Фан Клуб: Рома

Член од
22 јануари 2005
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Капело и Раниери на Олимпико.

As reported by Sky Sports Italia journalist Gianluca Di Marzio Roma’s Davide Astori could be out of action for up to three weeks.

Roma blitzed CSKA Moscow in their opening group game in the Champions League but center back Astori suffered a knee distortion which could see the new signing miss up to 4 league games and Roma’s away trip to Manchester City in two weeks time. Along with Astori, Roma are also monitoring Juan Iturbe’s condition after the young Argentine was forced off the pitch last night with a muscular problem in his upper thigh.Training this morning commenced without Castan, Astori and Iturbe who are all now beginning recovery work.

CSKA Moscow midfielder Zoran Tosic spoke to UEFA.com this morning after last night’s 5-1 loss to the Giallorossi.

“Before the match, we knew we faced a team with a lot of quality and, unfortunately, we had a nightmarish start. After that, it was impossible to get back into the game because we did so much wrong. We made so many mistakes. We tried to do our best until the very end, but unfortunately the result was this and we have to forget it and focus on the next match. I don’t think it was only Gervinho who made the difference. I do not think we can only mention him. All of Roma played well.”

Mathias Sammer, the sporting director of Bayern Munich, admitted that Roma’s result over CSKA Moscow surprised him.

“I said before the match that City was a great opponent. I would have taken the 0-0, but I’m happy with the win. It’s given stability to the team, it was essential. Also, ours is a group that’s extremely difficult. Everything will be decided at the end. I think that, in the Champions League, so far, there has been no group stronger than ours. Manchester City and Roma are two excellent teams. The 5-1 of Roma over CSKA Moscow surprised me a bit. Maybe one is better than we expect and one is worse, I’ve probably misjudged.”
Член од
22 јануари 2005
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Rome's Stadio Olimpico will host one quarter-final and three group stage games at Euro 2020.

Latest on injuries: Castan out vs Cagliari and Parma. Iturbe 2-4 weeks possible, Astori & Borriello up to a month.

Boom Shaka Lakka

Silence!! .. I kill you!
Член од
29 август 2008
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не разбрале убаво медиумите, Руди е бисексуалец ..

има тајна врска со Лотито
Rome's Stadio Olimpico will host one quarter-final and three group stage games at Euro 2020.

Latest on injuries: Castan out vs Cagliari and Parma. Iturbe 2-4 weeks possible, Astori & Borriello up to a month.
не навасаа повреди, чудно ми е, никогаш во Рома не сме имале ваква ситуација, 4-ти штопера, два се повредени, а и Манолас се жалел на задната ложа .. Кастан требаше да се врати, а абер нема и дури уште 2-3 недели ќе биде аут, ц ц ц ..[DOUBLEPOST=1411148006][/DOUBLEPOST]One of Europe's best entertainment spots' - Pallotta presents Roma's spectacular stadium plans

The club president has spoken exclusively to Goal to underline the vision behind a facility that has been described as 'the most exciting project in a long, long time'

By Kris Voakes | International Football Correspondent
Roma’s new 52,500 capacity stadium is set to be an iconic symbol of modern football, with club president James Pallotta telling Goal that the very best provisions available will help to make it a venue to rival any in the world.

The Stadio della Roma on the main route through to the centre of Rome from Fiumicino airport was recently given the go-ahead from the local council after a long consultation process, and Pallotta is thrilled to finally get the all clear.

“We’ve been putting this together for two and a half years. It has been something that we have worked on in the background, and we even presented it in the spring,” Pallotta told Goal.

“We have put hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars into infrastructure. So in terms of traffic concerns, we’re changing the roads there, we’re putting in a pedestrian bridge over the river, we’re spending €50m on the metro station, and it goes on and on and on.

“We’ve got a lot of intelligence in US stadiums, with traffic flows and things that we’ve worked hard on. We had one of the top traffic consultants in the world working on this for the last two years with us also.”

After a lengthy period attempting to locate a suitable site, the Tor di Valle area was chosen at the perfect spot for the multi-million euro venue, and Pallotta insists that no stone has been left unturned in making the arena the best in the business.

“This particular piece of land was the old hippodrome, so it has been used for sports before. This will be a much bigger and more populated facility and it will end up being one of the premier entertainment spots in Europe too, with AEG – which owns the O2 Arena in London – as our partner in the stadium. And there are other partnerships we are putting together,” Pallotta continued.

“So when we did these studies we used the best traffic people in the world, we have used Goldman [Sachs] on the financing side, we have used DLA Piper who are the best in stadium legal work. Across the board, all of our stuff has been done with the best at doing these things. And AEG say it is the most exciting project they have done in a long, long time.”

Thumbs up | Pallotta is delighted that stadium plans have been approved by the council
There has been some concern showed in reports from Italy, with suggestions that the proximity to the River Tiber may be an issue. But Pallotta says that far from it being a negative factor, this could help the club to get even more people through the turnstiles.
“The river is a positive for us, as the Italian government is giving a large amount of money to redo the airport in Rome, and Etihad – which is one of the best airlines in the world – is going to sink billions into it. So the capacity of the airport will go from about 30-odd million to 60 million, and the first stop on the train line which we are fixing up is for our stadium.

“There will be the ring road, the high-speed train line and then there will be a lower-speed local train line. Plus, we’re on the river and one of the things Rome wants to do is actually use that river to get people from the airport to the centre of town because it is deep enough and wide enough to start bringing boats in for transportation across the board, which will be pretty cool too. We’re also building a beautiful 50-acre park alongside the river on top of that.

“It is not going to be easy, but we’re working hard at it.”

And speculation won’t help matters. Reports in the capital have suggested that the stadium will be the property of Pallotta himself rather than the club. But the president insists that is not the case and he has explained as much to local politicians who were confused by the process involved in ridding the club itself of financial liabilities.

“The team owns the stadium in effect; the money flows to it. The issue when you are financing a stadium is that because of the costs of construction, you don’t want to put liability onto a club. No team does that in the United States.

“The only team that has done it opposite to that way for some funky reasons was Juventus. But that excepted, there’s no stadium with which the team has that ownership structure, and it’s not for taxes it’s for liability.

Stadio della Roma | The facility could be extended to 60,000 capacity for large events
“You don’t want to have a situation where the stadium is not doing well and the people who are at the stadium can call and take away a team, in effect.
“So it has to get financed separately but at the end of the day it is owned by the investors in Roma, not by Jim Pallotta. I have a big piece of Roma, and I have a piece of the holding company, but so do a bunch of other people.”

Pallotta continues: “Even after construction there is a flow that goes up to the holding company in effect, but you never want to have one of those a potential liability for the other. You never want to do it the other way and have the team as a liability for the stadium, nor do you want the stadium liable for the team.

“We won’t get stuff financed unless we have a structure like this. So it’s not us trying to get the benefit of it, it flows up to the shareholders of Roma who just put in their money from the bank. It’s all the investors who have been putting money into Roma over the past three years who own the team, and the ownership of the stadium too.

“It is only set up the way it is structurally because of financing and liability. We have had to explain that to politicians left and right in order to get approval.”

The stadium alone will not be enough to propel Roma to the top of the game, of course, and Pallotta is as keen as anyone to build a successful team to mirror to the positive steps being taken off the field.

“Our aspirations are to become one of the best teams in the world and you don’t get from A to Z in the couple of years since I’ve taken over. There’s a lot to do.

“The most important thing is to put a good team on the pitch first and foremost, and I think we’re on the way to doing that. But in terms of all the other stuff there’s a long way to go.

“To use a baseball metaphor, we have the second man up in the first innings. We’ve got significant plans on how to get there and as I say it’s going to take a long time.

“Rome wasn’t built in a day, right?!”
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Highbury–the Home of Football
Член од
6 март 2010
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Како одигра штоперското дуо? Посебно ме интересира Манолас како одигра,зошто оваа црчугата ја знам од БПЛ. И што е со Кастан,повреден е?
Член од
22 јануари 2005
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Како одигра штоперското дуо? Посебно ме интересира Манолас како одигра,зошто оваа црчугата ја знам од БПЛ. И што е со Кастан,повреден е?
Манолас беше одличен, како и секоја утакмица досега.
Мапу прво полувреме имаше неколку кикса, играше како со трема. Второ беше солиден.

Boom Shaka Lakka

Silence!! .. I kill you!
Член од
29 август 2008
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Како одигра штоперското дуо? Посебно ме интересира Манолас како одигра,зошто оваа црчугата ја знам од БПЛ. И што е со Кастан,повреден е?
сега баш сакав да пишам за "црнчугата", одигра одлично Мбива, се ми се чини дека ќе испадне бољи играч од Астори, подобро ја цени играта, не се истрчува, не паничи има техника знае да се снајде и во лоши ситуации и добро да ја изнесе топката за разлика од Давиде Астори кој во сите овие работи е послаб, можеби единствена предност на Астори е играта во воздушен дуел, можеби подобар е во скок и знае да се загради, а и има големо искуство во Сериа А. Сепак до сега кога е бил Астори во игра некако несигурно ми се понаша за разлика од Мапу.

Манолас е приказна за себе, страшен играч, комплетна замена за Бенатија, игра до сега без грешка и ќе биде подобар и подобар. Уште кога дојде на прес беше кажал: "заборавете го мароканецот, јас сум иднината". Ми се свиѓа што вака самоуверено се понаша, како на терен, така и надвор од теренот. Манолас и Кастан ќе ни бидат првиот избор на штоперските позиции, Кастан е повреден и се враќа за две недели, едвај чекам да ги видам како ќе функционираат заедно.
Како и да е, имаме 4-ца штопери и никој од нив не е слаб, Рома никогаш не е имала 4 добри штопери, плус тука е и Де Роси доколку некогаш зашкрипи.
Член од
22 јануари 2005
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сега баш сакав да пишам за "црнчугата", одигра одлично Мбива, се ми се чини дека ќе испадне бољи играч од Астори, подобро ја цени играта, не се истрчува, не паничи има техника знае да се снајде и во лоши ситуации и добро да ја изнесе топката за разлика од Давиде Астори кој во сите овие работи е послаб, можеби единствена предност на Астори е играта во воздушен дуел, можеби подобар е во скок и знае да се загради, а и има големо искуство во Сериа А. Сепак до сега кога е бил Астори во игра некако несигурно ми се понаша за разлика од Мапу.

Манолас е приказна за себе, страшен играч, комплетна замена за Бенатија, игра до сега без грешка и ќе биде подобар и подобар. Уште кога дојде на прес беше кажал: "заборавете го мароканецот, јас сум иднината". Ми се свиѓа што вака самоуверено се понаша, како на терен, така и надвор од теренот. Манолас и Кастан ќе ни бидат првиот избор на штоперските позиции, Кастан е повреден и се враќа за две недели, едвај чекам да ги видам како ќе функционираат заедно.
Како и да е, имаме 4-ца штопери и никој од нив не е слаб, Рома никогаш не е имала 4 добри штопери, плус тука е и Де Роси доколку некогаш зашкрипи.
Се гледа дека е технички добар. Снажен е како тенк. Може Руди да го рехабилитира, како уште да има ПТСД од Њукасл.

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Highbury–the Home of Football
Член од
6 март 2010
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Во Франција имаше страшна сезона кога освоија Монпеље,го бараа многу клубови меѓу кои и мој Арсенал.Имаше сезона во Њукалс,не е лош,добар е,а и плус што го има за требер Гарсија.Французин,играч од Француска лига има потенцијал да стане одличен.Гарсија ќе го направи,никој друг.

И желба ми е после Венгер да дојде или Клоп или Гарсија.Повеќе Гарсија,да се продолжи француската крв во Арсенал. :)

Boom Shaka Lakka

Silence!! .. I kill you!
Член од
29 август 2008
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кога веќе го спомна Лотито :pos:
постигна гол и отиде да го прослави со баба му, жената потоа плачеше од радост, нормално си заработи жолт картон:)[DOUBLEPOST=1411394890][/DOUBLEPOST]
Како одигра штоперското дуо? Посебно ме интересира Манолас како одигра,зошто оваа црчугата ја знам од БПЛ. И што е со Кастан,повреден е?
друже ти за Арсенал си и го сакаш Тоти или изгуби кладба?:D[DOUBLEPOST=1411395538][/DOUBLEPOST]Е ај ќе се заебавамо:cool:
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