Војна во Украина (исклучиво воена перспектива)

Член од
14 ноември 2013
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Situation on Luhansk front: Russian Army made deep advance in the forest southwest of Kreminna.


Situation north of Bakhmut: Russian Army increased the buffer zone around the city by taking the western forest forcing Ukrainian Army to withdrew towards the defenses around Ivanivske. Moreover, Russian troops made new advances north of Bohdanivka in which clashes are taking place now.


Situation south of Avdivka: Russian Army advanced west of the quarry reaching the street of Kolosova. However, its premature to confirm the consolidation of positions there.


Situation west of Donetsk city: Russian Army continue securing the flanks of Marinka in the direction of Pobjeda.


Situation southwest of Donetsk: During the last days the situation for Ukrainian Army in Novomykhailivka has been complicated. Despite the Russian Army advance was minimal, the Ukrainian troops withdrew towards the town due to the aproaching of combat.

Член од
8 мај 2013
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@Darko I. Ќе дипломира дур падне Авдеевка. Здравје кога ќе паѓа Часов Јар на свадба ќе му играме.
Член од
29 јуни 2014
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@Darko I. Ќе дипломира дур падне Авдеевка. Здравје кога ќе паѓа Часов Јар на свадба ќе му играме.
Кога ќе паднат повеќе утврдувања после ништо нема да ја допре машинеријата.


deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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Koга стигнавте да се радувате дека Русите споро победуваат... Јасно е дека нема многу за што да се радувате. :unsure:
Автоматски споено мислење:

Кога нешто работи - работи.

Последно уредено:
Член од
14 ноември 2013
Поени од реакции
Situation on northeastern front: Russian Army recovered part of the lost positions south of Lyman Pershyi four days ago. Situation around Syn'kivka remains unchanged.


Situation on eastern front: Russian Army advanced some hundred meters along the railway northeast of Vesele.


Situation north of Bakhmut: Russian Army took control over new trenches close to the road towards Chasiv Yar. In addition, troops continue taking new positions north of Bohdanivka. It's premature to say that Russians are in the locality.


Situation south of Avdivka: During the last hours Russian Army managed to consolidate its positions in the street of Kolosova, which marks the beginning of the urban battle inside the city.



deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
Поени од реакции
Situation on northeastern front: Russian Army recovered part of the lost positions south of Lyman Pershyi four days ago. Situation around Syn'kivka remains unchanged.

Прегледај го приврзокот 400805

Situation on eastern front: Russian Army advanced some hundred meters along the railway northeast of Vesele.

Прегледај го приврзокот 400806

Situation north of Bakhmut: Russian Army took control over new trenches close to the road towards Chasiv Yar. In addition, troops continue taking new positions north of Bohdanivka. It's premature to say that Russians are in the locality.

Прегледај го приврзокот 400807

Situation south of Avdivka: During the last hours Russian Army managed to consolidate its positions in the street of Kolosova, which marks the beginning of the urban battle inside the city.

Прегледај го приврзокот 400808

Aман бе Украинциве, толку ли не гледаат дека намерно ги оставаат да земат некое парче земја - погодно како за killing ground, чисто за да можат да ги убиваат таму... Русите пред „тврдите“ имаат еластични линии (тврдите се најстратешките места кои се најпогодни за контрола на околниот терен и најутврдени). Ги оставаат повремено да земат места каде после масовно гинат. Никаква шанса немаат да направат нешто значајно во војнава.
Трагедија е ова што им се дешава на Украинците, продадени политичари и психопати за господари.

Уште па фановите овде се радуваат за „спориот напредок“ на РФ. Па не освојуваат територија, туку уништуваат воена моќ. Без воена моќ, потоа целата Украина ќе падне без да мораат да ја освојоуваат целата територија.
Член од
14 ноември 2013
Поени од реакции
Situation south of Bakhmut: Russian Army recaptured the dachas west of the city, which was the maximum advance in this axis last May.


Situation southwest of Donetsk city: Russian Army recovered a series of positions south of Marinka which were lost in July.

Член од
14 ноември 2013
Поени од реакции
Situation on northeastern front: Russian Army recaptured again the positions east of Ivanivka.


Situation on eastern front: Russian Army advanced north of Sakko i Vantsettі, crossing the Vasyukivka river.


Situation on Gorlovka front: Russian Army recovered the last hill which was taken by Ukrainian Army four weeks ago.

Член од
14 ноември 2013
Поени од реакции
Situation on eastern front: Russian Army advanced towards the town of Rozdolivka taking control part of the trench built by Ukrainian Army in the last months.


Situation north of Bakhmut: Russian Army continue advancing along the railway east of Bohdanivka and took control more trenches adjacent to the road to Chasiv Yar.


Situation north of Avdivka: Russian Army advanced northwards along the railway. Moreover, troops took control over the flanks of Stepove thus taking control over most of the village.


Situation west of Donetsk city: Russian Army began advancing towards the last area of Marinka under the control over Ukrainian Army taking control over new parts. 95% of the town is under Russian control now.


Situation southwest of Donetsk city: Russian Army continue advancing south of Marinka and towards the village of Pobjeda (front was corrected there).


Situation southwest of Donetsk: Russian Army made significant advances at the outskirts of Novomykhailivka reaching the first buildings of the town from two different axis.



deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
Поени од реакции
BREAKING: Looks like the Patriot system that Germany delivered to Ukraine was destroyed yesterday with hypersonic missiles.

—> The Ukrainian Air Force said “we’ll not going to comment what was hit” and various credible channels like yurasumy report the destruction.

A battery of Patriot air defense systems sent by Germany to Ukraine was destroyed by a Kinzhal missile near Zhitomir, west of Kyiv.

There is also a claim that it could have been a battery, partly divided between Kiev and Odessa, and that it was withdrawn to the west after the shelling of the center of Kyiv.

Five launchers, one command vehicle, and one air surveillance radar were destroyed.

Also destroyed were 80 ready-to-fire missiles worth $5.5 million and 160 spare missiles in stock.
Their value is $1.32 billion.

Over the past eight years, the United States has ordered between 108 and 328 new MIM-104 missiles. In one blow, Russia virtually wiped out a year's production.

During the attacks on Kyiv, the air defense system was integrated with the radar of the AEGIS complex and long-range radar detection and control aircraft in Poland and Romania and tried to shoot down the Kinzhals, but was destroyed.

Thus, the number of Patriot air defense systems destroyed in Ukraine has increased to four.

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