Vo Egipet sekojdnevno se pronaogaat grnci od Mikena.
Toa svedoci za silni vrski pomegu Egejot i KMT (Egipet).
Pelazgite se narodot koj go naseluval Egejot.
Vo eden period,koga Sea People izvrsile invazija na Turcija i Bliskiot Istok, nevozmozno e da ne ostanale tragi od nivniot pohod.
Arheoloskite naodi svedocat za metalnite orudija na Sea People.
Makedonija e poznata po naodite od Zeleznoto Vreme (terminot Makedonski Bronzi).
Vo EU,vo posoceniot period,NIKOJ ne izrabotuval takvi kvalitetni orudija-oruzja.
Za Sea People,ima sekakvi teorii,duri deka bile i svegani,Svedska e denes poznata po metalite,no ne i togas. (ova samo kako primer).
Najnovite arheo dokazi,posocuvaat deka Solomon nemal zlatni rudnici,tuku bakarni.
Toa znaci deka ne treba da se svakaat drevnite zapisi bukvalno.
Site odgovori se naogaat vo Pelazgite.
Treba da se sledi nivnata migracija,prvo kako Brigi-Frigi,kako Sea People,Muski,Fenikani i t.n.
Treba da se isfrlat mnogu "mitoloski" preselbi.
Prva i najznacajna e t.n. "dorska migracija".
Site onie koi vodele poteklo od Dan tribe,isto.
Ne moze naukata da kazuva deka Although the tribe of Dan settled the tel in the 11th century BCE, they did not leave any archeological remains. The city became prominent only after the death of King Solomon (928 BCE) when Israel was divided into two kingdoms..., a nie da barame poteklo na ojle-dojle od toa.
They want us to believe
to some lost myths
Some Moments of History
falsified and reviewed
From Ramsès to Mandela,
So manyunsaid truths
by ignoring the Starting point
we roam aimlessly
Makedaused to be a queen: beautiful and powerful
Salomon has dreamed about her black skin
I sing for the revival of memories
To exhume the knowledge
erased by the spiral of Time
The queen of Shiva lives in me
Makeda lives in me.
Revive our memories
The History has to be changed
It (History) goes adrift........
adrift to thePain
No, The knowledge and the wisdom
are reachable
Listen and observe …
Makeda used ot be a queen: beautiful and powerful
Salomon has dreamed about her black skin
I sing
for the revival of Memories
To exhume the knowledge
erased by the spiral of Time
The queen of Shiva lives in me
Makeda lives in me.
My people,
when they singing.
They exhale their Joy
Far frombeing ignorant, They demonstrate faith
Rich of people and values,
They will repair their Mistakes
Sons and daughters! you and me!
Ready to fight.
Makeda used to be a queen: beautiful and powerful
Salomon has dreamed about her black skin
I sing
for the revival of memories
To exhume the knowledge
erased by the spiral of Time
The queen of Shiva lives in me
Makeda lives in me.