Фан Клуб: Арсенал

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21 октомври 2014
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Бадијала ако сме ослободени од ФФП, добивка ќе имаат само нафташите, ние без скршен денар каде ?
Седи мирен, како ќе ги земеме Кутињо, Вилиан и Тиаго Силва.
Член од
21 октомври 2014
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Фала курцу, тренер со муда, кажи им, барајте си чарето ако не ме подржите финансиски.
Најдобро е што вака индиректно кажува и дека не му се квалитетни играчите, Венгер кажал некогаш вакво нешто? Емери? Браво.

Ама ќе му земат некои шалабајзери и ќе речат Be exited :D
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Член од
28 ноември 2009
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Не му е прв пат на Артета вака отворено да бара сериозна инвестиција од клубот, се надевам ќе ја добие...
Член од
23 ноември 2011
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А да, не дека против Арсенал има некаков заговор или си бараме оправданија, но мајка му да а ебам, толку да нема стандарди и еднаквост во судењето, што беше денес она со Арнолд?
Член од
21 октомври 2014
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А мислите би го рекол воа Артета ако му немале ветено пари кога потпишуваше?
Член од
8 септември 2008
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Ние имаме наводно добитни утакмици со кои можеме до 59 бодови, ама нереално некако да кикснат и Волвс и Тотенхем дури на две утакмици.

Се заебавме многу со Тотенхем некња, макар и нерешено ќе беше подруго, не знам реално колку губиме, ама сигурно 10-20 милиони се со неиграње во ЛЕ.
Преку 30

Sent from my JSN-L21 using Tapatalk
Член од
28 ноември 2009
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Нов договор и позајмица во Бундес лига кај Свен, Штутгарт.
Добар потег, ако се покаже добро таму како кај Нирнберг, треба да добие шанса во Арсенал наредната сезона.
А мислите би го рекол воа Артета ако му немале ветено пари кога потпишуваше?
Сигурно нема вака пред медиуми да збори ако имаше гаранции...

Не очекував дека Мартинез ќе биде на слично ниво со Лено откако се повреди, дефинитивно најголемо подобрување имаат голманиве, причина плус да играме ЛЕ, не верувам дека ќе прифати да грее клупа откако настапи на сцена, договор до 2022..
Последно уредено:
Член од
28 ноември 2009
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Со гадна повреда настрадал Мартинели, мислев ситница е, сметав ќе биде спремен за новата сезона, оно дури 2021 ...
Член од
28 ноември 2009
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Местото му е далеку од сигурно веќе
Автоматски споено мислење:

@Ashburton Grove Не сум во право? :D
Лено ќе биде прва постава со сигурност, јесте Мартинез е подобрен ама знае се кој ни е прв голман, едино ако се врати со лоша форма.
Затоа треба да се пласираме у ЛЕ, таму Мартинез да настапува, ама тешко ...
Само да не земе флопови како Пепе, 73 милиони фрлени во бунар...
Шо бе, зар го нејќеш Кутињо ?
Секако ќе немаме пари, ќе мора да се продава за нов играч. :unsure:
Тие уште шо веруват дека Кронке ќе даде од свој џеб, немојте жити се ...
Член од
28 ноември 2009
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Ако не ви се чита еве мал извадок
The appointment of Edu as technical director opened the door to Joorabchian, and indeed Luiz. The purpose of fostering relationships with these intermediaries is presumably to help Arsenal acquire a class of players they could not otherwise get — but Arsenal had been offered the chance to sign Luiz in January 2018, and refused.

Raul Sanllehi can sometimes be spotted walking his dog on the wide green fields of Hampstead Heath. It is easy to lose yourself there. It feels a world apart from the bustle of nearby central London. These moments must be a godsend for Arsenal’s head of football. There is not much room for respite from the endless hectic swirl of the football business.

Since joining Arsenal in February 2018, Sanllehi’s status has changed, which is reflected in the scrutiny he now lives with. He is the man holding the keys to the Arsenal operation off the pitch. It is the first time in his career he has held a position of such authority in the game, at a time when head coach Mikel Arteta says he is concerned that his club won’t be able to compete financially in the transfer market.

Although he technically shares the CEO role with Vinai Venkatesham, whose oversight is more on the business than the football side, it is Sanllehi who attracts more of the spotlight as the man who directs alterations to the make-up of the squad. In a way, for Arsenal, his choices are almost as important as Arteta’s in trying to make the club more competitive again.

In football circles, Sanllehi is described as an expert salesman, persuasive, with a trusted network. At his previous club, Barcelona, he had a reputation for being a Mr Fix-it, a smoother of paths, a negotiator rather than an actual decision-maker. At Arsenal, if Sanllehi reckons they need the assistance of particular intermediaries — as was the case to bring in the likes of Nicolas Pepe and Bernd Leno, or to sell Alex Iwobi — he will do it. If the football committee decides it looks good to showcase their success in convincing Bukayo Saka or Gabriel Martinelli to sign that all-important new contract, he will happily be part of it.

Like anything in football, perceptions are linked to results. If results go well, those are presented as excellent qualities. If not, it is natural to wonder if those characteristics are the most prudent ones to lead a club that has dipped into mediocrity and claims it has to be very careful with limited finances.

Recently, Arsenal have paid higher than the basic asking price for players — exceeding the expected fee for Leno, for example. It begs the question why. It happens, of course, that in any walk of life sometimes extra costs come into play to get difficult deals done — but given Arsenal’s financial situation, as the only Premier League club to enforce a pay cut, it’s essential they are as efficient as possible in their spending.

Sanllehi’s methodology — particularly in terms of player recruitment and the tendency to work more often with close contacts — is under the microscope. If money is tight, then dipping into a smaller pond with fewer options rather than expanding the pool to fish for the best catches is a policy that should be seriously examined by Arsenal’s owners. The recent appointment by Kroenke Sports Enterprises (KSE) of Tim Lewis, Stan Kroenke’s lawyer in London, to the board may bring an extra level of oversight.

Arsenal are not alone in having more trusted collaborations with certain intermediaries. It happens to a degree at a lot of clubs. At Wolverhampton Wanderers, for example, that situation is even more pronounced. Their head coach Nuno Espirito Santo is a client of Jorge Mendes, and the club’s Chinese owners have a stake in the agent’s company, Gestifute. Mendes’ influence on Wolves’ transfer strategy is writ large.

The point of it, though, is that any association with a superagent should ideally lead to signing some super players. While not every transfer is a success story, Wolves have benefited considerably from Mendes’ involvement. At Arsenal, the jury is still out.

Ultimately, if Arsenal were not mid-table, nobody would care too much about who shakes hands with who for a deal. But since they are, it feels prudent to examine how the club’s transfer strategy has evolved and why Sanllehi — whose reputation as a closer of deals was a big part of why Arsenal wanted to hire him in the first place — has seemingly leaned on such a level of support.

Things have changed since the end of the Arsène Wenger era, which underlines how differently the club operates these days. Elements the Frenchman vehemently disapproved of, such as alliances with powerful agents in transfer arrangements, are part of the new football world Arsenal have joined.

The mechanics and machinations of football transfers can be mind-boggling. As one lead in Premier League recruitment puts it: “When you are agent-led, you don’t know the monster waiting around the corner for you. You have to take the rough with the smooth.“

Sanllehi is the man who has introduced this new style of business into the club. Arsenal’s recruitment did need an injection of new impetus after years of transfers resting on Wenger’s hunches. As the task of playing the market became a much more convoluted game influenced by increasingly powerful connectors, they were criticised for being weak and getting overrun sometimes.

There are plenty of reasons for the unpredictable total costs of a deal and the need for a specific intermediary to be involved. It might be they can conclude talks very speedily, see off a competitor in a bidding war, or cut to the chase where a less experienced agent represents a player. They sometimes act for the player, and sometimes for the buying or even the selling club.

The first significant transfer Arsenal made in the post-Wenger era was for Leno, who arrived early in the summer of 2018 from Bayer Leverkusen. The initial asking price was around €18 million.

It was surprising Arsenal didn’t use the expertise of Sven Mislintat, then their head of recruitment, in his home market in the manner that helped to get Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang signed from Borussia Dortmund. But he was not involved in the Leno deal at all. The Athletic has been told that the agent Arturo Canales, who had done business before with Sanllehi and struck the deal for Unai Emery to become Wenger’s successor, was introduced to the deal. In the end, Leno joined Arsenal for a €22 million transfer fee.

Although there are plenty of reasons why Canales’s involvement was needed, the lack of transparency in general in football transactions means we don’t know to what extent his fee might have increased the price Arsenal ultimately had to pay, no matter who he acted for. Sources at Arsenal and Leverkusen say neither club paid the agent.

The following summer, Arsenal pulled off what was regarded at the time as a masterstroke when they shattered their transfer record for Pepe. Sanllehi had a connection with the Lille chief executive, Marc Ingla, an old colleague from Barcelona. Nevertheless Jorge Mendes, who had considerably more experience than Pepe’s agents and a working relationship with Lille’s primary negotiator Luis Campos, stepped in

The sale of Iwobi to Everton saw Arsenal pay a fee to Sports Invest UK, the company for which Kia Joorabchian is a director. Joorabchian (below) is a businessman whose profile in football in the UK is due to him representing David Luiz, Carlos Tevez and Philippe Coutinho, among others. Sports Invest UK was paid for its part arranging what was a handsome sale price for a homegrown player who did well without setting the world alight. Notably, though, the lines of communication between Arsenal and Everton in January 2018, just before Sanllehi’s arrival in London, did not require an agent for the selling club in the transfer of Theo Walcott.

The FA has published data on intermediaries involved in transfers for the last five years. In that time, the occurrence of a selling club using a third-party agent for a transfer involving an academy graduate between Premier League clubs is very unusual. Arsenal’s payment over Iwobi is one of three such cases over five years.

Arsenal are confident their use of intermediaries is justified. A spokesman said: “The bottom line is that in order to compete to sign top players in the modern football world, it is an advantage to have strong working relationships with the people who manage these players.

“Across our football operations team we have such relationships with a very large number of intermediaries, and a wide variety of intermediaries have represented the players we have signed in recent transfer windows.”

It was also pointed out that it is not unusual for Arsenal’s payments to agents to be spread over several years, usually the length of a player’s contract. The £13.5 million total commission paid by Arsenal between February 1, 2019 and January 31, 2020, published by the FA, includes up-front payments and not always the full amounts paid in stages over time. That is common practice in the game.

For better and for worse, Arsenal operate so differently these days. In the words of someone close to the club: “Most of the guys just assume, ‘Oh, this is football — and football has finally come to Arsenal’.”

In 1991, Sanllehi was arrested in America — for wrapping toilet paper round a rival college’s goalposts.

Having spent time in a US high school as an exchange student, Sanllehi returned to study economics, marketing and finance at Guilford College in Greensboro, North Carolina. Mark Keersemaker was a freshman in Sanllehi’s senior year, and remembers a young man “very animated, very colourful off the field — and fanatical about soccer”.

Guilford’s local rivals are Greensboro College and, after a hard-fought 3-2 victory, Sanllehi and his team-mates decided to launch a late-night invasion of the Greensboro campus. “We piled into a few cars and drove over there,” recalls Keersemaker. One of the captains had a Jeep and I believe Raul surfed on top of the Jeep from our campus to their campus!”

At around 1.40am the following morning, eight members of the team, including Sanllehi, were arrested for vandalism. Local reports cited daubs of paint around the campus, toilet paper being wrapped around the goalposts and used to spell “Guilford”, and an “obscenity scrawled on the sidewalk”.

Given that we’re yet to see Sanllehi careering through north London on the back of a 4×4 armed only with a pack of Charmin Ultra Soft, we can only assume he learned his lesson.

Sanllehi spent a couple of years at Barca’s La Masia academy from the age of 10, but his first real entry into his home city club came in 2002 as head of FCB Merchandising, a newly-created joint venture between Barcelona and his former employer, Nike. After Joan Laporta won the club presidency the following year, Sanllehi’s role at the Nou Camp expanded into institutional relations with UEFA and FIFA. Over time, Sanllehi’s job description gradually extended into transfer activity.

Sanllehi was particularly active in South America, dispatched as a “closer” to help get difficult deals over the line. Closer to home, his negotiating skills made him an effective diplomat: when Arsenal and Barcelona were in dispute over the transfer of Hector Bellerin in 2011, it was Sanllehi that Barcelona opted to deploy as a peacemaker.

In 2013 he spent weeks in Brazil making sure Barcelona beat Real Madrid to signing Neymar. It was one of the great modern transfer stories, involving one of most coveted talents in the world. When the former Santos starlet was presented at the Nou Camp on June 3, 2013, then vice-president Josep Maria Bartomeu offered special thanks to both Sanllehi and the club’s long-serving Brazil scout and deal-maker Andre Cury for their role in “very long and sometimes quite difficult” negotiations which had now been successfully concluded. Cury and Sanllehi have a long-standing association: the pair were linked to Barcelona’s ill-fated and expensive signings of Brazilian “starlets” Henrique and Keirrison, as far back as 2008 and 2009. Cury has been credited by the Brazilian media with smoothing over dealings between Arsenal and Flamengo over this year’s signing of Pablo Mari.

Sanllehi’s next big public appearance came on January 24, 2014, the day after Rosell had surprisingly stepped down as president with the high-ranking Audiencia Nacional court now investigating the Neymar deal. “We’re very proud of the Neymar signing, but it seems like we’re being asked to apologise for it,” Sanllehi said. Now officially titled Barcelona’s director of the football management area, he detailed the “transfer fee” paid as €17.1 million, but then explained that payments to companies owned by Neymar’s parents, including a €40 million “penalty clause” and other side-deals for services including scouting, marketing and “development work” brought the total cost to €86.2 million.

In June 2016, Barcelona accepted the payment of a €5.5 million fine and formally pleaded guilty to tax fraud.

Sanllehi came to know the then Arsenal chief executive Ivan Gazidis through the European Club Association. Arsenal were on the precipice of a period of transition: transfer negotiator Dick Law was poised to retire, and the assumption was that Wenger would not be too far behind.

Gazidis identified Sanllehi as someone who could lend Arsenal credibility on the European level, had a track record of pulling off difficult deals and could plug the club into a new network of contacts. Sanllehi’s value on the continental stage grows as Arsenal’s place in European football diminishes. When inevitable conversations about the structure of European competition surface, Sanllehi’s standing with the ECA helps ensure the club will have a voice.

Arsenal’s new transfer world veered away from the Wenger era. In shaking it all up, they put in place what looked to be an ideal blend of new ideas designed by Gazidis: bringing together Sanllehi’s contact-led approach with Mislintat’s more analytical and scout based experience looked to be a brilliant combination. A dream team.

But it turned into a clash of cultures. Mislintat left. Arsenal’s owners trusted Gazidis implicitly and they transferred that trust to the men he anointed to take over. Sanllehi assumed full power over Arsenal’s recruitment team. This includes input from the rest of the football executive, including technical director Edu, contracts guru Huss Fahmy, and any conversations with scouts and head coach Arteta himself. Arsenal’s emphasis has shifted sharply towards a contacts-driven approach, rather than a blend to try to bring the best of both worlds.

Sanllehi quickly found popularity among his peers in England. He is an engaging character, and a good talker. “He is very eloquent and has clear rationale in his ideas,” one Premier League sporting director told The Athletic. “And what an amazing voice he has. He has an extremely deep voice! It’s incredible, as though he has smoked 50 cigars every morning!”

These days, the Arsenal directors’ box is significantly more welcoming to intermediaries. The presence of some attracts more attention than others — nobody passes comment when incoming defender William Saliba’s representative, Djibril Niang, is a guest of the club. When Joorabchian appears, it’s a story.

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