Moviespotting 2017

Колку филмови сметате дека може да изгледате во 2017?

  • Вкупно гласачи
Затворена за нови мислења.


Член од
26 декември 2013
Поени од реакции
Ваљда не е против законско без оцени?

01. When Harry Met Sally... (1989)
02. Christmas Cookies (2016)
03. Meet Me in St. Louis (1944)
04. The Spectacular Now (2013)
05. Manhattan (1979)
06. Room (2015)

07. 12 Angry Men (1957)
08. Double Indemnity (1944)
09. Chef (2014)
10. Dial M for Murder (1954)
11. In Bruges (2008)

12. Pulp Fiction (1994)
13. Now You See Me (2013)
14. Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986)
15. The Final Destination (2009)
16. The Boy (2016)

17. The Shining (1980)
18. The Breakfast Club (1985)
19. Dead Poets Society (1989)
20. Singin' in the Rain (1952)

21. Back to the Future (1985)
22. Minions (2015)
23. Life Is Beautiful (1997)
24. Chocolat (2000)
25. Like Crazy (2011)
26. 10 Cloverfield Lane (2016)
27. Captain Fantastic (2016)

28. La La Land (2016)
29. Anatomy of a Murder (1959)
30. A Beautiful Mind (2001)
31. The Prestige (2006)
32. The Remains (2016)
33. Mr. Hobbs Takes a Vacation (1962)
34. The Truman Show (1998)
35. North by Northwest (1959)
36. Playtime (1967)

37. Casablanca (1942)
38. Inside Out (2015)
39. Psycho (1960)
40. The Usual Suspects (1995)
41. Punch-Drunk Love (2002)
42. To Kill a Mockingbird (1962)
43. Suspiria (1977)
44. Charade (1963)
45. To Catch a Thief (1955)

46. Memento (2000)
47. Notorious (1946)
48. The Graduate (1967)
49. The Ron Clark Story (2006)
50. The Whole Nine Yards (2000)
51. M (1931)
52. Birds of America (2008)
53. The Exorcist (1973)
54. Rope (1948)
55. Numb (2007)
56. Serving Sara (2002)
57. The Red Shoes (1948)
58. All About Eve (1950)

59. 1408 (2007)

Најдов занимација дур чекам резултати од испити од пред месец дена што уште ги нема. :sleep: Сеа колоквиумска се ближи, доста беа филмови, дури и премногу за мене.


Член од
20 мај 2008
Поени од реакции
1. Blair Witch (2016) - ★★
2. Mad Max: Fury Road (2016) - ★★★★★
3. The Girl on the Train (2016) - ★½
4. Things to Come (2016) - ★★★½
5. Perfect Strangers (2016) - ★★★
6. Life is Beautiful (1997) - ★★★★
7. Trauma (1993) - ★★½
8. Pet (2016) - ★★★
9. Diabolique (1955) - ★★★★½
10. Toy Story 3 (2010) - ★★★★★
11. The Breakfast Club (1985) - ★★½
12. Fantastic Four (2005) - ★★
13. The Light Between Oceans (2016) - ★★★
14. A Monster Calls (2016) - ★★★★


15. Mon Roi (2015) - ★★★½
16. Arrival (2016) - ★★★
17. Fight Club (1999) - ★★★★★
18. Edge of Seventeen (2016) - ★★★
19. Bleed for This (2016) - ★★★
20. Waste Allocation Load Lifter - Earth-Class (2008) - ★★★★★
21. Nocturnal Animals (2016) - ★★★★
22. Hacksaw Ridge (2016) - ★★★½
23. Justice League Dark (2016) - ★★★½
24. Pan's Labyrinth (2006) - ★★★★½
25. The Girl With All the Gifts (2016) - ★★★


26. Manchester by the Sea (2016) - ★½
27. Doctor Strange (2016) - ★★★½
28. Moonlight (2016) - ★★★½
29. Under the Shadow (2016) - ★★★½
30. Moana (2016) - ★★★★
31. Nineteen Eighty-Four (1984) - ★★★½
32. Пичкина Магија (2016) - ★★½
33. Lion (2016) - ★★★★½
Член од
14 октомври 2010
Поени од реакции


ümid edirəm
Член од
13 април 2012
Поени од реакции
85. Die Hard (1988) 7/10
Ептен пукања, надмудрувања, фраерски работи, невозможни мисии... Не се за мене баш акции, извинете акциони филмови.
86. Side Effects (2013) 6/10
87. Shaun the Sheep (2015) 7/10
Слатки овчички.
88. White Heat (1949) <R> 8/10
James Cagney, зар може нешто лошо да е...
89. T2 Trainspotting (2017) 7/10
90. The Four Feathers (1939) 7.5/10
Прво римејкот па овој, римејкот за нијанса повеќе ми се свиѓаше, тука се изгубив во битките и ликовите по малце и маааалце се досадував.
91. Fire at Sea (2016) 5/10
Не ми е јасно што сакал да ми каже авторот со документарецов. Две паралелни приказни што никако не можам да ги поврзам, многу бавно и досадно ко за мој вкус.
92. May (2002) 7/10
If you can't find a friend, make one. :noze:
Член од
26 јуни 2013
Поени од реакции
135.A Monster Calls-7
136.Manchester by the Sea-7
137.Scarlet Street(1945)-8
138.The Chaser (2008)-9-
139.The Thin Blue Line (1988)-8
140.I Saw the Devil (2010)-9 :cuc:Види ги ти Јужна кореја каква сцена имаат :cuc:целава работа почна од Wailing и засега тече доста добро (y)
141.Leave Her to Heaven(1945)-7.5-8-Крајот го извади филмов инаку цело време делуваше доста чип-чеп инаку се мислев меѓу овој и The Yellow Sea ама видов дека е 2-40 минути и викам заеби и си го завршувам денот како што го почнав во далечната 1945 па ми се моташе мислам да здиплам уште еден од 45 али си викам да не ми се слоши доста е петорка за денес инаку Spellbound ај има ден и утре се надевам you never know...
Изгледа сум заборавил да ставам дата на еден филм на летер глеам нешто не ми штима :pos:
142.Postcards from the Edge (1990)-3,4 тхерс но дифернес то ме
143.Night and the city-9 Си пишав на летер.
144.Clouds of Sils Maria-6
145.The Yellow Sea-7-7.5
146.The Last of Sheila-7
147.Farewell My Lovely(1975)-8 нОирка
148.The Last Picture Show (1971)-7.5 Добар е си заслужува 8.1/10 - ‎32,743 votes ама мене .....


Член од
20 мај 2008
Поени од реакции
1. Blair Witch (2016) - ★★
2. Mad Max: Fury Road (2016) - ★★★★★
3. The Girl on the Train (2016) - ★½
4. Things to Come (2016) - ★★★½
5. Perfect Strangers (2016) - ★★★
6. Life is Beautiful (1997) - ★★★★
7. Trauma (1993) - ★★½
8. Pet (2016) - ★★★
9. Diabolique (1955) - ★★★★½
10. Toy Story 3 (2010) - ★★★★★
11. The Breakfast Club (1985) - ★★½
12. Fantastic Four (2005) - ★★
13. The Light Between Oceans (2016) - ★★★
14. A Monster Calls (2016) - ★★★★


15. Mon Roi (2015) - ★★★½
16. Arrival (2016) - ★★★
17. Fight Club (1999) - ★★★★★
18. Edge of Seventeen (2016) - ★★★
19. Bleed for This (2016) - ★★★
20. Waste Allocation Load Lifter - Earth-Class (2008) - ★★★★★
21. Nocturnal Animals (2016) - ★★★★
22. Hacksaw Ridge (2016) - ★★★½
23. Justice League Dark (2016) - ★★★½
24. Pan's Labyrinth (2006) - ★★★★½
25. The Girl With All the Gifts (2016) - ★★★


26. Manchester by the Sea (2016) - ★½
27. Doctor Strange (2016) - ★★★½
28. Moonlight (2016) - ★★★½
29. Under the Shadow (2016) - ★★★½
30. Moana (2016) - ★★★★
31. Nineteen Eighty-Four (1984) - ★★★½
32. Пичкина Магија (2016) - ★★½
33. Lion (2016) - ★★★★½


34. Life of Brian (1979) - ★★★★★
35. Moana (2016) - ★★★★
36. I, Daniel Blake (2016) - ★★★★★
37. Christine (2016) - ★★★½
38. Passengers (2016) - ★★★½
39. Fences (2016) - ★★★
40. La La Land (2016) - ★★★★½



ümid edirəm
Член од
13 април 2012
Поени од реакции
1. The Tenant (1976) <R> 9/10
2. The Ghost Writer (2010) 7/10
3. 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) 9/10
4. Cool Hand Luke (1967) 7.5/10
5. The Wicker Man (1973) 8/10
6. Youth (2015) 8/10
7. Life is Beautiful (1997) <R> 10/10
8. O Brother, Where Art Thou? (2000) 8/10
9. Detour (1945) 7.5/10
10. Blast of Silence (1961) 7/10
11. Lady and the Tramp (1955) <R> 8/10
12. Alice in Wonderland (1951) <R> 8/10
13. The Naked Kiss (1964) 7.5/10
14. Caged (1950) 9/10
15. The Wrong Man (1956) 8/10
16. Kiss of Death (1947) 6.5/10
17. Angel Face (1953) 8/10
18. Detective Story (1951) 8/10
19. Kiss Me Deadly (1955) 8/10
20. House of Strangers (1949) 8.5/10
21. High Sierra (1941) 8/10
22. Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey (1993) 7/10
23. The Roaring Twenties (1939) 8/10
24. Criss Cross (1949) 7.5/10
25. La Strada (1954) 8/10
26. The Jerk (1979) 6.5/10
27. The Terminal (2004) 7/10
28. Storks (2016) 7/10 :noze:
29.Jezebel (1938) 7.5/10
30. Hush...Hush, Sweet Charlotte (1964) 8/10
31. Fences (2016) 9/10
32. Nocturnal Animals (2016) 8.5/10

33. Arrival (2016) 8/10
34. The Birth of a Nation (2016) 8/10
35. Moonlight (2016) 7.5/10
36. Hell or High Water (2016) 7/10
37. The Lobster (2015) 7.5/10
38. Wrinkles (2011) 9/10
39. Sing (2016) 8/10
40. The Peanuts Movie (2015) 8/10
41. The Exorcist (1973) 9/10
42. The Changeling (1980) 7.5/10
43. Suspiria (1977) <R> 7.5/10
44. Deep Red (1975) 8/10
45. Opera (1987) 8/10
46. On the Waterfront (1954) 9/10
47. Deception (1946) 9/10

48. Family Plot (1976) 5/10
49. Listen to Me Marlon (2015) 10/10
50. Fences (2016) <R> 9/10
51. Moana (2016) 8/10
52. Kubo and the Two Strings (2016) 8.5/10

53. Manchester by the Sea (2016) 6/10
54. Lion (2016) 7/10
55. The Godfather (1972) <R> 10/10
56. Silence (2016) 8/10
57. Elle (2016) 8.5/10
58. Split (2016) 4/10
59. A monster Calls (2016) 6/10
60. The Dark Knight (2008) <R>10/10
61. The Dark Knight Rises (2012) 8/10
62.Batman Begins (2005) <R> 9/10
63. Batman (1989) <R> 7/10
64. Mad Max: Fury Road (2015) 8/10
65. Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer (1986) 8/10
66. We Are What We Are (2013) 7/10
67. The Snake Pit (1948) 7/10
68. A Clockwork Orange (1971) 10/10
69. Heavenly Creatures (1994) 7.5/10
70. No Country for Old Men (2007) 8/10
71. Rebel Without a Cause (1955) 8/10

72. 10 Things I Hate About You (1999) 7.5/10
73. Casanova (2005) 8/10
74. The Four Feathers (2002) 8/10
75. The Patriot (2000) 8.5/10
76. The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus (2009) 8/10
77. Brokeback Mountain (2005) 10/10
78. Candy (2006) 9/10

79. A Knight's Tale (2001) 7/10
80. The Order (2003) 4/10
81. The Dark Knight (2008) 10/10
82. The Brothers Grimm (2005) 7.5/10
83. Ned Kelly (2003) 8/10
84. Too Young to Die-Heat Ledger
85. Die Hard (1988) 7/10
86. Side Effects (2013) 6/10
87. Shaun the Sheep (2015) 7/10
88. White Heat (1949) <R> 8/10
89. T2 Trainspotting (2017) 7/10
90. The Four Feathers (1939) 7.5/10
91. Fire at Sea (2016) 5/10
92. May (2002) 7/10

93. Ponyo (2008) 8/10
94. The Nanny (1965) 7/10
95. Jackie (2016) 6/10
96. A Street Cat Named Bob (2016) 7/10
97. Havenhurst (2016) 3/10
98. The Tale of the Princess Kaguya (2013) 7/10
99. City of Scars (2010) 7/10
100. Suicide Squad (2016) 6/10



Член од
29 јануари 2006
Поени од реакции

1. Sherlock: The Six Thatchers - 7/10
2. Лазар - 7/10
3. Amores Perros - 8/10
4. Sherlock: The Lying Detective - 8/10
5. The Searchers - 9/10
6. Breaking the Waves - 9/10
7. Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children - 8/10
8. Youth - 9/10
9. The Graduate - 8/10
10. Sherlock: The Final Problem - 9/10
11. Diabolique - 10/10
12. A Single Man - 6/10
13. M - 9/10
14. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas - 6/10
15. Moonlight - 7/10
16. La La Land - 10/10
17. Florence Foster Jenkins - 7/10
18. Elle - 7/10
19. Chicago - 8/10
20. Coffee and Cigarettes - 8/10


21. I, Daniel Blake - 9/10
22. Arrival - 8/10
23. Manchester by the Sea - 7/10
24. Piper - 8/10
25. Borrowed Time - 8/10
26. Brothers. The Final Conffesion - 8/10
27. Jackie - 6/10
28. Hacksaw Ridge - 8/10
29. Hell or High Water - 7/10
30. Pearl - 6/10
31. Fences - 7/10
32. Kubo and the Two Strings - 9/10
33. Hidden Figures - 6/10
34. Ghost in the Shell - 6/10
35. Lion - 9/10
36. Awakenings - 8/10
37. Moana - 7/10
38. 1984 - 8/10
39. A Man Called Ove - 9/10
40. Fargo - 9/10
Член од
27 јуни 2007
Поени од реакции
041. Manchester by the Sea (2016) 9/10
042. The Unknown Woman (2006) 8/10
043. A Royal Affair (2012) 7/10
044. Doctor Strange (2016) 5/10
045. The Invasion (R) (2007) 5/10
046. Exposed (2016) 4/10
047. Everest (2015) 4/10
048. Enter the Void (R) (2009) 3/10
049. Confidence (2003) 2/10
050. Hail, Caesar! (2016) 2/10
051. The Handmaiden (2016) 9/10
052. Hunt for the Wilderpeople (2016) 8/10
053. Love (2015) 7/10
054. X-Men Apocalypse (R) (2016) 6/10
055. Nocturnal Animals (2016) 5/10
056. Victor Frankenstein (2015) 4/10
057. The Trials of Cate McCall (2013) 3/10
058. Certain Women (2016) 3/10
059. Trainwreck (2015) 2/10
060. Sweet Home Alabama (2002) 1/10
Член од
1 декември 2010
Поени од реакции
1. It’s a Wonderful Life - 10
2. 12 Angry Men - 10
3. WALL·E - 10
4. The Sting - 10
5. Mary and Max - 10
6. Interview with the Vampire - 6.5
7. Life Is Beautiful - 10
8. Days of Heaven - 5
9. The Letter - 7
10. Sorry, Wrong Number - 8
11. Frankenstein - 7.5
12. Gaslight - 8.5
13. Princess Mononoke - 8
14. Criss Cross - 8
15. Suspicion - 7
16. Big Fish - 7
17. East of Eden - 8
18. Trainspotting - 8
19. In the Heat of the Night - 8.5
20. Grimsby - 4
21. The Petrified Forest - 8
22. Driving Miss Daisy - 7
23. The Man from Earth - 8
24. Midnight Cowboy - 7
25. Au revoir les enfants - 7.5
26. Chaplin - 8
27. Rebel Without a Cause - 7.5
28. The Legend of 1900 - 9
29. American Gangster - 7
30. Thieves’ Highway - 7
31.The Wages of Fear - 7.5
32. Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them - 6
33. The Wild One - 5 (само ради Марлон 5ка, без него и за толку не е)
34. Viva Zapata! - 8
35. Diabolique - 9
36. Angels with Dirty Faces - 10
37. Cast Away - 8
38. The Caine Mutiny - 7.5
39. …And Justice for All - 8
40. Donnie Brasco - 8
41. Serpico - 8
42. Carlito’s Way - 8
43. Apocalypto - 8.5
44. Nocturnal Animals - 7.5
45. The Diving Bell and the Butterfly - 7
46. Fences - 8
47. Frenzy - 7
48. The Boy - 5.5
49. La La Land - 9
50. Nineteen Eighty-Four - 6.5

51. Lion - 8
52. Hacksaw Ridge - 8.5
53. Manchester by the Sea - 7
54. Kubo and the Two Strings - 8
55. Hell or High Water - 7
56. Captain Fantastic - 8
57. Arrival - 7
58. Moonlight - 7
59. Hidden Figures - 8
60. A Clockwork Orange - 8
61. Warrior - 8.5
62. Brokeback Mountain - 7
63. Gran Torino - 9
64. Analyze This - 4
65. Unforgiven - 8
66. Dead Poets Society - 10
67. Awakenings - 8
68. Heavenly Creatures - 6
69. Casablanca - 10
70. Caged - 8
71. Play It Again, Sam - 9
72. Glengarry Glen Ross - 6
73. Moana - 8
74. A Fistful of Dollars - 8
75. For a Few Dollars More - 8 (за нијанса подобар од претходниот)
76. La La Land - 9
77. To Be or Not to Be - 8
78. The Help - 8
79. The Artist - 8
Толку за фев...
Ми требаше некоја минута да сфатам и да пребројувам зошто тука 79, а на летер 78 ми брои, Ла Ла Ленд дека по втор пат оваа год... :D
Член од
26 јануари 2009
Поени од реакции
01. Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)(R) 9
02. Fight Club (1999)(R) 10
03. Nocturnal Animals (2016) 7
04. Reservoir Dogs (1992) 8
05. Amelie (2001) 6
06. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000) 7
07. The Magnificent Seven (2016) 8
08. Malena (2000)(R) 8
09. The Sting (1973) 7
10. Der Untergang (2004) 9
11. Jack Reacher: Never Go Back (2016) 7
12. Artificial Intelligence (2001) 7
13. Black Swan (2010) 7
14. American Hustle (2013) 8
15. War Dogs (2016) 8
16. Arival (2016) 6
17. United 93 (2006) 6
18. The Da Vinci Code (2006) 6
19. Elle (2016) 8
20. Chinatown (1974) 7
21. Infernal Affairs (2002) 7
22. The Last Seduction (1994) 7
23. The Doors (1991)(R) 10
24. The Accountant (2016) 6
25. Changeling (2014) 9

26. Kurt Cobain: Montage Of Heck (2015) 8
27. La La Land (2016) 9
28. The Night Before (2015) 3
29. Allied (2016) 8
30. The Lady Eve (1941) 7
31. Son Of Saul (2015) 3
32. Hacksaw Ridge (2016) 8
33. Unbroken (2014) 8

Член од
31 јануари 2007
Поени од реакции
51.Arrival.2016 - 8/10
52.War On Everyone.2016 - 7/10
53.When a Stranger Calls.2006 -7/10
54.A Monster Calls.2016 - 10/10
55.Contagion.2011 - 8/10
56.Max Payne.2008 -8/10
57.Passengers.2016 - 8.5/10
58.Ratter.2015 - 6/10
59.Eloise.201 - 6.5/10
60.Extinction.2015 - 6/10
61.Nocturnal Animals.2016 - 9/10
62.Underworld Blood Wars.2016 - 8/10
63.Jeruzalem 2015 - 3/10
64.Mindscape.2013 - 8.5/10
65.Doctor Strange.2016 - 9/10
66.Dont Knock Twice.2016 - 5.5/10
67.Dont Hang Up.2016 - 6/10
68.The Rite.2011 - 6/10
69.Poltergeist.2015 - 6/10
70.Grave Encounters.2011 - 4/10
71.Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them 2016 - 8/10
72.Shut In.2016 - 5/10
73.Kill Command.2016 - 3/10
74.Another Me.2013 - 4/10
75.The Accountant.2016 R - 7/10
76.Project Almanac.2014 - 6/10
77.Time Lapse.2014 6/10
78.Hush.2016 - 6.5/10
79.The Mechanic.2011 - 7/10
80.Fast Five.2011 - 7/10
81.Furious 6.2013 - 8/10
82.Wrong Turn 4 Bloody Beginnings UNRATED.2011 - 4/10
83.Wrong Turn 5 UNRATED.2012 - 4/10
84.Wrong Turn 6 Last Resort.2014 - 4/10
85.The Man From the Earth.2007 - 8.5/10
86.Recovery.2016 - 3.5/10
87.Parker.2013 - 6.5/10
88.Furious Seven.2015 - 8.5/10


♆ wicked one ♆
Член од
28 август 2014
Поени од реакции
Член од
23 јуни 2008
Поени од реакции
3 5 | 3 0 0

ј а н у а р и

01 Lazar 2015 (R) 6/10
02 Vlažnost (2016) 5/10
03 Nocturnal Animals (2016) (R) 9/10
04 The Happiest Day in the Life of Olli Mäki (2016) 8/10
05 My Neighbor Totoro (1988) 9/10
06 The Girl on the Train (2016) 5/10
07 Медена ноќ (2015) 8/10
08 Indignation (2016) 7/10
09 El Clan (2015) 7/10
10 Only Yesterday (1991) 8/10
11 Christine (2016) 8/10
12 Little Men (2016) 6/10
13 Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (2016) 7/10
14 Hidden Figures (2016) 8/10
15 La La Land (2016) 9/10
16 Hacksaw Ridge (2016) 7/10
17 A Monster Calls (2016) 8/10
18 Moonlight (2016) 9/10
19 Manchester by the Sea (2016) 9/10
20 Fences (2016) 7/10
21 Allied (2016) 5/10
22 Diabolique (1955) 8/10
23 Pored mene (2015) 7/10
24 Naša svakodnevna priča (2015) 7/10
25 Jackie (2016) 8/10

ф е в р у а р и
26 American Pastoral (2016) 4/10
27 Lion (2016) 7/10
28 Paterson (2016) 8/10
29 The Edge of Seventeen (2016) 8/10
30 Benny's Video (1992) 8/10
31 The Salesman (2016) 8/10
32 20th Century Women (2016) 9/10
33 White Girl (2016) 7/10
34 Suntan (2016) 5/10
35 La Fille Inconnue (2016) 7/10
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