Шарл Бодлер


Тастатурата е посилна од мечот!
Член од
21 јули 2009
Поени од реакции
Бодлер бил сатанист напишал и песна во која ја цлави Сатаната а у Албатрос се збори за правите луѓе кои не можат да се снајдат во толпата на глупаци.
Ако Шарл Бодлер бил Сатанист јас сум Синди Крафорд.

Си слушнал за симболизам?
Член од
20 март 2012
Поени од реакции
Ех, и после зошто форумов отиде по ѓаволите....за ваков великан нема ни две страни, а за некои глупости од типот Сораја или Карлеуша ќе се наполнат 30-тина страници, цццц...

Man and the Sea

Free man, you'll love the ocean endlessly!
It is your mirror, you observe your soul
In how its billows endlessly unroll
Your spirit's bitter depths are there to see.

You plunge in joy to your reflection's core,
With eyes and heart seizing it all along;
Your heart sometimes neglects its proper song
Distracted by the ocean's savage roar.

The two of you are subtle, shadowy:
Man, none has sounded your profound recess;
O sea, none knows the richness of your depths
Since you protect your secrets jealously!

And yet, because you both love death and strife,
You've fought each other through the endless years
With no remorse, without a pitying tear
Relentless brothers, enemies for life!

Get Drunk

Always be drunk.
That's it!
The great imperative!
In order not to feel
Time's horrid fardel
bruise your shoulders,
grinding you into the earth,
Get drunk and stay that way.
On what?
On wine, poetry, virtue, whatever.
But get drunk.
And if you sometimes happen to wake up
on the porches of a palace,
in the green grass of a ditch,
in the dismal loneliness of your own room,
your drunkenness gone or disappearing,
ask the wind,
the wave,
the star,
the bird,
the clock,
ask everything that flees,
everything that groans
or rolls
or sings,
everything that speaks,
ask what time it is;
and the wind,
the wave,
the star,
the bird,
the clock
will answer you:
"Time to get drunk!
Don't be martyred slaves of Time,
Get drunk!
Stay drunk!
On wine, virtue, poetry, whatever!"

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