Стихови од песни што би ги посветиле...

wild dolphin

Мал човек а голем ждерач
Член од
12 мај 2009
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... на себе си, на моето детство и живот до ден денешен:

Since I was born they couldn't hold me down
Another misfit kid, another burned-out town

Never played by the rules I never really cared
My nasty reputation takes me everywhere

I look and see it's not only me
So many others have stood where I stand
We are the young so raise your hands

They call us problem child
We spend our lives on trial
We walk an endless mile
We are the youth gone wild
We stand and we won't fall
We're the one and one for all
The writing's on the wall
We are the youth gone wild.

диво дете и детство кое секогаш живеело според свои правила и секогаш чудак, но барем сум оригинал.

Crazy in Love

Here's looking at you kid.
Член од
25 јануари 2007
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I'm hanging on another day
just to see what you will throw my way
And I'm hanging on to the words you say
You said that I will be ok ...
Член од
11 септември 2011
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Љубов моја,
вчера и завчера направивме нешто грдо: имавме секс зашто немаме повеќе што да си кажеме. И затоа пресметав: за да го покријам секој милиметар од твоето тело со бакнежи ќе ми требаат вкупно два часа и дваесет минути.

la mujer perfecta

María Eva Duarte de Perón
Член од
5 октомври 2011
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Љубов моја,
вчера и завчера направивме нешто грдо: имавме секс зашто немаме повеќе што да си кажеме. И затоа пресметав: за да го покријам секој милиметар од твоето тело со бакнежи ќе ми требаат вкупно два часа и дваесет минути.
Од која песна е ова?

Crazy in Love

Here's looking at you kid.
Член од
25 јануари 2007
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And I try, oh my God do I try
I try all the time
In this institution
And I pray, oh my God do I pray
I pray every single day
For a revolution

And so I cry sometimes when I'm lying in bed
Just to get it all out what's in my head
And I, I am feeling a little peculiar
And so I wake in the morning and I step
Outside and I take deep breath
And I get real high
And I scream from the top of my lungs
What's goin' on
Член од
12 април 2010
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Ti si moja cokolada
Ja sam tvoja cokolada
I da nisi tako mlada,
Ja bih te ljubio.

Ja bih te ljubio...

Ti si moja cokolada
Ja sam tvoja cokolada
I da nema onog gada,
Ja bih te ljubio.

Ja bih te ljubio...


Разочарена од се
Член од
30 јули 2011
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She calls out to the man on the street
"Sir, can you help me?
It's cold and I've nowhere to sleep
Is there somewhere you can tell me?"

He walks on, doesn't look back
He pretends he can't hear her
He starts to whistle as he crosses the street
She's embarrassed to be there

Oh, think twice, it's just another day for
For you and me in paradise
Oh, think twice, it's just another day
For you, you and me in paradise
Just think about it

She calls out to the man on the street
He can see she's been cryin'
She's got blisters on the soles of her feet
She can't walk but she's tryin'

Oh, just think twice, it's just another day
For you and me in paradise
Oh, yes think twice, it's just another day
For you, you and me in paradise
Just think about it, just think about it

Oh Lord, is there nothing more anybody can do?

Oh Lord, there must be something you can say

You can tell by the lines on her face
You can see that she's been there
Probably been moved on from every place
'Cause she didn't fit in there

Oh, yes think twice, it's just another day
For you and me in paradise
Oh, yes think twice, it's just another day
For you, you and me in paradise
Just think about it, just think about it

It's just another day
For you and me in paradise
It's just another day
For you and me in paradise

It's just another day
For you and me in paradise
It's just another day
For you and me in paradise

It's just another day
For you and me
It's another day
For you and me

It's another day
For you and me in paradise
In paradise


Replay & Undo
Член од
3 јануари 2009
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Movin' Away - My Morning Jacket
Moving away, crazy destiny
I'll always be an alarmist
Who'll jump at a chance
Anything for romance!
I hope I'll always be what you want

Moving away
Those I'll miss
Those I won't
But I hope your heart will be where my home is

A new life to create
A new life to create

Don't know quite why
But I was feeling unsatisfied
I had to get out now
Try to find it

Possessed by your love
Under the influence
And though there's a new life line
I won't forget the one I left behind

A new life to create
A new life to create
A new little life


Good things take time
Член од
29 јули 2010
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Here we are again, sipping our drinks just like frieeeends
I wonder if they see the sparkle in your eyeeeees,
I wonder if they know that im not your guuuy mmm hmmmmm



Урбан индијанец.
Член од
8 јули 2008
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Satellites and, pair of mirrors and, and a man without a home
With a horse, and a rider, and a clever, cunning killer
Silent in error and vocal in spotlights
Lying always sucking on a bottle of, that sweet, indulgent fluid
Oh greed oh yes oh greed oh yes!
Oh greed oh yes
Yeah! (Тука икончето за дркање што беше на стариот форум најмалку десет пати)
Yeah! (Left channel - 26 years in this stage
Yeah! you're 26 years in this stage)
Your friendship is a fog
That disappears when the wind redirects
Yes you!

Father's expectations, soul soaked in, spit and urine
And you gotta make it where?
To a sanctuary that's a fragile American hell
An empty dream
A selfish, horrific vision
Passed on like the deadliest of viruses
Crushing you and your naive profession
Have no illusions boy
Vomit all ideals and serve
Sleep and wake and serve
And don't just think just wake and serve
Yeah! (Left channel - 26 years in this stage
Yeah! you're 26 years in this stage)
Your friendship is a fog
That disappears when the wind redirects
You! Interested in you, interested in you
Interested in you, interested in you...


zmej gorjanin


Време е да си одиме,таму далеку
Таму далеку,во еден поубав свет
Време е да си одиме,таму далеку
Таму далеку,во еден поубав свет
И јас пак ќе се вратам
Време е
И јас пак ќе се вратам
Време е

Crazy in Love

Here's looking at you kid.
Член од
25 јануари 2007
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Се трудам како тебе,
да кренам ѕид пред себе,
но ти ми рушиш се,цел свет...

Не чувствувам страв,
за еден од нас
знам ќе огрее сонце
Не чувствувам страв,
за последен пат
јас плачам за тебе
Не чувствувам страв,
како светло во мрак,
јас те следам со надеж
Знам дека одам,
по слепа улица...

Повторно јас влегувам,
во лавиринт без патоказ
Еве повторно,
пак се враќам на почеток...

...О,дааа истите грешки ги правам
и не мрдам,јас во место стојам,
а веќе за нас е предоцна...

Crazy in Love

Here's looking at you kid.
Член од
25 јануари 2007
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Те молам оди од мене
Повеќе не ти припаѓам
Без зборој остави ме
Во љубов да верувам

Не, не допирај ме!
Нема љубов во тебе
Има некој што посакува
Сиот свет да го стави пред мене

...со надеж во ѕвездите,
сакам љубов што ќе остане!
Член од
13 септември 2007
Поени од реакции
She'd do anything to sparkle in his eye
She would suffer, she would fight, and compromise
She's been wishin' on the stars that shine so bright
For answers to the questions that will haunt her tonight

She must rinse this all away
She can't hold him this way
She must rinse this all away
She can't love him this way

How she'd be soothed, how she'd be saved if he could see
She needs to be held in his arms to be free
But everything happens for reasons that she will never understand
'til she knows the heart of a woman will never be found in the arms of a man

She must rinse this all away
She can't hold anybody this way
She must rinse this all away
She can't love him this way

And if she runs away she fears she won't be followed
What could be the worse than leaving something behind
And as the depth of oceans slowly become shallow
It's loneliness she finds...
If only he was mine

She'd do anything to sparkle in his eye
She would suffer, she would fight, and compromise
She's been wishin' on the stars that shine so bright
For answers to the questions that will haunt her tonight

Kajgana Shop

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