Quotes, Цитати и Паметни Мисли
Гледам дека ваква тема ни е потребна овде. Знам барем два члена кои ќе ми се придружат постојано да го обогатуваме катчево.
"If the minimum wasn't acceptable, it wouldn't be called the minimum." - George Muncaster (Air Force Wisdom)
"There is one kind of robber that whom the law does not strike at, and who steals what is most precious to men: time." - Napoleon I
"When small men attempt great enterprises, they always end by reducing them to the level of their mediocrity." - Napoleon I
"Courage is like love, it must have hope for nourishment." - Napoleon I
"The battlefield is a scene of constant chaos, the winner will be the one who controls that chaos, both his own and the enemies." - Napoleon I
"Commitee: a group of men who individually can do nothing but as a group decide that nothing can be done" - Fred Allen (1984-1956)
"An incompetent attorney can delay a trial for months or years. A competent one can delay one ever longer." - W.S. Gilbert (1836-1911)
"A bank is a place when you lend your umbrela in fair weather, and ask for it back when it begins to rain." - Robert Frost
"Suburbea is where the developer bulldozes out the trees, then names the streets after them." - Bill Vaughan
"Organized crime in America takes in over fourty bilion dollars a year and spends very little office supplies." - Woody Allen
"Once you can accept the universe as matter expanding into nothing that is something, wearing stripes with plaid comes easy." - Albert Einstein
"The shortest distance between two points is always under construction." Noelie Altito
"Everything is funny as long it is happening to somebody else." - Jack Handey
"In a world of polution, profanity, adolescence, zits, broccoli, racism, ozone depletion, sexism, strupid guys and PMS, why the hell people tell me to have a nice day?" - Dan Quayle
"USA Today has come out with a new survey: Apparently, three out of four people make up 75 percent of the population." - David Letterman
"A single death is tragedy, a million deaths is statistic" - Joseph Stalin
"There will always be death and taxes, however, death doesn't get worse every year." - H.L. Mencken (1880-1956)
"A psychiatrist is a fellow who asks you a lot of expencive questions that your wife asks you for nothing" - Joey Adams
"Women need a reason to have sex - men just need a place!" - Billy Crystal
"I believe that sex is one of the most natural, wholesome things that money can buy!" - Steve Martin
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent" - Eleanor Roosevelt (1884 - 1962) *OBDN's favorite
"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." - Thomas Alva Edison (1874-1936)
"When you go into court you are putting your fate into the hands of twelfe people who weren't smart enough to get out of jury duty." - Norm Crosby
"Imagine what it would be if TV actually were good. It would be the end of everything we know." - Marvin Minksy
"Everyone has purpose in life. Perhaps yours is watching TV." - David Letterman (1947 - )
"The income tax law is a lot of bunk. The government can't collect legal taxes from illegal money." - Alphons Capone
"Any intelligen women who reads the marriage contract, and then goes into it, deserves all the consequences." - Isadora Duncan
"The art of medicine constists of amusing the patient while nature cures the disease." - Voltaire (1694 - 1778)