Orta Asya Türklerinde görülen Y-DNA haplogrupları G, J, K, L, N, Q, R genel olarak F haplogrubunun türevleridir. Yani F grubuna mensuptur. Sondan eklemeli diller de 45.000 yıl önceki F haplogrubund…
Гунны (картинка взјата из ОИ) Многие тјуркские народы считајут гуннов своими предками, которые пришли из восточно-азиатских степеј и завоевали обширные территории Евразии.
Sixteen individuals (some closely related to one another) were affiliated to sub-haplogroup (sub-Hg) R1a, among which 10 (TUK-04,-09A,- 09B,-10,-12,-25,-35,-36,-40 and -48) belonged to Hg R1aZ2125 and 4 (TUK-08,-18,-23 and -37) to Hg R1a-Z95. Five individuals were afliated to sub-Hg Q1a-M120. Two individuals belonged to Hg N, one to sub-Hg J1 and one to sub-Hg G1. The last one could not be assessed with certainty.
In an effort to characterize the people who composed the groups known as the Xiongnu, nuclear and whole mitochondrial DNA data were generated from the skeletal remains of 52 individuals excavated from the Tamir Ulaan Khoshuu (TUK) cemetery in Central Mongolia. This burial site, attributed to the...
Оваа страница користи колачиња за персонализирање на содржината. Со продолжување на користењето, се согласувате со нашата политика за користење колачиња.