- Член од
- 20 април 2010
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- 2.473
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- 643
Oва ти е истражување од 2004 и 2008,најди некое од пред 1970 ќе видиш што пишува.Не негирам дека е генетско,но исто така не негирам и дека е психичко.Веќе имам пишувано дека 2 тела измасакрирани од хомосексуалец и монструм се подеднакво распарчени со по 30на убоди,ова е статистика а не поединечно дело од Белградска полиција и тоа многу одамна,денеска можеби и не е можно да се најде истата затоа што му пречи на некого.Да не навлагаме во тоа,не е темата тоа а и онака се заморив..Се арно ама од некој работи појма немате значи хомосексуалноста не е ТЕШКО ПСИХИЧКО ПОРЕМЕТУВАЊЕ туку е генетско
Scientific researchers specializing in human sexuality have shown that homosexuality is genetic.
Scientific research publications from October 2004 and June 2008 stated that scientists have found that women tend to have more children when they inherit the same genetic factors linked to homosexuality in men. This fertility boost more than compensates for the lack of offspring fathered by gay men, and keeps the “gay” genetic factors in circulation. A lead researcher said "You have all this antagonism against homosexuality because they say it's against nature because it doesn't lead to reproduction. We found out this is not true because homosexuality is just one of the consequences of strategies for making females more fecund" and that their findings offered "a solution to the Darwinian paradox and an explanation of why natural selection does not progressively eliminate homosexuals."
A 2005 study reported genetic scans showing a clustering of the same genetic pattern among gay men on three chromosomes - chromosomes 7, 8, and 10. The regions on chromosome 7 and 8 were associated with male sexual orientation regardless of whether the man got them from his mother or father. The regions on chromosome 10 were only associated with male sexual orientation if they were inherited from the mother.
A study from 2006 said that researchers have known for years that a man's likelihood of being gay rises with the number of older biological brothers, but the new study found that the so-called "fraternal birth order effect" persists even if gay men were raised away from their biological families & that "the research suggests that the development of sexual orientation is influenced before birth." The older-brother effect was constant regardless of whether the men were raised with natural, adopted or stepbrothers. It also didn't matter if they weren't raised with their biological mothers.
значи не е личен избор туку ГЕНЕТСКО ПОРЕМЕТУВАЊЕ ама МИКИ1 рече нема врска ова медицината шо зборат од гревовната расипаност е.....