Наоѓаш оправдување за илегалните активности на Албанците како стратегија за етничко преживување во непријателска средина?
According to Arben Xhaferi, leader of the Democratic Party of Albanians (DPA), systematic exclusion and marginalization during communism is what today explains Albanian participation in illegal activities.18 Quite simply, it was a strategy for ethnic survival in a hostile environment.
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This paper explores the multidimensional problem of organized crime in Macedonia and its relationship to the current conflict between the Macedonian state and the Albanian-led National Liberation Army (NLA). I argue that crime and corruption play a central role in explaining why Macedonia has found itself at a virtual state of war for the past six months. Criminal networks within the Albanian community are key elements in the organization and maintenance of Albanian paramilitary forces.
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The Balkan road has different starting points, depending on the goods in question. Prostitution rings begin in Bulgaria, where women from Romania, Moldova, Ukraine, Russia, and Belarus are assembled. Opium destined for Europe originates in the “Golden Crescent” (Pakistan, Iran, and Afghanistan) and the Caucasus (Georgia and Armenia). It then gets processed into heroin in Turkey and begins it Balkans’ journey. Both Eastern women and Asian narcotics are smuggled across the Bulgarian-Macedonian border, finding their way into Albanian-areas of western Macedonia. At this point, the women are “sold” to Albanian pimps for anywhere from $500 to $2,500. Some women stay to work as dancers and prostitutes, others are sent to Kosovo and onto Western Europe. The drugs follow a similar path, but also move forward to Albanian port cities where they creep into Italy, and then onto further destinations. As a sign of its importance, the Balkan road accounts for 70 to 90% of all heroin seizures in Europe.
Па и ова:
Some observers have advanced an extreme position, contending that the entire Albanian national movement is but a front for a vast criminal operation. The French criminologist Xavier Raufer is an example. He contends that the campaigns waged by the UCPMB in southern Serbia and the NLA in Macedonia were dedicated solely to keeping the heroin lanes open. Raufer calls the roads between southern Serbia and Macedonia that lead into Kosovo the “Balkan Golden Triangle.” The UCPMB and the NLA are, in Raufer’s opinion, “representatives of the semi-military wing of the Albanian mafia.” In his view, “there is no doubt that the offensive of Albanian terrorists is motivated by the wish for control of the drug road.” A second point by Raufer is that it is impossible to differentiate the Albanian mafia from Albanian paramilitary forces. In the borderland zone, clans contribute both to the war cause and sell heroin. Whole villages are involved, contributing men to the paramilitary forces and contributing cash via the heroin trade.
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