Војна во Украина (исклучиво воена перспектива)


Does Your Mother Know?
Член од
14 август 2006
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50 луѓе, кои напуштиле свои фамилии, дојдени од кој знае каде, со кој знае какви очекувања и замисли за војната, си седат у некоја зграда крај Харков.


deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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„Нема да војувате, ќе бидете безбедни на десетици километри од фронтот. Лесни пари (дрога и кypви бесплатни за целиот престој)“
Автоматски споено мислење:

Член од
14 ноември 2013
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Situation on Ocheretyne & west of Avdivka front: Russian Army expanded the area around of Prohres as a result of Ukrainian Army withdrawal. In addition, Russian Armed Forces advanced south & east of Novoselivka Persha (70% of the locality is under Russian control now).


Situation on northern front:
- From Kharkov axis during the last seven days Russian Army managed to recapture the northern warehouses of Hlyboke securing again the control over the locality.


- From Chuhuiv axis new correction was made, showing that the reservoir northwest of Starytsia was also retaken by Ukrainian Army between the last days of June & the first week of July.

Член од
14 ноември 2013
Поени од реакции
Situation on Ocheretyne & west of Avdivka front: Russian Army began advancing west of Lozuvatske trying to surround Ukrainian Army trench systems north of Prohres. In addition, Russian troops entered in the first houses of Vovche & captured anothern trench system northwest of Yevhenivka. Moreover, the locality of Novoselivka Persha was completely taken.


Situation on northeastern front: Russian Army made new advances west of Pishchane & troops are now 6 Km from Oskil river. In addition, new Russian advance between Berestove & Novoselivske was made one week ago.

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Член од
14 ноември 2013
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Situation on Toresk front: During the last four days Russian Army captured some positions in the high ground southwest of the town of Niu-York.


Situation on Ocheretyne front: Russian Army entered in the locality of Vovche & captured most of it. In addition, troops advanced 2 km west of Prohres reaching the southern outskirts of Ivanivka. Meanwhile, Russian forces continue increasing the area around Lozuvatske from north & south.

Автоматски споено мислење:

Situation west of Donetsk city: During the last five days Russian Army advanced northwest of Krasnogorivka making the situation of Ukrainian Army in the central part of the town very difficult. The withdrawal towards the northern district began.


Situation on Zaporizhia front: Russian Army continue taking control over Ukrainian Army fortifications southwest of Novopokrovka.

Последно уредено:
Член од
14 ноември 2013
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Situation on Toresk front: Russian Army continue advancing in Zalizne taking control over the Old cementery until Varshavska street. In addition, Russian forces advanced in Pivnichne reaching Pioneriv Avenue.

Член од
22 декември 2018
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Го мрднаа фронтот Русите последнава недела, гледам напредуваат.
Автоматски споено мислење:
Член од
14 ноември 2013
Поени од реакции
Situation on northeastern front: Russian Army began securing the northern heights of Pishchane. Meanwhile, troops continue advancing south between the localities of Berestove & Novoselivske.


Situation on Ocheretyne front: During the last 36 hours Russian Army made new advances along the railway, reaching the first houses of the locality of Vesele. In addition, due to the complete withdrawal of Ukrainian Army from the eastern shore of Vovcha river in this axis, the rest of the locality of Vovche & the last part of Yevhenivka were taken. Meanwhile, troops continue the advance south of Tymofiivka.


Situation west of Donetsk city: Russian Army continue advancing in the town of Krasnogorivka. Close to 75% of it is under Russian control now.


Situation southwest of Donetsk: The battle for Kostyantynivka began after Russian Army entered in the first houses of the locality from the southeastern side.

Член од
14 ноември 2013
Поени од реакции
Situation on northeastern front: Russian Army continue securing the northern heights of Pishchane.


Situation north of Bakhmut: Russian Army reactivated the axis of Zaliznyanske taking control over a series of positions northwest & northeast of the locality.


Situation on Ocheretyne front: Russian Army continue the advance along the railway & entered in the southern part of Vesele & reached the northern outskirts of Zhelanne. Meanwhile, Russian forces began the capture of the last section of the eastern shore of Vovcha river under Ukrainian Army control by advancing west of Umanske.


Situation west of Donetsk city: Russian Army continue advancing in Krasnogorivka reaching the last streets of the core part of the town. On the other hand, Ukrainian Army reentered in the town from the south following another counterattack.


Situation southwest of Donetsk: Russian Army continue advancing towards T-05-24 road from the second axis. Meanwhile, Russian forces made new advances at the southern outskirts of Kostyantynivka.


Situation on Zaporizhia front: Russian Army made small advanced northwest of Robotyne, close to the last Ukrainian Army trenches adjacent to the locality.

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deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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Не е за праење попара, ама прилично е јасно колку голема е разликата помеѓу западната и руската воена опрема. Не е дека руската опрема е толку лоша, ама ако постоеше некое верување дека се рамо до рамо, после војнава прилично е јасно дека не се.

Можете тука колку сакате приказни да си кажувате, ама откажаните нарачки за руско оружје од еден куп земји, доволно си зборуваат за што се случува во реалниот свет надвор од кајгана темава.
Aхааа, значи ти зборуваш стриктно за воените средства - кои на запад наводно се подобри, супериорни.
Чие оружје е подобро тоа ете да не го ни дискутираме (пошто не се согласуваме). Мене поентата ми е дека ако западните дефакто идат накај губење на војнава - а имаат „супериорно“ оружје - тогаш зошто не го употребуваат тоа оружје?

А зашто се повлекоа од северот? Зошто не го заземаа Киев? Феит било за да го заземат Херсон и да го јадат курот таму?
Па не го заземаа Херсон? И не само Херсон туку целиот јужен и југоисточен регион?

Сите генерали инволвирани во таа операција беа разрешени. Оти нели беше многу успешна операцијата.
Тоа „јадење кур“ е месеци подоцна. Како што секој војник што бил во војна знае - борбениот план на хартија трае се додека не почнат да се пукаат првите куршуми. Пошто противникот ретко игра по напишаното сценарио. Потоа следуваат одлуки кои зависат од реакциите на противникот, и планот е онолку добар колку што ги предвидел рекциите на противникот.

Ваљда разбираш дека војна е флуидна работа. Во моментот кога противникот ќе одлучи да стави голем дел од ресурсите на еден дел од фронтот тогаш одлуката е дали има профит од правење на истото и носење повеќе свои воени ресурси. Или повлекување до поволно место за бранење и користење на недостатокот од противнички воени ресурси во друг дел на фронтот... Епа така војуваат Русите, стрпливо и со растегливи линии на фронтот. Војнава е војна на истрошување, и кога противникот е вољен да плати голема цена за територија - Русите го оставаат да плати. Минимизираат свои загуби. Притискаат на друго место. Како сега кај Харкив а кога таму Украинците ќе донесат воени ресурси (претежно пешадија во последно време), тогаш таму Русите не форсираат туку методично ги уништуваат концентрациите на противнички ресурси. Стрпливо и методично. Така војуваат во оваа војна. Фала богу конечно научија дека има и подобри методи од тоа да си ги жртвуваат луѓето.
Автоматски споено мислење:

The lack of manpower is taking its toll on the Ukrainian troops. Russia continues to press along the entire front line, and Ukraine is managing to hold its advance in the direction of the north of the Kharkiv region. In the Chasiv Yar area, the Ukrainian Armed Forces are
also holding the front line, but the situation remains difficult. The most difficult situation continues to develop in the Avdiivka direction in the Ocheretyne and Toretsk area. Frontelligence writes that these advancements resulted from a lack of coordination and poor
command decisions, similar to those made by the Ukrainian command during the rotation in Ocheretyne in the spring of 2024. Interestingly, the command of the Ukrainian 41st Mechanized Brigade, which was rotated to Chasiv Yar before moving to the Toretsk area, bears the lion's
share of the blame for the loss of the canal district in Chasiv Yar and the Toretsk - Niu York area. In both cases, the Russians were able to advance within their areas of responsibility. Some officers we spoke to even suggested that the Russians are tracking the rotation
of the 41st Brigade to exploit vulnerabilities in their command and cooperation during rotations. A similar situation happened in Ocheretyne in April - May 2024. Then, during the rotation of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Russia broke through the defense. Ukraine is a huge
country. According to Commander-in-Chief Oleksandr Syrskyi, the front line is currently 3,700 kilometers long. Active hostilities were conducted on 977 kilometers, that is, on territories that are twice the length of the border between Germany and France. This means that the
Ukrainian troops are stretched out and the defense line is very thin, and if it crumbles, the Russians can go behind the positions and advance several kilometers at once. Syrsky acknowledged the significant advantage of the Russians in equipment and personnel. By the end
of 2024, the Kremlin plans to increase the army to 620 thousand. Now it numbers 520 thousand, which is 5 times more than at the beginning of the invasion. The number of the Armed Forces in 2024 is approximately 350,000. Frontelligence writes that according to multiple
sources, the 41st Mechanized Brigade brigade did not have a chance to replenish its losses after the Kupyansk direction and was subsequently sent to Chasiv Yar and then to the Toretsk area. While the brigade command can be blamed for mistakes, the underlying issues are much
more fundamental. These include a lack of rest, shortages of personnel and equipment, and insufficient reserves to send to risky areas, leading to the redeployment of brigades from other parts of the frontline. Despite these challenges, not everything is negative for the
Ukrainian army. Early in the spring of 2024, when the Russians were advancing towards Chasiv Yar, the situation for Ukrainian forces was quite dire. They faced a shortage of artillery shells, delays in Western aid, and a lack of personnel. But it’s not just Ukraine that
has problems. Russia suffers from a shortage of personnel and equipment. Although it is not so noticeable in the direction of the main onslaught of the Russians in the Pokrovsk direction in the area of Toretsk and Ocheretyne, the replenishment of the army is going with
big problems. In Moscow, the one-time payment for signing a contract was raised to 2 million rubles and they began to use a new practice reminiscent of the multilevel marketing, only life is at stake. In general, in Russia they began to pay money if the signer of the
contract can bring a friend into the army. All new contracts are indefinite. People sign them, thinking that the contract is for six months, but do not read the small print. However, again, we must not forget that the loss of a few kilometers of land and small settlements
does not matter. The Ukrainian army is trying to preserve troops and retreat if holding a completely destroyed settlement no longer makes sense. Syrskyi said that they are not going to fight to the last soldier for the ruins.
But Ukraine is tired, the people are tired. The world is tired of news from Ukraine. Fundraisings is slow. But despite the enormous difficulties, Ukraine is holding on and we must continue our support and increase our assistance.

Summer 2024 Frontline Dynamics: Overview, Key Issues, and ProjectionsAs global attention remains focused on the U.S.
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deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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Eве нешто за оружјето од другата страна. Каде се ваквите снимки од западно оружје, а Т90 тенковиве се децении стари ама што имаат западните подобро во војнава?

Автоматски споено мислење:


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