Падна малезиски авион во Украина.

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Член од
14 ноември 2013
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Игорче не се резили овака. Земи едуцирај се малку ако веќе сакаш да пишуваш на озбилни теми. Ти пратив линкови, прочитај што е примарен а што секундарен радар.

Дури и нашата Контрола на Летање има (и) примарен радар. Што останува да заклучиме за техниката и опремата на една држава како Руската Федерација.
Зошто се замарате? Решиле дека Путин го срушил авионот и готово, нема дискусија. Обама да излезе и да каже дека не се Русите (а тоа и го кажаа) пак ќе тврдат дека се Русите. Не постои доказ што ќе ги разубеди.

Еве нови информации.Don't shoot the messanger
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Член од
12 април 2014
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Што се замарате? Тој простор е најнадгледуван моментално на планетава ТИЕ го гледаат секое копче на кошулите од војниците а не знаат кој го срушил авионот?кој нормален би се качил во авион ако знае дека ке прелетува таму јас што сум ненормален па не би се качил.


deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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Текстов ќе го пренесам делумно, за да покажам колку е лесно да се наведуваат и цитираат некои си ненаведени експерти, без утврдени правила и методи на истрага.
Токму такви ахем... експертни мислења, се главните „аргументи„ на некои овде.

Како и да е, во текстот лесно е одговорено на приказните за тоа како боингот можел демек само од БУК SAM да биде уништен.
Но тоа што НИКОЈ никако не го оспори досега, е радарскиот одраз од неидентификувано воено летало во близина на боингот и во време на соборувањето на истиот.

Руски експерти: Малезискиот боинг го урнале украински воени авиони и требало да падне на територијата на Русија
Малезискиот боинг 777 бил урнат од страна на украински ловци Су-25 и требало да падне на руска територија. Американците го знаат тоа но молчат, изјавиле вчера руски експерти за државниот Первиј канал, пренесува Итар-тасс.

Авионот Су-25 е способен за кратко време да се искачи на висина од 10 илјади метри, на која летал патничкиот авион. Тоа се случило во соработка со Центарот за контрола на летови во Дњепропетровск, при што, „организаторите на страшниот чин сметале дека авионот ќе падне на руска територија“, изјавил командантот на противвоздушната одбрана на руската војска од 2002 до 2007 година генералот Владимир Михајлов.

„Треба ова да се разгледа многу внимателно“, смета Михајлов. „Су-25 не може незабележано да влезе во меѓународниот коридор, кој е широк 20 километри, а зонската контрола на летови во Дњепропетровск на боингот му дал команда да сврти на лево од трасата и да му се приближи на авионот Су-25“.

„Тука има еден проблем. Боингот лета со брзина од 900 км/ч, а на таа висина сухојот не може да ја постигне таа брзина. Но и не треба. Кога му се приближува друг авион, тој само треба да се насочи кон целта, и да истрела ракети Р-60М. најоптималната оддалеченост за напад е од 3 до 5 километри“, додал поранешниот командант на руската противвоздушна одбрана.

Тој истакнал и дека боингот не можел да биде урнат со ракетен систем БУК, бидејќи штетата на самиот авион не е доволно голема. „Ракетите на БУК би предизвикале многу поголема експлозија, уништувањето би било далеку поголемо“, истакнал Михајлов.

The xx

Russia state-affiliated bot. ☑️
Член од
8 април 2013
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Btw, the bbc russia journalist was asked today n twitter if she would be willing to answer some questions about the 'hunt for the buk' video.

she said she is not allowed to answer and directed them to the bbc press service if they have any questions.


Стоик и Машкртник!
Член од
27 јануари 2007
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Авионот Су-25 е способен за кратко време да се искачи на висина од 10 илјади метри, на која летал патничкиот авион. Тоа се случило во соработка со Центарот за контрола на летови во Дњепропетровск, при што, „организаторите на страшниот чин сметале дека авионот ќе падне на руска територија“, изјавил командантот на противвоздушната одбрана на руската војска од 2002 до 2007 година генералот Владимир Михајлов.
Ова оди во прилог на претходната информација за Центарот за контрола на летови во сопственост на Игор Коломојски:

Повторно се случи Коломојски некако да биде замешан.
Имено се спомнува неговото име во контекст на сопственоста на диспечерските фирми за спроведување на воздушниот лет преку Украина.
Коломојски не само што е сопственик на овие диспечерски служби во Днепропетровск, но иста така е сопственик на меѓународниот авионски превозник “Днеправиа“ и “Аеросвит“, што јасно укажува дека има силна поврзаност со оперирањето на летовите.
Вице-спикерот на руската Дума побара истрага за можната вмешаност на Коломојски во нелогичното барање за промена на траекторијата на патничкиот авион.

За потсета, олигархот Коломојски е главниот финансиер на Десниот Сектор и останатите парамилитанти од украинска страна. Тој објави парична награда за секој убиен Русин.

«Олигарху Игорју Коломојскому принадлежат рјад украинских авиакомпаниј: Международные авиалинии Украины, «Днеправиа», «Аэросвит», но, что еште более интересно, им полностьју финансируетсја дејательность диспетчерских служб Днепропетровска, ответственных за проводку трагического рејса, а также в значительној степени техническое обеспечение диспетчерских служб по всеј Украине», — зајавил он в интервьју телеканалу "Россија 1".

«То есть, этот олигарх, по сути дела, не только имеет самое непосредственное влијание на диспетчерские службы Украины — он способен отдавать прјамые указанија рјаду из них, в том числе и тем, которые 17 ијулја должны были сопровождать трагическиј полет малајзијского Boeing», — уверен Неверов.

«У Коломојского есть собственнаја, хорошо экипированнаја вооруженнаја сила, у него точно есть танки, бронетранспортеры, БМП, системы реактивного огнја. А вот здесь возникает вопрос: если у него самолеты и "Буки"? ја очень советују президенту США и главам европејских государств внимательно к этому присмотретьсја», — сказал Неверов.

Читать полностьју: http://top.rbc.ru/politics/23/07/2014/938311.shtml


deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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Украинската страна може веднаш во оваа минута да ги отфрли сите шпекулации со изнесување во јавност на записите од разговорите меѓу контролорите на летање, и пилотите. Можеа тоа да го направат уште на 17ти Јули.

Недела дена помина, што е проблемот?
Секој нормален се сомнева дека нешто матат, зошто инаку не би ги изнесувале во јавност овие снимки??!?


Член од
31 јануари 2010
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Холандија ги отпоздрави оние кои загинаа.

+1 за нив. Наши да беа, „селфи“ ќе си правевме од шо сме уназаден народ и ќе јадевме гомна по социјални мрежи.
Член од
1 ноември 2005
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Украинската страна може веднаш во оваа минута да ги отфрли сите шпекулации со изнесување во јавност на записите од разговорите меѓу контролорите на летање, и пилотите. Можеа тоа да го направат уште на 17ти Јули.

Недела дена помина, што е проблемот?
Секој нормален се сомнева дека нешто матат, зошто инаку не би ги изнесувале во јавност овие снимки??!?
Недела дена помина, што е проблемот?

...записите од разговорите меѓу контролорите на летање, и пилотите se konfiskuvani, vo interes na nacionalnata bezbednost isto kako shto Amrikancite gi chuvaat satelitskite snimki od nastanot, ama treba da im veruvame demek dadoa "chesen pionerski zbor":drk:


deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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Реторичко беше прашањето... ;)

Во меѓувреме:

Russia suggested on Thursday that the United States was trying to fabricate evidence that separatists in eastern Ukraine shot down Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17.

Anatoly Antonov, deputy defence minister, said Washington's claims that pro-Russian rebels fired a missile that hit the plane on July 17 "mostly cited social networks" and did not correspond to reality.
Alexander Yakovenko, Russia's ambassador to Britain, also poured scorn on the widespread belief that Moscow is supplying the rebels, saying: "Russia doesn't supply weapons to local de facto (separatist) authorities in eastern Ukraine" and that "no evidence whatsoever has been presented that the Russian government has been doing this".

"So where is this evidence?" he asked on the Rossiya-24 channel. "Why is it not presented to the public? Is it, if I may say so, still being finished off?"
Член од
28 октомври 2005
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deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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Кери со нови докази за руската вмешаност во соборувањето на боингот:

Некои интересни гласини:


A fuller version of what happened starts emerging piece by piece. First, as I pointed out earlier, in one his daily battle reports, Strelkov or his associates indicated as if in passing that the Malaysian airliner, Boeing 777, was shot down by Ukrainian jet fighters. Then came the briefing by the Russian Ministry of Defense, which showed a Ukrainian SU-25 within 3-5 km from the Boeing at the very moment when the Boeing was hit. In the next four minutes, the Ukrainian fighter remained in the area. At the moment, when the Boeing was hit, it was also within the range of several Ukrainian Buk batteries, which were deployed close to Donetsk and then, just for that very day, 8km south of Shakhterskoye, which is also only several miles from the crash site.

Today (July 23), Anna-News published an interview with a Russian Air Force retired colonel Aleksand Zhilin (????????? ?????) who is a frequent military commentator on the conflict in Ukraine. The most important information is stated at 2:00-5:00 in the interview.

According to the colonel, at 16:19:45, a Ukrainian jet fighter targeted the Boeing with an air-to-air missile R-60. The missile damaged the right engine of the Boeing. The Boeing was hit, but still managed to stay in the air. However, in doing so, the Boeing turned 180 degrees to the left. It was at this moment that the false flag attack started falling apart. According to Zhilin, part of the plan controlled by the US with Ukrainian hands executing it was to have the Boeing crash past the southern frontline by the Ukrainian-Russian border. Had the Boeing fallen there, securing the crash sites with the troops in response to international pressure was on top of all else effectively allow Kiev to lift the encirclement of its brigades in the southern pocket by the Russian border.

When, however, the Boeing started to turn in the opposite direction and was still apparently manageable, “the US-Ukrainian headquarters of the special operation panicked and order the Buk battery to destroy the plane in the air in order to pre-empt the possibility of the Boeing’s emergency landing.” A Buk missile was fired and the plane was then finally destroyed.

The disclosure of the Russian electronic intelligence (in fact, only one part of it) on July 21 put the US against the wall. The existence of this intelligence and other data also means that the US cannot show the real intelligence, which they also have, including the data from their electronic warfare exercise SEA BREEZE 2014 and the data from their spy satellite, which just happened to be over the area during the downing of the Malasysian Boeing.

The other relevant information, which the Russian colonel revealed, was that the Malaysian Boeing was insured for $97 million against damages or losses as a result of military actions.


Footnote (in comments)

Zhilin’s analysis is based in part on investigation of Nikolai Istomin (http://nikolay-istomin.livejournal.com/3057934.html) reveals one singularly shattering fact, which Kiev, the US, NATO, and corporate media kept under the wraps. A more detailed and careful analysis of the flight path of MH17 does, indeed, confirm that LH17 reached Snezhnoye at 16:19 local time still whole, complete, and in good health, so to speak. But the crash site is in Grabovo, which is almost 20 km (25km by road) NORTH of Snezhnoye. That, indeed, means that the plane 1) flew then backwards and that 2) its crash site ended up well behind the furthest southern point, which the plane reached.

This completely disapproves the US (US State Department) creative “drawing” of the supposed NAF BUK missile hitting the plane head on from Snezhnoye. This U-turn then also helps explain why Kiev’s first fake “leaked conversation of the rebels” tried to place the “rebels’s Buk battery” in Debaltzevo, which is just straight ahead from Grabovo–further north. However, that would not explain the U-turn, which they tried so much to conceal, for it points to the Ukrainian jet fighter.

The second “leaked” tape tried to place the “rebels’ Buk battery” to Donetsk, for the first attempt was too much at odds with the timing of the (first) impact. The missile would have to pass the plane, then turned around and hit it from behind … The quickly produced “Donetsk” fake tacit correction was supposed to address these inconsistencies, which were expected to arise. But the crash site in Grabovo, north of the acknowledged fight path and hence also further from the range of a battery put into Donetsk did not resolve well all the remaining discrepancies, not to mention the fact cunningly or just sloppily overlooked by the White House and the Western media, that already these two tapes were not only mutually exclusive, but also mutually refuting each other.

So, just several hours after the second tape, Kiev came up with a video, most likely showing the very Ukrainian Buk battery, which was actually shooting 8 km south of Shakhtyorsk against the Boeing. Kiev, however, claimed that it was the rebels’ Buk battery. Alas, the billboard on the left side of the short video shot from behind a bush, made it clear that the video was made in early morning hours on July 18 in Krasnoarmeysk controlled by the junta since May 11.

This video and further fake US “intelligence” thus started to assert that the rebels shot at the plane from Snezhnoye. This, however, required either to lie about the location of Grabovo, which, indeed, some Western media then put south of Snezhnoye, or to move the point when the (first) missile struck back northward. This still, however, could not explain why the crash site was east of the route, and it also presupposed that the plane would have been hit the Buk missile head-on.

To keep this story flying required revealing as little facts and topographic data (or a map of the crash site) as possible, which, for, the Western media, has never been a problem.

As a result, the one crucial fact revealed by Zhilin is the crucial fact that the rear of the plane and the main crash site is in Grabovo, some 20km east and north of Snezhnoye, which the plane actually passed, and, on top of it, that the pilots’ cabin is even more north (and more to the west) than the rest of the plane. The pilots’ cabin crashed in the village of Rozsypne/Rassypnoye, which is few kilometers north and west of the main crash site of the plane, as can be glanced from the maps of Zhilin and Istomin and this map of the area (the village of Rozsypne/Rassypnoye is well marked): https://www.google.com/maps/preview?ie=UTF-8&gl=us&#8230;

This location of the pilots’ cabin and the main body of the plane clearly shows in which direction and from which direction the plane was falling to the ground–the very opposite to what we were led to believe.

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deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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(гугл транслејт): http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ru&u=http://nikolay-istomin.livejournal.com/3057934.html&prev=/search?q=http://nikolay-istomin.livejournal.com/3057934.html&safe=off&biw=1379&bih=879

19 July 2014 @ 05:17 pm
Boeing ... debriefing ...
Original taken from my_local in Boeing
A few points about the accident flight MH17/MAH17 Boeing 777 Malaysian airlines July 17, 2014.

This post is not meant for a full analysis, just a series of touches on the topic of this terrible tragedy.

If briefly. It seems a miracle that the plane fell on the territory of Russia. And it turns out that during the fall of the plane turned around 180 degrees and fell a few minutes almost the reverse course, going from point to point of impact of the accident up to 50-70 km.

I would be grateful for criticism and more information ...

https://twitter.com/flightradar24/statu s/489806795725348864 - flightradar24 tweeted in a table with the coordinates and other parameters in the last minutes of flight Boeing received technology ads-b servers flightradar24. I believe that this is the most accurate information in this case. Read more about the technology ads-b and can be found for example here http://www.flightradar24.com/how-it-wor KS / .

I must say that data from flightaware I do not much trust in this case, since according to their site in eastern Ukraine have very poor coverage receivers .

Conclusions that I did.
  • Plane according flightradar24 last time gave his coordinates in 13:21:28 to UTC .
  • At 13:21:28 the aircraft continued its more normal movement and was over the northern part of the Snowy. Please note that the ship's speed and height and direction at 13:21:28 were the same as in the previous point eavesdropping in 13:20:18. Coordinates correspond to the course.
  • Information flightradar24 judging table was recorded approximately every minute (which roughly corresponded to about 17 km of the route), although the protocol ads-b she gave herself more and maybe in the database flightradar24 it is fixed in more detail.
  • The next point of fixation was to be about a minute or roughly 15-17km ahead. Ie we can say that the fatal events occurred somewhere in the interval between 13:21:28 and 13:22:30. At the rate it between the snow and Dmitrovka.
  • Please note that the main place of fixing the remains of the aircraft is between placer and Hrabovo. This says a lot about the sources and the Internet and TV. As the plane flying over snow could fall in the loose, I do not know. See for yourself on the map where these towns and what was the course. I guess this may indicate that the plane fell out of plumb and collapsed at once, and in the fall turned 180 degrees and a relative went another 50 to 70 miles on a reverse course. This is my guess.
  • At the time of the loss side in relative proximity according flightradar24 were two civilian side SIA351 and AIC-113. And SIA351 ( http://www.flightradar24.com/flight/sq 351 ) was slightly higher and almost close to the MH17/MAH17. Ie pilots and passengers SIA351 had visually observe tragedy of this flight.
  • Information network that went on that route number 17 of this flight was different from the previous days, according to the site flightradar24 untrue - was a regular route. Can independently verify this link http://www.flightradar24.com/data/fligh ts/mh17 . By the way, look at the current track of the flight. Today July 18 MH17/MAH17 generally walked the Ukraine side.

    A few sketches on this topic. I took the last three coordinates (at 13:19, 13:20 and 13:21 - the time given by UTC ), which provided flightradar24 to my blog and put them on the map. Again - if they are not fake, it is very accurate information. The Thin Red Line was built through these markers, and there is a course in the last minutes of the flight. Fatty red line from the northern part of placer to Hrabovo - about the crash site remains the main plane. As you can see, this place is located back at the rate of the last committed point at 13:21 on a Snowy. And it seems that at 13:21 on a Snowy plane was still unharmed. Since both the course and speed and the height of the aircraft at this point unchanged. Something led to the fall board occurred later during the next minute. That moment in this case, quite a long time, during which the aircraft at a speed slightly more than 900 km / h flies 15 km. To the border with Russia was only a few minutes of flight. I gave two possible trajectories of the liner in the fall. But this is a very approximate ... I would appreciate criticism.
    As can be seen, Boeing miraculously fell into the territory of Russia and was in the fall for a few minutes. I think more than just 4-6 minutes. The question that still arises - why the plane for at least another 4 minutes is enough variety, just make a U-turn and plans, but stops sending data ads-b?

    Just in case a screenshot from the page https://twitter.com/flightrada r24/status/489806795725348864 with the latest data on the flight from Boeing flightradar24. The data for the last 12 minutes and as you can see, all this time, until the time is 13:21 on the plane of the same height, with the same speed and course. What happens after 13:21 - question.

    Screenshot from the page http://www.flightradar24.com/data/fligh ts/mh17 / # 3d6095b . In essence, this data visualization previous table, only on the map flightradar24. Snowy - the point where obtaining information from the aircraft aborted.

    Screenshot from the page http://www.flightradar24.com/2 014-07-17/13: 21/12x/SIA351/3d61a89 . This is the situation in the sky in the fall board in the last minutes before the crash. I forgot board MH17 mark - is a lower plane. As can be seen next to him at the time of the disaster were still two sides. One of them - SIA351 was very close and the passengers of the board the opportunity to observe firsthand the catastrophe. Recommend opening this link and look to the situation in the dynamics.

    All chudesatee and chudesatee ...

The xx

Russia state-affiliated bot. ☑️
Член од
8 април 2013
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All pictures and movies showing clear sky and claim that are at the time of the MH17 tragedy are fakes(false time or what ever)!
You can check the sat pictures on, choose IR to get the eastern Ukraine:
It works not stable but sometimes you will get not an error!

e.g. 2014/07/17 16UT about 80 percent overcast in eastern Ukraine like some hours before and after:

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