Фан Клуб: Рома

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22 јануари 2005
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James Pallotta on Strootman - “There has been non stop reporting in UK newspapers about Kevin Strootman and Manchester United. Kevin Strootman is not for sale and has never ever been discussed in that vein at Roma. They are wasting paper. We consider Kevin an integral highly valued partner in our long term plans.”

Итурбе, Астори, Кастан, Де Роси и Стротман се повредени во моментов. Многу лошо. Се надевам барем некој од нив да е спремен за мечот со Сити.

Rudi Garcia Concerned About Roma's Injury Situation

10 goals in the league and Champions League with only one conceded, great maturity from a team that knows how to manage a game and their energies. Is the fixture pile-up affecting you?

Yes, particularly when it's 30 degrees like today. Sometimes we have to keep the ball to recover our energy. We started excellently with Destro and Florenzi's goals, and the statistics say that we're league leaders without conceding a goal. It was a good afternoon for us.​

Could you turn a blind eye to Florenzi's yellow card?

No, he'll pay the fine but I think he'll pay it happily. That image was a beautiful image for football, beautiful, with his happy and emotional grandmother. I'm happy to see that in football now, that's what football's about.​

How is De Rossi? Are you worried about the number of injuries? Are they down to chance or because there are so many games?

I hope it's just chance, at least it allows other players to play. We're hoping that the injured players come back soon because we have a lot of games and playing them without them would be dangerous. I don't know about Daniele, we'll see tomorrow - you always have to wait a day or two for muscle injuries.​


Boom Shaka Lakka

Silence!! .. I kill you!
Член од
29 август 2008
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James Pallotta on Strootman - “There has been non stop reporting in UK newspapers about Kevin Strootman and Manchester United. Kevin Strootman is not for sale and has never ever been discussed in that vein at Roma. They are wasting paper. We consider Kevin an integral highly valued partner in our long term plans.”

Итурбе, Астори, Кастан, Де Роси и Стротман се повредени во моментов. Многу лошо. Се надевам барем некој од нив да е спремен за мечот со Сити.

Rudi Garcia Concerned About Roma's Injury Situation

10 goals in the league and Champions League with only one conceded, great maturity from a team that knows how to manage a game and their energies. Is the fixture pile-up affecting you?

Yes, particularly when it's 30 degrees like today. Sometimes we have to keep the ball to recover our energy. We started excellently with Destro and Florenzi's goals, and the statistics say that we're league leaders without conceding a goal. It was a good afternoon for us.​
Could you turn a blind eye to Florenzi's yellow card?

No, he'll pay the fine but I think he'll pay it happily. That image was a beautiful image for football, beautiful, with his happy and emotional grandmother. I'm happy to see that in football now, that's what football's about.​

How is De Rossi? Are you worried about the number of injuries? Are they down to chance or because there are so many games?

I hope it's just chance, at least it allows other players to play. We're hoping that the injured players come back soon because we have a lot of games and playing them without them would be dangerous. I don't know about Daniele, we'll see tomorrow - you always have to wait a day or two for muscle injuries.​

Навистина многу повреди, Де Роси, Кастан,Итурбе и Астори, тоа се едни од главните играчи. За Сити се надевам барем Кастан и Де Роси да се вратат, нормално би сакал и Итурбе да е тука, но овие двајца се приоритет. За брзо време имаме утакмица и со Јувентус, оваа година не сме тенки на клупата, но сепак главните утакмици ми е мерак со полн состав да ги играме.
Член од
22 јануари 2005
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Навистина многу повреди, Де Роси, Кастан,Итурбе и Астори, тоа се едни од главните играчи. За Сити се надевам барем Кастан и Де Роси да се вратат, нормално би сакал и Итурбе да е тука, но овие двајца се приоритет. За брзо време имаме утакмица и со Јувентус, оваа година не сме тенки на клупата, но сепак главните утакмици ми е мерак со полн состав да ги играме.
Е тоа е. Се надевав барем со Јуве да сме во полн состав, ама тешко.

Гарсија денес потврди дека Де Роси ќе е аут до средината на октомври, што значи ќе ги пропушти утакмиците со Сити и Јувентус.

И од денес Кеита ни е трет капитен. Ако Тоти не е стартер со Парма значи Кеита ќе ја носи капитенската лента.

Boom Shaka Lakka

Silence!! .. I kill you!
Член од
29 август 2008
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Е тоа е. Се надевав барем со Јуве да сме во полн состав, ама тешко.

Гарсија денес потврди дека Де Роси ќе е аут до средината на октомври, што значи ќе ги пропушти утакмиците со Сити и Јувентус.

И од денес Кеита ни е трет капитен. Ако Тоти не е стартер со Парма значи Кеита ќе ја носи капитенската лента.

:facepalm:[DOUBLEPOST=1411497385][/DOUBLEPOST]Hrvat u Ligi prvaka: Pratio sam Inter, a završio u Romi
Silvio Anočić debitirao je za Romu u juniorskoj LP, a Osijek ga je prodao za 150.000 eura

22.9.2014. 16:51:08
U Osijeku za mene nisu imali u planu profesionalni ugovor, a sada svaki dan u kampu viđam Francesca Tottija...

Proteklog tjedna odigrani su prvi dvoboji i u 1. kolu juniorske Lige prvaka. Hrvatska u tom natjecanju nema svog predstavnika, ali naš je nogomet i tu predstavljen sa tri igrača. Robert Murić član je Ajaxa, Domagoj Drožđek igra za Borussiju Dortmund, a Silvio Anočić nastupa za Romu.

Silvio Anočić je mladi igrač koji je ovoga ljeta napustio redove Osijeka, te se zaputio u Romu. Igra na poziciji lijevoga beka, a prošao je i sve dosadašnje selekcije Hrvatske. Silvio Anočić s talijanskim je velikanom potpisao trogodišnji ugovor, a do mladog talenta došli smo posredstvom njegovog menadžeraMiroslava Bičanića...

"Nakon isteka stipendijskog ugovora čelnici Osijeka nisu imali pravi plan, nisu Anočiću ponudili profesionalni ugovor. Tada se javila Roma i Anočić se zaputio u Italiju" kazao je za Goal Miroslav Bičanić, te nadodao kako je Osijek za usluge mladog igrača inkasirao 150 tisuća eura.

"Osijek je prema naknadi za treniranje i razvoj mladog igrača trebao dobiti 100 tisuća eura, ali kako je riječ o mom bivšem klubu, uspjeli smo se nagoditi i Osijeku omogućiti dodatan novac" zaključio je Bičanić.

Silvio Anočić dolazi iz Narda, simpatičnog mjestašca nedaleko od Valpova. U Osijeku je bio predvodnik sjajne generacije 1997. godišta, no čelnici prvoligaša s Drave nisu imali dovoljno razumijevanja za razvoj mladog igrača...

"Dolazak u Romu za mene je ostvarenje sna. Veliki užitak, ali i zadovoljstvo je biti dio ovoga kluba, pravog velikana talijanskog i europskog nogometa. Prvi dojmovi su fantastični, iznenađen sam gotovo svime. Veličinom kluba, uvjetima za treniranje, cjelokupnom klupskom organizacijom. Baš sam oduševljen, dolazak u Romu za mene je bio pravi potez" sretnim se glasom javio Silvio Anočić, koji je bio na meti brojnih talijanskih klubova:

"Pa i mene je malo iznenadio ovaj interes Rome. Mnogo se pisalo, pogotovo u talijanskim medijima, kako me želi Atalanta, no onda je uslijedio poziv Rome. Kako u Osijeku za mene nisu u planu imali profesionalni ugovor lakoćom smo se odlučili za dolazak u Romu. Ovdje sam potpisao trogodišnji ugovor, a priznajem kako je i ponuda Rome bila korektna i konkretna."

OK, je li Roma oduvijek jedan od vaših favorita u Serie A? Ili ste bili fan nekog drugog talijanskog kluba?

"Recimo da mi je Roma oduvijek bila jedan od najdražih klubova. No, iskreno, u posljednje sam vrijeme više pratio Inter, posebice otkako je Mateo Kovačić otišao tamo. Ali, ne brinite sve znam o Romi."

Kako izgleda jedan vaš "radni dan" u Rimu?

"Živim u klupskom kampu koji je zaista fantastičan i pruža mi sve uvjete za normalan život. Treniramo jednom dnevno, poslijepodne, dok u jutarnjem terminu pohađam školu. Nema nikakvih problema, moram završiti srednju školu. Polako učim i talijanski jezik, srećom svi u klubu imaju strpljenja sa mnom. Ljudi su razumni, vjeruju u mene i pružaju mi podršku. To je najvažnije".

Jeste li razgovarali s trenerom prve momčadi Rudijem Garcijom? Možda čak i upoznali Francesca Tottija?

"Haha, nisam. Svaki dan vidim i trenera Garciju i sve igrače prve momčadi Rome jer su oni također većinom u tom klupskom kampu. U prolazu se znamo pozdraviti, ali ništa više od toga."

Kakva je mlada momčad Rome? Ima li pravih igrača?

"Momčad je vrlo dobra, a imamo jednog zaista čudesnog igrača. Zove se Daniele Verde, igra desno krilo, i ne znam što se mora dogoditi da on ne postane pravi igrač. Ima odličan udarac, strašan dribling. Često se sukobljavamo na treninzima, zanimljivi su to dvoboji."

Što vam donosi budućnost?

"Nadam se da ću kroz godinu-dvije početi trenirati s prvom momčadi, tada vjerojatno potpisati i novi ugovor. Volio bih godinama ostati ovdje, riječ je o sjajnom klubu koji nudi veliku perspektivu. Uživam ovdje, od nas se očekuju što bolji rezultati, ali nema nekakvog velikog pritiska".

Kako su roditelji reagirali na vaš odlazak u Rim?

"Evo, do sada su bili kod mene zajedno s kumovima. A gledajte, kada mi Osijek nije ponudio profesionalni ugovor mi smo znali da ću karijeru nastaviti u inozemstvu. I spremali smo se na takav scenarij. Ali, ni prije nisam toliko ovisio o roditeljima, u Osijeku sam također živio sam. S time nemam nikakvih problema." zaključio je Anočić za Goal.

Hrvatski nogomet očito ne treba brinuti za budućnost. I ovaj najmlađi naraštaj (1997. godište) hrvatskom je nogometu već dala Ćorića (Dinamo), Brodića (Club Brugge), Dabru (Fiorentina), a sada i Anočića (Roma)... Igrače velike perspektive i sjajnih mogućnosti.
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Ѓорче 1932

тој сум...
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17 февруари 2009
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ја најдов на интернет,мошне интересна слика.

Флоренци го прославува својот гол со својата баба,која е страствен навивач на Рома :)

Boom Shaka Lakka

Silence!! .. I kill you!
Член од
29 август 2008
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ја најдов на интернет,мошне интересна слика.

Флоренци го прославува својот гол со својата баба,која е страствен навивач на Рома :)
интересен гест, жената потоа се утепа од плачење :)[DOUBLEPOST=1411579708][/DOUBLEPOST]Нашата формација, тактика и игра полека станува енигма за аналитичарите:icon_lol:

Does Roma have a formation?
Roma have already defined themselves as a dominant force. But Andrea Tallarita thinks their tactics are more enigmatic than they seem...

Sometimes it helps to go back to the more basic questions. In the case of Roma, watching any of their starting line-ups, one may barely question what formation it is that they're fielding. It's obviously a 4-3-3.

It may be worth revising that notion. For one thing, it's usually inaccurate. In the match against CSKA Moscow, and likewise in the season opener against Fiorentina, Roma's forward trident was presented with Gervinho on the left, Francesco Totti in the middle, and Juan Iturbe on the right. It goes without saying that a footballer can always be expected to drift in and out of his position at different parts of the game, even in the simplest teams, but those three players took it to a whole new level – none of them ever cleaved to the areas where they'd been assigned. Totti, in particular, played as a right winger against Fiorentina and as a central midfielder against CSKA.

His fellow strikers were also see-sawing from one side of the pitch to the next. When Iturbe scored the opener against CSKA, his position was that of a central prima punta, while Gervinho served him from the left. Then Iturbe moved on to the right wing and served Gervinho, now in the middle. But for the 4-0 goal, Gervinho descended from the right flank instead, and for the second goal against Cagliari last Sunday he was overlapping with Mattia Destro as the frontman, before passing the ball to Alessandro Florenzi. Let's not even begin on how much back-tracking both players do and how much of their game is spent in the midfield.

We mentioned in the past that one of Roma's strengths is the way that its forwards constantly switch positions with each other. That view was based on an assumption which should perhaps be reconsidered – it may be that Roma's strikers simply do not have a position in the first place. They may be told something as elementary as ‘watch where your companions are, and place yourself accordingly’. The exception to this is Destro, who is a classical poacher and seldom operates out of his central position. Perhaps this is the reason Rudi Garcia has so far denied him Champions League time, and why the player threw his bib away in frustration when he was subbed off against Cagliari – he simply has some trouble fitting into the system.

The midfielders are likewise interchangeable in terms of position. Looking at the heat-map of Daniele De Rossi, Radja Nainggolan, Miralem Pjanic or Seydou Keita shows that they are all over the place. But this is nothing new – in any 4-3-3, the trio in the middle is expected to cover a wide variety of roles. There is less space for bipolar duos of regista / mediano, or specialist wingers – instead, all three players must contribute to all parts of the game.

Now, going so far as to say that Roma have no formation at all may be a bit of a stretch. After all, their defence is still very traditionally organised, and the tactical originality of their play should not be overstated – as we mentioned, it is characteristic of all 4-3-3 formations to include midfielders that constantly cover each other. But the fact remains that watching those team arrangements before the match – on screen or on paper – is more likely to mislead than to illuminate. One of the reasons CSKA suffered such a drumming may be the fact that they were expecting to play a more traditional 4-3-3, only to be confronted with a team that seemed to constantly turn from 4-3-3 to 4-4-2, to 4-2-3-1, to 4-6-0, depending on the circumstance.

Rudi Garcia, by design or serendipity, may just have stumbled on Serie A's most innovative tactical set-up in many a year – a team based around flexible and highly creative players with the ability and the bravado to constantly switch positions. A team that, at least from the midfield-line upwards, has no formation. While this is still conjecture, it may clarify some aspects of Garcia's game, including his obsession with a spine of players – starting from the central defenders, knitted closely with whichever midfielder is holding back and linking up with them – that are as good at passing as they are at man-marking and tackling. Strong ball distribution usually starts from the midfield to support the dynamism of the offence – in Roma's case, it starts from the defence to support that same process in the team as a whole.

It also explains why a team as apparently rigid in its tactics as Roma is so successful. Typically, big teams are able to switch formations to adapt to different situations. Roma have side-stepped the problem by providing almost infinite variety within the same formation. As we often say here, it's early to say whether this was Garcia's design from the outset or the natural chemistry that developed between such iconoclastic players – it's probably a bit of both. But judging by the games so far, it certainly works. It works like a charm.
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Boom Shaka Lakka

Silence!! .. I kill you!
Член од
29 август 2008
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laroma24.it - Volkswagen have ended their partnership agreement with Roma, new agreement to be signed with Citroen.
од каде ова испадна? пред малку нешто видов како швабите станале спонзори и на Фиорентина, а незнаев дека раскинале со Рома?

Еве го официјалниот состав за вечер, доволен за победа, ќе видиме новото засилување Холебас како ќе се покаже


PARMA (4-3-3) 83 Mirante; 4 Mendes, 15 Costa, 6 Lucarelli, 18 Gobbi; 21 Lodi, 30 Acquah, 80 Jorquera; 5 Ghezzal, 17 Palladino, 99 Cassano.

ROMA (4-3-3) 26 De Sanctis; 13 Maicon, 44 Manolas, 2 Yanga Mbiwa, 25 Holebas; 15 Pjanic, 20 Keita, 4 Nainggolan; 27 Gervinho, 8 Ljajic, 10 Totti.
Член од
22 јануари 2005
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ROMA (4-3-3):
De Sanctis;
Torosidis, Manolas, Mapou, Cholevas;
Nainngolan, Keita, Pjanic;
Gervinho, Totti, Ljajic
Член од
22 јануари 2005
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од каде ова испадна? пред малку нешто видов како швабите станале спонзори и на Фиорентина, а незнаев дека раскинале со Рома?
Laroma24 објавија први за тоа. Обично се во право, блиски се клубот, но сепак уште не е официјално.

Boom Shaka Lakka

Silence!! .. I kill you!
Член од
29 август 2008
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прекрасна асистенција на Тоти и добра завршница на Љајич .. Тоти цар, за 2-3 минути со прекрасна индивидуална игра и потези направи на Енио Тардини да ечи "Ун Капитано че соло ун Капитано", ѕвер !!
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