Фан Клуб: Манчестер Јунајтед


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Член од
29 јануари 2007
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So there you have it. Peter Schmeichel's return as an MUFC ambassador is agreed.
Член од
10 декември 2010
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Oliver Norwood just confirmed on his twitter page, that he won't be signing a new deal at United and will indeed be leaving.
Член од
4 декември 2009
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Се работи за сериозна повреда за Вил Кин, најверојатно ќе отсуствува 9 месеци поради лигаментите на коленото, САФ потврди дека е лоша повреда, стварно штета.

Кушчак е ослободен како и Овен.


Патник, педер, поет, администратор, масон
Член од
29 јануари 2007
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:( каква сезона имаше , како ја заврши :(((
Член од
5 февруари 2009
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Навистина ми е многу жал за КИн каква сезона имаше со резервите и вака да ја заврши :(. Се надевам дека ќе се врати до повредата посилен и ќе продолжи со добрите игри па од 2013/14 да почне да добива шанса и за првиот тим.


идол на младите
Член од
25 декември 2007
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Греота чоекот, јас бев убеден дека ќе биде боље од буфон :icon_lol: а за вил кин не се разочарувајте толку ко вие да сте скршиле нога, па така се расте мајку му ...
Член од
25 јули 2010
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UNITED will complete the signing of Japanese star Shinji Kagawa next week.

United have agreed a fee with Borussia Dortmund of around £14m, which may rise to £20m depending on appearances and add-ons.
Kagawa, 23, is on international duty with Japan – who face World Cup home qualifiers against Oman and Jordan over the next week – and has been unable to discuss terms.
But the attacking midfielder is expected to agree a five-year contract worth £60,000 a week when he returns to Manchester for further talks.
Sir Alex Ferguson has pressed ahead with the move after losing out to Chelsea in the race to sign Eden Hazard.
Член од
25 јули 2010
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Manchester United star Nani has confessed he could quit Old Trafford. Nani said he could leave after five glorious years, as talks over a new contract appear to have hit a deadlock. The 25-year-old winger said: “I have had five seasons at Manchester United and have won all the titles. "Now I am really happy, but I don’t know about my future. "Now I will study opportunities. Football is not only about England or Spain. It is possible to enjoy success in other countries. “My agent is waiting on news about United. We have presented a counter-offer and now we are waiting on an offer from the club.”
It will be a huge blow for United to see the future of a player who also claimed he is alongside fellow Portugal international Cristiano Ronaldo as one of the best in the world thrown into doubt.
Nani’s warning comes on top of them missing out on the Premier League title on the final day of the campaign. The winger told Portuguese television station RTP: “It was a great pain to miss the Premier League title in the final minutes of the match. City were incredible with their luck. “I can only hope that this Euro Championship is my Euro, and I am working hard for that with Portugal. “My challenge is to be the best, be the number one and show that on the field.
"Myself and Cristiano make up two of the best wingers in the world and our statistics for our club show that.”
Член од
2 јули 2010
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Manchester United star Nani has confessed he could quit Old Trafford. Nani said he could leave after five glorious years, as talks over a new contract appear to have hit a deadlock. The 25-year-old winger said: “I have had five seasons at Manchester United and have won all the titles. "Now I am really happy, but I don’t know about my future. "Now I will study opportunities. Football is not only about England or Spain. It is possible to enjoy success in other countries. “My agent is waiting on news about United. We have presented a counter-offer and now we are waiting on an offer from the club.”
It will be a huge blow for United to see the future of a player who also claimed he is alongside fellow Portugal international Cristiano Ronaldo as one of the best in the world thrown into doubt.
Nani’s warning comes on top of them missing out on the Premier League title on the final day of the campaign. The winger told Portuguese television station RTP: “It was a great pain to miss the Premier League title in the final minutes of the match. City were incredible with their luck. “I can only hope that this Euro Championship is my Euro, and I am working hard for that with Portugal. “My challenge is to be the best, be the number one and show that on the field.
"Myself and Cristiano make up two of the best wingers in the world and our statistics for our club show that.”
Нека ми гризне од ваквово...циго.
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4 декември 2009
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Нови договори им се понудени на Блекет, Хендри, Лоренс, Форнасиер, Фрајерс, Петручи, Торп, Погба, Весели, Норвуд, Блекет. Норвуд го одбил договорот, се работело за едно годишен договор, исто така му бил понуден нов договор и на Метју Џејмс но тој исто го одбил и беше продаден во Лестер со Де Лает. Се надевам дека ќе успееме да ги задржиме Фрајерс, Петручи, Торп. Погба е прича за себе.

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