Руска кујна


Руски туристи
Член од
19 февруари 2010
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Палачинки (Блины)
Национално руски храна е палачинки. Палачинки се подготвени врз основа на посебни палачинка брашно. Да готви палачинки со млеко или јогурт. Палачинки може да биде солена или слатка.
Со цел да се готви на палачинки, треба млеко, јајца, брашно, сол и шеќер. Сите состојки се мешаат, формирајќи прилично течна паста, која потоа лажичка и лее на топло тиган. Во иднина, палачинки може да се служи со путер, џем, урда, месо, јајца и други пломби, слатки или солени, во зависност од вашиот вкус. Палачинки исто така може да се направи палачинката Pie - кога палачинки се наредени еден на еден и promazyvayut џем или други пополнување.
Член од
30 јануари 2010
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Не сум пробала...:toe::toe:
Е ај сеа ништо не сте пробале...
А руската салата од каде е?

Јас сум пробал руска салата и пирошки (не сум знаел дека исто потекнуваат од Русија)...:wink:

wild dolphin

Мал човек а голем ждерач
Член од
12 мај 2009
Поени од реакции
Палачинки (Блины)
Национално руски храна е палачинки. Палачинки се подготвени врз основа на посебни палачинка брашно. Да готви палачинки со млеко или јогурт. Палачинки може да биде солена или слатка.
Со цел да се готви на палачинки, треба млеко, јајца, брашно, сол и шеќер. Сите состојки се мешаат, формирајќи прилично течна паста, која потоа лажичка и лее на топло тиган. Во иднина, палачинки може да се служи со путер, џем, урда, месо, јајца и други пломби, слатки или солени, во зависност од вашиот вкус. Палачинки исто така може да се направи палачинката Pie - кога палачинки се наредени еден на еден и promazyvayut џем или други пополнување.
палачинките се француски од каде сега руски?
Член од
24 ноември 2009
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Некој ја спомна " Руската Салата " Како многу добра Иначе Руската салата нее руска како производ и тоа дека русите ја измислиле руска салата се вика поради мајонезот во неа и нанеа :pos2: потсеќа на снег на белило затоа и е наречена руска салата иначе руска салата се вика само во бивша југославиа буграја и уште една две земји сегде на друго место си имаат различно име,иначе руската по потекло е француска :pos2:

Alexander Nevsky

Палачинки (Блины)
Национално руски храна е палачинки. Палачинки се подготвени врз основа на посебни палачинка брашно. Да готви палачинки со млеко или јогурт. Палачинки може да биде солена или слатка.
Со цел да се готви на палачинки, треба млеко, јајца, брашно, сол и шеќер. Сите состојки се мешаат, формирајќи прилично течна паста, која потоа лажичка и лее на топло тиган. Во иднина, палачинки може да се служи со путер, џем, урда, месо, јајца и други пломби, слатки или солени, во зависност од вашиот вкус. Палачинки исто така може да се направи палачинката Pie - кога палачинки се наредени еден на еден и promazyvayut џем или други пополнување.
Имам јадено Блины и не се палачинки немаат ништо заедночко со тоа... Тестенини најчесто се јадат со павлака а внатре се полнети или со мелено месо или со компири... така да ова незнам кај си го откопал али знам дека појма ти нема:wink:

Вилинско коњче

It is my party :))
Член од
31 декември 2009
Поени од реакции
Не сум пробала ништо руско (освен едни обетки што ги имам на подарок од една пријателка од русија) и незнам ништо за руската кујна
Сепак, во некоја прилика кога ќе сум послободна би ги пробала рецептите кои се наведени


Η Μακεδονία δεν είναι Ελληνική
Член од
2 јуни 2007
Поени од реакции
Ако француската кујна се смета за празнична и елегантна, кинеската за-егзотична- тогаш со право може да се каже за руската кујна дека е - здрава и вкусна.

Имам јадено Блины и не се палачинки немаат ништо заедночко со тоа... Тестенини најчесто се јадат со павлака а внатре се полнети или со мелено месо или со компири... така да ова незнам кај си го откопал али знам дека појма ти нема:wink:

тоа се палачинки- и по ништо не се разликуваат- освен по филот-полнежот-
но она што ти најверојатно си јадел со павлака - и внатре полнети или со мелено месо или со компири - тоа се пелимени


Член од
24 февруари 2005
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Баба Кулички

Потребни состојки:
1 шоља млеко
1/2 квасец (свеж)
250 грама бел шеќер
250 грама путер
3 јајца
1 кесичка валинин шеќер
суво грозје (по желба)
125-150 грама брашно тип 500

Начин на приготвување:

Растворете го квасецот и една кафена лажичка шеќер во малку млеко. Штом смеата се подгине додадете го преостанатото млеко, јајцата и изматете ја смесата внимателно. Потоа, во така изматената смеса додајте го шеќерот, кардамонот и претходно стопениот путер. Внимателно додавајте го брашното со цел да не се згрутчи во грануломи. На крајот, додајте го сувото грозје. Откако сето тоа внимателно ќе го измешате, поделете ја смесата на делови, во облик по желба (јас претпочитам малечки лепчиња), покријте ги со крпа и оставете да се накренат, отприлика два до три часа. Потоа, наредете ги во сад за печење и ставете ги во претходно загреана рерна и печете додека не станат со светлозлатнеста боја. Внимавајте многу лесто да не ја отворате рерната или ќе спласнат. Проверувајте дали се готови со чепкалка за заби, ако излезе чиста, без траги на тесто, готови се. Се служат и топли и студени.

Сиренки (Сирники)

Потребни состојки:

250 грама урда или ситно рендано бело сирење
2 супени лажици семолина брашно
3 супени лажици шеќер
2 супена лажица пченично брашно
2 јајца
Маслиново масло

Начин на приготвување:

Измешајте ги сите состојки одеднаш, освен пшеничното брашно и измешајте внимателно додека не се зацврсне масата. Потоа поделете ја смесата на малечки парченца и прпелкајте ги во брашното. Во тава, на силен оган испржете ги, повремено превртувајте ги. Готови се кога ќе станат златнокафеави.
Член од
9 ноември 2010
Поени од реакции
The first surviving reference to Russian cuisine was made by the 10th-century Arab historian, astronomer and geographer Ibn Rustah. According to Rustah, the eastern Slavs lived entirely on mare’s milk.

The cuisine of any nation is defined by the countryside. Russia may be enormous, but its soil is not rich, and the harsh climate means that for most of the year it cannot be cultivated. But Russia’s plentiful forests, deciduous and the coniferous taiga, were always able to provide enough fuel for the national form of heating – the Russian stove. The stove has an extremely low coefficient of efficiency – no more than 30pc – and the interior of the stove is big enough to allow a grown person to climb inside (and have a wash, a rural tradition). To get the internal temperature high enough to bake bread requires at least 10 logs – ie, a small tree. But once the oven has heated up, several dishes can be cooked slowly at the same time, and enough bread and pies baked to feed a large family. Historically, Russian cooking was not done on an open fire: rather, its dishes were “stewed” in the oven for several hours without any fat or oil being added.

The most famous and popular Russian soup is undoubtedly shchi, the cabbage soup, a dish foreigners find hard to understand. Rome’s ambassador to Moscow in the 17th century wrote: “If they want to hold a sumptuous feast, they make a soup out of food and a few cabbage leaves. If this dish turns out to be not to their taste, they pour a lot of sour milk into it.” There are actually many variations of shchi, and our national love of soup means that there are many recipes for them: a 19th-century cookery book offers 115, including soups made from bread and wine, cherries and buckwheat.

Fermented cabbage, full of vitamins and easy to store, was the main Russian vegetable in winter and spring. Onions and garlic have always been a staple, but green salad never flourished.

Salting vegetables and mushrooms using natural sour milk fermentation, also known as souring, is a major part of Russian cuisine. A pickle made from salted cucumbers and cabbage was once central to our national cooking. Apart from shchi, these pickled foods are used to make dishes such as solyanka, rassolnik and kalya. At one time ducks and geese were salted in large quantities, and also fish: the Domostroy, a 16th-century literary treasure-trove of household advice, mentions more than 10 ways of salting fish. And, of course, there is the famous Russian black caviar.

Fish is used to bake special pies which are known only in Russia – kulebyaka, rybnik and rasstegay. We have a saying: “You can make a pie out of anything.” There are open ones, nipped ones, vatrushkas filled with cottage cheese, sweet ones, sour ones and salted ones. And no article on Russian food would be complete without a mention of the popular okroshka and botvinya, both cold soups based on bread kvass, a national drink made from malt or flour. Again, okroshka is something you need to get used to, to have eaten it as a child, prepared using kvass made by your grandmother. As 19th-century French writer Théophile Gautier put it: “After several months in Russia, in the end you get used to cucumbers, kvass and shchi, the national Russian cuisine, and you begin to like it.” ;):)
Член од
9 ноември 2010
Поени од реакции
Ако француската кујна се смета за празнична и елегантна, кинеската за-егзотична- тогаш со право може да се каже за руската кујна дека е - здрава и вкусна.
The differences between Russian and French cuisine are many, but here's one of the most important: French food is urbane, it beckons you forward while always managing to stay a few steps ahead, like a mysterious beautiful woman. Russian food is basic, nourishing, domestic. Like mom, it simply smothers you with love. That's why you can eat French cuisine at home, but still picture it being served in a restaurant, while Russian cuisine will always have something homemade about it, no matter where it is served.

Некој ја спомна " Руската Салата " Како многу добра Иначе Руската салата нее руска како производ и тоа дека русите ја измислиле руска салата се вика поради мајонезот во неа и нанеа :pos2: потсеќа на снег на белило затоа и е наречена руска салата иначе руска салата се вика само во бивша југославиа буграја и уште една две земји сегде на друго место си имаат различно име,иначе руската по потекло е француска :pos2:
Salad "Olivier" (Оливье, pronounced "olivier")

Salad Olivier is known all over the world, it is also called Russian salad in some countries. Olivie is a simple must on the New Year table, as well as on 8th of March and any other special event with family gatherings. Main difference in versions come from meat kinds - poultry, veal, beef or sausages.

Ех, еден ресторан “Три Богатырја“ ќе ми остане во сеќавање... Боршч, Пиле по Киевски, Котлети, Сељодка, Белуга, Блини со икра... сето тоа залеано со премногу вотка :party1:

Руската кујна е прилично тешка и масна, што впрочем и соодветсвтува со климатските услови. И многу јадат риба (речна).
Russian cuisine derives its varied character from the vast and multi-cultural expanse of Russia. Its foundations were laid by the peasant food of the rural population in an often harsh climate, with a combination of plentiful fish, poultry, game, mushrooms, berries, and honey. Crops of rye, wheat, barley, and millet provided the ingredients for a plethora of breads, pancakes, cereals, kvass, beer, and vodka. Soups and stews full of flavor are centered on seasonal or storable produce, fish, and meats. This wholly native food remained the staple for the vast majority of Russians well into the 20th century.

Russia's great expansions of territory, influence, and interest during the 16th–18th centuries brought more refined foods and culinary techniques, as well as one of the most refined food countries in the world. It was during this period that smoked meats and fish, pastry cooking, salads and green vegetables, chocolate, ice cream, wines, and liquor were imported from abroad. At least for the urban aristocracy and provincial gentry, this opened the doors for the creative integration of these new foodstuffs with traditional Russian dishes. The result is extremely varied in technique, seasoning, and combination.

From the time of Catherine the Great, every family of influence imported both the products and personnel — mainly French and Austrian — to bring the finest, rarest, and most creative foods to their table. This is nowhere more evident than in the exciting, elegant, highly nuanced, and decadent repertoire of the Franco-Russian chef. Many of the foods that are considered in the West to be traditionally Russian actually come from the Franco-Russian cuisine of the 18th and 19th centuries, and include such widespread dishes as Veal Orloff, Beef Stroganoff, and Chicken Kiev.
--- надополнето: Jun 6, 2011 3:37 PM ---
Немам пробано нешто од нивната кујна.
Не сум пробала...:toe::toe:
Не сум пробала ништо руско и незнам ништо за руската кујна.
Сепак, во некоја прилика кога ќе сум послободна би ги пробала рецептите кои се наведени

Soups have always played an important role in the Russian meal. The traditional staple of soups such as shchi (шти), ukha(уха), rassolnik (рассольник), solyanka (солјанка), botvinnik (ботвинник), okroshka (окрошка), and tyurya (тјурја) was enlarged in the 18th to 20th centuries by both European and Central Asian staples like clear soups, pureed soups, stews, and many others.

Russian soups can be divided into at least seven large groups:

Chilled soups based on kvass, such as tyurya, okroshka, and botvinya.
Light soups and stews based on water and vegetables.
Noodle soups with meat, mushrooms, and milk.
Soups based on cabbage, most prominently shchi.
Thick soups based on meat broth, with a salty-sour base like rassolnik and solyanka.
Fish soups such as ukha.
Grain- and vegetable-based soups.

Cold soups


Okroshka is a cold soup based on kvass or, less often, sour milk. The main ingredients of both types are vegetables that can be mixed with cold boiled meat or fish in a 1:1 proportion . Thus vegetable, meat, and fish varieties of okroshka are made.

There must be two sorts of vegetables in okroshka. The first must have a neutral taste, such as boiled potatoes, turnips, rutabagas, carrots, or fresh cucumbers. The second must be spicy, consisting of mainly green onion as well as other herbs—greens of dill, parsley, chervil, celery, or tarragon. Different meat and poultry can be used in the same soup. The most common ingredient is beef alone or with poultry. If it is made with fish, the best choice would be tench, European perch, pike-perch, cod, or other neutral-tasting fish.

The kvass most commonly used in cooking is white okroshka kvass, which is much more sour than drinking kvass. Spices used include mustard, black pepper and pickled cucumber (specifically, the liquid from the pickles), solely or in combination. For the final touch, boiled eggs and smetana (a heavy sour cream, similar to crème fraîche) are added.

For sour milk based okroshka, well shaken up natural sour milk(often with the addition of seed oil) is used with the addition of pure water and ground garlic. Sometimes manufactured kefir is used instead of natural sour milk for time saving reasons, though some say it detracts from the original taste of okroshka.

Tyurya is very similar to okroshka, the main difference being that instead of vegetables, bread is soaked in kvass. It is rather historical meal, that was consumed during rough times (WWII, WWI, Revolution) and by poor peasants. Also, due to its simplicity, it was very common as a meal during religious fasting.

Botvinya is one of the most typical of traditional cold Russian soups.

The name of the soup comes from the Russian word botva, which means "leafy tops of root vegetables", and the ingredients are in line with the name: leafy tops of young beet, sorrel, green onions, dill, cucumbers, and two types of kvass, then some mustard, garlic, and horseradish as spices. The vegetables are rubbed through a sieve and kvass is poured over.

Hot soups


Shchi (cabbage soup) had been the predominant first course in Russian cuisine for over a thousand years. Although tastes have changed, it steadily made its way through several epochs. Shchi knew no social class boundaries, and even if the rich had richer ingredients and the poor made it solely of cabbage and onions, all these "poor" and "rich" variations were cooked in the same tradition. The unique taste of this cabbage soup was from the fact that after cooking it was left to draw (stew) in a Russian stove. The "Spirit of shchi" was inseparable from a Russian izba (log hut). Many Russian proverbs are connected to this soup, such as Shchi da kasha pishcha nasha ("Shchi and porridge are our staples"). It can be eaten regularly, and at any time of the year.

The richer variant of shchi includes several ingredients, but the first and last components are a must:

Meat (very rarely fish or mushrooms).
Carrots, basil or parsley roots.
Spicy herbs (onions, celery, dill, garlic, pepper, bay leaf).
Sour components (smetana, apples, sauerkraut, pickle water).

When this soup is served, smetana is added. It is eaten with rye bread. During much of the year when the Orthodox Christian Church prescribes abstinence from meat and dairy, a vegan version of shchi is made. "Kislye" (sour) schi are made from pickled cabbage (sauerkraut), "serye" (grey) schi from the green outer leaves of the cabbage head. "Zelyonye" (green) schi are made from sorrel leaves, not cabbage, and used to be a popular summer soup.
Kind of ucha ((Russian: Опеканнаја уха)). Made from pike perch


Is a warm watery fish dish, however calling it a fish soup would not be absolutely correct. "Ukha" as a name for fish broth was established only in the late 17th to early 18th centuries. In earlier times this name was first given to thick meat broths, and then later chicken. Beginning from the 15th century, fish was more and more often used to prepare ukha, thus creating a dish that had a distinctive taste among soups.

A minimum of vegetables is added in preparation, and in classical cooking ukha was simply a rich fish broth served to accompany fish pies (rasstegai, kuliebiaka, etc.). These days it is more often a fish soup, cooked with potatoes and other vegetables. A wide variety of freshwater fish is traditionally used.


Is a hot soup in a salty-sour cucumber base. This dish formed in Russian cuisine quite late—only in the 19th century. About this time the name rassolnik was attached to it, originating from the Russian word "rassol" which means brine (pickle water). Pickle water was known to be used as base for soups from the 15th century at the latest. Its concentration and ratio with other liquids and soup components gave birth to different soups: solyanka, pohmelka, and of course rassolnik. The latest are moderately sour-salty soups on pickled cucumber base. Some are vegetarian, but more often with products like veal or beef kidneys or all poultry giblets (stomach, liver, heart, neck, feet). For best taste there has to be a balance between the sour part and neutral absorbers (cereals, potatoes, root vegetables). Typical rassolnik is based on kidneys, brine (and pickles), vegetables and barley.

Kal'ya was a very common dish first served in the 16th–17th centuries. Subsequently it almost completely disappeared from Russian cuisine. Often it was incorrectly called "fish rassolnik." The cooking technique is mostly the same as of ukha, but to the broth were added pickled cucumbers, pickle water, lemons and lemon juice, either separately or all together. The main characteristic of kal'ya is that only fat, rich fish was used; sometimes caviar was added along with the fish. More spices are added, and the soup turns out more piquant and thicker than ukha. Formerly kal'ya was considered a festivity dish.


Solyanka is a thick, piquant soup that combines components from schi (cabbage, smetana) and rassolnik (pickle water and cucumbers), spices such as olives, capers, tomatoes, lemons, lemon juice, kvass, salted and pickled mushrooms are make up a considerably strong sour-salty base of the soup. Solyanka is much thicker than other soups, about 1/3 less liquid ratio. Three types are distinguished: meat, fish, and simple solyanka. The first two are cooked on strong meat or fish broths, and the last on mushroom or vegetable broth. All the broths are mixed with cucumber pickle water.

Lapsha (noodle soup)

Was adopted by Russians from Tatars, and after some transformation became widespread in Russia. It comes in three variations: chicken, mushroom, and milk. Cooking all three is simple, including preparation of noodles, cooking of corresponding broth, and boiling of noodles in broth. Noodles are based on the same wheat flour or buckwheat/wheat flour mix. Mixed flour noodles go better with mushroom or milk broth.


Is made of broth, beets, and tomato juice with various vegetables. Vegetables include onions, cabbage, tomato, carrots, and celery. Usually Borscht contains beef or sausage, however, it can be made vegan. It can be served hot or cold. Typically, it is served with white bread and Smetana.

Violent Femme

I am as lovely as a dream in stone..
Член од
27 мај 2011
Поени од реакции
Руска пита од лосос

  • 200 грама Шампињони
  • малку Црн бибер
  • 30 грама Целер
  • 1 пакување лиснато тесто
  • 400 грама Спанаќ
  • малку сол
  • 70 грама Путер
  • 100 грама Ориз
  • 3 чешниња Лук
  • 300 грама Лосос филети
  • 2 Јајца

Јајцата тврдо сварете ги, излупете ги и ситно исецкајте ги.

Оризот сварете го, исцедете го, посолете, па помешајте го со јајцата и 30 гр. путер.

Печурките исецкајте ги на листови.

Листовите целер ситно исецкајте ги.

Варете го лососот околу 5 минути, па отстранете му ја кожата.

Спанаќот пржете го 10 минути на силен оган на 20 гр. путер, заедно со лукот, малку сол и бибер.

Со путер премачкајте еден четвртаст калап, обложете го со половина од готовото лиснато тесто и избоцкајте го со вилушка, па одозгора ставете го оризот.

Одозгора наредете ги печурките, спанаќот, лососот, зачините и престанатиот путер исечен на коцки.

Другиот дел од лиснатото тестото расукајте го, па на неколку места засечете му дупчиња (во облик на квадрати), па ставете преку филот и прицврстете ги краевите.

Печете во рерна загреана на 200 степени околу 30-35 минути, или додека одозгора не се добие убава златна нијанса.
Член од
9 ноември 2010
Поени од реакции

In traditional Russian cuisine three basic variations of meat dishes can be highlighted:

a large boiled piece of meat cooked in a soup or porridge, and then used as second course or served cold (particularly in jellied stock—see Kholodets' below)
offal dishes (liver, tripe, etc.), baked in pots together with cereals;
whole fowl dishes or parts of fowl (legs or breasts), or a large piece of meat (rump) baked on a baking tray in an oven, so-called "zharkoye" (from the word "zhar"(жар) meaning "heat")

The 16th century "Domostroi" aimed at affluent households also mentions sausage-making, spit-roasted meats, stews and many other meat dishes.

As a garnish to meat dishes in the past the most common were porridges and cereals, in which the meat was boiled, later on boiled or rather steamed and baked root vegetables (turnips, carrots) as well as mushrooms; additionally the meat, without taking account its type, was garnished with pickled products—pickled cabbage, sour and "soaked" (marinated) apples (mochoniye yabloki), soaked cranberries, "vzvar"s. Pan juices, alone or mixed with sour cream or melted butter is used as gravy to pour on garnishing vegetables and porridges. Meat sauces i.e. gravies based on flour, butter, eggs and milk, are not common for traditional Russian cuisine.

Kholodets (or Studen')

Jellied chopped pieces of pork or veal meat with some spices added (pepper, parsley, garlic, bay leaf) and minor amounts of vegetables (carrots, onions). The meat is boiled in large pieces for long periods of time, then chopped, boiled a few times again and finally chilled for 3–4 hours (hence the name) forming a jelly mass, though gelatine is not used because calves' feet, pigs' heads and other such offal is gelatinous enough on its own. It is served with horseradish, mustard, or ground garlic with smetana.


Pelmeni (пельмени in Russian, singular pelmen, пельмень; пјальмені in Belarusian)

Are a traditional Eastern European (mainly Russian) dish usually made with minced meat filling, wrapped in thin dough (made out of flour and eggs, sometimes with milk or water added). For filling, pork, lamb, beef, or any other kind of meat can be used; mixing several kinds is popular. The traditional Ural recipe requires the filling be made with 45% of beef, 35% of lamb, and 20% of pork. Traditionally, various spices, such as pepper, onions, and garlic, are mixed into the filling.

Russians seem to have learned to make pelmeni from Finnic and Tatar peoples of the Taiga, the Urals and Siberia. The word means "ear-shaped bread" in Finnic languages such as Udmurt and Komi. In Siberia they were made in large quantities and stored safely frozen outside for several winter months. In mainland Russia, the term "Siberian Pel'meni" refers to pel'meni made with a mix of meats (whether the 45/35/20 mix mentioned above, or another ratio), rather than a single meat. By the late 19th century, they became a staple throughout urban European Russia. They are prepared immediately before eating by boiling in water until they float, and then 2–5 minutes more. The resulting dish is served with butter and/or sour cream (mustard, horseradish, and vinegar are popular as well).

Some recipes suggest frying pelmeni after boiling until they turn golden brown.

Pelmeni belong to the family of dumplings. Akin to vareniki:

Ukrainian variety of dumplings with filling made of mashed potatoes, farmer's cheese, or cherries, to mention the most popular three. They are not dissimilar to Chinese potstickers, Tibetan mo-mo and Italian ravioli, as well as the Manti of the Kazakh and Kyrgyz cultures. The main difference between pelmeni and other kinds of dumplings is in their shape and size — the typical pelmen' is roughly spherical and is about 2 to 3 cm in diameter, whereas most other types of dumplings are usually elongated and much larger.

The process of making pelmeni is somewhat labor-intensive, but a device known as "pelmennitsa"

greatly speeds up the task. It consists of a typically round aluminum plate with a matrix of holes surrounded by ridges. A sheet of dough is placed over the matrix, filling is scooped into each "cell", and the dough sags under the weight of the filling, forming the body of the dumpling. Another sheet of dough is placed on top, and a wooden roller is rolled over the top, pressing the dough layers together, cutting the dumplings apart by the ridges, and forcing the dumplings to fall through the holes. Using a pelmennitsa, the chef can quickly manufacture batches of dumplings at a time (illustration shows a traditional pelmennitsa configuration with a hexagonal pattern of 37 holes, although other forms and shapes exist).

Various minced meat dishes were adopted from other cuisines and became popular only in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries; for traditional Russian cuisine they are not typical.

Kotlety (cotelettes, meatballs),

Chicken Kiev

a Western European dish popular in modern Russian households, are small pan-fried meat balls, not dissimilar from Salisbury steak and other such dishes. Made primarily from pork and beef (sometimes also from chicken or fish), they are easily made and require little time. Milk, onions, ground beef, and pork are put in a bowl and mixed thoroughly until it becomes relatively consistent. Once this effect is achieved, balls are formed and then put into a hot frying pan to cook. When meat was in short supply, a portion of it could be substituted with bread to protect the size and flavour of the kotlety.


Shashlyk is a form of Shish kebab (marinated meat grilled on a skewer) popular in former Soviet Union countries, notably in Georgia, Russia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Uzbekistan. It often features alternating slices of meat and onions. Even though the word "shashlyk" was apparently borrowed from the Crimean Tatars by the Cossacks as early as the 16th century, kebabs did not reach Moscow until the late 19th century, according to Vladimir Gilyarovsky's "Moscow and Moscovites". From then on, their popularity spread rapidly; by the 1910s they were a staple in St Petersburg restaurants and by the 1920s they were already a pervasive street food all over urban Russia.
--- надополнето: Jun 6, 2011 5:22 PM ---

Fish was important in pre-revolutionary cuisine, especially on Russian Orthodox fast days when meat was forbidden, similar to the Catholic custom of eating fish instead of meat on Fridays. Strictly freshwater fish such as carp and sudak (Sander lucioperca, Zander) were commonly eaten in inland areas, as well as anadromous sturgeon and in northern areas salmon, pike and trout. A greater variety of fish—including saltwater species—were preserved by salting, pickling or smoking and consumed as "zakuski" (hors d'oeuvres).





--- надополнето: Jun 6, 2011 6:40 PM ---
Pies and pancakes

Russian pirozhki made with onion, mushroom, meat and rice stuffing.




(singular: pirozhok; diminutive of "pirog" [pie]) are small stuffed buns (pies) made of either yeast dough or short pastry. They are filled with one of many different fillings and are either baked (the ancient Slavic method) or shallow-fried (known as "priazhenie", this method was borrowed from the Tatars in the 16th century). One feature of pirozhki that sets them apart from, for example, English pies is that the fillings used are almost invariably fully cooked. The use of chopped hard-boiled eggs in fillings is another interesting feature. Six typical fillings for traditional pirozhki are:

Chopped boiled meat mixed with sautéed onions
Rice and boiled eggs with dill
Fish sautéed with onions and mixed with hard-boiled chopped eggs and rice
Mashed potatoes mixed with dill and green onion
Sautéed cabbage
Sautéed mushrooms with onions and sometimes carrots

Палачинки (Блины)
Национално руски храна е палачинки. Палачинки се подготвени врз основа на посебни палачинка брашно. Да готви палачинки со млеко или јогурт. Палачинки може да биде солена или слатка.
Со цел да се готви на палачинки, треба млеко, јајца, брашно, сол и шеќер. Сите состојки се мешаат, формирајќи прилично течна паста, која потоа лажичка и лее на топло тиган. Во иднина, палачинки може да се служи со путер, џем, урда, месо, јајца и други пломби, слатки или солени, во зависност од вашиот вкус. Палачинки исто така може да се направи палачинката Pie - кога палачинки се наредени еден на еден и promazyvayut џем или други пополнување.
Имам јадено Блины и не се палачинки немаат ништо заедночко со тоа... Тестенини најчесто се јадат со павлака а внатре се полнети или со мелено месо или со компири... така да ова незнам кај си го откопал али знам дека појма ти нема:wink:
блини- тоа се палачинки- и по ништо не се разликуваат- освен по филот-полнежот-но она што ти најверојатно си јадел со павлака - и внатре полнети или со мелено месо или со компири - тоа се пелимени

are thin pancakes made with yeasted batter which are often served in connection with a religious rite or festival. The word "blin" (singular of blini) comes from Old Slavic "mlin", which means "to mill". Blins had a somewhat ritual significance for early Slavic peoples in pre-Christian times since they were a symbol of the sun, due to their round form. They were traditionally prepared at the end of the winter to honor the rebirth of the new sun during Maslenitsa (Масленица, Butter Week; also known as Pancake Week). This tradition was adopted by the Orthodox Church and is carried on to the present day, as the last week of dairy and egg products before Lent. Bliny are still often served at wakes, to commemorate the recently deceased. Blini can be made from wheat, buckwheat, or other grains, although wheat blini are most popular in Russia. They may be topped with butter, smetana (sour cream), fruit preserves or caviar.


are fried curd fritters, garnished with sour cream, jam, honey, and/or apple sauce.


is a kind of cake with a ring of dough and tvorog (cottage cheese) in the middle, often with raisins or bits of fruit, from about five inches to two and a half feet in diameter.
--- надополнето: Jun 6, 2011 7:06 PM ---
Од руска кујна, само вотката :toe: саде та ни остана за пиење
Русите пијат вотка на екс, а не како ние што се лигавеме. После испивањето на чашата, се зема резне лимон, или шо да е уствари. Ова е од филмови што сум гледал, од „Бандитскиј Петербург“ и од „Бригада“. А нема русин да не пие. Пијана нација. :)


Many traditional drinks are indigenous to Russia and are not present in other national cuisines. The most notable of these are vodka, sbiten', kvass, medovukha and mors. Many of them are no longer common and have been replaced by drinks originating in Europe. Nonetheless, these beverages were formerly drunk as a complement to meat and poultry dishes, sweet porridge, and dessert. Of particular note is sbiten, an immensely popular medieval drink which has since been replaced by tea as the Russian mainstay beverage.


Of Russia's alcoholic beverages, perhaps the most ancient is Medovukha, a sweet, low-alcohol drink, made with fermented-honey with the addition of various spices. A stronger honey-based beverage, stavlenniy myod, also exists in Russia and is broadly equivalent to Scandinavian mead; it is typically made with the admixture of berry juices.

Vodka is the most well-known of Russia's alcoholic products and is produced, with some variation, through-out the country. Vodka can be either grain or potato based and is frequently flavored with a great variety of ingredients ranging from hot-pepper and horseradish to fruits and berries.

Beer has been manufactured in Russia since at the very least the 9th century. It's popularity was for many centuries concentrated in the Lands of Novgorod. Beer continued to be made throughout Russian history, but real growth came in the 18th century when many breweries were founded in order to supply the newly modernized and expanded imperial army and fleet. A real explosion in the popularity of beer came in the last decades of the Soviet Era and has continued into the present day, with Russia now ranking as the fourth largest producer in the world.

Wine is manufactured in the southern regions in the country, but lags far behind other alcoholic beverages in popularity. The wine industry, which was somewhat notable in imperial times, is slowly expanding, but most Russians that drink wine tend to prefer imported foreign varieties, including those little known in the outside world (Specifically Georgian and Moldovan wines).


Kvass is a bread-based drink and a key ingredient in many soups.

Kvass is an ancient and still widely popular bread-based drink. The basic method of preparing kvass includes water, flour and malt liquid; these ingredients are then used to make a dough which is subjected to fermentation. This fermented liquid, referred to as "zator" is diluted with water and mixed with yeast, sugar and aromatic additives. This final mixture is allowed to brew for several days. Flavor additives may include fruit and berry juices (cherry, raspberry, lemon, etc.), as well as ginger and mint.

Sbiten, a non-alcoholic (or very little alcohol) drink, is made of honey, water, fruit juices and spices. Sbiten was once the most popular non-alcoholic bevarage in the country, but in the last centuries has, been superseded and largely replaced by tea.

Another popular drink is mors, which is made of sweetened fruit juices diluted with water.

Tea is by far the most common drink in contemporary Russia. First introduced to Russia from China in the 17th century, its popularity has since spread throughout the country. Black tea has always been the dominant variety of this drink, but after the Russian acquisition of Central Asia, awareness of and interest in green tea began to increase slowly. Today Russia remains one of the largest tea consumers in the world.

Most tea is imported, and until the Sino-Soviet split, originated mostly in China. Now Russia imports most of its tea from India and Sri Lanka, with Darjeeling being the most prized variety. Domestic cultivation exists in the southern regions of the country (mostly in Krasnodar Krai), but local supply is very limited compared to national consumption.

Coffee, although popular, has never caught up to tea in popularity. Peter The Great is credited with introducing coffee to Russia, with the drink becoming steadily more pervasive since that time. Coffee is commonly made either using the turkish or common European method.

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