Прашања за Исламот I

Затворена за нови мислења.
Член од
25 октомври 2007
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Значи поставувам прашање а ти се уфрлаш и сосема трет муабет тераш.
Сакаш да кажеш дека Саудијците не знаат да го толкуваат Куранот ко што треба ?
Шеријатот не го спроведуваат ко што треба ?
Кса е суврена и независна земја која сама си ја води политиката.
Значи дали ке има или не одлучува само Кса. А градењето црква не се коси со исламот, се разбира услов е да не ја градат муслимани.:nesum:
Грешка. С. Арабија не си ја тера сама политиката, туку се води според Куранот и шеријатот.

КСА не одлучува. Одлучува Куранот и шеријатот. Сакаш да кажеш дека луѓето во КСА не знаат да го толкуваат Куранот и шеријатот правилно ?
Секој си има свое лично и дискреционо право во што и како ке верува:uvo:
Да не се расфрламе со големи зборови. Треба и јас да те разберам.


Член од
24 февруари 2005
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Пиповски - А бе, ако плаќаш на невидено, немој, прво пробај, како кола, провери, чини ли или не чини.

И остај ги вахабитине да ми одговорат, не им ја олеснувај работата, после ќе се праат наудрени, дека не ги виделе прашањата. Озбилно.

Ајде пак:

Прашањa за исламот до муслиманите (еквивалентни на прашањата на другана тема, онаа за рисјанството, додуше многу поинтелигентно поставени и не глупави како поставените на таа, другата тема):

1001 Ways to Increase Your Eman

Assalamualaikum Wa Rahmatullah,
InshaAllah this thread is dedicated to mentioning ways to increase our Eman.
I'll Start;

1. Pray in the last third of the night.
2. Go to Fajr and Isha in congregation.
3. Say Adhkaar in the morning and evening.
4. Remember Death often.
5. Contemplate over the creation of Allah and how vast and beatiful his creation is.
Зошто би сакал некој 1001 начин за нешто кое се зголемува еднаш?


Allah or Jesus?

Last month I attended my annual training session that's required for maintaining my state prison security clearance. During the training session there was a presentation by three speakers representing the Roman Catholic, Protestant and Muslim faiths who explained their belief systems. I was particularly interested in what the Islamic Imam had to say.
The Imam gave a great presentation of the basics of Islam complete with a video. After the presentations, time was provided for questions and answers. When it was my turn I directed my question to the Imam and asked: Please, correct me if I'm wrong, but I understand that most Imams and clerics of Islam have declared a holy jihad [Holy war] against the infidels of the world. And, that by killing an infidel, which is a command to all Muslims, they are assured of a place in heaven. If that's the case, can you give me the definition of an infidel?"
There was no disagreement with my statements and without hesitation he replied, "Non-believers!"
I responded, So, let me make sure I have this straight. All followers of Allah have been commanded to kill everyone who is not of your faith so they can go to heaven. Is that correct? The expression on his face changed from one of authority and command to that of a little boy who had just gotten caught with his hand in the cookie jar. He sheepishly replied, Yes.
I then stated, Well, sir, I have a real problem trying to imagine Pope John Paul commanding all Catholics to kill those of your faith or Pat Robertson or Dr. Stanley ordering Protestants to do the same in order to go to heaven! The Imam was speechless.
I continued, I also have problem with being your friend when you and your brother clerics are telling your followers to kill me. Let me ask you a question-would you rather have your Allah who tells you to kill me in order to go to heaven or my Jesus who tells me to love you because I am going to heaven and wants you to be with me? You could have heard a pin drop as the Imam hung his head in shame.

Одговор на болдираното, молам!!


A man has a studio in which there were cameras. He has learned that making pictures is haraam, so what should he do with them so that he will be safe from financial loss? If he sells them to a Muslim, will that not be helping to spread sin? What is the ruling on what he earned from that? Is it permissible for him to spend it on himself and his family?.
Пак молам одговор на болдираното.

Can a woman say “Ameen” out loud when she is praying with her husband at home?

Do women say "Ameen" quietly in salaah at home with their husbands and in the masjid? What about with other women?
Пак молам одговор на болдираното.

И сега едно глупаво прашање, да бидам on par со поставувачите на глупави прашања на темата за рисјанството:

Зошто кога се молат, клечеејќи, муслиманите нагло изрипуваат како да ги зашпурнал некој??
Пак молам одговор на болдираното.

Реднек, молим те, остај да видам колку им сече ако се осудат да ми одговорат!


Значи поставувам прашање а ти се уфрлаш и сосема трет муабет тераш.

Грешка. С. Арабија не си ја тера сама политиката, туку се води според Куранот и шеријатот.

КСА не одлучува. Одлучува Куранот и шеријатот. Сакаш да кажеш дека луѓето во КСА не знаат да го толкуваат Куранот и шеријатот правилно ?

Да не се расфрламе со големи зборови. Треба и јас да те разберам.
Sigurno vo Kuranot nitu pak vo serijatot ne pisuva da sorabotuva so najgolemiot neprijatel na Islamot Sad.

A KSA sorabotuva za mene vladata na ksa e isto tolku omrazena kolku sto ja mrazam samata Amerika svati sega , Ksa ako se vodi spored Kuranot netreba da ima siromasen musliman na svetov a ne Gladen . Namesto da go postavese toa prasanje da postavese edno drugo zosto Ksa neprakja pari i leb vo Niger vo Somalija koi se isto taka muslimanski zemji ama umiraaat za lep Ksa toa netreba da go dozvoli so tolku nafta. Zatoa vladata na Ksa za mene e Kafirska ne muslimanska toa sakam da ti kazam, namesto parirte da gi cuva po Svajcarija i Americkite bakni da Gi investira kaj muslimanite, Ako odi spored Kuranot kako sto vikas ti Kamatata e najstrogo zabraneta . Ama Ksa si lapa kamata od Sad I Svajcarija ne se toa pobornici za islam, toa se Munafici. Veruvaj jas isto tolku ja mrazam vladata na Ksa kolku sto ja mrazis ti zosto ne dozvoluva izgradba na crkvi, ama jas ja mrazam od drugi pricini.. Aj pozzzz:helou::helou:


Член од
24 февруари 2005
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Sho be Amco, kamo odgovor?
Ne begajte od validno postaveni prasanja!
kazete ednostavno deka vahabitstvoto nema
soodveten odgovor na moite legitimni prasanja!
Член од
29 октомври 2008
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Еве проблем, нека кажат оние кои знаат, зошто Исламот, т.е. учењето на Исламот, т.е. оние кои најдобро го интерпретираат и тоа воопшто им е работа, ни кажат оти не се дозволува црква во КСА?

ne mi e rabota no ako religijata od eden narod se neguva vo vistinska smisla e ne delumno kolku da se kaze koja e logikata da se odi protiv licnoto ubeduvanje?

Имам едно прашање,

Зошто кај муслиманските хардкор, фамилии, има обичај кај што ги продават своите ќерки за пари, или предвреме додека се мали, им наогаат маЖ.?
Навистина, имам комшии муслимани, кој пред неколку недели си купија за 500 евра невеста.

Па во план сум да си купам и јас една да ми слугува по дома, само незнам дали е услов да си муслиманин, па ако може некој по упатен да одговори?
Stara tradicija na makednoskite sela vo Albanija toa im ostanalo od predcite,nema nikakva razlka religijata vo ova toa go ima i vamu i tamu.


Член од
24 февруари 2005
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Dali muslimanite imaat dovolno doblest da odgovorat na legitimno postaveni prasanja i dali imaat doblest da kazat koga ne se vo moznost na isto intelektualno nivo da odgovorat na mudro i inteligentno postaveni prasanja?
Член од
8 ноември 2007
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Allah or Jesus?

Last month I attended my annual training session that's required for maintaining my state prison security clearance. During the training session there was a presentation by three speakers representing the Roman Catholic, Protestant and Muslim faiths who explained their belief systems. I was particularly interested in what the Islamic Imam had to say.
The Imam gave a great presentation of the basics of Islam complete with a video. After the presentations, time was provided for questions and answers. When it was my turn I directed my question to the Imam and asked: Please, correct me if I'm wrong, but I understand that most Imams and clerics of Islam have declared a holy jihad [Holy war] against the infidels of the world. And, that by killing an infidel, which is a command to all Muslims, they are assured of a place in heaven. If that's the case, can you give me the definition of an infidel?"
There was no disagreement with my statements and without hesitation he replied, "Non-believers!"
I responded, So, let me make sure I have this straight. All followers of Allah have been commanded to kill everyone who is not of your faith so they can go to heaven. Is that correct? The expression on his face changed from one of authority and command to that of a little boy who had just gotten caught with his hand in the cookie jar. He sheepishly replied, Yes.
I then stated, Well, sir, I have a real problem trying to imagine Pope John Paul commanding all Catholics to kill those of your faith or Pat Robertson or Dr. Stanley ordering Protestants to do the same in order to go to heaven! The Imam was speechless.
I continued, I also have problem with being your friend when you and your brother clerics are telling your followers to kill me. Let me ask you a question-would you rather have your Allah who tells you to kill me in order to go to heaven or my Jesus who tells me to love you because I am going to heaven and wants you to be with me? You could have heard a pin drop as the Imam hung his head in shame.
Добро измислена приказна од некојси Rick Mathes

Еве ти одговор:

1. Why do you think the article by Rick Mathes entitled: “Allah or Jesus?” is being circulated so widely among ordinary Americans through e-mail? Why do you think the author chose the title “Allah or Jesus?”
It must be evident to anyone who observes the Christian coalition or Zionist Christians that they are bent upon doing everything in their power to wipe out Islam from the face of the earth. For this they would stoop to any level; and this is no surprise, as St. Paul is their exemplar in their strategies. Read the following from his Epistles, which are foisted on the masses as the Word of God:

“But be it so, I did not burden you: nevertheless being crafty, I caught you with guile” (2 Corinthians 12:16).

“For though I be free from all men, yet have I made myself servant unto all, that I might gain the more. And unto the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might gain the Jews; to them under the Law, that I might gain them that are under the Law; to them that are without the law, as without law, (being not without law to God, but under the law to Christ) that I might gain them that are under the law. To the weak became I as weak, that I might gain the weak: I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some” (1 Corinthians 9:19-22).

What better illustration of hypocrisy can we give? For the sake of the truth, Paul will use all means of deceit in order to gain more followers. If St. Paul teaches this, can we really blame his present followers, the likes of Rick Mathes, Pat Robertson, or Jimmy Swaggart? Please see the BBC report about this.

Please read this too:

“For if the truth of God, hath more abounded through my lie unto his glory: why yet am I also judged as a sinner?” (Romans 3:7).

Just think, if Paul really believed he had the truth, why should he use lies to make “the truth of God” “more abounded,” as he says?

Rick Mathes and his tribe adopt the same Pauline technique of using the lie as a means to promote Christianity at the expense of Islam. Even in the title, “Allah or Jesus?” the same guile is used. It really is funny how they try to advance “the truth” with falsehood!
2. Is it true that an “infidel” is a non-believer (like me)? If so, is it true that the Qur’an actually instructs Muslims to kill non-believers to guarantee them a place in heaven? If so, what are the exact words (or as near as they can be in translation)?
“Infidel” is an English word and we get its meaning from any English dictionary. Here is the definition from Dictionary.com: “An unbeliever with respect to a particular religion, especially Christianity or Islam.”

About Heaven we find the following among other verses in the Qur’an, on the same theme:
1. *{Verily We shall give life to the dead, and We record that which they send before and that which they leave behind, and of all things have We taken account in a clear Book [of evidence]}* (Ya-Sin 36:12).

2. *{Who receiveth guidance, receiveth it for his own benefit: who goeth astray doth so to his own loss: no bearer of burdens can bear the burden of another: nor would We visit with Our wrath until We had sent an apostle [to give warning]}* Al-Israa’ 17:15).

3. *{Those who do wish for the [things of] the Hereafter, and strive therefore with all due striving, and have faith,- they are the ones whose striving is acceptable [to God]}* (Al-Israa’ 17-19).

4. *{God will say: “This is a day on which the truthful will profit from their truth: theirs are gardens, with rivers flowing beneath,- their eternal Home: God well-pleased with them, and they with God: That is the great salvation, [the fulfillment of all desires]}* (Al-Ma’idah 5:119).

5. *{He that works evil will not be requited but by the like thereof: and he that works a righteous deed—whether man or woman—and is a believer, such will enter the Garden [of Bliss]: Therein will they have abundance without measure}* (Ghafir 40:40).

The above verses clearly say that there will be a Day of Judgment on which God will be the Judge of all. On that Day, on the basis of our faith and deeds, we will be sent to Heaven or Hell. And it is made quite clear that on that day the truthful who follow the guidance of God will be admitted to Heaven and those who reject God and His guidance will be sent to Hell.

To continue on the subject of killing, it is true that God has permitted fighting; but this fighting must be against oppression and injustice, not against non-Muslims as such! Where innocent men, women and children are attacked, or when intolerable atrocities are committed, Muslims are asked to fight to protect the innocent and safeguard their rights.

Those who blame Allah—and this is just the Arabic name for God—for commanding the Muslims to fight can turn the pages of their own book and see how Joshua at Jehovah’s command “left none remaining, but utterly destroyed all that breathed, as the Lord God of Israel commanded” (Joshua 10:40).

Didn’t Jesus himself say, “Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. I have come to set a man against his father and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law” (Matt. 10:34–35)?

I would particularly like to make it clear that the Qur’an does not instruct Muslims to kill non-believers to guarantee them a place in Heaven, as you have said. On the contrary, God commands the believers to invite others to His way in the most peaceful manner. In this call, the Muslims are commanded to appeal to their common sense and to their own faith in truth and justice. Most certainly God has categorically prohibited forcing anyone to accept Islam, let alone killing! The Qur’an says what means:
*{Let there be no compulsion in religion. Truth stands out clear from error: whoever rejects evil and believes in God hath grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold, that never breaks. And God heareth and knoweth all things}* (Al-Baqarah 2:256).

*{Say: “The Truth is from your Lord.” Let him who will believe, and let him who will, reject [it]}* (Al-Kahf 18:29).

*{Goodness and evil can never be equal. Repel [evil] with good: then will he between whom and you was hatred become as it were your friend and intimate}* (Fussilat 41:34).

*{Invite [all] to the way of thy Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching; and argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious: for thy Lord knoweth best, who have strayed from His path, and who receive guidance}* (An-Nahl 16:125).

From these verses it is clear that anyone who uses force to convert a non-Muslim or harm any human being on that score, breaks the divine command; and such a person is not what a Muslim should be.
3. What is jihad? Is this a real ongoing endless call for the murder of “unbelievers” (a bit like Bush’s War on Terror), or is it a metaphor describing the need to fight for what you believe in and share your faith with the doubters? Explain.
Jihad simply means “striving,” and any effort can be called a jihad. But in Islamic parlance, it stands for the Muslims’ effort to obey the commands of God in their life, even when the odds are against them. In certain contexts, as mentioned above, where fighting for truth and justice becomes unavoidable, that effort can also be called jihad. But today the word is terribly misinterpreted and misunderstood to mean “holy war.” The concept of a holy war comes from the Christian history of the Crusades. Islam never considers war as holy. Fighting is allowed in Islam only as a last resort, as a necessary evil, not as something holy.


Член од
24 февруари 2005
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Сепак наместо конкретен одговор на болдираното прашање јас добив дебилен и недоквакан одговор полн цитати!

Дали ќе го сакаш Алах ако бара од тебе да ме убиеш за да одиш во рајот или Исус кој вели да се почитуваме и сакаме за заедно да одиме во рајот!?

Молам конкретен одговор!
Член од
8 ноември 2007
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Ниту Аллах вика да те убијам, ниту Исус вика да се сакаме. Значи ќе повторам уште еднаш, ако убиеш еден човек е исто како да си го убил цел свет. И целиот одговор го имаш во писмото кое е аргумент на измислената приказна погоре што ја постира.


Член од
24 февруари 2005
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Jok, ne e taka! Jas licno sum cul imami koi povikuvaat na ubivanje nemuslimani za kao vlez, siguren vlez u rajot!

A odgovor na drugite prasanja posto na ova ne davate!

Ајмо даље, прашање (како и секогаш, за разика од вахабитите, поткрепено со доказ и факт):

Зошто исламските лидери и свештенство повикуваат на убиство ако е тоа противно на Исламот???

the Imam of the main mosque of Baghdad made a hysterical speech that was shown on Iraqi TV.
Victory will come, It’s close, with Allah’s help, [...] The Americans and their President,
The British and those who support them,
The Zionists, the bastard children,
(of the West and the United States),
Even the rock will say: "Oh Muslim, there’s a Jew behind me,
Come and cut off his head!"
(Imam takes out long blade)
And we will cut off his head!
God willing, we will cut off his head!
Oh Jews! Allah is great! Allah is great!
(Iraqi Imam frantically swings blade in the air while shrieking)
(Crowd joins in calling for the murder and genocide of Jews).
Allah is great!
Jihad for Allah! Jihad for Allah!
Iraqi TV
Main Baghdad Mosque
Iraq, February 14 2003

Sheikh Abed el Razaq Samraai,
The Imam of the Baghdad Mosque says:

Victory will come,
It’s close, with Allah’s help,
And let them know:,
(I don’t want to mention their names here),
The Americans and their President,
The British and those who support them,
The Zionists, the bastard children,
(of the West and the United States),
Allah is great,
Oh, nation of Mohamed,
Even the rock will say:
Oh Muslim, there’s a Jew behind me,
Come and cut off his head!
(Imam takes out long blade)
And we will cut off his head!
God willing, we will cut off his head!
Oh Jews! Allah is great!
Allah is great!
(Iraqi Imam frantically swings blade in the air
while shrieking)
(Crowd joins in calling
for the murder and genocide of Jews).
Allah is great!
Jihad for Allah! Jihad for Allah!
(Iraqi Imam continues to frantically swing blade
while Muslim crowd gets more and more excited)
Allah is great!
Victory for the believers!
Allah is great!

Одговор на болдираното молам!

Имам уште еден куп прашања и затоа сите ќе ви ги постирам одеднаш:

Q1. Why would God want his creation to not ask, questions, criticize, debate or experiment ideas that he gave us? This can only happen to cover up lies. This is the reason why we can’t question clergy about things like What’s the proof that God exists and what’s the proof that Muhammad is the prophet of God. Seems like a great deceit to make sheep out of humans. Only truth can stand the fierce scrutiny and criticism and still stand tall.
Q2. Why would God make religions appear only in poor, illiterate and desert areas? 1400 years ago, Greek were more scientific and progressive, why religion didn’t appear there instead? I tell you why. Because Muhammad could have only mislead the gullible, ignorant and poor people. In fact, his first followers were actually poor. Rich and literate people thought of him as crazy. Even today, if I go to a illiterate village and proclaim myself as a big saint, millions will follow me. That’s how easy it is to make stupid people more stupid. That’s why you don’t see new religions forming in Europe.
Q3. If there is Science in Islam, why didn’t God tell us how old the Universe is, how old Earth is, whether it is round or flat, how long it took for it to cool down, how Life began, how Life evolved? It seems that Allah knew only things that were already known at that time by the Greek and ancient scientists and philosophers. If I start a religion today, I wouldn’t forget to add an ayat, “And thou will not spread mischief in the earth which took us fifteen billion years to make. There are altogether eleven dimensions, yet the unbelievers deny our signs.” Ridiculous!
Q4. Why Abrahamic religions, specifically Islam is exclusivist? How can a truth be confined to some people and not others (people living in other places, other times etc. can’t be all wrong). Buddhism on the other hand is not exclusivist like Islam. Buddha even said don’t believe me, don’t believe your holy books, don’t believe what people say, but believe only what’s true to your heart and mind, because truth can only come from inside, not outside (outside = scriptures, prophets, gods).
Q5. Why would God care about whether people believe in him or not? The creator of the universes and each and every atom in them, can’t be so narrow minded, arrogant or stupid. Because arrogance means ‘covering up negative feelings about self’ and genuine God would rather be full of self-esteem than arrogance. God’s name being ‘Al-Mutakab-bir’ is beyond me.
Q6. Why would God choose a mass murderer, rapist, blasphemer, pedophile, madman and power and sex hungry person as his prophet? Marriage with 9 year old Aisha, Marriage with his daughter-in-law Zainab, Marriage with Javairah, his slave after killing his father, husband and brother the same day, killing others just because they don’t believed him, killing someone if they change their religion, killing without reason, spreading Islam not with discussion, logic or spirituality but with murder and war is beyond me.

Q7. Ali Sina says that Muhammad was a mentally sick person or what you call a narcissist having temporal lobe epilepsy. I watched a video on ‘’ on YouTube. It is a BBC documentary and the way it describes about the experiences of people with sensitive temporal lobe resembles exactly how Muhammad acted when he used to get revelations, sweating, feeling guilty and sad, feeling that he’ll go mad and that sort of thing. Furthermore, why an angle would make him feel so demonic and depressed is beyond me? Aren’t we humans supposed to experience something enlightening, happy and peaceful when such alleged experiences take place?
Q8. Why shouldn’t we accept for others, laws and morals we deem perfect for ourselves. That’s the only measure of truth. If I speak truth, do good, be gentle, I would want the same to happen to all people. Following this logic, if a Muslim who becomes a Hindu should be killed, shouldn’t we teach these great laws to all other religions. Shouldn’t Hindus, Christians and Jews also kill people who become Muslims? Why not? If what we regard as moral and as truth, shouldn’t that be true to all others?
Q9. It seems that Muhammad was not a nice man, I couldn’t find a single act of kindness from this person in the whole of Islam’s history. The only two stories of kindness were the story of Jew lady who used to throw garbage at prophet and he, at the time of her death came to visit her. And another incident about a young man who used to eat too much sugar and her mother requested Muhammad to ask him to stop it. He didn’t ask him to stop anything but later asked him to stop eating too much sugar because this time around he himself stopped eating too much sugar. Both of these stories are fables and are not found in Quran, Hadiths or the complete Islamic History. If I am wrong, find me any ayat or hadith matching these stories. I will not become apostate if you can tell me a single incident of kindness ever done by Muhammad. Remember, you can’t tell me about what Muhammad said to his followers about how to conduct life and be kind etc. I want his own personal acts of kindness only. Any Schmuck can ask others to do good and himself do otherwise.
Q10. Why a person who is religious is more prone to absurdities and away from reality of life? Why an educated person is less likely to be religious? Doesn’t that mean that religion is for the gullible, weak and immature? Why was Einstein, the most intelligent person who walked on earth was not religious. If it didn’t worked for him (most intelligent) How can you claim that you know better? If he worked it out without religion, why it won’t work for you?
Q11. If God created us and sent Adam from Heaven to Earth, why are there fossils found for all early primates that were neither chimp nor humans? Checkout . What does God created something actually mean? Wherever science looks, it finds some process involved, no magic! Is God subjugated to natural laws? In our present lives we don’t see magic happening, no waters parted, no virgin births, no moons being cut and no back to the future Miraj happening. Humans have always attributed magical thinking to past and future events to make a sense of the world they live in. In other words, ‘I didn’t see it happen therefore magic man did it!’ Doesn’t it make sense?
Q12. If we have souls and are either to go to heaven or hell, why don’t animals have souls? Since we’ve evolved from animals, and early humans like homo erectus or homo habilis were intelligent too (slightly lower than us) would they also be judged on the judgment day? If not, why not? They didn’t have any prophets too, because their brains didn’t think in malignant ways like us. We are more clever. Doesn’t that prove that the more clever we get the more potential we have to become notorious and the most likely it is for a God to appear out of no where? (God didn’t made us in his own image, we made God in our own image).
Q13. Buddhists are more moral than Muslims. They won’t burn embassies, temples and churches to prove they are true. They don’t believe in a God. Does it not mean that morality doesn’t depend upon God or absolute laws but inner resolve and commitment? Only immature and morally bankrupt people need fear of hell or greed of heaven to be moral.
Q14. If Quran is the Guidance from God, why can it be shaped in any way of thinking imaginable? A book of guidance from God should be straight forward and objective rather than being subjective and full of discrepancies. But it seems our Omniscient God thinks like humans and learns via trial and error.
Q15. If the only reason one should stick to religion is because of the uncertainties of the afterlife, what if it turned out that, there in fact is a God who tested us all to see whether we become fools at the hands of authority, religion and society or discover the truth and reality of life. All those who allow themselves to become fools may end up in hell and all those who turn to truth and reality are given heaven. Doesn’t it seem more rational for a thinking person to assume, by observing all the multitudes of religions in the world than to follow Islam?

Ајмо, Гарфилд прашува, а Квиско пардон вахабитите одговараат!

Молам едно по едно одговорете ги, не стихијно, ами интелектуаклно, со ум и разум каков што дарува господ на верниците свои!

Omer el Faruk

Ниту Аллах вика да те убијам, ниту Исус вика да се сакаме. Значи ќе повторам уште еднаш, ако убиеш еден човек е исто како да си го убил цел свет. И целиот одговор го имаш во писмото кое е аргумент на измислената приказна погоре што ја постира.



Член од
24 февруари 2005
Поени од реакции
Jok, ne e taka! Jas licno sum cul imami koi povikuvaat na ubivanje nemuslimani za kao vlez, siguren vlez u rajot!

A odgovor na drugite prasanja posto na ova ne davate!

Ајмо даље, прашање (како и секогаш, за разика од вахабитите, поткрепено со доказ и факт):

Зошто исламските лидери и свештенство повикуваат на убиство ако е тоа противно на Исламот???

Iraqi TV
Main Baghdad Mosque
Iraq, February 14 2003

Sheikh Abed el Razaq Samraai,
The Imam of the Baghdad Mosque says:

Victory will come,
It’s close, with Allah’s help,
And let them know:,
(I don’t want to mention their names here),
The Americans and their President,
The British and those who support them,
The Zionists, the bastard children,
(of the West and the United States),
Allah is great,
Oh, nation of Mohamed,
Even the rock will say:
Oh Muslim, there’s a Jew behind me,
Come and cut off his head!
(Imam takes out long blade)
And we will cut off his head!
God willing, we will cut off his head!
Oh Jews! Allah is great!
Allah is great!
(Iraqi Imam frantically swings blade in the air
while shrieking)
(Crowd joins in calling
for the murder and genocide of Jews).
Allah is great!
Jihad for Allah! Jihad for Allah!
(Iraqi Imam continues to frantically swing blade
while Muslim crowd gets more and more excited)
Allah is great!
Victory for the believers!
Allah is great!

Одговор на болдираното молам!

Имам уште еден куп прашања и затоа сите ќе ви ги постирам одеднаш:

Q1. Why would God want his creation to not ask, questions, criticize, debate or experiment ideas that he gave us? This can only happen to cover up lies. This is the reason why we can’t question clergy about things like What’s the proof that God exists and what’s the proof that Muhammad is the prophet of God. Seems like a great deceit to make sheep out of humans. Only truth can stand the fierce scrutiny and criticism and still stand tall.
Q2. Why would God make religions appear only in poor, illiterate and desert areas? 1400 years ago, Greek were more scientific and progressive, why religion didn’t appear there instead? I tell you why. Because Muhammad could have only mislead the gullible, ignorant and poor people. In fact, his first followers were actually poor. Rich and literate people thought of him as crazy. Even today, if I go to a illiterate village and proclaim myself as a big saint, millions will follow me. That’s how easy it is to make stupid people more stupid. That’s why you don’t see new religions forming in Europe.
Q3. If there is Science in Islam, why didn’t God tell us how old the Universe is, how old Earth is, whether it is round or flat, how long it took for it to cool down, how Life began, how Life evolved? It seems that Allah knew only things that were already known at that time by the Greek and ancient scientists and philosophers. If I start a religion today, I wouldn’t forget to add an ayat, “And thou will not spread mischief in the earth which took us fifteen billion years to make. There are altogether eleven dimensions, yet the unbelievers deny our signs.” Ridiculous!
Q4. Why Abrahamic religions, specifically Islam is exclusivist? How can a truth be confined to some people and not others (people living in other places, other times etc. can’t be all wrong). Buddhism on the other hand is not exclusivist like Islam. Buddha even said don’t believe me, don’t believe your holy books, don’t believe what people say, but believe only what’s true to your heart and mind, because truth can only come from inside, not outside (outside = scriptures, prophets, gods).
Q5. Why would God care about whether people believe in him or not? The creator of the universes and each and every atom in them, can’t be so narrow minded, arrogant or stupid. Because arrogance means ‘covering up negative feelings about self’ and genuine God would rather be full of self-esteem than arrogance. God’s name being ‘Al-Mutakab-bir’ is beyond me.
Q6. Why would God choose a mass murderer, rapist, blasphemer, pedophile, madman and power and sex hungry person as his prophet? Marriage with 9 year old Aisha, Marriage with his daughter-in-law Zainab, Marriage with Javairah, his slave after killing his father, husband and brother the same day, killing others just because they don’t believed him, killing someone if they change their religion, killing without reason, spreading Islam not with discussion, logic or spirituality but with murder and war is beyond me.

Q7. Ali Sina says that Muhammad was a mentally sick person or what you call a narcissist having temporal lobe epilepsy. I watched a video on ‘’ on YouTube. It is a BBC documentary and the way it describes about the experiences of people with sensitive temporal lobe resembles exactly how Muhammad acted when he used to get revelations, sweating, feeling guilty and sad, feeling that he’ll go mad and that sort of thing. Furthermore, why an angle would make him feel so demonic and depressed is beyond me? Aren’t we humans supposed to experience something enlightening, happy and peaceful when such alleged experiences take place?
Q8. Why shouldn’t we accept for others, laws and morals we deem perfect for ourselves. That’s the only measure of truth. If I speak truth, do good, be gentle, I would want the same to happen to all people. Following this logic, if a Muslim who becomes a Hindu should be killed, shouldn’t we teach these great laws to all other religions. Shouldn’t Hindus, Christians and Jews also kill people who become Muslims? Why not? If what we regard as moral and as truth, shouldn’t that be true to all others?
Q9. It seems that Muhammad was not a nice man, I couldn’t find a single act of kindness from this person in the whole of Islam’s history. The only two stories of kindness were the story of Jew lady who used to throw garbage at prophet and he, at the time of her death came to visit her. And another incident about a young man who used to eat too much sugar and her mother requested Muhammad to ask him to stop it. He didn’t ask him to stop anything but later asked him to stop eating too much sugar because this time around he himself stopped eating too much sugar. Both of these stories are fables and are not found in Quran, Hadiths or the complete Islamic History. If I am wrong, find me any ayat or hadith matching these stories. I will not become apostate if you can tell me a single incident of kindness ever done by Muhammad. Remember, you can’t tell me about what Muhammad said to his followers about how to conduct life and be kind etc. I want his own personal acts of kindness only. Any Schmuck can ask others to do good and himself do otherwise.
Q10. Why a person who is religious is more prone to absurdities and away from reality of life? Why an educated person is less likely to be religious? Doesn’t that mean that religion is for the gullible, weak and immature? Why was Einstein, the most intelligent person who walked on earth was not religious. If it didn’t worked for him (most intelligent) How can you claim that you know better? If he worked it out without religion, why it won’t work for you?
Q11. If God created us and sent Adam from Heaven to Earth, why are there fossils found for all early primates that were neither chimp nor humans? Checkout . What does God created something actually mean? Wherever science looks, it finds some process involved, no magic! Is God subjugated to natural laws? In our present lives we don’t see magic happening, no waters parted, no virgin births, no moons being cut and no back to the future Miraj happening. Humans have always attributed magical thinking to past and future events to make a sense of the world they live in. In other words, ‘I didn’t see it happen therefore magic man did it!’ Doesn’t it make sense?
Q12. If we have souls and are either to go to heaven or hell, why don’t animals have souls? Since we’ve evolved from animals, and early humans like homo erectus or homo habilis were intelligent too (slightly lower than us) would they also be judged on the judgment day? If not, why not? They didn’t have any prophets too, because their brains didn’t think in malignant ways like us. We are more clever. Doesn’t that prove that the more clever we get the more potential we have to become notorious and the most likely it is for a God to appear out of no where? (God didn’t made us in his own image, we made God in our own image).
Q13. Buddhists are more moral than Muslims. They won’t burn embassies, temples and churches to prove they are true. They don’t believe in a God. Does it not mean that morality doesn’t depend upon God or absolute laws but inner resolve and commitment? Only immature and morally bankrupt people need fear of hell or greed of heaven to be moral.
Q14. If Quran is the Guidance from God, why can it be shaped in any way of thinking imaginable? A book of guidance from God should be straight forward and objective rather than being subjective and full of discrepancies. But it seems our Omniscient God thinks like humans and learns via trial and error.
Q15. If the only reason one should stick to religion is because of the uncertainties of the afterlife, what if it turned out that, there in fact is a God who tested us all to see whether we become fools at the hands of authority, religion and society or discover the truth and reality of life. All those who allow themselves to become fools may end up in hell and all those who turn to truth and reality are given heaven. Doesn’t it seem more rational for a thinking person to assume, by observing all the multitudes of religions in the world than to follow Islam?

Ајмо, Гарфилд прашува, а Квиско пардон вахабитите одговараат!

Молам едно по едно одговорете ги, не стихијно, ами интелектуаклно, со ум и разум каков што дарува господ на верниците свои!
Африм?? Африм се вика Јуве4евер??

Камо одговор Омереее??? Вахабитизмот нема одговор на моите прашање.

Дали ќе го сакаш Алах ако бара од тебе да ме убиеш за да одиш во рајот или Исус кој вели да се почитуваме и сакаме за заедно да одиме во рајот!?
И одговори ми и на оние другине прашања!

Omer el Faruk

Која параноја те фати човече откако те банираа ( вероватно не си навикнал на тоа) па почна да препишуваш цели анти исламски портали.:tapp:

Ај сеа смири живац, и културно постави прашање на МАКЕДОНСКИ ЈАЗИК ( со обавезна употреба на зборот МОЛАМ) ако сакаш да има нормална и културна дискусија од која ќе се окористат и многу други. Се додека настапуваш со ваков жизофренички однос барем од мене ( за другите незнам) нема да добиеш НИКАКОВ одговор. А ти слободно ликувај дека си победил некого и си го оставил без зборови. :helou:


Член од
24 февруари 2005
Поени од реакции
Жифти алах, неписмен си бил ти беее!
Англиски да не се знаеле во ова денешно доба?!!!

Знаев, нема англиски таму у Копачијата!

нејсе, имаш и на македонски поставени прашања, место да спамираш, може и да се обидеш да одговориш. И не се антиисламски, туку се едноставно прашања кои ги интересираат рисјаните, а се во врска со муслиманите.

П.С. Имаш ПП, ќе ти се допадне, тоа што цел живот си го посакувал, ти го пожелувам да ти се исполни во таа ПП!:pos2::pos2:

П.П.С. Знам дека ќе ве оставам без зборови, ќе ви требаат неколку дена да се консолидирате на ИЦ форумот, да знајдете некој кој знае англиски, арапски итн, па да побарате стручна помош од вахабитскиот светски форум и заедница, ама и тоа нема да ви помогне БИДЕЈЌИ ВИСТИНАТА Е СО МЕНЕ!



ne mi e rabota no ako religijata od eden narod se neguva vo vistinska smisla e ne delumno kolku da se kaze koja e logikata da se odi protiv licnoto ubeduvanje?

Stara tradicija na makednoskite sela vo Albanija toa im ostanalo od predcite,nema nikakva razlka religijata vo ova toa go ima i vamu i tamu.
Каква традиција какви македонски села, тоа се случува кај муслиманските верници, без разлика на која националност и припаѓат, ова ли е одговор на моето прашање? ако е ова не е доволен, па ке почекам некој покомпактибилен да одговори.

и бтњ, албанка си купи комшијата мој, Теута се вика:helou:
Затворена за нови мислења.

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