on this broadcast as we talk with Davido (DLC Lead) PLUS a special guest appearance from Pavel Šebor CEO of SCS Software! We will be answering questions from the community, talking in-depth about the DLC, giving away free Wyoming Steam keys and of course, releasing the highly anticipated map expansion LIVE on stream!

We hope you'll enjoy exploring what Wyoming has to offer! We will see you on the roads.

Published by Alex at 9/07/2021 10:01:00 AM
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24 април 2008
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Вчера, четврток, 21 октомври 2021, SCS Software ја исфрли најновата верзија 1.42 на American Truck Simulator и на Euro Truck Simulator 2 .

Најновата верзија со себеси поддршка за возење конвој во модовите на играта за двајца или повеќе играчи кои играат заедно, како и подобрување на поддршката за возење со волан и воведување на поддршка за возење со волан за Линукс оперативните системи.

Препорачливо е играчите кои играат било која од двете игри со волан, да ги ресетираат конфигурациските профили на воланите за новитетите од новата верзија да проработат.

ETS2/ATS 1.42 Release

Thursday, October 21, 2021

We are excited to announce the arrival of update 1.42 for both Euro Truck Simulator 2 and American Truck Simulator!

We'd like to thank all those who took part in the 1.42 Open Beta, made bug reports, and provided general feedback on this new version. Whilst our updates usually feature many new changes, this update is focused more on introducing a new and substantial feature to our Convoy online multiplayer mode alongside some smaller updates and general fixes.
So without further ado, let's take a look at what the 1.42 update has in store!

Convoy MOD Support

Support for third-party modifications in Convoy was a very frequent request from our community when we first released our multiplayer mode. Since then, our teams have made it a high priority on their list to support the use of MODs.

However, this was not an easy task for our team, especially when it came to the challenge of profile recovery when a crucial MOD is removed or changed, and visualizing what MODs are missing from the Steam Workshop when players join a server that contains modifications. We have done our best to overcome these hurdles; however, there may be a few things that might need tweaking and changing before we are fully satisfied with the results.

We have also created a completely new UI to accommodate MOD support. When you enter the session browser, you will see a new section on the right side listing the MOD compatibility requirements for the server. We have also included new icons for servers to let you know which servers have MODs enabled and which do not.

Session names in screenshots are blurred for privacy reasons.

Previously, next to the server session, we indicated if you could or could not join the server using a red or green icon depending on if the session was full or due to problems with map compatibility or even with different game version numbers. We have now introduced an orange icon, which indicates you cannot join the server now, but via the new MOD synchronization UI, you can download the missing modifications and join then!

If a modification is missing and it is available via the Steam Workshop, you will be able to download it via the Steam browser which will be overlaid in-game, so you do not need to exit the game to subscribe to it. This will be accessible via a new window that opens when you try to join a session where you have some missing MODs. This window will show you all your currently active modifications on the left side and all the modifications the server is using on the right side.

Session names in screenshots are blurred for privacy reasons.

If the server is using a modification that is NOT available on the Steam Workshop and downloaded via a third-party site, then you will need to source the modification yourself. Unfortunately, our system will not be able to check what version of the modification the server has or where it is sourced. Once you have everything required by the server, the confirm button will become available and you will be able to join the session.

We expect a majority of popular modifications to work from the get-go with this update, however, there may be some compatibility issues with others.

At this time, a convoy session will only allow for a maximum of 70 modifications during a session. We understand that a smaller percentage of our community may use more than this number and we will continue to monitor feedback made across our social media channels to tweak and make adjustments in the future if we see it necessary.

MOD authors please be aware that some modifications will require some adjustments to work properly in Convoy. Sound modifications will be heard locally by the user, but other players will not hear them as remote trucks use a simpler soundbank (or they may just hear default truck sounds) if the modification is not configured to do so. Vehicles, Trailers, and Cargo modifications must also include proper traffic models for other players to see and interact with.

Our teams will continue working hard to overcome the difficulties that may come with using third-party modifications in the convoy mode. Your help and contributions during the Open Beta have been extremely valuable to our teams, so please continue to submit your bug reports and feedback onto the appropriate sections of our forums (ETS2/ATS).

We look forward to seeing the many wonderful and creative MODs that will be used whilst convoying together with friends! We also plan to release a new FAQ in the future with more up-to-date information as we continue to work on the Convoy feature. You can find our first Convoy FAQ blog here, which answers the community's most popular questions!

Third-party modifications were used to create illustrative screenshots for this blog article. By choosing these publicly available MODs to make such screenshots we make no claim or endorsement of any kind that these MODs or their authors are officially supported, recognized, preferred, or recommended by SCS Software.

Force Feedback Update

1.42 also brings an update to our Force Feedback profiles for steering wheels and controllers which are compatible with Euro Truck Simulator 2 and American Truck Simulator.

The new FFB has been written from scratch and utilizes a 120 Hz refresh rate, independent from the main game loop. It combines some of the old artificial effects with the new centering and tire friction force feedback, which is based on real calculations from forces on the first steering axle and simulates the behavior of a hydraulic steering gear system used in most of today's trucks. This brings a more realistic and immersive feedback experience for our players!

We highly recommended resetting your Force Feedback settings to their new defaults.

We recently released a detailed FAQ blog about this update which answers some of your most asked questions about this update and goes more into depth about the topic of this update. If you missed that, you can take a read of that here!


• Initial MOD support for Convoy multiplayer

• Convoy session modification UI added for MOD compatibility and downloads.

• Force feedback improved and available for more controller types on more systems (Linux)
• Steering wheel animation range setting

Published by Alex at 10/21/2021 03:59:00 PM
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24 април 2008
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Вчера, четврток, 9 декември 2021, SCS Software ја исфрли најновата верзија 1.43 за American Truck Simulator.

Новата верзија со себеси ги носи новиот модел 2022 Cascadia на Фрејтлајнер, воведување на опција за купување и поседување на контејнерски приколки, воведување на филтри за прикажување на знаците на мапата, отстранување на технички проблеми кај мапата, подобрен звук во кабината на возачот, нови фонтови, подобрена техничка поддршка за контролери, како и бројни други новитети.

American Truck Simulator 1.43 Update Release

Thursday, December 9, 2021

It has only been a short time since we last released an update for our truck simulator titles, however, we are happy to share with you that the 1.43 update is now ready to be fully released for American Truck Simulator.

We'd like to thank everyone who participated, provided their feedback, and made bug reports during the Open Beta of 1.43. Your valuable input helped us make tweaks, changes and smash some bugs we may have missed the first time around. We hope you can now begin to fully enjoy the various new features which are included within this update, including some new ones that may not have made it during the beta!

So, without further ado, let's take a look at what 1.43 has in store!

2022 Freightliner Cascadia

In this update, you will be able to find new parts and customization options in-game which will allow you to upgrade your current Freightliner® Cascadia to the current production version of the Cascadia at your nearest Freightliner dealership or repair shop.

The 2022 Freightliner® Cascadia will feature new interior options, as well as exterior changes that further improve fuel economy. Let's go into more details on what changes you can find in this update for the Cascadia!

The Cascadia will come with a new interior, the most noticeable change being a brand new digital dashboard. This modern and state-of-the-art dashboard allows the driver to view important information easily and clearly with just the click of a button on the new steering wheels.

The updated exterior includes a new lower and even more streamlined front bumper, updated drive wheel fairings, and new aero deflectors on the A-pillar for improved aerodynamics. We look forward to seeing you on the roads of American Truck Simulator with the 2022 Freightliner® Cascadia.

Ownable Dumpers

We are happy to announce that Dumper Trailers are now ownable and fully customizable! These trailers are used for transporting bulk materials such as coal, soil, gravel, stone, sand and much more.

In American Truck Simulator, Dumper Trailers will have 3 customizable body types. These are End Dumpers, Side Dumpers, and Livefloor Dumpers. Each of them is available in different lengths, and in two or three-axle configurations. Side dumpers are available as a b-double, turnpike, or single trailers; bottom dumpers can be used in double, rocky mountain double, turnpike double, and single configurations, and all other body types come with just a single trailer configuration.

Want to customize your Dumper Trailers? You will be able to add and modify some of the accessories on them including, markers, rear bumpers, front and rear mudflaps, front and rear fenders, and paint jobs.

We can't wait to see you hauling these new Dumper Trailers in your company and how you will customize them! Be sure to share with us your photos of your newly owned trailers on our Social Media channels. (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram)

New Loading Screen Images

This update will also display new images to the loading screens alongside our Editor Picks from the user gallery at These new shots will showcase scenic locations from across American Truck Simulator featuring the new visual lighting system.

However, that is not all! These new loading screen images will also come with a short description on where the photo was taken in-game and from which DLC (if applicable).

We look forward to showcasing many beautiful landmarks and sceneries from across the states with these new images.

Interior Cabin Sound Update

In this update, we have also implemented a new sound effect that simulates sound attenuation from surrounding environment noises, as well as the sound of the truck engine and wheels. Since each truck has different sound insulation, our sound team has simulated this with the use of sound equalization and reverb effects.

Put simply, interior truck cab sounds have been updated to better simulate how the engine, tyre, and other exterior sounds are dampened when driving from a first-person view.

This is just the first iteration of this update, as in the future we plan to bring more accurate attenuation simulation by the size of the truck cab. This update has been applied to all trucks in both American Truck Simulator and Euro Truck Simulator 2.

New SDF Fonts

Another new feature coming along with 1.43 is the use of SDF (Signed Distance Fields) fonts in-game. So how exactly does this affect the game? This font technique allows texts and fonts to be displayed perfectly in any resolution, scale, or distance.

Instead of fonts being displayed like a picture, which can become distorted when on a smaller resolution or zoomed in on from a far distance, SDF fonts can be adjusted to any size and remain perfectly clear and sharp for the user.

In the first iteration of this update, we are bringing this new font technique to Convoy name tags, the GPS, License Plates, Truck dashboard displays, and in the UI. At first glance, it might not appear that much has changed and in most cases, the difference will be quite subtle, however, when looking at the more prominent or larger text (such as the UI or Convoy name tags) the difference is crystal clear!

World Map Legend Filters

Are you looking for somewhere specific to visit? Maybe a city that you haven't discovered or the nearest fuel station? Introducing our World Map Legend Filters! You can now easily filter out specific icons on our world map.

Simply choose which icons you would like to filter on our world map and you'll be shown just them. Now navigating to unexplored areas, rest stops and dealerships is easier than ever! We hope you enjoy this small yet useful feature.

Improved Controller Support

We are happy to share with you that 1.43 will include a major update for the support of controllers in the American Truck Simulator. The main aim of this update is to allow gamepad users to navigate the UI, without having the need to have input from a secondary device such as a keyboard. However, as you can imagine, this was quite a large challenge for our teams to undertake with the number of different controls and keys which are utilized in-game. While this update is just the first iteration, let's walk through some of the changes you can experience.

Some of the more notable changes include being able to use the D-pad of your controller to move or select any part of the on-screen UI, alongside using the already implemented 'virtual mouse' to navigate. Combing these two features ultimately enhances the user experience for controller users. Each individual screen has also been revisited and streamlined for gamepad users. A lot of work has gone into each area so it feels great and intuitive on a controller.

We plan to continually make changes and implement new features according to user feedback and more. We still have quite some work ahead of us, including revamping the driving in such a way that you can do everything from your controller. Plus the UI will receive more polish and additions too. You can help us report back your user experience with the improved controller support at our forums. We greatly appreciate your help in ironing out any bugs or problems during this time.

This update for controllers is extensive, however, we are confident that this will bring a more seamless experience for those who use them as their main controller. This also paves the way for future platforms which utilize similar controls.



• General Bugfixes

• Ownable Dump Trailers
• 2022 Freightliner Cascadia

• New Loading Screen Images
• World Map Legend Filters

• Improved Controller Support
• Implemented Sound Attenuation
• MSDF Font Implementation

Published by Alex at 12/09/2021 10:31:00 AM
Член од
24 април 2008
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Денес, вторник, 10 мај 2022, SCS Software ја исфрли најновата верзија 1.44 на American Truck Simulator.

Новата верзија со себеси носи преработени делови од сојузните американски држави Калифорнија и Њу Мексико, воведување на опција за подесување на висината на возилото, воведување на опција за понатамошно набавување на нови делови за возилата после нивното купување, воведување на нови неозначени патишта, проширување на хоризонталниот поглед од внатрешната камера во кабината, како и бројни други новитети.

American Truck Simulator: 1.44 Update Release

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

We are happy to share with you that the 1.44 update has now been released for American Truck Simulator. This update is packed with new features and changes, so we recommend reading through them all.

We'd like to thank everyone who participated, provided their feedback, and made bug reports during the Open Beta of 1.44. Your valuable input helped us make tweaks, changes and smash some bugs we may have missed the first time around. We hope you can now begin to fully enjoy the various new features which are included within this update.

California Rework: Phase 2

We are excited to bring Phase 2 of the California Rework as part of this free update for all owners of American Truck Simulator. The focus of this projects sees the cities Eureka, Ukiah, Sacramento, Redding, and Truckee which have been rebuilt from the ground up, along with local landmarks, architecture and surrounding road networks.

We will also be saying goodbye to the city of San Rafael. Due to the map scale, we had to make the hard decision to remove the city from the in-game economy. To make up for this, we will be introducing a brand new city, which will be larger and of much greater importance in California's road network in Phase 3 of our ongoing project! Any guesses which one it might be?

New rest areas and truck stops have also been implemented, but that isn't all! You will also find new assets, vegetation, and textures too, giving the area a completely new look and feel. We can't wait for you to explore it for yourselves. You can read more all about the rework on previous blogposts which have highlighted the cities and more which have been reworked. Read more here.

Mod Refund Feature

Since the introduction of third party modification support in our convoy mode, our team has been working to improve the mod support experience. In this update, we are happy to share a new feature which we hope will further improve players gameplay when playing with modifications.

We like to call this new addition the 'Mod Refund' feature. In simple terms, after a player has downloaded a third party modification and used it on their truck, they may in the future want to remove it (or it even may have become incompatible). This new feature reads and recognises the data from the modification, even if it has been removed, and refunds the player the difference with the in-game currency. This removes the problem of players losing money after using a modification.

It works by recognising that a crucial part is missing (such as the chassis, engine etc) and replacing it with a default part. Players will be prompted with a pop-up containing information that some parts are being refunded and will be given the option to accept or reject this refund. If you decide to reject the refund and reactivate the mod instead, the truck will now revert to its former glory even if you have saved the game in the meantime.

So, whether you're trucking with friends in a convoy session with mods, or you want to remove a certain modification after use, this new feature will make sure you won't go out of pocket!

Licensed vs Aftermarket Customization Options in UI

Players customising their truck or looking at new parts in the garage may see some new icons appearing in the list. In total we have added 4 new icons to represent what type of accessory it is. When you hover over them, they will show if they are classed as a:

Factory part - A stock part sold by the manufacturer (including interiors)
Licensed part - Anything that is officially licensed that is not produced by truck factory
Aftermarket part - Any additional accessory that is not related to the brand.
Unknown part - A part that is not recognised or in some cases, a third party modification.

This should help drivers when it comes to customisation if they wish to keep it within the manufacturers customisation options, or tune their truck further with aftermarket parts. We hope you enjoy this small yet helpful feature!

Unmarked Roads Exploration

With the 1.44 update, we are bringing into ATS and ETS2 a new feature; once you drive onto an unmarked road, you will be notified about having done so with a message in the route advisor, and the explored road will appear on the map as an orange dashed line, with any unexplored part ahead of you shown in grey.

On one hand, this will ensure that you will immediately be aware of the fact that you have found something interesting, and on the other hand, if you ever decide to re-visit a hidden zone you will know where to go.

Map explorers, do not panic! These unmarked roads do not contribute to your map discovery percentage, but they do add a nice addition to your GPS if you do come across them. You can read more about this new feature here.

Force Feedback Upgrade

This update also includes a few new upgrades to the force feedback experience when playing ATS or ETS2. These changes have been made to represent a more realistic driving experience, which includes:

• New gearbox grind effect simulating vibration of missed gear when using manual shifting.
• New understeer slip effect simulating tyre slip when vehicle is understeering
• Revisited power steering curves and pressure gain of self centering effect to improve steering feel.
• Revisited internal friction force giving better feedback depending on the speed of steering.

Since self centering and internal friction were updated, we highly recommend that you reset the FFB settings to their defaults again.

Smart Sequential Shifting

Smart Sequential Shifting is now available to truckers, if they wish to enable it via the options. So what does it do? In simple terms, when you shift up or down sequentially, it will automatically shift by more gears at once based on the current torque or speed.

For this to work, drivers will still need to trigger the shifting process, but once working, should require less input from the driver.

Interior Camera Horizontal Lock

This new option allows truckers driving in the first person view (in the cabin) to lock the camera view to the horizon, so that it moves more independently from the position of the cabin.

With the introduction of this new feature, players can find a slider in the options that defines the locking factor; with the slider being to the left disabling the locking and to the right, being the strongest locking option.

Adjustable Suspension Height

Sometimes, when you are driving a big rig, trailer pick ups can be a bit tricky. Adjustable suspension height should help drivers eliminate the problem of hooking upto sometimes problematic trailers or in difficult pick up/delivery area.

Drivers now can lower the suspension of their truck to get the correct height for hooking up their trailer, without damaging it. Players will be able to find the inputs for this new adjustable suspension in the options. Its inputs are front up/down and rear up/down.

We have also included a new UI prompt which appears when the drivers are having trouble hooking up their trailers after a few attempts. We hope this makes picking up deliveries of any size easier in the future!

Ownable Drop Deck Trailers

In this update, we are happy to introduce a brand new ownable trailer type as well - the drop deck trailer! What makes this trailer special is the fact that it has a lower center of gravity, and it combines the advantages of flatbed and lowboy, which results in a flat surface and a high weight-bearing capacity.

It is perfect for hauling items and materials such as aircraft engines, backhoe loaders, forklifts and so much more. Also, because drop decks are low, we had to design new small tires, rims, nuts, and hubs, specifically for this trailer type.

In addition to having 3 customizable body types (wood floor, aluminum floor, sliding tarp) and 2 different chassis lengths (48ft or 53ft) with a choice of two, three, or four axles, here is a detailed list of everything you will be able to customize:

• Front walls
• Wind deflector
• Warning flags
• Aluminum boxes
• Chrome boxes
• Side markers
• Rear banners (long load, oversize load, wide load)
• Rear bumpers
• Mudflaps

We hope you enjoy trucking with this sturdy, reliable, and practical trailer type in the 1.44 update.

Cascadia MY2022 Interior Options

Among other changes arriving in American Truck Simulator in the 1.44 update, there will also be a rather small addition, that is technically actually bigger than it might seem. We are excited to let you know that we are bringing new interior options for Freightliner Cascadia trucks!

In total, there will be 3 new interior trims added for the Freightliner Cascadia in order to line-up with what they are now offering in real-life. The all-new trim designs will be available in all 4 cabin types. But we have also taken a step further with the 72" cabin versions because these trims will include a table with seats in the back as well!

We hope you enjoy trucking with these new interior options for the Cascadia. You can read more about the arrival of these new customizations at a previous dedicated blogpost here.

New Special Transport Routes

From oversized cargo to challenging routes, the Special Transport DLC offers players a unique trucking experience; and today we are happy to share that 8 new routes will be arriving to the roads American Truck Simulator in this update.

Much like our previous addition of new Special Transport routes to Euro Truck Simulator 2, our team wanted to bring new additional content for our drivers in ATS too! You can find these new contracts between:

Lewiston to Sandpoint
Burlington to Lamar
Salina to Cedar City
Omak to Yakima
Dalles to Salem
Santa Fe to Socorro
Cheyenne to Rock Springs
Winnemucca to Carson City

Think you can take on the challenge? Share with us your oversized trucking adventure on our Twitter, Facebook and Instagram!



• 2nd Phase of California Rework
• Border connections for several cities in New Mexico refreshed
• Some New Mexico cities received road network reworks
• Unmarked Road Exploration
• General Map Bug Fixes

• Mod Refund Feature
• Licensed vs Aftermarket UI in browsers
• Force Feedback Upgrade
• Adjustable Suspension Height
• Interior Camera Horizontal Lock
• Smart Sequential Shifting
• New Special Transport Routes

• New Freightliner Cascadia 2022 Interior Options
• Ownable Drop Deck Trailers

Published by Alex at 5/10/2022 10:23:00 AM
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