Бодибилдинг суплементи

Член од
23 септември 2015
Поени од реакции
L-citrulline: This is the most common and well-studied form of citrulline. It is a natural amino acid that is produced by the body and is also found in certain foods, particularly watermelon. L-citrulline is available as a dietary supplement and is often used to support cardiovascular health, immune function, and exercise performance.

Citrulline malate: This is a combination of citrulline and malate, an organic acid that is involved in energy production and muscle function. Citrulline malate is often used as a pre-workout supplement to improve exercise performance, reduce fatigue, and enhance muscle recovery. It is available as a dietary supplement in powder or capsule form.

Citrulline nitrate: This is a combination of citrulline and nitrate, a compound that is involved in the production of nitric oxide, a molecule that helps to relax blood vessels and improve blood flow. Citrulline nitrate is often used as a pre-workout supplement to improve exercise performance and enhance muscle recovery. It is available as a dietary supplement in powder or capsule form.

Citrulline ethyl ester: This is a modified form of citrulline that is more easily absorbed by the body. Citrulline ethyl ester is often used as a pre-workout supplement to improve exercise performance and reduce fatigue. However, its efficacy and safety are not well-established, and more research is needed to determine its effects.

Џабе зборуваме се виде кој е кој и што е што и кој е каков.

Јас намерно ги напишав сите со запирка за да му дадам до знаење дека не е исто.

Дека има и цитрулин, и цитрулин-малат и малат и друго, добро сега малат можда не де продава поединечно, но може да земе цитрулин и да јади храна што има малат ако може преку исхраната да се стигне до некоја добра и ефикасна количина.
Како и да е најдобро е преворкоут сам да си ги купи сите состојки поединечно ем ке знае која супстанца за што е и што ефект има и која доза му е најдобра.
Све во еден пре воркоут можда само една супстанца не ке му одговара и само заради неа не ке ноже да го пие.
Па ако има најдобро е све посебно да се земе, и да цитрулин-малат се две супстанци помешани бидејќи имаат добра синергија не е една супстанца.

Последно уредено:
Член од
13 мај 2020
Поени од реакции
L-citrulline: This is the most common and well-studied form of citrulline. It is a natural amino acid that is produced by the body and is also found in certain foods, particularly watermelon. L-citrulline is available as a dietary supplement and is often used to support cardiovascular health, immune function, and exercise performance.

Citrulline malate: This is a combination of citrulline and malate, an organic acid that is involved in energy production and muscle function. Citrulline malate is often used as a pre-workout supplement to improve exercise performance, reduce fatigue, and enhance muscle recovery. It is available as a dietary supplement in powder or capsule form.

Citrulline nitrate: This is a combination of citrulline and nitrate, a compound that is involved in the production of nitric oxide, a molecule that helps to relax blood vessels and improve blood flow. Citrulline nitrate is often used as a pre-workout supplement to improve exercise performance and enhance muscle recovery. It is available as a dietary supplement in powder or capsule form.

Citrulline ethyl ester: This is a modified form of citrulline that is more easily absorbed by the body. Citrulline ethyl ester is often used as a pre-workout supplement to improve exercise performance and reduce fatigue. However, its efficacy and safety are not well-established, and more research is needed to determine its effects.

Џабе зборуваме се виде кој е кој и што е што
Абе дете, до сега не знаеше што е цитрулин, сега ми копираш работи. Ај мрш таму.
Член од
10 март 2014
Поени од реакции
Маштеницата е при крај, препораки за добар протеин, што би зеле вие во моментов?
Член од
10 март 2014
Поени од реакции
Го најдов на интернет за 3800 голдот, верно е да е толку паднат во цена?

Kajgana Shop

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