Падна малезиски авион во Украина.

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Член од
28 октомври 2005
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Јасно е како ден дека русите не го срушија авионот. Што ќе биде следен чекор на западот ако ова не им успее не знам. Сега останува да видиме дали ќе можат и за колку време да го освојат доњецк и да воспостават контрола на самата граница со русија. После ќе идат на крим и тоа се знае што значи.
Член од
8 јануари 2014
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Јасно е како ден дека русите не го срушија авионот. Што ќе биде следен чекор на западот ако ова не им успее не знам. Сега останува да видиме дали ќе можат и за колку време да го освојат доњецк и да воспостават контрола на самата граница со русија. После ќе идат на крим и тоа се знае што значи.
Со оглед на тоа што Путин рече дека Крим ќе го заживее во стил на Лас Вегас, таму можат да одат само на коцкање:D
Член од
28 октомври 2005
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Со оглед на тоа што Путин рече дека Крим ќе го заживее во стил на Лас Вегас, таму можат да одат само на коцкање:D

Не брзаат они како што гледам кроз историја. Ќе одат на крим за 10 години, кога ќе го нема путин.


Има логика! :D

US spy satellites uncover a new russian weapon being used to attack ukraine, its codename is kombayn (комбајн) the following image is proof of the new russian secret weapons.
Nato nickname for the new weapon is: "combine".

Американские спутники-шпионы длја себја новыј россијскиј оружие использованы длја атаки Украину, его имја код kombayn (комбајн) следујуштее изображение јавлјаетсја испытанием новых россијских секретного оружија.
Длја НАТО прозвиште длја нового оружија јавлјаетсја "combine"!.​


Стоик и Машкртник!
Член од
27 јануари 2007
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Анализа на германски експерти кои посочуваат кон дефинитивно соборување на малезискиот авион од страна на друг борбен авион.

Најважните делови:

Peter Haisenko:

‘The misfortune of the Malaysian MH 017 is known to all. The flight
recorder is in England and is being evaluated. What can come of this?
May be more than you want to accept….if you look at the image of
Cockpit-Fragments, this picture is certainly shocking.
Entry And Exit holes from bullets in the area of the Cockpit. This is not speculation, but analysis of clear facts: the cockpit
shows clear evidence of bullet holes. You can see the entry holes and
some exit points. The edges of the bullet holes are bent inwards,
these are much smaller and round in shape. A 30mm calibre. The exit
holes are less well formed and the edges are torn outwards.
Furthermore it is visible that the exit holes have torn the double aluminium skin and bent them outwards. That is to say, splinters from inside the cockpit blew through the outside of the cabin. The open rivets have also been bent outwards….There is only one conclusion one can make, and that is that this: the aircraft was not hit by a missile. The damage to the aircraft is exclusively in the cockpit area….

Armour-Piercing Ammunition. Russia has published radar data that a
Ukranian SU 25 was close to MH 017. this corresponds with Spanish air
traffic control that two Ukranian fighter aircraft were in direct
contact with MH 017. Examine the weaponry of the SU 25: it is fitted
out with a 30mm cannon Type GSch-302 /AO-17A, with 250 rounds of
splintering exploding bullets on a belt – shrapnel rounds
. The cockpit
of MH 017 was hit from TWO sides, as there are entry and exit holes on
the same side….’

Голема резолуција на кокпитот(отвори линк):


Bernd Biederman:

‘ the shooting down of the Malaysian Boeing on July 17 in the Eastern Ukraine “could not have been hit by a surface to air defense missile” .

This is the assessment of retired Colonel Bernd Biedermann in an
article for the daily newspaper published in Berlin “new Germany”
(Thursday edition). Had splinters from a surface to air missile hit
the plane, it would have immediately caught fire, argues the NVA
anti-aircraft missile specialist. His reasoning is because of the
“enormous frictional heat that the splinters generate on penetrating
the fuselage. A single splinter contains the same kinetic energy as a
40-ton freight car hitting the buffers at 60 kilometers per hour.” In
the case of the Malaysian Boeing, scattered fires had broken out after
the impact with the ground, because hot debris from the aircraft had
come in contact with combustible materials.

http://www.presseportal.de/pm/59019/2791311/neues-deutschland-nva-raketenspezialist-mh17-nicht-von-boden-luft-rakete-abgeschossen[DOUBLEPOST=1406670900][/DOUBLEPOST]И малце историја од ’На денешен ден...’

1988: US warship shoots down Iranian airliner
An American naval warship patrolling in the Persian Gulf has shot down an Iranian passenger jet after apparently mistaking it for an F-14 fighter. All those on board the airliner - almost 300 people - are believed dead.

The plane, an Airbus A300, was making a routine flight from Bandar Abbas, in Iran, to Dubai in the United Arab Emirates.
The USS Vincennes had tracked the plane electronically and warned it to keep away. When it did not the ship fired two surface-to-air missiles, at least one of which hit the airliner.
Navy officials said the Vincennes' crew believed they were firing at an Iranian F14 jet fighter, although they had not confirmed this visually.

President Reagan said the Vincennes had taken "a proper defensive action" and called the incident an "understandable accident", although he said he regretted the loss of life.


Fuck-all right!?
Последно уредено:


deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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Токму тоа и кажав порано, дупките не мора да бидат од шрапнели.
Многу логика има и толкувањето на полковникот Бидерман, шрапнели се парчина метал во варијабилна големина, со варијабилен облик, и со варијабилна нестабилна ротација. Единствена особина што би делеле шрапнелите меѓу себе, е големата кинетчка енергија.

Тоа што сакам да кажам е, дека шрапнелите некако не би оставиле релативно слични дупки во авионот. Ако го споиме овој аргумент со сознанието дека во главно е гаѓана пилотската кабина, и со недвојбеното постоење на барем еден ловечки воен авион во близина на боингот... што повеќе е потребно?
Добро би дошле аудио записите од разговорите меѓу пилотите и авионот, но нив тешко дека ќе ги слушнеме. Украинците ги конфискуваа за да ги прикријат трагите на нивните газди.
Но ме чуди што не излегоа „скувани„ аудио записи. Тоа можеби би кажало дека се плашат од можни други извори на снимките, што повлекува прашање зошто тие алтернативни извори не се публицираат (од кој и да ги направил тие снимки).
Член од
9 април 2011
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Украински капелан??? сликан пред Buk-M1 SAM во близина на Доњецк два дена пред падот на авионот.

Повеќе информации на следниот линк
Последно уредено:
Член од
8 јануари 2012
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Ništa neobično u crnim kutijama
Kuala Lumpur/Hag -- Preliminarni podaci dobijeni dešifrovanjem "crne kutije" leta MH17 pokazuju da tokom leta "nije bilo vanredne situacije", piše malezijski "Nju sandej tajms".

Foto: Beta/AP, arhiva

Taj dnevnik, pozivajući se na izvor u grupi međunarodnih eksperata koji istražuju uzroke tragedije, navodi da je poslednji registrovani razgovor u pilotskoj kabini bio razgovor posade sa kopnenim službama kontrole leta i da u onome što se čulo "nije bilo ničeg neobičnog".

"Do sada je utvrdjeno da poslednji glas koji se čuje nije bio pilotov", rekao je taj izvor ne navodeći druge detalje istrage.

Prema podacima malezijskog lista, sledeće sedmice mogli bi biti obnarodovani neki preliminarni detalji o padu aviona.

Navodi se i da nije poznato da li su medjunarodni eksperti dobili od ukrajinske strane snimak razgovora dispečera sa srušenim avionom.

Avion "Malezija erlajnza" (Malaysia Airlines) koji je leteo iz Amsterdama do Kuala Lumpura, srušio se 17. jula u Donjeckoj oblasti na istoku Ukrajine.

Poginulo je svih 298 putnika i članova posade.

Istražitelji razmatraju nekoliko verzija te nesreće, a jedna od glavnih je da je letelica oborena raketom tipa "zemlja-vazduh", podseća Itar-Tas s.

Ruska agencija prenela je juče iz Haga izjavu šefa medjunarodne misije za potragu i prevoz posmrtnih ostataka žrtava Pitera Japan Albersberga da borbena dejstva u Donjeckoj oblasti nisu omela rad tima na mestu nesreće.

Glavna potraga vodila se u oblasti naselja Grabovo, naveo je on i najavio da će se danas tim premestiti u oblast sela Rasipnoje, gde se nalazi deo ostataka olupine aviona, kao i da se planira da sutra, u ponedeljak, broj članova tima na tereneu bude povećan do 100.

Prvih dana posle pada, pripadnici proruskih snaga pronašli su posmrtne ostatke više od 200 žrtava, koji su prevezeni u Holandiju radi identifikacije.

Glavni zadatak australijskih i holandskih eksperata je potraga posmrtnih ostataka preostalih žrtava i njihovih ličnih stvari, koji će takodje biti upućeni u Holadniju, čijih je najviše državljana - 196, stradalo.

Член од
8 јануари 2012
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Искрено несваќам што сакал да потенцира `писателот` на овој текст ни од каде е земен изворот,ама...

ФОТО: Истрагата е при крај - еве кој го соборил малезискиот авион МН17

Во тек е опсежна истрага и анализа на доказите за падот на малезискиот авион МН17, иако до сега надлежните објавија многу малку информации.

Сепак на интернет се појавија слики и снимки кои фрлаат едно сосема поинакво светло врз причината за падот на малезискиот авион.

Двајцата „виновници“ Украина и Русија, кои константно си ја префрлаат вината еден на друг наизменично се обвинуваат дека другиот го соборил авионот.

Она што е сигурно е дека авионот на Малезија ерлајнс кој на 17-ти јули доживеа несреќа во која животот го загубија сите патници, не бил соборен од граната со дострел земја-воздух.

„Спротивно на тврдењата на администрацијата на Обама, кои ги обвинуваат про-руските сепаратисти и Русија за падот на малезискиот авион МН17, експерти заклучија дека тие не се виновни. Истрагата и доказите покажаа дека про-руските сепаратисти не се виновни за падот на малезискиот авион.„

Член од
13 јули 2006
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Еве нови (дез)информации од Украинска страна.


Бунтовниците сакале да турнат руски авион, за да го натераат Путин да интервенира.

Планот бил БУК-от скришно(како да пренесуваат демек некој калашников) да го однесат во селото Првомајско, западно од Доњецк, кој во тоа време бил под контрола на украинските сили и од таму да го турнат авионот на Аерофлот, кој летал од Москава до Кипар, полн со руски туристи. Авионот ќе паднел на територија под контрола на Украина.

Но, тие по грешка го однесле во друго село со исто име под контрола на бунтовниците и така го турнале малезискиот авион.

Е вакви булшит информации кои доаѓаат од руска страна, како оваа од украинска, ги постирате како најголема вистина на светот, без трошка резерва.

Let 3

The Nipple Erector
Член од
13 јули 2008
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Но, тие по грешка го однесле во друго село со исто име под контрола на бунтовниците и така го турнале малезискиот авион.

Е вакви булшит информации кои доаѓаат од руска страна, како оваа од украинска, ги постирате како најголема вистина на светот, без трошка резерва.
Овие со Булкот ко јас на времето ко лутав Грција и барав едно место (забораив сега како се вкиа) со овлестен сервис за Симка. Па застани па пршај по пат луѓе.....
Замисли со Булкот наредени 2-3 возила, ракети тоарени застанати на некоја раскрсница, шоферо врти авто карта во рацете.. се чуди, прашва наоколу луѓе.. А бе ова Првомајско кај е??“ а тие му велат “Лево и право и на вториот... не не на третиот излез од пато ќе свртиш и одма после 500 метра има една тулана после неа пато десно и право и ете ти го Првомајск...“
Член од
4 февруари 2009
Поени од реакции
Анализа на германски експерти кои посочуваат кон дефинитивно соборување на малезискиот авион од страна на друг борбен авион.

Најважните делови:

Peter Haisenko:

‘The misfortune of the Malaysian MH 017 is known to all. The flight
recorder is in England and is being evaluated. What can come of this?
May be more than you want to accept….if you look at the image of
Cockpit-Fragments, this picture is certainly shocking.
Entry And Exit holes from bullets in the area of the Cockpit. This is not speculation, but analysis of clear facts: the cockpit
shows clear evidence of bullet holes. You can see the entry holes and
some exit points. The edges of the bullet holes are bent inwards,
these are much smaller and round in shape. A 30mm calibre. The exit
holes are less well formed and the edges are torn outwards.
Furthermore it is visible that the exit holes have torn the double aluminium skin and bent them outwards. That is to say, splinters from inside the cockpit blew through the outside of the cabin. The open rivets have also been bent outwards….There is only one conclusion one can make, and that is that this: the aircraft was not hit by a missile. The damage to the aircraft is exclusively in the cockpit area….

Armour-Piercing Ammunition. Russia has published radar data that a
Ukranian SU 25 was close to MH 017. this corresponds with Spanish air
traffic control that two Ukranian fighter aircraft were in direct
contact with MH 017. Examine the weaponry of the SU 25: it is fitted
out with a 30mm cannon Type GSch-302 /AO-17A, with 250 rounds of
splintering exploding bullets on a belt – shrapnel rounds
. The cockpit
of MH 017 was hit from TWO sides, as there are entry and exit holes on
the same side….’

Голема резолуција на кокпитот(отвори линк):


Bernd Biederman:

‘ the shooting down of the Malaysian Boeing on July 17 in the Eastern Ukraine “could not have been hit by a surface to air defense missile” .

This is the assessment of retired Colonel Bernd Biedermann in an
article for the daily newspaper published in Berlin “new Germany”
(Thursday edition). Had splinters from a surface to air missile hit
the plane, it would have immediately caught fire, argues the NVA
anti-aircraft missile specialist. His reasoning is because of the
“enormous frictional heat that the splinters generate on penetrating
the fuselage. A single splinter contains the same kinetic energy as a
40-ton freight car hitting the buffers at 60 kilometers per hour.” In
the case of the Malaysian Boeing, scattered fires had broken out after
the impact with the ground, because hot debris from the aircraft had
come in contact with combustible materials.

http://www.presseportal.de/pm/59019/2791311/neues-deutschland-nva-raketenspezialist-mh17-nicht-von-boden-luft-rakete-abgeschossen[DOUBLEPOST=1406670900][/DOUBLEPOST]И малце историја од ’На денешен ден...’

1988: US warship shoots down Iranian airliner
An American naval warship patrolling in the Persian Gulf has shot down an Iranian passenger jet after apparently mistaking it for an F-14 fighter. All those on board the airliner - almost 300 people - are believed dead.

The plane, an Airbus A300, was making a routine flight from Bandar Abbas, in Iran, to Dubai in the United Arab Emirates.
The USS Vincennes had tracked the plane electronically and warned it to keep away. When it did not the ship fired two surface-to-air missiles, at least one of which hit the airliner.
Navy officials said the Vincennes' crew believed they were firing at an Iranian F14 jet fighter, although they had not confirmed this visually.

President Reagan said the Vincennes had taken "a proper defensive action" and called the incident an "understandable accident", although he said he regretted the loss of life.


Fuck-all right!?
Еве ти одличен артикал дека Боинг нема теоретски шанси да биде урнат од СУ-25 борбен авион.

Everyone agrees that the Boeing 777-200ER was flying over the separatist region at 33,000 feet. A Boeing 777’s cruising speed is about 560mph or Mach 0.84. Its mass is about 500,000 pounds, and it has a wingspan and length of about 200 feet each. The MH17 was flying from West to East, more or less.

The Su-25 Frogfoot is a ground attack aircraft; a modern Sturmovik or, if you like, a Rooskie version of the A-10 Warthog. The wingspan and length of the Su-25 is about 50 feet each, and the mass is about 38,000lbs with a combat load. The ceiling of an unladen Su-25 is about 23,000 feet. With full combat load, an Su-25 can only make it to 16,000 feet. This low combat ceiling was actually a problem in the Soviet-Afghanistan war; the hot air and the tall mountains made it less useful than it could have been. At altitude, the maximum speed of the unladen Su-25 is Mach 0.82; probably considerably lower with combat loads. For air to air armament, it has a pair of 30mm cannons and carries the R-60 missile. The Su-25 is also capable of carrying the Kh-13, though it is not clear that the Ukrainians deploy this missile on their Su-25s

Could an Su-25 have shot down a 777 by accident? Fog of war and all that? Perhaps they thought it was a Russian plane? Well, let’s see how likely that is. The weapons of the Su-25 capable of doing this are the cannons, the R-60 missile (and its later evolutions, such as the R-73E) and the K-13 missile.

Cannons: impossible. The Su-25 was at minimum 10,000 feet below the 777. This means simply pointing the cannon at the 777 without stalling would have been a challenge. The ballistic trajectory of the cannon fire would have made this worse. The Gsh-30-2 cannon fires a round which travels at only 2800 feet per second, significantly lower than, say, the round fired by a 338 Lapua sniper rifle. Imagine trying to shoot down an airplane with a rifle, from 2-3 miles away using your eyeball, in a plane, at a ballistic angle. If the MH17 was somehow taken out by cannon fire, it will have obvious 30mm holes in the fuselage. None have been spotted so far.

K-13 missile: extremely unlikely. The K-13 is a Soviet copy of the 50s era AIM-9 sidewinder; an infrared homing missile. Amusingly, the Soviets obtained the AIM-9 design during a skirmish between China and Taiwan in 1958; a dud got stuck in a Mig-17. It is not clear that the Ukrainian air force fields these weapons with their Su-25’s; they’re out of date, and mostly considered useless. Worse, the effective range of a K-13 is only about 1.2 miles, putting the 777 out of effective range. Sure, a K-13 miiiight have made it to a big lumbering 777 with its two big, hot turbofans, but it seems pretty unlikely; a lucky shot. The 16lb of the K-13 warhead is certainly capable of doing harm to a 777’s engines. Maybe it would have even taken out the whole airliner. Doubtful though.

R-60 missile: extremely unlikely. If a Su-25 was firing missiles at a 777, this is probably what it was using. The R-60 is also an IR guided missile, though some of the later models use radar proximity fuzing. Unlike the K-13, this is a modern missile, and it is more likely to have hit its target if fired. Why is it unlikely? Well, first off, it is unlikely the Ukrainian Su-25s were armed with them in the first place: these are ground attack planes, fighting in a region where the enemy has no aircraft. More importantly, the R-60 has a tiny little 6lb warhead, which is only really dangerous to fragile fighter aircraft. In 1988, an R-60 was fired at a BAe-125 in Botswana. The BAe-125 being a sort of Limey Lear jet, which weighs a mere 25,000lbs; this aircraft is 20 times smaller than a 777 by mass. The BAe-125 was inconvenienced by the R-60, which knocked one of its engines off, but it wasn’t shot down; it landed without further incident. A 777 is vastly larger and more sturdy than any Limey Lear jet. People may recall the KAL007 incident where an airliner was shot down by a Soviet interceptor. The Su-15 flagon interceptor which accomplished this used a brobdingnagian K-8 missile, with an 88lb warhead, which was designed to take out large aircraft. Not a shrimpy little R-60. The R-60 is such a pipsqueak of a missile, it is referred to as the “aphid.”

The fact that the MH17 disappeared from radar at 33,000 feet, and the condition of the wreckage indicates it was something really big that hit flight MH17; not a piddly little aphid missile. The pictures of the wreckage don’t indicate any sort of little missile strike which might have knocked off an engine; it looks like the whole plane was shredded. Both engines came down in the same area, more or less in one piece.

Whatever it was, it wasn’t an Su-25. There is also no use going all “Guns of August” on the Russians over something that was very likely beyond their control. Here’s hoping all parties concerned learn to resolve their differences in a civilized manner.

Препорачувам да се прочита целиот артикал.


deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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Malaysian press charges Ukraine government shot down MH 17

A Thursday article in the New Straits Times, Malaysia’s flagship English-language newspaper, charged the US- and European-backed Ukrainian regime in Kiev with shooting down Malaysian Airlines flight MH 17 in east Ukraine last month. Given the tightly controlled character of the Malaysian media, it appears that the accusation that Kiev shot down MH17 has the imprimatur of the Malaysian state.

The US and European media have buried this remarkable report, which refutes the wave of allegations planted by the CIA in international media claiming that Russian president Vladimir Putin was responsible for the destruction of MH17, without presenting any evidence to back up this charge.

The New Straits Times article, titled “US analysts conclude MH17 downed by aircraft,” lays out evidence that Ukrainian fighter aircraft attacked the jetliner with first a missile, then with bursts of 30-millimeter machine gun fire from both sides of MH17. The Russian army has already presented detailed radar and satellite data showing a Ukrainian Sukhoi-25 fighter jet tailing MH17 shortly before the jetliner crashed. The Kiev regime denied that its fighters were airborne in the area, however.

The New Straits Times article began, “Intelligence analysts in the United States have already concluded that Malaysia flight MH17 was shot down by an air-to-air missile, and that the Ukrainian government had had something to do with it. This corroborates an emerging theory postulated by local investigators that the Boeing 777-200 was crippled by an air-to-air missile and finished off with cannon fire from a jet that had been shadowing it as it plummeted to earth.”

It cited “experts who had said that the photographs of the blast fragmentation patterns on the fuselage of the airliner showed two distinct shapes—the shredding pattern associated with a warhead packed with ‘flechettes,’ and the more uniform, round-type penetration holes consistent with that of cannon rounds.”

The New Straits Times cited several sources to substantiate its position. One was testimony by a Canadian-Ukrainian monitor for the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), Michael Bociurkiw—one of the first investigators to arrive at the crash site. Speaking to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation on July 29, Bociurkiw said: “There have been two or three pieces of fuselage that have been really pockmarked with what almost looks like machine gun fire; very, very strong machine gun fire.”

Another source the paper cited was an article, “Flight 17 Shoot-Down Scenario Shifts,” by former Associated Press reporter Robert Parry, who now writes for the ConsortiumNews.com web site. Given the lack of any evidence supporting US charges that pro-Russian forces shot MH17 down with a Buk anti-aircraft missile, Parry said, “some US intelligence analysts have concluded that the rebels and Russia were likely not at fault, and that it appears Ukrainian government forces were to blame, according to a source briefed on these findings.”

Parry indicated that sections of the US intelligence apparatus have concluded that US secretary of state John Kerry’s claims that pro-Russian forces shot down the plane are lies.

“Only three days after the crash, Secretary of State Kerry did the rounds of the Sunday talk shows making what he deemed an ‘extraordinary circumstantial’ case supposedly proving that the rebels carried out the shoot-down with missiles provided by Russia. He acknowledged that the US government was ‘not drawing the final conclusion here, but there is a lot that points at the need for Russia to be responsible,’ ” Parry wrote. “By then, I was already being told that the US intelligence community lacked any satellite imagery supporting Kerry’s allegations, and that the only Buk missile system in that part of Ukraine appeared to be under the control of the Ukrainian military.”

Finally, the New Straits Times and Parry both cite retired Lufthansa pilot Peter Haisenko, who has pointed to photographic evidence of MH17 wreckage suggesting that cockpit panels were raked with heavy machine gun fire from both the port and starboard sides. “Nobody before Haisenko had noticed that the projectiles had ripped through the panel from both its left side and its right side. This is what rules out any ground-fired missile,” Parry wrote.

The New Straits Times report constitutes a powerful accusation not only against the Ukrainian government, but against Washington, Berlin, and their European allies. They installed the Kiev regime through a fascist-led putsch in February. They then deployed a series of intelligence operatives and Blackwater mercenaries who are closely coordinating the various fascist militias and National Guard units fighting for Kiev on the ground in east Ukraine, where MH17 was shot down.

These forces now stand accused not only of stoking an explosive political and military confrontation with Russia on its border with Ukraine over the MH17 crash, which threatens to erupt into nuclear war, but of provoking the confrontation through the cold-blooded murder of 298 people aboard MH17.

These charges from Malaysia are all the more significant in that Malaysia is not a strategic adversary of the United States. Unlike Russia, which already presented evidence suggesting Ukrainian involvement in the crash, Malaysia has no political motive for trying to discredit the US, the European powers, or their puppet regime in Kiev.

While it has not aligned itself as openly as the Philippines or Vietnam with the US “pivot to Asia” aimed at isolating China, Malaysia has pushed for deployments of its forces in the South China Sea to contest Chinese influence in the area, in line with the agenda of the US “pivot.”

Indeed, the New Straits Times and its sources are basing themselves on sections of US intelligence that, disgruntled by the complete lack of evidence to back up US charges against Putin and fearing catastrophic military escalation, have criticized Washington’s handling of the crisis (see: “Former US intelligence personnel challenge Obama to present evidence of Russian complicity in MH17 crash”).

These developments also constitute yet another indictment of the Western media, which have completely blacked out the investigation of the crash of MH17 and the latest material in the New Straits Times. Instead, the elements in the CIA and their Ukrainian proxies driving the war in eastern Ukraine have been able to escalate the confrontation with Russia and demonize Putin, without any of their unsubstantiated accusations of Russian involvement in the MH17 crash being challenged.

Kiev regime officials are continuing to stonewall the investigation, refusing Malaysian requests for information about MH17, such as the record of communications between the doomed plane and air traffic controllers in Kiev.

In an interview with the New Straits Times, Ukrainian Ambassador to Malaysia Ihor Humennyi denied reports that the tapes had been seized by Ukraine’s State Security Service (SBU). “There is no proof or evidence that the tapes were confiscated by the SBU. I only read this in the newspapers,” he said.

When the New Straits Times asked where the tapes were, Humennyi said he did not know. “We don’t have any information that it had not been given to the investigation team, or that it was not received by the [team of international] investigators,” he said.

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