Ljubovni problemi - haha, - dobro - NE MOZAM DA NAJDAM VISTINSKA LJUBOV - SUm sakal 2 pati , ne bilo zaemno ... Strav mi e da ne promasam i 3 pat :p Na kratko -Cel zivot sum bil vo potraga po ljubov namesto casual sex ili slicno ( toa e edna od pricinite poradi koi nemam skoro nikakvo iskustvo so devojki a isto i toa sto ne izleguvam dovolno ) --- Ne mozam da lazam devojka samo za da imam seks so nea, sekogas sum iskren ama retko - otvoren - samo duri da go skrsam " mrazot" - Ako ne se osekam dovolno dobar za nekoja devojka - nema da i prijdam voopsto , ako ne se osekam dobro vo vrska so mene - i sum imal tezok period vo zivotov - nema da osudam devojka da trosi vreme so mene - iako togas mi bila najveke potrebna , - ne mozam da bidam sebicen vo toj pogled... Iako - vo srcevo si znam deka ako dobijam sansa od devojka koja mi se dopaga i ja sakam - ke se stremam postojano kon toa da bidam podobar vo sekoj pogled - i da ja napravam posrekna - isto vo sekoj pogled - ednostavno - ke sakam da i go dadam svetot - a mene bi mi bila dovolna samo ona i dovolno za normalen zivot
... --- Koga mi e dosadno - si pisuvam na facebook za odredeni temi - najcesto na angliski taka da , samo ke go kopiram od tamu - , ne mozam da go preveduvam sega - se izvinuvam
https://www.facebook.com/arsovski86 :
>>> I M <<< I am very balanced, I Maginative, self controlled, creative, quick learner, adaptive, honest ( Never exaggerate ), direct ( ALSO - balanced
) fleksible-ish... And So much more- but there are things I can't /won't - tolerate !... And/ or - not for so long - have my limits of course
... I am attracted to - open-minded , positive , fun , intelligent-ish ,ALSO - and probably most important- Intelligence as well as fun - but best for them combined... I live in a lonely world with 90% solitude.. I like honest and direct positive and fun people
- I need like 1 minute to get a good picture about someone - which I almost never get- when I really want it - ( mostly my fault - should be more direct and not afraid of rejections ) - Ok - I started talking about girls so I'll switch now
- A song started just now saying: - It's Just a ... - Casual Encounter
XD >>> Interests, Relationship, Love <<< SADLY - A negative trait of mine : - I won't pick a random girl that I don't really LIKE - LIKE the Animals do so often and of course - I don't want to insult
just to simply DO IT , but DON"T get me Wrong
- That is - normal , more an animal instinct which I totally accept, am completely Open about - IN FACT - I actually like it wild , playfull, fun, special, learning, improving, satisfying- but for both sides
and so much more - LOL , I Have an " enormous " .............. LOL - what are you thinking of now ?
<3 <3 <3 >>> I like kinky
... I will always keep looking for the >>> O N E <<< - the right girl for me even if it takes an XXX - TIME - I am almost 30 now
- I honestly hoped I will find her untill now, but It is Partly My fault too - For not Going Out enough, and let a girl that i can probably LIKE or even more, - slip through my fingers - without even trying to talk to - That 1 minite
- ( For some unknown reason - I am still very much afraid of rejections ) ... I know that firstly I must FIX MY LIFE ( I would never use someone if they don't ask me to or say it is ok with them ) - B4 I start a real relationship ... ( It's simply shame I don't get to learn and practice -
, again - mostly my fault )... A self-Promise - I will offcially stop counting the stars - at least partly :p and start having A LIFE anytime now... Even though - It will be tough breaking that " ICE ", somehow - I will manage
- 2 Find The IDeal Girl for Me - >>> Appearance : -" Beautiful" - " in my eyes " , ( skinny and petite by default even though - From Experience - I Learned that I can be little Flexible here
, But in the same time - strong-ish , fast , flexible
, well balanced
... Personality and Character: - In order: - Honest, Faithfull, Intelligent, Kind, Fun, Sense of humor, Balanced, Self-Control - to a point
... I will want to provide her everything else she needs/wants - by default - it is in my nature - Of course - If I am not available in the moment - I will work toward it and constantly improve , learn , but I want her to be satisfied even with less for the time being at least - That is my Ideal relationship - when the 2 not only become a pair - but also become " O N E " with each other and therefore - with the Universe... I believe , well more like HOPE - there is at least 1 Girl On This Planet with who I can have the kind of relationship I have always Imagined - With mutual LOVE , constantly moving forward, improving , FREEEEEEE - but FAITHFULL - or at least- HONEST , never idle for long, with stability , balance, growing, - I believe in " miracles" so - I hope that I will eventually find her
- Or , At least get a chance or two
- I honestly can't hope for more
- based on my personality, personal criteria and the little experience... After all - I am neither UGLY, NOR STUPID, NOR "PUSHY"... Why not simply get to know me ? Even for a little while... I can easily be even a friend with a girl that I love and like everything about
- But I will let her know that and hope that she will still want to stay/ be friends after that
- Also hope that one day she will actually discover that she can also love me
... I guess it is cool to get to really know someone for a longer period b4 deciding to go further ( seen that unfolding before my eyes into some of the best relationships that I know ), even though - If " that" girl is similar 2 M even a bit - she will know it sooner as I will 2