Ај не зафркавајте Бертранд и Хачинсон финале во ЛШ. Хачинсон прв старт во кариера=Финале ЛШ....
На оваа комбинација комотно може да ги стави и Трнбал,Ромеу,Пиазон,Феруз и ако губиме барем да губиме во стил....
--- надополнето: 10 мај 2012 во 12:54 ---
Tonight (Thursday),the club's in-house channel broadcasts the Chelsea Player of the Year Awards live,with cameras at Stamford Bridge to recognise the stars of a truly memorable campaign,which sees us in a 2nd Champions League Final and with our 4th FA Cup in 4 years already confirmed.The coverage begins at 8.30pm with before that at 8pm,the History of Player of the Year, a self-explanatory documentary looking back.
Who will win the coveted award,as well as the Goal of the Season and more awards besides?
--- надополнето: 10 мај 2012 во 13:00 ---