Политички случувања во Авганистан

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3 септември 2010
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Во Авганистан, веќе е забрането на девојчиња да посетуваат настава откако ќе завршат трето одделение

Пред некоја година само факултет беше забранет, лани од шесто одделение нагоре беше забрането, а сега најфришка девојчиња поголеми од 10 години не смеат да се школуваат.


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13 јули 2006
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deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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The NATO Caliphate: Part 1
A history of collaboration between the CIA and IS

After the terrorist attack on the Crocus concert hall in Moscow, the usual suspects emerged to take credit and blame for the attack. Before the fires had been extinguished and the blood dried, ISIS-Khorasan, the Islamic State’s branch in Central Asia, was already claiming responsibility for the attacks.

Khorasan. Source: Wikipedia

Curiously, it seems that whenever America’s enemies are attacked, the Islamic State is responsible. It was the very same ISIS who attacked Syrian positions as American bombs were falling on them, which would have only been possible with advance warning. This is not a surprise, the history of collaboration between NATO and the Islamic State is as old as the Islamic State itself.

Sanaullah Ghafari, leader of ISIS-K Source: Daily Mail
Indeed, the leader of ISIS-K, Sanaullah Ghafari (aka Shahab al-Muhajir) is a second generation Mujihideen who’s family has worked for American forces for decades. In ISIS-K, Ghafari is nothing unique, the organization is shot through with American collaborators, past and present. To understand how we got here, some history is in order.

The Cyclone Blows Back

Like most of the terrorism in the world, ISIS-K got it’s start as NATO backed “freedom fighters” working against the encroaching threat of Communism. To be specific, the roots of the network stretch back to the American intervention in Afghanistan during the 1980s, also known as “Operation Cyclone.”

Jalaluddin Haqqani (right) with Ronald Reagan (left). Source: tasnimnews.com
The Haqqani network was founded in the late 1970s, and named after it’s founder, Jalaluddin Haqqani. Their stated goal is to create a fundamentalist Wahhabi caliphate based on a rigid adherence to Sharia law. Haqqani joined a terrorist movement called Hezb-i Islami Khalis in 1978, and by 1980 was in charge of recruiting volunteers for the CIA-funded Mujihideen. Haqqani was known as an incredibly effective fundraiser, and he rapidly became the CIA’s most prized asset in the region where he was used as the face for the entire operation, posing for pictures with American politicians as high as Ronald Reagan himself.
Haqqani’s status meant that he was one of the primary benefactors of America’s $20 billion dollar project to aid Afghan “freedom fighters” in their struggle against Afghanistan’s popular, secular government. He used the money and weapons to create some of the most dangerous and formidable terrorist groups in the world. After the victory of Taliban forces over the secular government, Haqqani was named Minister of Tribal affairs and he continued his work, training another army of jihadis in the tribal regions of Afghanistan. The Haqqani network sided with the Taliban during America’s illegal full scale invasion of Afganistan, and the two sides clashed for the next 20 years.
The Haqqani group is closely intertwined with al-Qaeda and the Taliban. Osama bin Laden got his start as a jihadi working for Haqqani in Afghanistan, and the Haqqani network operates most of al-Qaeda’s training camps in the tribal regions of Pakistan, under the watchful eye of America’s allies in Pakistani intelligence. The link between the CIA and Haqqani network is so clear and direct that Pakistani politicians openly admit to it and cite it as a reason why they are seemingly powerless to defeat them.
Thanks to the generous support of their American benefactors, the Haqqani network was able to offer a much higher caliber of training and equipment than the average jihadi group and they earned a reputation as the Taliban’s best and most violent fighters.
Haqqani’s status in Afghanistan was such that after America’s invasion the first post-Taliban leader Hamid Karzai openly invited Jalauddin to join his government as Prime Minister, hoping to bring the “moderate Taliban” on side with the new American puppet regime. Haqqani declined the offer, which was likely made to consolidate Karzai’s own drug empire rather than promote peace and unity in the country.
Sanaullah Ghafari got his start in the Haqqani network in 2010. He is a second generation Jihadi, his father fought for a group called Hezbi Islami (now known as Hezb-e Islami Gulbuddin, or HiG), led by an admitted CIA agent named Gulbuddin Hekmatyar. Hekmatyar’s group had a reputation for being worthless to the point of being a liability on the battlefield, yet they remained the largest recipient of CIA funding.
The reason for this is simple. HiG was the largest heroin trafficker in the world. Under the supervision of Pakistani intelligence, Hekmatyar set up 6 heroin refineries in Pakistan and shipped his product worldwide on CIA aircraft. At the same time, the CIA’s soft power arm USAID launched an initiative to “eradicate Opium”, which shut down other local producers even as Hekmatyar doubled his production every 3 years. Soon, HiG, the ISI and the CIA had the entire heroin market cornered and controlled the majority of the world’s supply.

Hekmatyar (center) dining with future Turkish president and fellow drug trafficker Recep Erdogan (circled) Source: tasnimnews.com
(HiG had)….the dubious distinction of never winning a significant battle during the war, training a variety of militant Islamists from around the world, killing significant numbers of mujahideen from other parties, and taking a virulently anti-Western line. In addition to hundreds of millions of dollars of American aid, Hekmatyar also received the lion's share of aid from the Saudis. - Holy War, Inc.: Inside the Secret World of Osama bin Laden
This network was not isolated to Pakistan and Afghanistan. As part of an effort to destabilize the USSR, the organization was active in Central Asia, and when the Soviet Union collapsed, they moved in force into the Caucuses. The very same camps which trained foreign fighters to resist the Soviet “invasion1” now trained Chechen fighters who operated under the command of veteran CIA-affiliated Jihadis.
This was not even particularly well hidden, a dizzying array of Afghan mujaheddin groups openly supported the Jihadis in Chechnya. Among them were groups such as Lashkar-e-Taiba, an internationally acknowledged proxy of the Pakistani ISI and the al-Haramain Foundation, a “charity NGO” operating under the direct supervision of the Saudi department for Islamic Affairs who provided the majority of funding for al-Qaeda until they were shut down in 2004.
As the years went on, these groups consolidated, often by force. HiG was brought under the control of the US-alligned Afghan regime in 2016. After a round of negotiations, over 500 HiG fighters were released from prison and the group was officially disbanded. While some of it’s fighters simply returned home, many of them swore loyalty to the new regime and went to work for the Americans. Sanctions against HiG were removed that same year, and all Hekmatyar’s assets were unfrozen. After the withdrawl of the American invaders in 2021, Hekmatyar openly swore loyalty to the Taliban and HiG was brought under the aegis of the new Taliban-led reconciliation council.
Abdul Rashid Dostum joined HiG shortly after the fall of the USSR and captured Kabul, but he lost out in the resulting civil war and fled the country soon after. In 2001, he returned at the head of the most savage killers in the world, NATO special forces, and lead the vanguard of the illegal invasion of Afghanistan. Dotsun’s brutality suited NATO well, and he rapidly became the coalition’s most important agent on the ground. With NATO’s Einsatzgruppen backing them up, Dotsum’s jihadi thugs raped, murdered and tortured their way to power.
After the fall of the Taliban, Dotsum became Vice President and later Prime Minister of Afghanistan, a rich reward for his loyal service to NATO. He used the position to further solidify his empire by violently purging his enemies.

Dotsum (left) with an American terrorist (center) in Afghanistan. Source: Le Monde
He wielded power ruthlessly. The first time I arrived at the fort to meet Dostum there were bloodstains and pieces of flesh in the muddy courtyard. I innocently asked the guards if a goat had been slaughtered. They told me that a man had been tied to the tracks of a Russian-made tank, which then drove around the courtyard crushing his body to mincemeat, as the garrison and Dostum watched. The Uzbeks, the roughest and toughest of all Central Asian nationalities, are noted for their love of marauding and pillaging — a hangover from their origins as a part of Genghis Khan’s hordes and Dostum was an apt leader.-Ahmad Rashid, “The Taliban”, page 56
One of Dotsum’s most trusted officers was a man named Sanaullah Ghafari. By all accounts an able and incredibly brutal soldier, Ghafari climbed the ranks to become Dotsum’s most trusted confidant and personal bodyguard. He was even issued an official ID badge and weapons permit by the US State Department, allowing him to carry a pistol on base.
Ghafari, now serving as Dotsum’s right hand, worked as a “contractor” at Bagram Air Force Base and was frequently seen coming and going at all hours of the day and night. Bagram was the main hub of the occupation forces and housed most of their command and administrative structures, along with the dungeons where thousands of detainees were held without charge and savagely tortured.

Ghafari’s government ID card. Source: Twitter (cropped)

Night after night NATO special forces working on intelligence provided by Dotsum and his ilk raided villages and homes all across Afghanistan, abducting “high value targets” to be detained and tortured. Anyone who resisted was murdered on the spot, often alongside their entire family. On the occasions when resistance was strong enough to force the terrorists to retreat, the occupation forces would declare the entire area a free fire zone, then call in air strikes and artillery to flatten everything.
The US Army itself estimates that 90% of these “high value targets” were totally innocent, murdered on hearsay from warlords like Dotsum. To this day, no one responsible for these crimes has been prosecuted. One of them was even elected president of the United States in 2020.
In light of this history, it is not a surprise to see Ghafari attacking America’s enemies. There is considerable evidence that ISIS-K was created by America’s allies in the Gulf who lavishly fund the organization as a weapon against real and percieved Iranian influence in the region. In Part Two we will cover ISIS-K from it’s creation as a proxy of Saudi intelligence to the deadly attacks of March 22nd.


deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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„Bacha bazi enablers get the bullet first“.



deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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"whiter than the US military"
Хаха, па да - има црнци што побели од US military.
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