Потеклото на Албанците


Член од
26 јануари 2007
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А и лошо е што ние сме криви што воопшто одговараме, пошо овака наметнат низок стил е својствен само за славјаните и нивните болни фантазмогории, па насекаде да се оставало лоша ѓурма не незнаење да се дебатира и комуницира, и лично за типчето ми се искуцани десетици приватни пораки во двата форума, пример Zeus10 типот кој што ти ги наполна сите дупки створени од Стемфорд форумите(благодарени на твое незнаење), гласи вака пораката Niveli i tij eshte shume i ulet. Une nuk debatoj dot me nivele kaq te uleta.
Најди преведувач и преведиси. Од денес идеш на игноре, еве ќе се дружам со дечкото и колената...
Член од
13 јули 2009
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Pa tebe po cel den i noce te ima vo ovoj Topic , znaci 24 saati bez prekid :)
Sekoj post od nekoj od nas , ti skokash ko kur na kur , heheheheh ..
Aj bidi iskren i kazi , kolku idioti pisuvat so tvoje ime anevano :)


Член од
26 јануари 2007
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Нема потреба да се навредуваме, брат. Да ги расчистиме нештата до крај - колку што е можно.

На сликата е претставена статуа на Вулкан (Хефест), еден од дванаесетте олимписки богови. Не успеав да најдам податоци каде се наоѓа статуата, освен дека е од 2.век - веројатно римска.

Хефест е бог на огнот, ковачите и занаетчиите. Култот на Хефест бил раширен во Мала Азија. Негде во 6.век доаѓа во Атина, а подоцна и на Апенинскиот полуостров.

Често е прикажан со капа за која тврдиш дека е албанска:

Бидејќи се работи за култ од пред-елинскиот период, ако го поврзуваш со албанскиот етнос значи дека тврдиш дека сте постари жители на Балканот од грците. Ти си тој што треба да дадеш податок за тоа од каде потекнува традицијата на носење кече меѓу Албанците.

Храмот на Хефест е во Атина. Бидејќи околината на Атина е најгусто населен дел од денешна Грција со Албанци, врската може (но не мора) да е тука). Имаш аргументи или не?

Обликот на капата не е доволен за да ја докажеш врската - ако останеш само на тоа можеш со подеднакво силни аргументи да докажеш дека потекнувате од Тракијците, од Дакијците, од Бугарите на Аспарух, од Персија, или од Хуните, Аварите итн. Да не зборуваме за македонската врска:smir:

Katoikoi (Medium Phalangites)

The Katoikoi are a citizen levy of Greek and Macedonian citizens who form the backbone of the Macedonian phalanx. While not as well armed or trained as the heavy phalanx, they can still be counted on to fight well for their king and hold the line against the enemy. This is a settler unit, available outside the Macedonian homeland.

Pantodapoi (Levy Phalangites)

The Pantodapoi are local levies trained and armed in the fashion of the Macedonian phalanx. They are not particularly skilled or disciplined, but their numbers (and relatively low cost) make them an important component of the Macedonian battle line. This is a settler unit, available outside the homeland.
Прав си, НО...

Latins called it ; 'Pileus Libertatis', or 'Cap of Liberty (Freedom)'. It was a symbol of freedom for the Romans (1). It is depicted on a coin of Brutus, struck in Macedonia, after the assasination of Julius Cesar (2), as well as on a number of other Roman coins struck under various Imperators, to name Caligula (3). In eighteenth century 'Plisi i Lirise' was also used as an American national symbol of freedom, and depicted on a number of American coins, too (4).
However, considering that Etruscans were not a Latin people, the origin of the cap must be sought elsewhere. It must be noted that 'Pileus Libertatis' is also known by the name 'Phrygian Cap' (5). Phrygia was an ancient kingdom situated in what is today Western Turkey, with the ancient Troy being a city of Phrygia. Likewise the majority of historians believe that Etruscans too originated in Western Turkey, and were often called by ancient historians Pelasgian !!!!!
Today, 'Pileus Liberatis' or 'Phrygian Cap' survives in the culture of the Albanians, still being worn by these people, as a national cap.







Она битното е болдирано во текстот долу, а тоа е дека држи симболика и тоа силна.

The Phrygian cap has two connotations: liberty and barbarism (in the classical sense of non-Greekness, or showing a distinctive Eastern influence). It is worn by the syncreticHellenistic and Roman (though originally Persian) saviour god Mithras, by the Anatolian god Attis, and by the twins Castor and Pollux.
In vase-paintings and other Greek art, the Phrygian cap serves to identify the Trojan hero Parisas non-Greek; Roman poets habitually use the epithet "Phrygian" to mean Trojan. The Phrygian cap can also be seen on the Trajan's Columncarvings, worn by the Dacians, and on the Arch of Septimius Severus worn by the Parthians.

Illyrians belived in two cults: that of THE SUN and of the SNAKE (Stipcevic1989). These cults involved celebrations of Illyrian religious feasts, such as the holding of summer and winter festivals during the solstices, and the spring and autumn festivals during the equinoxes. An organic system of anniversary human personifications to natural phenomena was culturally developed, and remnants of these still appear in everyday Albanian folklore and tradition (Tirta2004).

See, photos and info superbly posted by Aulona: http://www.albanian.com/community/vb...ad.php?t=17112

'A connection between the language of the ancient Phrygians of Asia Minor and the Illyrians has also been made and it is believed that the ancient Illyri-Thraco tribe, the Bryges,(once inhabitants of Macedon and Thrace) were one and the same people'(Wilkes1992:145)

'Phrygians constituted the main body of the population of the greater part of Thrace, Macedonia, and Illyricum' (p.622)

William Smith & Mahmoud Saba - Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography 1857

Photo: Forms for making Qeleshe in the Muzeum of Kruja


Член од
9 март 2008
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Linkov ti e Glup kako prvo plus Rusinov ne e edinstveniot sto ima Istrazivano vo ova pole.

jas vise ti Nabroiv i ti citirav sto Kazuvat 3 Avtori i tie bea Cruciani, Battalgia i Semino sega kako sakas evo od Steven Bird PDF ke ti stavam i istotaka od ANdrew Lancester i nekoj drugi za da zemis da se vospitas malku sebesi da prelistas nesto hehehehe.

GI IMAM SITE PDF FORMATI I OD EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS i od STEVEN BIRD i od ANDREW LANCESTER ama en mozam da gi prikacam posto se pojke ot 190 kb


Член од
26 јануари 2007
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Конекција се фригите, со симболиката!

А на крај најверојатно ослободувањето ги навело да ја носат, затоа што е претставена само врз митолошки ликови, а не реални ликови во секојдневие.

Што ги навело за да почнат да ја носат? Е тоа е веќе прашање.

Еве ти го Кадмос, со Фригијска капа, коа го означува истото...

The Amphilochians are Epeirotes; and so are the peoples who are situated above them and border on the Illyrian mountains - I mean the Molossi, the Athamanes, the Aethices, the Tymphaei, the Orestae, and the Paroraei and the Atintanes ... But the Illyrian tribes which are near the southern part of the mountainous country and those which are above the Ionian Gulf are intermingled with these peoples; for above Epidamnus and Apolonia as far as the Ceraunian mountains dwell the Bylliones, the Taulanti, the Parthini, and the Brygi.

Strabo - Geography, book VII, chp 7, (paragraph 8)

Albanian postal stamps:

Click: http://www.stampcenter.com/popup_image.php?pID=70307

First stamp - third row: Head statue of an Illyrian wearing Prygian cap

4th century BC art: http://mackenziesdragonsnest.com/ima...Kadmos.....jpg

21st century AD video:

'Vaj dhe mall per Chamerine' -

Compare: the Albanian boy's hat shown in the video at 0.54 sec; and the Albanian woman's dress shown at 1.14 sec to the clothing depicted in the above ancient art.


pozdrav od Rizo Surla...

isti kecinja,a?....
ista zenska moda?

Lajme nga Ulqini...he..he


Член од
26 јануари 2007
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Ајмо сите шќиптари да го игнорисаме дечкото, па нека си мастурбира сам со себеси и со испраните маќедонци а?

Ај ве молам, оти коа веќе Брд и компанија му го турија, што ни остануе нас. На форумов модераторите и неговите не го сакаат, што има ние да го дружиме... ИГНОРЕ, и еве го доколенкото ќе си праиме муабет со него.

Примерно можеме да потераме и со оваа работа како што би се кажало на пример...

Dogs have been a part of human society for longer than any other domestic species. Archaeological evidence indicates that the domestication of dogs started as early as the last Ice Age (12000 to 14000 years ago) when societies still depended on hunting, gathering, and foraging. As societies developed a more organized form of living dogs were bred for other more sophisticated tasks, such as; home and livestock guarding, sheep herding, transport(sled-pulling), war, as well as entertainment (1).
The most renowned dog breeders in the continent of Europe, is recorded, to have been Illyrians, a people who inhabited Balkan peninsula since prehistoric times. Dogs bred by Illyrian tribes; the Panonnians, the Dalmatians and most famous of all the Molossians, left a permanent mark on the accounts of many ancient writers for their extraordinary skills as hunters and sheepherders. The ancient writer Aristotle in 350 BC writes that 'the sheepdogs of Molossia are superior to any other breed of dogs in size and in courage with which they face wild animals' (2). The ancient roman writer, Pliny, also noted down that a dog of the same breed and reputation, was given to Alexander the Great by the King of Albania, for his military expedition to India. The dog once put to the test, in amphitheater, managed to kill a lion and an elephant (3). Besides courage and strength, fidelity and strong attachment to their masters is another remarkable feature of this breed. The dog of the Molossian king Pyrrhus is recorded to have kept watch over his master while he slept, and when Pyrrhus died, being inconsolable at his death, it leaped upon Pyrrhus's funeral pile and was consumed with his remains (4). Such was the Molosser's high reputation for strength, courage, faithfullnes and intellegence, that as soon as Illyrian lands were invaded by Romans, Molossers became a crucial element of Romes military strength.

During the XIX century the Molosser was also called 'The Albanian dog' by European cynologists and historians (5), attributing this autochtonous breed to the people of the Balkans who traditionally have been breeding it since Illyrian times. The naturalist, Edward Griffin, in 1827, writes about the Albanian dog:

The Albanian dog has been noticed by historians, naturalists and poets, even since Europe began to be raised into consequence and importance. A supernatural origin and infallible powers have been attributed to it. Diana is said to have presented Procris with a dog which was always sure of its prey, and to this animal the canine geneaologists of antiquity attributed the origin of the celebrated race of the South East Europe, particularly of Molossia and Sparta. The very fine breed of dogs now found very plentifully in this corner of Europe, particularly in Albania, accords with the description existing of its progenitors, indegenious in the same countries, and does not seem to have degenerated. They are as big as a mastiff; their thick fury is very long and silky, generally of different shades of brown, their tail is long and bushy (6)

Illyrian sheepdogs - Deltare Ilir
courtesy of FKK (Cynological Federation of Kosova)

The Molosser continued to be known as 'the Albanian dog' until 1939, when FCI (International Cynological Federation) recognized it with a new general name, 'the Illyrian shepherd dog', which name the dog carried officially until 1957. However, in 1957, under the request and political pressure by Yugoslav authorities, who attempted to deny any link between Albanians and Illyrians, FCI changed the official name of the dog into; 'Yugoslav Mountain Sharr dog' (Yugoslovenski Sarplaninac). The Mountain Sharr, the dogs usual habitation, at the time was mainly under Yugoslav administration but overwhelmingly inhabited by Albanians.
Nevertheless, three years later (in 1960), 'the Yugoslav Institute of the Dog' filmed the first documentary on 'Sarplaninac' nowhere other than in the Albanian villages of the Sharr mountain, showing Albanians as the original breeders of this great dog. (watch the documentary of priceless cultural importance - The film shows real images of fight with wolves)

Part 1 -
Part 2 -
Part 3 -

After the break up of Yugoslavia the dog was yet again politicized, but this time by the authorities of the newly formed state, Macedonia or FYROM (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia). In 1996, on the request by Macedonia, FCI made a new modification to the name of the dog, this time; 'Macedonian-Yugoslav Sharr Mountain dog'. And Albanians, yet again, were ignored.
Today, after years of injustice, Albanians have taken an initiative to return the original name of the dog - 'Illyrian sheepdog'. In 2002 they formed the 'FKK' (Cynological Federation of Kosova) whose main aim is to achieve recognition for their 'Illyrian sheepdog' - http://medlem.spray.se/deltariilir/newpage2.html. The group has issued even its own magazine - 'Deltari Ilir' : http://medlem.spray.se/deltariilir/newpage1.html.
Besides, FKK, numerous associations of Albanian villagers have risen their voice, too, for the return of the original name of the dog. Albanians strongly feel that the cultural identity of the dog belongs to them (watch video by Reuters:)

Nevertheless, despite the current crisis on the cultural identity of the dog, the fact remains that this 'fine breed' has been bred by Albanian villagers according to ancient handed methods since antiquity. Methods, such as exposing the dogs to wolf blood or engaging them in fight with one another in order to maintain that certain untamed core of them, as well as improve their strength and overall health, are not known when they were first applied. In addition, Illyrian sheepdog has been so well integrated in the Albanian social life, that in many Albanian villages, marriage practices and ceremonies are followed with dog fights. Moreover, many Albanian villagers, to this day, see the dog as a prophetic animal whose habits can signify fortune or missfortune upon people. In the villages of the highlands of Tetova, (an overwhelmingly Albanian city in what is today Macedonia) it is thought that when the Illyrian sheepdog howls with head risen this brings good fortune upon the people of the village, especially upon the owner of the dog. Where as, when the dog howls while keeping the head down this could bring disease, poverty or death upon people, especially upon its owner (7). These practices and beliefs have their roots nowhere other than in the Illyrians of ancient times.

2. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=LwXrKUVTzGY


Top photo - Figurine; 'an Illyrian shepherd holding a sheep', Albania - 3rd century

(1)James Serpell & Priscilla Barett 1995 'The Domestic Dog - Its evolution, behaviour and interactions with people'.
(2) Aristotle - 'History of animals' book IX
(3) Pliny the Younger - 'The History of Nature' book VIII,
chp XL ,'Of Dogges':http://penelope.uchicago.edu/holland/pliny8.html.
(4) Thomas Smart Hughes et al 1820 'Travels in Sicily, Greece & Albania', page 484.
(5) Oliver Goldsmith 1862 'A History of earth and animated nature'; William Smith & Charles Anthon 1847 'Dictionary of Greek and Roman antiquities; Delabere Blaine 1841 'Canine Pathology, or a full description of diseases of dogs'; Captain Thomas Brown 1829 'Biographical sketches and authentic anecdotes of doges'; Edward Griffin 1827 ' The animal kingdom in conformity with its organization'.
(6) Edward Griffin 1827 'The Animal kingdom in conformity with its organization' page 327/8.
(7) Fadil Sulejmani 2005


Specialists on the Vrap and Erseka treasures refer to them as as "archeological finds of a European standing". It is interesting to note that they are unique cast gold belt applications. On one of the sections of the belt of the this prince, found in the royal treasure of Vrap (Albania) we find engraved the sign of a clan, identical to the sign on a belt of a prince from Osora (a site between the Danube and Balaton lake in Hungary); this gave ground for J. Kovacevich, the Serbian archeologists, to suppose that the Khan's clan sign (from the treasures from Vrap and Erseka) is identical with sign from grave of Malaja Pereschepina, from Osora. Sufficient proof exists for identifying it as the sign of Bulgarian Royal clan of Doulo.:vozbud:

Avarsko-blgarski naodi ima..Shqiptarski...АШШШ


Член од
26 јануари 2007
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Ylli на албански значи ѕвезда, а ѕвездата по автоматизам стануе сонце.

And the very name 'ILLYRIANS' is understood to mean 'SUN Worshipers', from the Albanian word 'ILL' meaning 'STAR', thus the Sun being a Star.
In addition, the Albanian word for the Sun itself, is 'DILL' again the root word being 'ILL' here !

In my opinion ILLYRIANS were SUN-FOLK !


'The Sun is the source of all nature's power; he creates the day, but also illuminates the night, since the Moon reflects his light, and even the stars are specks of the same solar energy. Indeed, Macrobius calls the Sun "the intelligence of the world" and argues that the universe and all things in it are emanations of the sun (Saturnalia I.17.2 ff) ... Since the Sun brings his illumination to every corner of the earth, he is a god of truth and knowledge'
Albanian DI (ja) = Knowledge and ILL = Star


The Sun tatooes drawn by E. Durham, English writer and traveller, exactly as she saw them on the hands of Albanian and Bosnian women, in 1909 ! ( http://digital.library.upenn.edu/wom...a/albania.html )
It should not go unmentioned that according to the ancient historian Strabo, tatooing was part of Illyrian culture (Strabo in 'Geography book VII, chp 5, page 259 - http://penelope.uchicago.edu/Thayer/...trabo/7E*.html)

DILLI (the Star of Knowledge) on Albania's bank-note

Diell is found in Mesaplik Vlore Albania. It belongs to the period 4-6 Centuries AD:

It shows a continuation on the sun worship and definately shows that the land was inhabited by the same people.


Ајмо сите шќиптари да го игнорисаме дечкото, па нека си мастурбира сам со себеси и со испраните маќедонци а?

Ај ве молам, оти коа веќе Брд и компанија му го турија, што ни остануе нас.
хе..хе..па вас,КОЈ ВЕ САКА?


Член од
26 јануари 2007
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Проблемо со врховните богови на Пелазгите-Илирите, и нивните прататковци богови, т.е. дамнешните стари богови на Египет, е само копи паст на божествената констелација во тоа време во двете места.
Зевс е оној татко и врховен, но истовремено и сонце.

Zeus was the sun himself.
Zeus the Great God whose worship was wrongly attributed only to the so called Ancient Hellenes was the primary God who was worshiped by the entire population of the Balkan and wider where todays' Albanians come from.

A young boy in Albanian costume in Crete.



Albanian ^^^^

Illyrian ^^^^

Minoan ^^^^

Школа како да се научи тоа...

Зевс е слободен и ослободен од секакви материјалистички, империјалистички и профан јарем...

And here below is an original photo of an ancient statue, found in Chameria (Epirus), showing Zeus in human form with Pileus (a hat worn traditionally by Albanians), and being ready to fire.

Now, Zeus (the Sun) was the god of the Pelasgians, Leleges, or Caucones.

Historical and etymological evidence indicates that Pelasgians and Leleges were Stork worshippers, hence the names applied to them: Pelarg - Stork ; Lelek - Stork

And Strabo informs us that originally these Pelasgians/Leleges were known by another name, which is EORDI, and according to Strabo it was their very first name (1)

Historical evidence indicates that Pelasgians worshipped storks, which in their belief were the sacred birds of the Sun (Zeus itself), since the very beginning of times, hence the names applied to the people (2)

However, in my opinion the name EORDI was misspronounced by Strabo, and I think the name was rather ARDI.

We find this name in the Illyrian tribe 'ARDIei', and also another very famous tribe 'ARDIan' (whose leaders Agron and Teuta ruled vast land of Illyria). Then, we have the town of Elbasan, in todays Albania, which according to Ptolemy belonged to the 'EORDAEI' tribe, again as in the case of Strabo, Ptolemy misspronounces the name ARDI
There are also place names: Ardia or mount Ardium in Illyria, and most important the 'Adriatik sea', which in my opinion, is a variant of Ardia !

But what does Ardia mean ?

It simply means Stork (or Heron) !! - http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Ardea

Emblem of the ancient town of Ardea, in Italy, founded by the Pelasgians /ARDIans (3). Virgil in his 'Aneid' informs that the city derives its name from 'Stork' (Heron)

This makes me think that Pelasgians did not dissapear from history, as some ancient historians suggest. But continued using their very original name, 'ARDI', and who, of course, were at the same time Illyrian tribes. In other words Pelasgians were the Illyrians themselves. And since Zeus (The Sun God) was a Pelasgian god, it is logical that it was an Illyrian god too.

Now, I'll try to break down the name ARDEA and draw meaning using Albanian:

AR in Etruscan/Pelasgian means FIRE, in Albanian being zjAR.

Where as DEA or DIA means KNOWLEDGE, LIGHT, but since the two are heavenly it could also mean 'Godess'

Therefore Ardea could mean FIRE GODESS.

And the Illyrian tribes of Ardi mean GODLY FIRE-FOLK, in other words SUN-FOLK or ILLYRIANS.


(1) Strabo in Cramer. J.A. 1828 'A geographical and historical description of Ancient Greece', page 202
(2) Lang. Andrew - 2008 'Myth, Ritual and Religion', page 187
(3) http://encyclopedia.jrank.org/APO_ARN/ARDEA.html

Кој е проблемот со овоа? Ар, на стариот јазик на Етруските односно на јазикот на Етруските означува оган, на албански zjAR значи оган.
Пеларг означува Пелазги, на старогрчки се пишувало ПЕЛАРГ, ПЕ-ЛАРГ на албански значи Пе-од Ларг-Далеку, ОдДалеку. Нивно најспомнувано племе биле ЛЕЛЕГИТЕ(Lelegs), Lejlek на албански значи ШТРК.

Пелазгите не само што се викаат Пеларг-ШТРКОВИ кои патувале и мигрирале цело време, туку и верувале во Штркот како божествена птица на Зевс(иако кај Зевс е споменуван Орелот), како еквивалент на Египетската и Феникијската митологија.

Лејлекот на стариот јазик на Египјаните е наречен БАНУ, или Bannu, или Бан... http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/topics/Bennu
Истиот ШТРК, на феникијците им е божество. Го викаат и Феникс, огнената птица.
Ар-Оган, Бан-штрк,птица... Арбан(у)-Феникс-огнена птица.

Има уште, ама ми е мака да куцам.

Континуитет е тоа што...

And ARDIA (also known as 'Phoenix', see - http://www.egyptianmyths.net/phoenix.htm) was used by the Illyrian Emperors of the Roman Empire, Constans and Constantius (children of the Great Constantine) on their coins, as their symbol !!

ARDIA on Albania's stamp and coin:

Skenderbegs secret stamp

The Stork on the seal of Scanderbeg represents the Pelasgian, Illyrian, and Albanian continuity:


2. ARDIan (Illyrians) = STORK-folk

3. ARBEN (Albanians in Middle Ages) = STORK-folk

I'll explain why I think the name ARBEN means STORK too !

According to the above Albanian (Epirotan) dictionary of 1635, ARBEN was the name of the people of Albania, and ARBENI was Albania itself.

Now, when breaking down this name we find that AR means FIRE (in Pelasgian/Etruscan) where as BEN stands for nothing other than the bird of the Sun-God in the Egyptian mythology:

See - http://www.egyptianmyths.net/phoenix.htm

Right, so BEN or rather BENu is the Stork/Heron or Ardia itself.

So from this we draw:

AR + BEN or FIRE + STORK = ARBEN or PHOENIX, which was the heavenly bird of the SUN-GOD, or ZEUS itself

click - http://www.economicexpert.com/a/Ra.htm

and - http://www.tigtail.org/TIG/M_View/TV...earth+sky.html

Looking at this the Pelasgian, Illyrian and Albanian historical continuity is striking !!, and the Stork on the seal of Scanderbeg represents nothing other than that continuity.

Пак Пилеусот..

Since your main quote about the Greekness of Epirus is Hammond, N.G.L, and since you try to convince us that Illyrians were ethnically different from Epirotes, why then its exactly Hammond in his study:
Title: The Scene in Iliad 18.497-508 and the Albanian Blood-feud [Volume 22, Issue: 1-4, making a pure connection betwen north-Albanian blood-feud and the Homeric scene???

'The Iliad', 'Blood-feuds' 'Phoenix', 'Albanians' ...

... simply a great comparative example !!!

If I may add an ancient image of Patroclus here, too:


More images of Illyrian Sun tatoos noticed on Albanian women, born within years 1887 and 1908:

1. http://www.forumishqiptar.com/attach...1&d=1177888257

2. http://www.forumishqiptar.com/attach...1&d=1177887924

3. http://www.forumishqiptar.com/attach...1&d=1177888228 (Swastika is a Sun symbol too)

4. http://www.forumishqiptar.com/attach...1&d=1177888199

The Sun (Dilli) on the Illyrian shield !

The Sun (Dilli) on a medieval plaque of Shkodra, a town in North Albania - http://www.shkoder.net/en/history.htm

The Sun (Dilli) on the Albanian medal: 'Order for Patriotic Achievements' - http://www.medal-medaille.com/index.php?cPath=40

'DIELLI' on Albania's bank-note


Член од
26 јануари 2007
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Член од
15 декември 2008
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Не сум знаел дека Адам и Ева носеле кечиња:pos2::kesa::jaj:.Ептен забегана работа.Па и уште во недостаток на археолошки артефакти демек и жолто сонце на црвена основа го користеле т.н древни Албанци :nesvest:


alte Esel
Член од
22 март 2005
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Пикассо...ова најдобронамерно...имам ептен врска у Виена, доктор пар екселанс од нивниот ков за деликатни умови.....да те најавам????? :)
или пак си претпочитате Швицарска???, но ова твоево веќе е акутно..мора нешто да се преземе... :)

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