Ова е руска пропаганда од исечок говор изваден од контекст, кое ви дава простор да го правдате бомбардирањето на Украина и теророт таму.
"In his full speech Poroshenko does not say that Ukraine will put residents of Donbas under pressure, but that
the occupation of Donbas by pro-Russian militants makes the locals, who have to live without pensions and to hide in cellars, suffer.
“This war can’t be won with weapons. Every bullet produces two enemies. And every peaceful day Ukrainian state demonstrates on the liberated territories that citizens, who sang praises to false separatist regime a month ago, receive heat, electricity, at last they can send their children to school, they started to receive pensions, survivorship and disablement payments, they have jobs, they have salaries."
Еве го целиот текст и видео. Чим вака те лажат на кликбејт, замисли колку си кадарен за дебати по историја и геополитика?
On November 14, Russian Channel One informed in its evening news broadcast that, while officially speaking about peaceful settlement of the Donbas problem, in fact the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko was going to strangle Donbas economically and to put Donbas children into cellars. This is not