- Член од
- 8 октомври 2008
- Мислења
- 1.686
- Поени од реакции
- 20
Очекувам да земеме еден напаѓач и можеби некој на позајмица да го замени Сонг.
Но ова:
"The French Federation decided to keep Diaby for political reasons. They knew from the first day on that he would never play for them but they didn't want to call another player up. So they decided to keep him and make everybody think he would play. The result? He comes back; the next day he tries to have a little run and gets a setback and we have to deal with the consequences." - Wenger. :uvo:
И после не сме победувале...
Но ова:
"The French Federation decided to keep Diaby for political reasons. They knew from the first day on that he would never play for them but they didn't want to call another player up. So they decided to keep him and make everybody think he would play. The result? He comes back; the next day he tries to have a little run and gets a setback and we have to deal with the consequences." - Wenger. :uvo:
И после не сме победувале...