Секој ќе види и доживее тоа во што верува. Јас сигурно нема Алах во вид на огромна печурка да го видам, пошто сум подалеку од абрахамски монотеистички религии, така да секој со свои преференци. Би зел, ама во некое друго време.
Mozhebi da, a mozhebi i ne. The collective unconscious spored Jung e segment od najdlabokata podsvest koja e genetski nasledena i ne e oformena od personalni iskustva.
According to Jung's teachings, the collective unconscious is common to all human beings and is responsible for a number of deep-seated beliefs and instincts, such as spirituality, sexual behavior, and life and death instincts.
Jung's theory on the collective unconscious was that it is made up of a collection of knowledge and imagery that every person is born with and is shared by all human beings due to ancestral experience. Although individuals do not know what thoughts and images are in their collective unconscious, it is thought that in moments of crisis the psyche can tap into the collective unconscious.
So eden zbor koga se ragjash ne si prazen list. Vrz osnova na analiza na sonishta od individualci, na mitovi i legendi, prikazni od razlicni kulturi koi se proizvod na kolektivnata podsvest toj uspeva da izdvoi takanareceni
Mnogu od likovite koi dozhivuvaat breaktheough za vreme na DMT trip gledaat takanareceni entities, jesters, machine elves (kako da izlegle od crtan film ili pretstavuvaat cirkuska grupa) koi se povrzuvaat so arhetipot na Jung za izmamnikot - The Trickster/The Jester (ko shto e Loki vo nordiskata mitologija)
Motto: You only live once
Core desire: to live in the moment with full enjoyment
Goal: to have a great time and lighten up the world
Greatest fear: being bored or boring others
Strategy: play, make jokes, be funny
Weakness: frivolity, wasting time
Talent: joy
The Jester is also known as: The fool, trickster, joker, practical joker or comedian.