Еве еден интересен разговор помеѓу Факети и Бергамо кој излезе во италијанскиве медиуми.Двајцава дискутираат за судијата што треба да го суди полуфиналниот меч од Купот на Италија помеѓу Каљари-Интер.Разговоров е еден ден пред натпреваров 11 мај 2005.
Facchetti: Look, I saw the score that we have had with Bertini. Four wins, four draws and four defeats.
Bergamo: Damn, ok, lets do five, four, four. But wins.
Facchetti: But tell him that its important tomorrow. He has had 12 games, all four, four, four.
Bergamo: He will move one, the one that starts with V. I still have to speak with him, but he is intelligent, and he knows how things should go. Better late than never. Listen Giacinto, we consider Sunday's game to be a tranquil one. And we will put a debutant ref in the grid. Is that ok for you?
Facchetti: Yes ok, if you want to. It's ok...
Bergamo: I wanted to tell, please don't ever think about a lack of attention from my part.
Facchetti: On Sunday a debutant ref is fine for me.
Bergamo: A debutant, there is Mazzoleni.
Facchetti: Mazzoleni is from Bergamo... there is also his brother.
Bergamo: Yes, he is good and young. He has good numbers and has good promise.
Facchetti: No problem.
Bergamo: Listen, can you get me some tickets for Sunday for a client.
Facchetti: No problem, call me Friday or Saturday. Call me and...
Bergamo: Good luck.
Facchetti: Please... tell him.
Bergamo: Consider it done.