kako ke pokries cel svet be zote so bazni stanici? ti znaes li koja povrsina e toa? se glea deka vrska nemas sto zboris, i citas nekoi bezvezni komentari na nekoj bezvezen forum i pravis copy paste tuka.
Ти знаеш колку има воздушни балони низ цел свет? Преку еден милион. Pseudoliti iима поставено околу цела земја.
Each Pseudolites controls a radio transmitter whose precisely timed signals can be heard across half the Earth’s surface. A GPS receiver, small enough to hold in your hand, can pick up signals from several Pseudolites.The signals take time to travel from the pseudolit to your receiver, just as thunder takes time to reach you from a distant lightning strike.
Јасно ти е сега?[DOUBLEPOST=1454955775][/DOUBLEPOST]Еве сега читам дека веќе ги покриваат сите летови во свет.
The APNT Pseudolite alternative uses multiple, geographically dispersed,
terrestrial transmitters to provide passive or pseudo ranging signals that an
aircraft can use to accurately calculate its position.The primary benefit of this passive ranging alternative is that it provides
unlimited capacity, which is important considering the anticipated large increase in traffic and traffic densities by 2025 that will utilize the Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen).
Zone 1: Class A airspace, Flight Level (FL)
180 (18000 ft) to FL 600 (60000 ft) over the
conterminous United States (CONUS).
High en route
Zone 2: FL 180 to 5000 feet above ground
level (AGL) over CONUS. This is low en
Zone 3: Terminal area of specified major
airports, currently top 135 busiest. This is a
truncated conical area down to 500 feet
https://www.faa.gov/about/office_org/headquarters_offices/ato/service_units/techops/navservices/gnss/library/documents/APNT/media/APNT_Pseudolite_WhitePaper_Final.pdf[DOUBLEPOST=1454955930][/DOUBLEPOST]Eве уште едена фирма со земна технологија за позиционирање.
LocataTech Explained
Locata has invented a new, completely autonomous positioning technology that creates terrestrial networks that function as a “local ground-based replica” of GPS-style positioning. Locata is not designed to replace GPS; it is a local extension and expansion of GPS. It works with GPS, but can also operate independently when GPS is not robust or completely unavailable. Instead of orbiting satellites, Locata utilizes a network of small, ground-based transmitters (LocataNet) that blanket a chosen area with strong radio-positioning signals. As it is terrestrially based and provides powerful signals, Locata can work in any internal or external environment.