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Η Μακεδονία δεν είναι Ελληνική
Член од
2 јуни 2007
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Елај ми го фани



Η Μακεδονία δεν είναι Ελληνική
Член од
2 јуни 2007
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Pravila postoje kad se dvoje vole
mama ti je rekla, ne daj prve noci
moze do pojasa, ne diraj me dole:pos::pos:



"Accidental Babies"

Well I held you like a lover
Happy hands and your elbow in the appropriate place

And we ignored our others, happy plans
For that delicate look upon your face

Our bodies moved and hardened
Hurting parts of your garden
With no room for a pardon
In a place where no one knows what we have done

Do you come
Together ever with him?
And is he dark enough?
Enough to see your light?
And do you brush your teeth before you kiss?
Do you miss my smell?
And is he bold enough to take you on?
Do you feel like you belong?
And does he drive you wild?
Or just mildly free?
What about me?

Well you held me like a lover
Sweaty hands
And my foot in the appropriate place

And we use cushions to cover
Happy glands
In the mild issue of our disgrace

Our minds pressed and guarded
While our flesh disregarded
The lack of space for the light-hearted
In the boom that beats our drum

Well I know I make you cry
And I know sometimes you wanna die
But do you really feel alive without me?
If so, be free
If not, leave him for me
Before one of us has accidental babies
For we are in love

Do you come
Together ever with him?
Is he dark enough?
Enough to see your light?
Do you brush your teeth before you kiss?
Do you miss my smell?
And is he bold enough to take you on?
Do you feel like you belong?
And does he drive you wild?
Or just mildly free?

What about me?
What about me?

zmej gorjanin


I can wash out 44 pairs of socks and have 'em hangin out on the line
I can starch & iron 2 dozens shirts 'fore you can count from 1 to 9
I can scoop up a great big dipper full of lard from the drippins can
Throw it in the skillet go out & do my shopping be back before it melts in the pan
'Cause I'm a woman! W-O-M-A-N I'll say it again
I can rub & scrub this old house til it's shinin like a dime
Feed the baby grease the car & powder my face at the same time
Get all dressed up go out and swing til 4 a.m. and then
Lay down at 5 jump up at 6 and start all over again
'Cause I'm a woman! W-O-M-A-N I'll say it again
If you come to me sickly you know I'm gonna make you well
If you come to me all hexed up you know I'm gonna break the spell
If you come to me hungry you know I'm gonna fill you full of grits
If it's lovin you're likin I'll kiss you and give you the shiverin' fits
'Cause I'm a woman! W-O-M-A-N I'll say it again
I can stretch! a green black dollar bill from here to kindom come!
I can play the numbers pay the bills and still end up with some!
I got a twenty-dollar gold piece says there ain't nothing I can't do
I can make a dress out of a feed bag and I can make a man out of you
'Cause I'm a woman! W-O-M-A-N I'll say it again
'Cause I'm a woman! W-O-M-A-N and that's all.

Crazy in Love

Here's looking at you kid.
Член од
25 јануари 2007
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На самата себе. Секој збор. Секој.

When you try your best, but you don't succeed
When you get what you want, but not what you need
When you feel so tired, but you can't sleep
Stuck in reverse

And the tears come streaming down your face
When you lose something you can't replace
When you love someone, but it goes to waste
Could it be worse?

Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you

And high up above or down below
When you're too in love to let it go
But if you never try you'll never know
Just what you're worth

Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you

Tears stream down on your face
When you lose something you cannot replace
Tears stream down on your face
And I...

Tears stream down on your face
I promise you I will learn from my mistakes
Tears stream down on your face
And I...


Телемит, Темплар, Масон, Сциентолог во целибат
Член од
30 април 2010
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To the people standing on Wall Street for our better future.

well...where are you coming from?

...well...i don't like the way the country's ran, don't you know, and, erm...that's pretty much what i was expressing in my poem. the government...the american government - they're sneaky, they're very deceitful, they're liers, they're cheats, they're rip-offs. i mean, the american government is one systematic government that...that nobody can trust. i don't trust them myself.

and how long have you been writing for?


how long have you been writing for?

since i was four.

d'you do this sort of thing a lot, like, open-mic kinda questions?

oh i love open-mics, i love coming here to do open-mics, absolutely.

what kind of reactions d'you usually get?

usually, people are...are pretty much in agreement with what i'm saying.

we overheard you before talking about...you went to court today for a speeding ticket...?

that's accurate.

right. d'you wanna tell us that story?

yes, absolutely, i wouldn't mind telling you the story. erm...i went to court today for a speeding ticket, and i told the judge, erm..."let me tell you something, and you listen and you listen good, i'm only gonna say this one time and one time only, i don't repeat myself for nobody," i said. i says..."i'm here to pay a speeding ticket, not to listen to your lectures and hear you run your mouth for an hour." i says "i'm here to pay off my speeding ticket...and i'm here to get my fines out of the way and get the fuck to work." the judge says "you can't talk like that in my courtroom, you're in contempt of court." then i said...i told the judge, "if that's the best you can do, i feel sorry for you." i said "why don't you just shut your fucking mouth for once and listen." i said "i'm not gonna take any shit." i said "i'm gonna pay my speeding ticket like i said." i walked up to the god damn judge and i hand him my 25 dollars and i says "here's my money, now i am leaving."
and i left it at that...
...then, before i left, i turned around and told the judge "i'm here to state who i am and be honest with you." i said "if they thought i was dangerous on the road like you're trying to accuse me of, wouldn't they have taken my license when i first got it? yes they would. and the judge says "yeah, you have a point," he goes "you don't need to get loud," i said "don't get loud?" i says "i've got every right to get loud." i says "you can't do a god damn thing about it, because i'm expressing myself in your court, and there is nothing you can do about it. you think you're god because you have a robe and you can put people up the god damn river for 20 years? well you're not."
and i left it at that...

did you walk away?

yes i did...i don't like the judicial system, i don't like the government system, i don't like the police, i don't like anything to do with this country's government. i just don't like it, because...they're sneaky, like i said - they're deceitful, they're lying, they're cheats, the rip people off. that's the american government for you. america is a third world country, and people don't recognise it...and i think that that's pretty god damn sad, that they don't recognise their own country as a third world, third rate, third class slum.

well...d'you have any weapons?

yes, i do. i own a high-powered assault rifle, i own a 12-gauge double barrel shotgun, i own a regular shotgun, i own a regular hunting rifle, i own a 9 milimetre, a 357, a 45 handgun, a 38 special, and, erm...i own an m-16 fully automatic ground assault rifle...

d'you think things are gonna get better before they get worse?

no way. things are just gonna get worse and keep on getting worse. like i said, america's a third world country as it is and...and we're just basically in a hopeless situation as it stands.

what d'you think this country's gonna look like in the year 2003?

y'know, i'll tell you the truth - nothing against you guys, but i don't wanna answer that question because...i haven't even got a mind that's that...that inhumane.

are you ready for what's coming?

ready as i'll ever be.

most people aren't.

there's a little saying...dates back for generations...

go on...

be prepared for anything at any time from anybody, don't take no shit, always stand your ground. people wanna come up to me and run their mouth - guess what? i'll throw them through the fucking window...i won't think a thing of it.

would you mind reciting your poem for us?

not at all, i don't see why...i don't see why i couldn't.

there's an evil virus that's threatening mankind
it's not state of the art, it's a serious state of the mind
the muggers, the backstabbers, the two faced elite
a menace to society, a social disease
to brainwash the mind is a social disorder
the cynics, the apathy one-upmanship order
watching beginnings of social decay
gloating and sneering at life's disarray
eating away at your own self esteem
pouncing on every word that you might be saying
to attack someones mind is a social disorder
the constitution, the government, martial law order
superficially smiling a shake of the hand
as soon as your back is turned treason is planned
when every good thing's laid to rest
by the governments hate, by the constitution and their lies
and every time you think you're safe
and when you go to turn away
you know they're sharpening all their knives
all in your mind
all in your head
try to relate it
all in your mind
all in your head
try to escape it
without a conscience they destroy
and that's a thing that they enjoy
they're a sickness that's in all of our minds
they want to sink the ship and leave
the way they laugh at you and me
you know it happens all the time
but it only happens in your mind
the rats in the cellar you know who you are...
or do you?
watching beginnings of social decay...


Член од
25 јануари 2007
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"I'll See It Through"

When you touch me
I feel there's nothing you can do to turn me away
And I know that
In the past you've had bad luck so I should help you stay

You're all I ever wanted
You're all I ever needed, it's you
You're all I've ever wanted
And loving you's the right thing to do
And I'll see it through

When I close my eyes
And think of you it takes me places that I've never seen
And the rain, it blows
You're brushing up against my skin to wash me clean

You're all I ever wanted
You're all I ever needed - it's you
You're all I've ever wanted
And loving you's the right thing to do
And I'll see it through

I'll show you the love in my head
I'll show you the love that we had
I'll show you the love in my head
I'll show you the love that we had

You're all I ever wanted
You're all I've ever needed, it's you
You're all I've ever wanted
And loving you's the right thing to do

You're all I ever wanted
You're all I've ever needed, it's you
You're all I've ever wanted
And loving you's the right thing to do
And I'll see it through


Good things take time
Член од
29 јули 2010
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Nana loved me, pappa told me, to be a gangsta shoot niggas if they want beef ..
Член од
12 април 2010
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I just wanna feel
Real love feel the home that I live in
I got too much love
Running through my veins
To go to waste

Crazy in Love

Here's looking at you kid.
Член од
25 јануари 2007
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And who do you think you are?
Runnin' 'round leaving scars
Collecting your jar of hearts
And tearing love apart

You're gonna catch a cold
From the ice inside your soul
So don't come back for me
Who do you think you are?


Член од
25 јануари 2007
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Нема да ми биде жал

Не оди, вака не оди,
јас во сиво, мрачно, даун, а ти си крив,
немам, немам капка крв,
јас сум преемотивна, а ти алчен и гад до срж.

Паѓај, паѓај, паѓај си заслужил,
твоите очи се пеколни
ќе те надминам за ден, два, месец, два од сега
и за тебе нема да ми биде жал,
Јас сум излудена знам, заљубена без ум
а ти си фраер мој на време
јас сум излудена, да, а ти си проклет маж што нема воља да биде верен
не нема да ми биде жал.

Браво нема што, нешто невидено,
очи во очи со твојот мозок плиток
не си виновен што си очаен,
крајно несфатен, ма јас сум глупава јас ја сфаќам
не оди не си почувствувал ни замижал,
не си размислувал на темава,
а си се убивал од досада, мала авантурица.

Crazy in Love

Here's looking at you kid.
Член од
25 јануари 2007
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Ме учеа од мала
да верувам во ангели и сказни чудесни
а кога ќе те повредат
зошто толку боли
никој не знае да објасни
помислив така мора
може животот е сал река солзи
и капка среќа во неа

бев жедна за одговори
со чеиз од наивност и добрина
но светот се договорил
дека денеска е грев
да имаш душа стаклена

...и доволно ми е да љубам и да постојам...


is a turtle
Член од
21 август 2005
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No matter what they tell us
No matter what they do
No matter what they teach us
What we believe is true

No matter what they call us
However they attack
No matter where they take us
We'll find our own way back

I can't deny what I believe
I can't be what I'm not
I know I'll love forever
I know, no matter what

If only tears were laughter
If only night was day
If only prayers were answered
Then we would hear God say

No matter what they tell you
No matter what they do
No matter what they teach you
What you believe is true

And I will keep you safe and strong
And sheltered from the storm
No matter where it's barren
A dream is being born

No matter who they follow
No matter where they lead
No matter how they judge us
I'll be everyone you need

No matter if the sun don't shine
Or if the skies are blue
No matter what the end is
My life began with you

I can't deny what I believe
I can't be what I'm not
I know, I know
I know this love's forever
That's all that matters now
No matter what.

Kajgana Shop

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