Азраел - ангел на смртта или друго нешто! Догмата е срушена, лагата разоткриена...!!


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24 февруари 2005
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Azrael ha'Malak

The Jewish History of Azrael
His true and inspiring legacy begins in ancient Babylon.
Azra (
), whose name means help in biblical Hebrew, was one of the descendants of the powerful priests of Aaron. He was born into a time of great upheaval but also one of great promise.

In the year 597 BC, the holy city of Jerusalem was destroyed by King Nebuchadnezzar of Chaldea who captured an estimated 10,000 Judean leaders and priests, and held them hostage in Babylon. They became known as the "Golah" (the exiled) and those who were allowed to remain were the "am ha'aretz" (the people of the land). This event is known in history as the Babylonian Exile or the Great Captivity.

As fate would have it, the Chaldeans were defeated by the Persians in 538 BC, and it was this event that gave Judeans a second chance. By special decree of King Cyrus, they were freed from exile and could return to their ancestral home.

Azra, one of the "bene Golah" (sons of the exiled), had been raised in the captivity. He had never seen the land of his fathers, but by virtue of his bloodline, he was educated in Jewish law and custom. He was taught, and he believed that the exile was a consequence of God's punishment for the sin of Avodah Zarah (idolatry and idol worship). Azra vowed to restore God's faith in his people by teaching them the Laws of God.
He was well favored in the royal court of the Persian monarch, King Artaxerxes II, and not only had been given permission to return to Jerusalem, he was also granted funds from the king's treasury, a royal decree giving him the power of Judgement over all his people, and the return of artifacts that were stolen from the Temple.

And you Azra, appoint magistrate and judges that may judge all who are beyond the river, who know the laws of God, and teach ye those who know them not.
And whosoever will not do the law of thy God, and the law of the king, let judgment be executed speedily upon him, whether it be unto death...


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24 февруари 2005
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In Jewish history Azra is remembered as the Father of Judaism and his book appears in the Old Testament of the bible. His name is translated differently. The most notable are: Ezra (Hebrew to English), Esdras (Hebrew to Greek), and Uzayr (Hebrew to Arabic). The names Ezraeil & Azrael were not used until after 600 AD and there are no Judean records that name Azrael (Azriel) as an Angel of Death and Judgement.


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24 февруари 2005
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The Christian History of Azrael
During the early Christian period two more books were discovered purporting to be his and carried his name into the holy scripture of the time. The first book was known as 1 Esdras and was basically a Greek translation of the Jewish records of Ezra and Nehemiah, but the second book, 2 Esdras, was a haunting piece:

Charles L. Souvay:

Widely known in the early Christian ages and frequently quoted by the Fathers (especially St. Ambrose), it may be said to have framed the popular belief of the middle ages concerning the last things.

This book has created so many problems, I honestly don't know where to begin! It opens with the same introduction as the first Book of Azra in which he provides his entire geneology, all the way back to Aaron, so one would assume this was written by Azra's own hand. However, let us take a closer look at some of the problems I've been trying to resolve:
1) Not all versions are the same, but the differences are so subtle they are easy for most people to miss. One difference reveals who the author of this book really was. This can be found in Chapter 3; 1, 2:

In the KJV, this passage reads:

In the thirtieth year after the destruction of our city, I was in Babylon and lay troubled on my bed, and my thoughts welled up in my heart, because I saw the desolation of Sion and the wealth of those who lived in Babylon.

2) The name "Salathiel" is the Greek (70) version of the Hebrew name, Sheiltiel, the father of Zarubabbel - a respected name that Azra knew, and as a scribe he even recorded the name, but he never took this name for himself. Also, as far as I know, the Greek influence did not exist in Jerusalem during the time Azra lived, so I find it hard to believe this book was written by Azra's own hand.
3) The NIV version admits that the author of this book believed he was both these people during the time the book was written. A condition that implies a spiritual collaboration (necromancy: communication with the dead). This alone can explain a motive for why certain church publishers have elected to edit this line and remove both names.
2 Esdras builds from Azra's original record by adding a divine dialogue in which, by the help of the angel Uriel, God reveals to Azra that he will disown the Jewish people because of their disobedience and send his son (Messiah) to bless a new nation. Instead of Babylon, they've named themselves and their intention becomes crystal clear.
In this story, Azra was not just a scribe, but a prophet who bears witness to the coming of Christ. In the end he is taken to heaven alive, without tasting death, in the same tradition told in the book of Enoch. I believe this book existed before the time of Jesus because it doesn't name the Messiah. But it does establish the foundation for the movement. While this book was cherished by the early Christians, it's authenticity is heavily questioned, and as such it was excluded from a place in the Jewish bible.
However, it did associate the name of Azra with End Times, and the book is more commonly known as the Apocalypse of Azra. It was from this book, ascribed to Azra, the Requiem Aeternam became part of Christian burial rites, furthering an association of his name with death and burial.



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24 февруари 2005
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Shortly after this time, the Christian heretic Marcion, in an attempt to convince the church to produce their own testament, apart from the Jewish bible, wrote an interesting tale that claimed the Angel of Law had gathered the dust and created Adam and because of this, mankind was not a divine creation of God and was in need of redemption by him.

The Sources of Islam:

According to the heretic Marcion, he whom they name "the God of the Law," who got earth for the creation of man, was only an angel; for they say that the Law came down from one of the angels hostile to the great God. And that Angel they call Lord of the universe, Creator of all things, and Prince of this world. This last is taken from the Gospel of John, where the devil is so called. Marcion tells us that this angel was an inhabitant of the Second heaven, and at first knew nothing of the great God; but when he came to know of his existence, he became an enemy of "the Unknown God," and sought that mankind should neither know nor worship him. This imaginative story of the creation is in entire accord with what the Muslims say regarding Azâzîl, who came to dwell in the Second heaven.

The advent of Islam came in the 6th century AD and, by that time, Jerusalem had fallen and the Temple was destoyed, this second time around by the Roman armies. Though the Judeans were not taken captive, they were dispersed all throughout the surrounding lands. Without Jerusalem and their Temple, their sense of identity rested once again in the pages of their book, and so Islamic records refer to the Judeans as "the people of the book."
Not surprizingly, it was during this period that the legends surrounding Azra took on gigantic proportions. The most powerful record was made by Muhammed himself who accused the Judeans of declaring Azra to be... the son of God. In this section Azra is named under the Arabic rendering, Uzayr.
The Quran (Islamic bible). Surah 9, verse 30:

The Jews call Uzayr (aka: Ezra) the son of Allah and the Christians call Christ the son of Allah. That is a saying from their mouths. In this they imitate what the non-believers of old used to say. Allah's curse be on them. How they are deluded away from the truth.

The Judean record, Deuteronomy 14:1 ~

You are the sons of G-d. You shall not cut yourselves nor make any baldness on your head on account of the dead.

The Christian record, John 1:11 and 12 ~

He came unto his own, but him own received him not. But for as many as received him, to them he gave the power to become the sons of God.

И конечно, следува....



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24 февруари 2005
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Both of these passages address the bene elohim as men - note the plural form of the title in both passages. So how could Muhammed mistake this title? The answer is revealed by his anger toward the Persians, who were the only people of that period to claim a single heir of God. The Sun God, Mithras, who according to legend, was:

Born on December 25th.
Of a virgin.
His birth was witnessed by the Magi.
He formed his influence around twelve disciples.
Was called the Savior of the World, the Lord of Light.
He returned to heaven at the Spring Equinox.
Before he returned he held a last supper with his 12 companions.
This meal consisted of Midz (a special bread marked with a cross).

It was Constantine who merged the records of Jesus with Mithras in an effort to celebrate the birth of Jesus in a fitting manner and could not have possibly known, during his time, the problems this would cause later. He can only be accused of ignoranance in Middle-Eastern affairs, but that's all, since embellishment is not considered a crime in his own land where such expressions are appreciated as a form of art.
While this would certainly justify Muhammed's reaction to the Christian records, it doesn't explain his accusations against the Judeans who, as far as I can tell, have never given the title of ben elohim to Ezra. But Muhammed didn't have the Jewish history. He did however have the Christian book, 2 Esdras, which lends a small portion of credibility to the complaint and another story that had been circulating during that time; Ezra Sleeps for 100 Years.
This story claims that Azra was on his way to his farm when he happened upon a ruined village. He saw the skeletal remains of the people and asked: "How will Allah ever bring them back?" So, Allah killed him. After one hundred years had passed, Azra was brought back to life and he returned home, to the astonishment of his children, who by that time were very old men. He then healed a blind woman and re-wrote the Torah.


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24 февруари 2005
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Azrael becomes the Angel of Death & Judgement
So far, we have shared the Jewish history of Azra, the Christian history of Esdras and the Islamic history of Uzayr and from this we can see how wild the tales had grown, but so far, Azra had never been called an Angel. So, you might ask... how did Azra become the angel Azrael? Well, this one will blow your mind!
Before we get into the details, you need to understand what was happening at the time. The Jews were living in territories controlled by the Muslims. Since it was Muhammed's desire to convert the Jews to Islam, and the Jews were not in a position to refuse, I treat the information that was produced from this period with a great deal of compassion.
Ka'b al' Ahbar had named the Angel of Death & Judgement, Azrael. Ka'b was a Yemenite Judean who had converted to Islam, and was the oldest authority for Jewish traditions among the Muslims. Even if he was not considered a learned authority among the Jews themselves (who perhaps viewed him as a traitor), it's safe to assume he at least knew how to read and write in Hebrew. I had always wondered how the Islamic Angel of Death was given a Hebrew name and while this certainly explains the point... it leads to an even greater mystery. Because it's not just a Hebrew name, but the name of the Father of Judaism himself! He simply added the "el" suffix to the name to fulfill the requirements - the names of angels had to bear the suffix. It is written in both Jewish and Islamic lore. This, by the way, was a very defiant thing to do, in light of Muhammed's passage of Surah 9:30


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24 февруари 2005
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So, my question is this. If Ka'b was sincere and wasn't forced to convert to Islam, why did he name the Angel of Death and Judgement after one of the two men Muhammed hated the most? Ka'b knew who Azra was! And he obviously knew how to spell the name correctly because he used the shvah with the letter zayin, so there was no mistaking the identity to which the name belonged... at least no Jew would mistake the name. But the Muslims didn't understand Hebrew, and only knew of Azra by the Arabic rendering, Uzayr. Because of their ignorance, Ka'b was able to spell out this mysterious message and it survived undetected (and therefore uncensored), all this time! But what was his intention?
Ka'b al' Ahbar is a subject of fierce dispute between the Shiites and the Sunnis. The Shiites have accused him of several acts of treachury, one claiming he was involved in the murder of the Caliph Umar, an event which Ka'b had predicted three days prior to the assasination that took the Caliph's life.


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24 февруари 2005
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Kaab said: "As for the Angel of Death, his name is Azrael and his abode is in the heaven of this Earth."

Source: Qisas al'Anbiya translated by Wheeler M. Thackston Jr.


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24 февруари 2005
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We are going to leave you for now to consider one of the most popular legends of all concerning Azrael as an angel. It is written:
The angel Azrael is forever writing and erasing what he writes. What he writes are the names of those who are born. What he erases are the names of those who have died.
I will now compare this statement against what we know of Azra (Ezra):

The Angel Azrael is forever writing in a large book.
Azra was a professional scribe (always writing).

What he writes are the names of those who are born.
Azra's first list contained the names of the men who were present and the
names of those they descended from (were born to).

What he erases are the names of those who have died.
Azra's last list contained the names of the men who broke the laws of God. He
mourned their loss and "made an end" with them. (their names were erased from
the city register).
Other similarities between the Angel Azrael and the scribe Azra [Ezra]:

The Angel Azrael is a Hebrew name that means: Help of God.
Azra [Ezra] is a Hebrew name that means: Help.

The Angel Azrael was in charge of the Laws of God.
Azra was the keeper and reader of the divine law [Laws of God].

The Angel Azrael's face gazes upon the Preserved Tablet.
Azra's work was based on the Laws of Moses (Stone Tablets).

Azrael ha'Malak


Sheila aka: Ninth_Scribe


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24 февруари 2005
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Ќе забележите и на обете слики огромни сличности, особено на втората, со рисјанството.
Член од
14 јули 2005
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Совршениот форумски пост треба да биде ... Lucidno iidiotski so zrnce filosofija. (Гарфилд)
Гарфилд, се трудам да разберам, ја препрочитав библијата - поглавието за Езра, но сепак не можам да ти ја фатам поентата. Која лага е разоткриена? Тоа ли што муслиманите го нарекуваат Езраел ангел на смртта? Или тоа што христијанската прослава на денот на Христовото рождение е преиначена церемонија од паганско време? Што врска има едното со другото?


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24 февруари 2005
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Павел Липранди напиша:
Гарфилд, се трудам да разберам, ја препрочитав библијата - поглавието за Езра, но сепак не можам да ти ја фатам поентата. Која лага е разоткриена? Тоа ли што муслиманите го нарекуваат Езраел ангел на смртта? Или тоа што христијанската прослава на денот на Христовото рождение е преиначена церемонија од паганско време? Што врска има едното со другото?
Има голема врска, за оној кој знае да чита.

trilobite напиша:
Па нема везе у тоа е поентата.Пази ова:
Живти мајка, а тоа што е Митраизмот и тие легенди далеку постари од рисјанството или исламот? Апологетизираш повторно догма на несоодветен начин! Иди бе бегај.


Член од
24 февруари 2005
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Odi zapali si sveka na verata, umre i nazad na temata, jasno.


Команданат Флик
Член од
30 октомври 2005
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Абе важни се легендите, митовите.
Нема везе кое име од кај дошло. Можда и Азра по Азраел е.
Многу поважно е да се најде оригиналниот извор на легендата, а тоа е најзаебаното. Пошто да си признаеме, сите модерни религии позајмувале од постарите. Тоа за Митра е точно, ви се свиѓало или не.
А и у ствари тие религии и треба да се конзистентни.
Митра, Алах, Јахве исто е то се. Можда утре Џони ќе биде. Основните верувања се исти. Едино што религиите се прилагодуваат со времето, за подобро да го контролираат народот. Научете да разликувате меѓу религија и верувања. Религијата секогаш има некоја институција позади неа. Верувањата се лични.
Член од
14 јули 2005
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NikolaP напиша:
Тоа за Митра е точно, ви се свиѓало или не.
Не е прашањето што кому му се свиѓа. Трилобите даде солидни протваргументи. За да не се тепаме со цитати од интернет попови и антидогматичари, еве ги накратко објасненијата:

Born on December 25t

Во библијата не пишува дека Исус е роден на 25.декември. Ниту пак 25.декември е специфичен за Иран - напротив, тоа бил празник во тукуречи сите антички религии.

Of a virgin.

Римската верзија на Митра - излегол од карпа.
Техеранската верзија на Митра - роден од односот на Ахура Мазда со обична жена - но не безгрешно...

His birth was witnessed by the Magi.

Римскиот Митра - овчарите му помогнале да излезе од карпата и го понудиле со млеко; Техеранскиот - нема автентични записи за такво нешто;

He formed his influence around twelve disciples.

Иранскиот Митра имал само еден другар - Варуна; Римскиот Митра имал двајца помошници ки му го носеле факелите со огнот: Котес и Котопатрес; го придружувале и животни - куче, змија, шкорпија, лав.

Was called the Savior of the World, the Lord of Light.

Спасител - не е документирано нигде; Бог на светлината - да, како син на Ахура Мазда, богот на Сонцето.

He returned to heaven at the Spring Equinox.


This meal consisted of Midz (a special bread marked with a cross).

крстот бил симбол на Богот на Сонцето кај повеќе од една античка религија - ништо специфично за Митраизмот.


Во ред, познато е дека многу од христијанските митови се земени на заем од претходните религии. Односот Бог Отец - Бог Син го има во Египет (Озирис), Вавилон (Нимрод), Иран (Митра), Македонија (Зевс-Аполон). Спасението на душата и Велигден се поврзани со Иштар, Астарта, Артемис, Дијана. Бесмртноста на душата, Адот и судењето - сето постои одамна пред христијанството.

Факти има на располагање и повеќе отколку што сакаш. Зошто би требало, кога имаш убиствена муниција колку што сакаш, да пукаш со ќор-фишеци?

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