Фан Клуб: Барселона

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I am not in danger, I am the danger!
Член од
17 ноември 2008
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Па може вака да се направи Анри е ионака стар Иниеста да иде на негово место,Туре на местото на Иниеста и Маскерано на позицијата ДМ знаеме Туре дека има одлични способности за во напад така да ќе се снајде сигурно на таа позиција ама и овака не е лошо да се земе некоја замена за Анри пример Мата може или некој друг така помлад кој ќе го заменува Анри.


Член од
26 февруари 2009
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hmm da da znaci Henry ke odmori povekje a Iniesta ke igra kako levo krilo a Mashcherano ke igra u sredina...DMF bidejki Toure moze da igra na mestoto na Iniesta


Член од
5 мај 2009
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Ако дојде Маскерано би било Вака :


Чави + може да игра и АМ ке прави добри асистенции а овие во нападов ке се Отепаат од Голови.

Резерви преостануваат:

Pinto, Jorquera. Голмани
Henrique, Markez, Milito, Maxwell. Одбрана
Busquets, Keita. Средина
Henry, Bojan. Напад

Супер ке си биде за оваа Сезона.:smir:
Член од
27 ноември 2008
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Кај ти се Гудјонсен и Педро??


Traumatic Playground
Член од
31 јануари 2007
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И мислам дека Муниеса ќе тренира со првиот тим сезонава:pipi:


Член од
5 мај 2009
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Кај ти се Гудјонсен и Педро??
Ги Заборавив, ама Гудјонсен не ни верувам дека ке остане, што знам.
За Педро мислам дека најдобро му е Позајмица некаде во некој шпански клуб.


Не ми штима Иниеста да игра во напад. Оваа година имавме прилики да го гледаме на местото на Анри, али многу потешко се снаоѓа таму.


Lionel Andress Messi
Член од
12 април 2008
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Los Angeles welcomes the Treble-winners

David Saura (enviat especial)

The Treble-winners have arrived in Los Angeles for the start of the 2009 summer tour of North America. Barça are back in the Californian city after a three-year absence.

The Barça party landed in Los Angeles at 2 pm local time after a twelve-hour flight during which the players dozed, played cards and watched the film ‘Australia.

Barça last visited this famous Californian city in 2006 on the back of the Club’s triumphs in the League and Champions League and after a brief stop in Monterrey (México) to play a friendly against América.

This time Los Angeles is the first stop on the tour and the players are here with not just two trophies under their arms but all three. The three trophies have been transported along with the squad in reinforced boxes and will be put on display wherever the team play.

Strict passport controls

After going through some vigorous passport checks at the airport, the 26 players went straight to the Hotel SLS in glamorous Beverly Hills, which forms part of a vast LA metropolitan area home to some 13 million inhabitants.

Пристигнавме во Лос Анџелес!


На Википедија напишано е дека и Касерес е на позајмица во Јуве и Хлеб на позајмица во Штутгарт


10 things you have to know about Ibrahimovic:

1 - He is of Bosnian (father Šefik) and Croatian (mother Jurka) descent born on October 3, 1981 in Malmo, Sweden, and a Muslim by religion.

2 - His wife Helena Seger is a model and airline executive 11 years his senior with whom he has two sons, Maximilian and Vincent.

3 - He speaks five languages - Swedish, English, Bosnian, Italian, and Dutch.

4 - He has 11 tattoos, most of them relating to his family and his spiritual beliefs, the most prominent of which is a chinese dragon drawn on the right side of his body.

5 - He has a passion for martial arts and counts as one of his idols Mirko Filipovic (also known as Mirko Cro Cop), a former Croatian law enforcement officer turned kickboxer and mixed martial artist.

6 - His boyhood footballing hero was the Brazilian Ronaldo, filling the walls of his room in Malmo with posters of the former Inter and Barcelona player. He finally met Ronaldo during his first Milan derby where, before the game, he simply stood on the pitch watching Ronaldo warm up. Watch their first encounter .

7 - At the UEFA EURO 2004, he scored a goal against Italy with a special kind of heel kick. He jumped in the box and kicked the ball into the net with a side movement of his lower leg and foot. He later said in an interview that the move was inspired by taekwondo lessons he took in his youth. Watch a video of the goal .

8 - Asked why he dribbles so much, he reportedly once said: "Ever since I started playing football, people have told me to dribble less. I won't have that in the school (that I'm building in Sweden). That's pretty basic - if a guy has something, don't take that from him."

9 - He taught himself to play ball on an old gravel pitch outside his mother's house. After he turned professional it was completely remade with rubber grounds sponsored by Nike. The goals have been painted in gold in honour of his name which means "golden".

10 - He scored a total of 9 goals in his first 2 games with Ajax. In his first Champions League game, he scored twice against Olympique Lyonnaise. He scored twice in his debut in the Swedish League, and also scored the first time he featured in the line up for Sweden. He similarly scored in his debut for Juventus and Inter (against Brescia and Fiorentina, respectively).

prvoto video me nasmea,kako samo go gleda Ronaldo


Член од
26 февруари 2009
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se nadevam deka i na debito kaj nas ke dade gol!
Член од
14 јануари 2008
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Нормално и сега против Галакси и официјално против Билбао:)
Нема да игра 2 недели, операција на раката му беше извршена пред некој ден, се очекува да дебитира против Ман. Сити во Гампер купот или против Билбао најкасно :smir:
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