- Член од
- 23 јули 2010
- Мислења
- 15.582
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- 12.949
Дури има овци ќе има и монтки.Туку @Ipsissimus што секта се овие двајцава... гностичари биле а наплаќаат за ритуали за раскинување на договорот направен со некаков кармички совет и така се прочивствува морфогенетското поле викаат. Делува дека не е ефтино.
Ако ме прозва мене поради мојата инволвираност во ЕГЦ, тогаш еве ти инфо во врска со ЕГЦ и гностицизмот:
“And I believe in one Gnostic and Catholic Church of Light, Life, Love and Liberty, the Word of whose Law is THELEMA.”
We claim descent from the Gnostics of old, through the secret traditions of the Knights Templar, the grail legends of the troubadours and minnesingers, and the veiled teachings of the alchemists, hermeticists, qabalists, magicians, Rosicrucians, Masons and Sufis. However, we are not Gnostics in the sense of the word used by the modern-day Gnostic revivalists, who are attempting to breathe life into the dry skeletons of Basilides, Valentinus and Mani. Our Gnosis has been tempered in the furnace of 18 centuries of trial, experiment and dialogue, and has been ultimately transmuted by the Gnosis of a New Word: THELEMA.
We are Gnostics by heirship, communion, and by elements of theory and practice; but we have shed the old slavish longing for deliverance. No longer do we perceive incarnation as the incarceration of Spirit by Matter, but as the information of Matter by Spirit. No longer do we shut ourselves up in ascetic withdrawal, turning our backs on life and scorning experience as defilement of our purity. Now, having been armed with the New Law, we go forth on the face of Earth to do our Wills among the living; to radiate our Light into every dim recess of the world, and to unite with all the possibilities of Existence, which is Pure Joy.