Стихови од песни што би ги посветиле...

Член од
12 април 2010
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I remember your name crying in the rain
When you left and closed my door.
I remember myself in my emptiness,
Waiting for that special call.
I am begging you,
I am begging you,
I'm begging your eyes to cry.
I am begging you,
I am begging you,
I wish I've never said goodbye.

Crazy in Love

Here's looking at you kid.
Член од
25 јануари 2007
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Се што било некогаш
сакам да заборавам
ко да не си ни бил
од мене дел....
Член од
8 февруари 2009
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What you say, what you do,
I'ma hunt you down 'til I find you,
No matter where you run, I'll be right there,
Right behind you, in your nightmares,
All the flowers, and the candy,
All the times that you threw it back at me,
You told me you hate me, you're gonna hate me more,
When you find out, can't escape me whore!!!

SlimShady - I Love You More
Член од
12 септември 2011
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Aко не те сакам,зошто боли вака,
секој божји ден што ќе ми помине без тебе,
ако не ми требаш зошто суша ти ми оставаш во душа,
кога и да заминеш...

za nego :D


Урбан индијанец.
Член од
8 јули 2008
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Congratulations on the mess you made of things;
On trying to reconstruct the air and all that brings.
And oxidation is the compromise you own
But this is beginning to feel like the dog wants her bones

You force your fire then you falsify your deeds
Your methods dot the disconnect from all your creeds
And fortune strives to fill the vacuum that it feeds
But this is beginning to feel like the dog's lost her lead

This is beginning to feel like the long
winded blues of the never
This is beginning to feel like it's curling up slowly
and finding a throat to choke

This is beginning to feel like the long
winded blues of the never
Barely controlled locomotive consuming the picture
and blowing the crows, the smoke

This is beginning to feel like the long
winded blues of the never
Static eplosion devoted to crushing the broken
and shoving their souls to ghost

Eternalised. Objectified.
You set your sights so high.
But this is beginning to feel like
the bolt busted loose from the lever

Never you mind
Death professor
Your structure's fine
My dust is better
Your victim flies so high
All to catch a bird's eye view of who's next

Never you mind
Death professor.
Love is life,
My love is better.
Eyes could be the diamonds
Confused with who's next

Never you mind
Death professor.
Your shocks are fine,
My struts are better.
Your fiction flies so high,
Y'all could use a doctor
Who's sick, who's next?

Never you mind
Death professor.
Electrified, my love is better
It's crystallized, so'm I.
All could be the diamond
Fused with who's next

This is beginning to feel like the dawn of a loser forever

This is beginning to feel like the dawn of a loser forever

This is beginning to feel like the dawn of a loser forever


gata salvaje

Член од
2 декември 2011
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Gledam te nekim drugim ocima
upravo onako kako ne treba
i ne shvatam sta mi se desava
nedostaje mi rec koja resava.

Dodirni me sasvim slucajno
Poljubi me
filmski nestvarno
i najlepse kad je prestani
okreni se i nestani.


увезена пломба за петтка доле десно
Член од
6 март 2012
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Slipknot - Iowa [ posveteno mila.. :tapp: ]

Relax it's over, you belong to me
I fill your mouth with dirts
Relax it's over, you can never leave
I take your second digit with me

You are my first, I can barely breathe
I find you fascinating
You are my favorite, lay you down to sleep
It's all that I can do to stop
Член од
8 февруари 2009
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I can't tell you what it really is
I can only tell you what it feels like
And right now it's a steel knife in my windpipe
I can't breathe but I still fight while I can fight
As long as the wrong feels right it's like I'm in flight
High off of love, drunk from my hate,
It's like I'm huffing paint and I love it the more I suffer, I suffocate
And right before I'm about to drown, she resuscitates me
She fucking hates me and I love it.
Wait! Where you going?
"I'm leaving you"
No you ain't. Come back we're running right back.
Here we go again
It's so insane cause when it's going good, it's going great
I'm Superman with the wind at his back, she's Lois Lane
But when it's bad it's awful, I feel so ashamed I snapped
Who's that dude? I don't even know his name
I laid hands on her, I'll never stoop so low again
I guess I don't know my own strength
SlimShady - Love The Way You Lie


Член од
25 јануари 2007
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Се сеќавам на ноќта кога плачев за нас,
беше ладна зима снегови паѓаа,
се сеќавам ме остави без ниеден збор,
долго време мислев виновна јас сум.

Се сеќавам на денот кога замина ти
среќен ден за некој посреќни ликови,
те прашав само, каде ли замина се,
имавме љубов планини да поместиме.

А лесно не е да живееш сам
молчам со години не кажувам,
илјада приказни, а ниедна моја,
четири ѕида јас и тагата.

А љубев само еднаш јас,
те љубев тебе само тебе ти признавам,
и плачев само еднаш јас
плачев по тебе, сите солзи ги исплакав.
Ми зема се од мене ти
за никој друг ни малку љубов не остави
а љубев само еднаш јас,
о зошто боже зошто него го љубев јас.

Се сеќавам на денот кога замина ти
среќен ден за некој посреќни ликови,
те прашав само каде ли замина се,
имавме љубов планини да поместиме.

А лесно не е да живееш сам
молчам со години не кажувам,
илјада приказни, а ниедна моја,
четири ѕида јас и тагата.

Се сеќавам на ноќта кога плачев за нас, ладна зима бели снегови паѓаа...
Член од
25 септември 2011
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Јас немам ништо повеќе од себеси
само срце кое чука вистински
сосем доволно да те вознемири и уплаши.

Ги знаеш добро оние
со скришна солза длабоко во срцето
со скришна злоба далеку зад погледот
болни од немоќ, болни од желба за одмазда.

И по незнам кој пат се видов себеси
во тебе мртов
твојот бол нема никогаш
да биде мој, мој, мој.
  • Ми се допаѓа
Reactions: Џ.
Член од
5 ноември 2010
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I loved you, you made me, hate me.
You gave me hate see?
It saved me and these tears are deadly.
You feel that?
I rip back, every time you tried to steal that.
You feel bad?
You feel sad?
Im sorry hell no fuck that!
It was my heart, it was my life, it was my start, it was your knife.
This strife it dies, this life and these lies.
These lungs have sung this song for too long, and its true I hurt to remember I loved you

I've lost it all fell today its all the same
I'm sorry oh (I'm sorry)
I'm sorry no (no)
I've been abused, I feel so used, because of you
i'm sorry oh (I'm sorry)
I'm sorry no (no)

Crazy in Love

Here's looking at you kid.
Член од
25 јануари 2007
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Еднаш, еднаш сакам никот на форумот да ми соодветствува со реалниот живот, но...

...и топлина барам, но топлина немам...:unsure:

Член од
12 април 2012
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Јас ќе напишам неколку стихови од различни песни.

Ja zivim za to da volis ko ja
da nadjes dno u noci bez sna
da ne voli te, da uzme ti sve
kad zaspis da te s pola grada vara
zivim za to da patis za njom
bar znao bih kako je meni

Ма само опуштено опуштеноо биче моје што је њено.

a moje srce rusi se ko domine,
borba sa osecanjima to stvarno boli me,

.Gde Da Krenem Sad ? Da Ostanem...Stojim Tu Dani Prolaze... Dok Trazim Put Do Srca Tvog,Opet Sve U Krug,Opet Ista Bol...Od Kud To Sad' Da Nema Kraj Ova Ulica Koju Dobru Znam' ,Kao Stranac Sam U Gradu...Zvanom Ljubaw Koji Cuva Tajnu...Jos Ne Znam Ko Smo Ti I Ja...Al' Kad Vratim Film Sve Je Bila Laz' Nazad Ne Mogu...Sad Te Ima On...A,Ja Jos Trazim Put Do Srca Tvog...

Kao nikotin
ti jos teces mojim venama
jos uvek te volim
znaj, to nikad nisam prestala

Kao nikotin
tako ubijas me lagano
jer usnama tvojim
ja navucena sam odavno
kao nikotin, kao nikotin

Ги има уште многу ама сега моментално ниедна друга не ми текнува.

Crazy in Love

Here's looking at you kid.
Член од
25 јануари 2007
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I don't wanna talk about things we've gone through,
Though it's hurting me, now it's history.
I've played all my cards and that's what you've done too,
Nothing more to say, no more ace to play.
The winner takes it all,
The loser standing small beside the victory, that's her destiny.

I was in your arms thinking I belonged there,
I figured it made sense, building me a fence,
Building me a home, thinking I'd be strong there,
But I was a fool, playing by the rules.
The gods may throw a dice, their minds as cold as ice,
And someone way down here loses someone dear.

The winner takes it all, the loser has to fall,
It's simple and it's plain, why should I complain?

But tell me, does she kiss like I used to kiss you,
Does it feel the same when she calls your name.
Somewhere deep inside you must know I miss you,
But what can I say, rules must be obeyed.
The judges will decide the likes of me abide,
Spectators of the show always staying low.

The game is on again, a lover or a friend,
A big thing or a small, the winner takes it all.

I don't wanna talk if it makes you feel sad,
And I understand you've come to shake my hand.
I apologize if it makes you feel bad seeing me so tense, no self confidence.

Kajgana Shop

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