In a radio show at RealFm, today's MP, Ioannina MP and SYRIZA's parliamentary representative, Christos Mantas, participated. In response to a question by journalists A. Pavlopoulos and M. Niflis, on the escalation of the processes for Skopje and what has changed so that there seems to be an opportunity for a solution, Mantas said:
"There are processes going on in many respects, and especially what seems to have changed is that at least on the part of the political leadership of the neighboring country, a much more pragmatic approach is presented in a low tone. The whole issue is connected with the accession of our neighboring country to international organizations such as NATO, the European Union, etc. It is likely that the political leadership of the neighboring country (obviously for its own sake) may well consider that this is a way that can be followed and hence the name issue must be solved in cooperation with Greece. But there still seems to be an international mobility. And on the part of Europe, the United Nations, the United States, which leads us to conclude that this window of opportunity is presented. "
Asked if the opposition is on the opposite side of the government, or Mr. Panos Kammenos, Chr. Mantas said:
"I would say that all such efforts must be made on such a matter, and that no one should be found (except perhaps by the Nazi struggle of the Golden Dawn). It is certain that initiatives will be taken at a significant level, with timely information, to highlight all aspects of the issue. On the part of the Movement for Change and its two parliamentary groups, it is clear that there is a position to support a proposal in what has been shaped as a national line, ie a proposal of a complex designation with a geographical definition. Mr Leventis' position is also known. There is the position of Mr. P. Kamenou. Our impression is (as the government spokesman said) that there is a possibility for Mr P. Bammen to join in a broader consensual proposal.
Asked if he has the feeling that there is wider political consensus on the whole issue, Mantas noted:
"My impression is that there are serious processes in the Southwest on the whole issue. Judging from the press spokeswoman's announcements, it seems a realistic and logical approach. This issue can not be a field of micropolitical controversy. ND is a big line and will eventually take a stand of responsibility. In spite of some extreme voices, such as that of a vice-president, who see the whole issue as an opportunity to have elections, the government drops, etc. But I estimate that such approaches will not prevail. "
In queries whether he can go to the common opinion a name containing the term Macedonia, Chr. Mantas stressed:
"A proposal for a complex name with a geographical definition is something I appreciate that the majority of the Greek people will share it. We must be aware that in the international chessboard, when more than 100 countries have recognized the neighboring country named Macedonia, it is obviously an opportunity to have a retreat from it and go to a complex name that applies to all countries. We want a very large part of the countries of the world to name the neighboring country Macedonia and we have blocked our participation in international organizations with that name or we eventually have a general solution that will facilitate the peace and cooperation of the countries in the region Balkan? "
Asked whether later, the same or next leadership of the neighboring country does not respect any agreement and irritates Chr. Mantas said:
"It is in the interest of our country and peace in the Balkans to find a solution after 25 years. The Greek side also works diplomatically. Mr. Kotzias said that we are trying to have a good solution and that there is also an attempt to have international guarantees and safeguards that we will not have issues of irresponsibility now or even in the future. Keeping the situation so I do not think anyone benefits. We have to wait a bit. And with sobriety and consensus to move forward with no emphasis on an issue that has subtle diplomatic and legal aspects, if we naturally want to find a solution to the whole issue. "