Има многу механизми преку кои Турмерикот ги подобрува когнитивните способности, не е еден ама еве дел - извадоци од интересни испитувања. Меѓу другото, турмерикот е и спречувач/инхибитор на oксидацијата на монамин ензимот - ги чисти наслагите и спречува восаплението во мозокот заради способноста да ја поминува мозочната крвна бариера, исто така осетно ги подобрува фунцкиите на неуротрансмитерите и нивната функција во регулација на серотонинот/домапниот. Со анти-окдисант дејството, исто така и го спречува предвременото изумирање на мозочните клетки, на кратко неверојатна билка.
"From baseline to week 4, both curcumin and placebo were associated with improvements in IDS-SR30 total score and most secondary outcome measures. From weeks 4 to 8,
curcumin was significantly more effective than placebo in improving several mood-related symptoms, demonstrated by a significant group x time interaction for IDS-SR30 total score (F1, 53=4.22, p=.045) and IDS-SR30 mood score (F1, 53=6.51, p=.014), and a non-significant trend for STAI trait score (F1, 48=2.86, p=.097). Greater efficacy from curcumin treatment was identified in a subgroup of individuals with atypical depression"
"Behavioral (forced swim test), biochemical (monoamine oxidase (MAO) enzyme inhibitory activity), and neurochemical (neurotransmitter levels estimation) tests were carried out. Curcumin (10-80 mg/kg, i.p.) dose dependently inhibited the immobility period,
increased serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT) as well as dopamine levels (at higher doses), and inhibited the monoamine oxidase enzymes (both MAO-A and MAO-B, higher doses) in mice. Curcumin (20 mg/kg, i.p.) enhanced the anti-immobility effect of subthreshold doses of various antidepressant drugs like fluoxetine, venlafaxine, or bupropion. However, no significant change in the anti-immobility effect of imipramine and desipramine was observed. Furthermore, combination of subthreshold dose of curcumin and various antidepressant drugs resulted in synergistic increase in serotonin (5-HT) levels as compared to their effect per se"
"A Japanese study showed that using fluorescence spectroscopic analysis with thioflavin T and electron microscopic studies, curcumin destabilizes the fA-beta(1-40) and fA-beta(1-42) as well as their extension.[
27] Curcumin-derived isoxazoles and pyrazoles bind to the amyloid beta peptide (Abeta) and inhibit amyloid precursor protein (APP) metabolism.[
28] Curcumin given to APPswe/PS1dE9 mice for 7 days
crosses the blood-brain barrier as demonstrated by muliti-photon microscopy and reduces the existing senile plaques.[29] In another study, curcumin has been shown to increase the phagocytosis of amyloid-beta, effectively clearing them from the brains of patients with AD"
"Dietary deficiency of docosahexaenoic acid (C22:6 n-3; DHA) is linked to the neuropathology of several cognitive disorders, including anxiety. DHA, which is essential for brain development and protection, is primarily obtained through the diet or synthesized from dietary precursors, however the conversion efficiency is low. Curcumin (diferuloylmethane), which is a principal component of the spice turmeric, complements the action of DHA in the brain, and this study was performed to determine molecular mechanisms involved.
We report that curcumin enhances the synthesis of DHA from its precursor, α-linolenic acid (C18:3 n-3; ALA) and elevates levels of enzymes involved in the synthesis of DHA such as FADS2 and elongase 2 in both liver and brain tissues. Furthermore, in vivo treatment with curcumin and ALA reduced anxiety-like behavior in rodents. Taken together, these data suggest that curcumin enhances DHA synthesis, resulting in elevated brain DHA content"
Затоа предложив да се меша со ленено семе, кое е најдобар избор на ALA.
Сепак се ова е гола вода, кога имаш постови како оние на темава, као наводно тревките не биле ефикасни итн
Тој мајндсет е проблемот, ништо друго не е.