Стихови од песни што би ги посветиле...



Malena, nocas srusio se svjet
Malena, sve je tako glupo bez tebe
Sad kad je stvarno kraj, Boze snage mi daj
samo da prodje ova noc.
Tako prokleto sam, Cekam novi dan
Prvi cetvrtak bez tebe.

Malena, oduvjek si znala tko sam ja
Malena, ne mogu ja bez tvoji oblaka
Sad sve su iste tko ti, i sve se smiju tko ti
Kako su ljepe samo da znas.
I sve me ljube tko ti, i sve me lazu tko ti
Sve su moje, a tako sam sam.

Malena, Kako cu bez tebe sutra
Malena, Falice mi s'tobom jutra.
Ima drugi ima bolji ali nebo zna.
Sam ti si moja.

Malena, Kako cu bez tebe sutra
Malena, Falice mi s'tobom jutra.
Ima drugi ima bolji ali nebo zna.
Samo ti si moja malena.

Malena, nocas strusio se svjet

за малото разлигавено



I guess it's just another night
Another fight
That all familiar scene

You looking
At your watch again
Saying what's the time
And where the hell you've been

Even on the other side
Wondering why I even try it all
Looking to my heart again

With your x-ray eyes
Tell me what're you trying to see
Can't stand the way you look at me

I put my hands up
I put my hands up
I guess I'm guilty
Hands up
I must have done whatever you accuse me of
I stand up to hear your judgement
It's always guilty
But I'm gonna make a break
Before you turn the key

Maybe my life would be easier
Getting out of here
And trying to make it right

There's no matter what I do
I can't get through
I don't wanna just get by
You forgot we live in this
We just exist - there's nothing left inside
Should I tell you what you wanna hear
And kill it with this lie
Show you what you wanna see
It seems to be that you need me

To put my hands up
I put my hands up
I guess I'm guilty​


Welcome to my WORLD!
Член од
17 јули 2007
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Never Took The Time
by Akon

A moment ago it seemed
It was yesterday
You were here with me
And everything seems to be the same
What am I supposed to do
With all these empty rooms?
Sit here in solitude
With the smell of your perfume

Ya never took the time to know me
Ya never took the time to understand
Ya never took the time to know me
Cause lovin' you is all I ever had
Still lovin' you is all I ever have

This wasn't what I wanted to be
A man in misery
Girlll I look back a thousand times
And can't believe that you left me
Why you leave me baby
Why can't you understand my pain
How can I explain
Girlll I don't know what I'm doin' wrong
I can't believe that your love is gone

Cause you never took the time to know me
Said you never took the time to know me
You never took the time to understand
Oh yeah
Said you never took the time to know me
Said you never took the time to know me
See lovin' you is all I ever had
Baby lovin' you is all I ever had

Ooh yeah
You're all I need
You're all I see
And I wish that we could do it again

Cause you never took the time to know
Baby you never took the time to know me
You never took the time to understand
Oh oh
Said you never took the time to know me
Because of you now I'm just a lonely man
Because of you now I'm just a lonely man


Go England!! GO!!
Член од
1 јули 2008
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Кога сум со тебе, кога ми се смееш
ти ме правиш мене најбогат на свет
и не ми е важно со хартија што се купува
се друго е лажно
во моето царсто ја сум цар
се смееш пак
и ме правиш мене најбогат на свет
кога сум со тебе
ти си дел од мене
немам ништо свое
сепак имам се
Кога сум со тебе
кога ми се смееш
ти ме правиш мене најбогат на свет


§įмθπŞ ďª φΪШ
Член од
28 јануари 2007
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Знаеш дека не слушам шабански.. Ама мe фати шабански моменАт.. Морам песниве..

Rano mi je za krevet
tek prolazi devet
da izadjem negde sama
nemam elana

Cimni me dok je sveze
vec sutra bice teze

nezno zakljucaj vrata
moga inata

Kako bi mi prijalo sad nesto fino
sentis badem i tvoje krilo
kako bi mi prijalo i pice kratko
s tobom sve mi je slatko

Ref. 2x
Posalji SMS hitno, ekspres
i jedan emotivni zemljotres
posalji SMS, ne boli, zar ne
dovoljno ce biti da ti oprostim sve

Nismo vise na ledu
daj, sve je u redu
jos si mi drag i mio
ma kakav bio


Nemoj da me ljutis
ne igraj se s' tim
i ne zovi me vise mala

Mogla bih ti lako
srce slomiti
zar mi je u venama


Ref. 2x
Ti bi hteo bas da se poigras
ti me ozbiljno ne shvatas
kad se najmanje budes nadao
tvoj cu postati pakao

Zasto svima pricas
da smo drugovi
kada znaju svi da to nismo

Predugo mi javu
otimas od sna
postala sam nervozna


Ja mogu naivno da poreknem sta si mi znacila
a sta sam ti znacila
i da mi nikad nisi dan i noc ti izjednacila
zar nisam stvarno nikada

A moja stvarnost je drugacija
od onog sto sam ti ja
od onog sto si mi rekao
ti nemas pojma kako sam bez tebe prosao

Mogu da kazem, oko tebe se moj svet ne okrece
mozes da kazes, a znas da pocece
i da me ova ljubav zamara, vise ne pokrece
mozes da lazes sve, al' sebe ne

A kad te nema, stane zivot moj, stane mi sve
stane srce, stane, nista ne ide
u zadnje vreme i nije mi bas najbole
m, sa mnom ti je najbolje

Vreme je za prave ljubavi
to se dogodi il' ne dogodi
meni nije jos ni u najavi
dodji, cekam te, uzmi ili ostavi

Mene ne plasi ovo ludilo
plasi me sto znam da nije nasledno
a to ne prolazi, zato kriv si ti (za to si kriva ti)
dodji, cekam te, uzmi ili ostavi


Welcome to my WORLD!
Член од
17 јули 2007
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My Love
by Justin Timberlake Feat. T.I

Ain't another woman that can take your spot my-
If I wrote you a symphony,
Just to say how much you mean to me (what would you do?)
If I told you you were beautiful
Would you date me on the regular (tell me, would you?
Well, baby I've been around the world
But I ain't seen myself another girl (like you)
This ring here represents my heart
But there's just one thing I need from you (say "I do")

Yeah, because
I can see us holding hands
Walkin on the beach, our toes in the sand
I can see us on the countryside
Sitting on the grass, laying side by side
You could be my baby, let me make you my lady
Girl, you amaze me
Ain't gotta do nothing crazy
See, all I want you to do is be my love
(So don't give away) My love
(So don't give away) My love
(So don't give away) Ain't another woman that can take your spot, my lov
(So don't give away) My love
(So don't give away) My love
(So don't give away) Ain't another woman that can take your spot, my love

Ooooh, girl
My love
My love

Now, if I wrote you a love note
And made you smile with every word I wrote (what would you do?)
Would that make you want to change your scene
And wanna be the one on my team (tell me, would you?)
See, what's the point of waiting anymore?
Cause girl I've never been more sure (that baby, it's you)
This ring here represents my heart
And everything that you've been waiting for (just say "I do")

Yeah, because
I can see us holding hands
Walking on the beach, our toes in the sand
I can see us on the countryside
Sitting on the grass, laying side by side
You could be my baby, let me make you my lady
Girl, you amaze me
Ain't gotta do nothing crazy
See, all I want you to do is be my love
(So don't give away) My love
(So don't give away) My love
(So don't give away) Ain't another woman that can take your spot, my love
(So don't give away) My love
(So don't give away) My love
(So don't give away) Ain't another woman that can take your spot, my love
Ooooh, girll
My love
My love

[T.I.'s rap:]
Alright it's time to get it JT
I don't know why she hesitates for man
Shorty, cool as a fan
On the new once again
But, still has fan from Peru to Japan
Listen baby, I don't wanna ruin your plan
If you got a man, try to lose him if you can
Cause the girls worldwide throw their hands up high
When they wanna come kick it wit a stand up guy
(Trust me) You don't really wanna let the chance go by
'cause you ain't been seen wit a man so fly
Baby friends so fly i can go fly
Private, cause I handle mine
B.I. they call me candle guy, simply because I am on fire
I hate to have to cancel my vacation so you can't deny
I'm patient, but I ain't gonna try
You don't come, I ain't gonna die
Hold up, what you mean, you can't go why?
Me and you boyfriend we ain't no tie
You say you wanna kick it when I ain't so high
Well, baby it's obvious that I ain't your guy
Ain't gon' lie, I feel your space
But forget your face, I swear I will
Same mark, same bullet, everywhere I chill
Just bring wit me a pair, I will

I can see us holding hands
Walking on the beach, our toes in the sand
I can see us on the countryside
Sitting on the grass, laying side by side
You could be my baby, let me make you my lady
Girll,you amaze me
Ain't gotta do nothing crazy
See, all I want you to do is be my love
(Love) My love
(Love) My love
(Love) Ain't another woman that can take your spot, my love
(Love) My love
(Love) My love
(Love) Ain't another woman that can take your spot, my love

Ooooh, girll
My love
My love


§įмθπŞ ďª φΪШ
Член од
28 јануари 2007
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А да, да, да..
И стихови од нешто постаро..

Al' samo ti
mi ubrzavas disanje
jer se ja, jos uvijek
palim na tebe

Ako su to samo bile lazi
lazimo se bar jos malo
ako su to samo bile varke
varajmo se, varajmo

* * *

Al' kada padne noc
ja zovem upomoc
jer tebe nema tu
svaki novi dan
ko smrt je dosadan
jer tebe nema tu

* * *

Necu da ispadnem zivotinja
ja ne umem u dvoje da trajem
ja sam ti ljubavna sirotinja
otimam a nista ne dajem

Ама сепак.. :back::back::back:


Welcome to my WORLD!
Член од
17 јули 2007
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Еве нешто за тебе...Знам дека го неќеш Џастин ама сепак....

Still On My Brain
by Justin Timberlake

The beautiful days are long gone
And I can't seem to breathe
Feels like it hasn't been that long
Since you walked away from me
Now I can try to act real strong
But you and I both know
I still think of you that way
You should know that...
The beautiful lights, the star-filled nights
They don't mean a thing
'Cause you are my star, so it don't seem right
Without you here with me
Now I can try to act real strong
But you and I both know
It's hard for me to say

You were my soul...
Now I could say that I don't love you no more
And I could say that I've closed the door for our love
And I could tell you I feel it's time for us to go our separate ways
But, baby, I just wouldn't be the same
'Cause, girl, your love is still on my brain
Now when you're in love it takes time to heal
When someone's broken your heart, it changes how you feel
I thought that you would never do me that way
But even after all I still think of you that way
Now I could say that I don't love you no more
And I could say that I've closed the door for our love
And I could tell you I feel it's time for us to go our separate ways
But, baby, I just wouldn't be the same
'Cause, girl, your love is still on my brain
Now love is a game that we both like to play
When I win or lose, if I go or if I stay
Even though I try to hide my broken heart inside

Girl, you know me inside out

And I can't get you off of my mind
And I could say that I don't love you no more
And I could say that I've closed the door for our love
And I could tell you I feel it's time for us to go our separate ways
But, baby, I just wouldn't be the same
'Cause, girl, your love is still on my brain

La, la, la, la...
Член од
13 септември 2007
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to myself
Feel like I'm runnin towards the daylight
Tryin ta get my mind right
And just before I grab it somebody reach out and snatch it from me

I aint been livin this life for too long
And I cant count how many times someone has asked me what's wrong
Why my mother was gone
Why my dady wasnt home
And the same shit they told me I found myself tellin my own
Now its good-bye bad nights
Hello good times


Soffro un po' ma almeno vivo
Член од
11 ноември 2008
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Loved by a grace
Lara Fabian

I remember the rain on the roof that morning
And all the things that I wanted to say
The angry words can’t fool no where with that morning
It stool the moment and send to you way
And you standing there the doorway, crying
And me wondered if I’ll ever be back

I said I didn’t come here to leave you
I didn’t come here to loose
I didn’t come here believing I could ever be away from you
I didn’t come here to found out, there’s a weakness in my pain
I was brought here by the power of love, loved by a grace

I remember the roses swelter forever
Couldn’t see through the car and round
So who the distends like a long lost trashier
From who that just can’t be found
And you standing there the doorway, waiting
And the moments when we laid back down

I said I didn’t come here to leave you
I didn’t come here to loose
I didn’t come here believing I could ever be away from you
I didn’t come here to found out, there’s a weakness in my pain
I was brought here by the power of loovvvvvveeeeee

That was just a moment in time
One we’ll never forget
One way can leave behind
Cause one day we standing you remember I said

I didn’t come here believing I could ever be away from you
I didn’t come here to found out, there’s a weakness in my pain
I was brought here by the power of love
I was brought here by the power of love
Loved by a grace

Well I am in love
Loved by a grace
Член од
25 јануари 2007
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So lie to me and tell me that it's gonna be alright
So lie to me and tell me that we'll make it through the night
I don't mind if you wait before you tear me apart,
Look me in the eye,
Lie, lie, lie.


Go England!! GO!!
Член од
1 јули 2008
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Dajes da te vole glumci, reziseri,
novinari, ljudi neznani i znani...

Ti si savrsenstvo, bez mane,
ti si deo vojnickih snova,
ti si lutka sa naslovne strane
i treba ti lova.
Член од
6 ноември 2007
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Well life has a funny way of sneaking up on you
When you think everything's okay and everything's going right
And life has a funny way of helping you out when
You think everything's gone wrong and everything blows up
In your face

It's a traffic jam when you're already late
It's a no-smoking sign on your cigarette break
It's like ten thousand spoons when all you need is a knife
It's meeting the man of my dreams
And then meeting his beautiful wife
And isn't it ironic... don't you think
A little too ironic... and yeah I really do think...


내 ♡, ∞.
Член од
10 август 2008
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What you did to me
Made me see myself as something awful

A voice once stentorian
Is now again meek and muffled
It took me such a long time
To get back up the first time you did it
I spent all I had to get it back
And now it seems I've been out-bidded... :toe:


Portable Heater
Член од
4 септември 2007
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На мене, секој ебан стих.

She's taking her time making up the reasons
To justify all the hurt inside
Guess she knows from the smiles and the look in their eyes
Everyone's got a theory about the bitter one
They're saying, "Mama never loved her much."
And, "Daddy never keeps in touch.
That's why she shies away from human affection."
But somewhere in a private place
She packs her bag for outer space
And now she's waiting for the right kind of pilot to come
And she'll say to him,
She's sayin,

"I would fly to the moon and back if you'll be, if you'll be my
I've got a ticket for a world where we belong
So would you be my baby?"

She can't remember a time when she felt needed.
If love was red then she was color blind.
All her friends, they've been tried for treason
And crimes that were never defined.
She's saying "Love is like a barren place
And reaching out for human faith is like a journey
I just don't have a map for."
So baby's gonna take a dive and
Push the shift to overdrive
Send a signal that she's hanging
All her hopes on the stars
What a pleasant dream
She's sayin,

"I would fly to the moon and back if you'll be, if you'll be my
I've got a ticket for a world where we belong
So would you be my baby?"

(Hold on, Hold on)
"Mama never loved her much."
And, "Daddy never keeps in touch.
That's why she shies away from human affection."
But somewhere in a private place
She packs her bag for outer space
And now she's waiting for the right kind of pilot to come
And she'll say to him,
She's sayin,

"I would fly to the moon and back if you'll be, if you'll be my
I've got a ticket for a world where we belong
So would you be my baby?"

(Repeat Chorus)

Kajgana Shop

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