Потеклото на Албанците

Член од
19 јули 2006
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Ај објаснете го овој “феномен “ наречен грци.Како е можно :toe::toe:, емигранти од Албанија- кои заминале во Трансилванија- да си ги присвојат и да си ги наречат грци- , како е можно и оние кои заминале во Крим - (арванити)- да си ги присвојат грците и за истите да кажат и пишваАТ дека биле грци, ама по грешка биле наречени арванити-албанци.
Значи , кај и да се свртиш сал грци низ светов раселени .
Замени го зборот Грци со Ромеи односно Византијци каде Патријаршијата игра одлучувачка улога во конекцијата и тогаш многу работи стнуваат појасни. Земјата на југ има погршно име, друга земја е тоа.
Член од
3 октомври 2008
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Ај објаснете го овој “феномен “ наречен грци.Како е можно :toe::toe:, емигранти од Албанија- кои заминале во Трансилванија- да си ги присвојат и да си ги наречат грци- , како е можно и оние кои заминале во Крим - (арванити)- да си ги присвојат грците и за истите да кажат и пишваАТ дека биле грци, ама по грешка биле наречени арванити-албанци.
Значи , кај и да се свртиш сал грци низ светов раселени .
Hehhee, da de, i po greska, tie "grci" zboruvaat albanski, i toa samo albanski. Jebis ga

Samo edno znam-ke im dojde krajot, nema da izdrzat uste mnogu.


Jas rekov deka vo toj Latisnki-Epirotski recnik nema slovenski jazik, slovenski zborovi, ne rekov deka nemalo slovenci vo albanija.
Па што ако рече....ееј,ако слушаме се што викате,ќе цркнеме од смеење...

тоа блуе многу потсеќа на Плави(ус) кој е чисто од "слави"...
секако,во "Римско време" од 1 век и порано...

туку,слушај и гледај јас што ти викам...

"Sickle cell anemia is caused by an error in the gene that tells the body how to make hemoglobin. The defective gene tells the body to make the abnormal hemoglobin that results in deformed red blood cells." - National Institute of Health, Bethesda, MD.


Sickle cell anemia is genetic. It can only be transmitted through direct genetic inheritance.

"Children who inherit copies of the defective gene from both parents will have sickle cell anemia.:nesum:

Children who inherit the defective sickle hemoglobin gene from only one parent will not have the disease, but will carry the sickle cell trait. Individuals with sickle cell trait generally have no symptoms, but they can pass the sickle hemoglobin gene on to their children." National Institute of Health, Bethesda, MD.


"Sickle cell anemia is common among people whose ancestors come from sub-Saharan Africa; Spanish-speaking regions (South America, Cuba, Central America); Saudi Arabia; India; and Mediterranean countries, such as АЛБАНИЈА И ШКИПОТ ВО МАКЕДОНИЈА И КОСОВО И НАСЕКАДЕ,Turkey, Greece, and Italy." (National Institute of Health, Bethesda, MD.

Изгледа типот кој се јавува кај Шкипот е од Бенин.Утврдувањето трае..Суб Сахарска Африка е гооолема....
Некои тоа го крстиле

Ватикан изгледа пак касни.....


Член од
26 јануари 2007
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Што значи етнос и негов континуитет.

Photo: 'Playing the long kavals' (an Illyrian musical instrument)

To find out how this instrument is traditionally made by Albanians, according to ancient handed measurements (9 fists),

read; 'KAVALS and DZAMARES' by ANTHONY TAMMER - http://www.umbc.edu/eol/4/tammer/index.html

Chapter 2 - 'Making Kavals' is shown with numerous photos and in detail

Photo: Limani (Albanian from Macedonia) making a kaval. The author, Anthony Tammer, observing in the background.

A Dardanian settlement

(notice, the cave in the hill, matching the description given by Strabo)

Albanian Lahuta
The Albanians, most partically the Northern Highland tribes, have been mastering the Lahuta for hundreds of years now. The Lahuta is played by a "Lahutari", the Lahutari usually plays the Lahuta while singing about the heroic bravery of the Albanians over the struggles of history. The Lahuta is played to catch the attention of the audience by its touching rhythm and sound. The Lahutari sings with such a passion, that even the audience often starts to get emotional. The Lahuta is believed to have derived from the ancient Illyrians, the Albanian ancestors.


Evidently !!.

Latins called it ; 'Pileus Libertatis', or 'Cap of Liberty (Freedom)'. It was a symbol of freedom for the Romans (1). It is depicted on a coin of Brutus, struck in Macedonia, after the assasination of Julius Cesar (2), as well as on a number of other Roman coins struck under various Imperators, to name Caligula (3). In eighteenth century 'Plisi i Lirise' was also used as an American national symbol of freedom, and depicted on a number of American coins, too (4).
However, considering that Etruscans were not a Latin people, the origin of the cap must be sought elsewhere. It must be noted that 'Pileus Libertatis' is also known by the name 'Phrygian Cap' (5). Phrygia was an ancient kingdom situated in what is today Western Turkey, with the ancient Troy being a city of Phrygia. Likewise the majority of historians believe that Etruscans too originated in Western Turkey, and were often called by ancient historians Pelasgian !!!!!
Today, 'Pileus Liberatis' or 'Phrygian Cap' survives in the culture of the Albanians, still being worn by these people, as a national cap.







The Phrygian cap has two connotations: liberty and barbarism (in the classical sense of non-Greekness, or showing a distinctive Eastern influence). It is worn by the syncreticHellenistic and Roman (though originally Persian) saviour god Mithras, by the Anatolian god Attis, and by the twins Castor and Pollux.
In vase-paintings and other Greek art, the Phrygian cap serves to identify the Trojan hero Parisas non-Greek; Roman poets habitually use the epithet "Phrygian" to mean Trojan. The Phrygian cap can also be seen on the Trajan's Columncarvings, worn by the Dacians, and on the Arch of Septimius Severus worn by the Parthians.

Illyrians belived in two cults: that of THE SUN and of the SNAKE (Stipcevic1989). These cults involved celebrations of Illyrian religious feasts, such as the holding of summer and winter festivals during the solstices, and the spring and autumn festivals during the equinoxes. An organic system of anniversary human personifications to natural phenomena was culturally developed, and remnants of these still appear in everyday Albanian folklore and tradition (Tirta2004).

See, photos and info superbly posted by Aulona: http://www.albanian.com/community/vb...ad.php?t=17112

'A connection between the language of the ancient Phrygians of Asia Minor and the Illyrians has also been made and it is believed that the ancient Illyri-Thraco tribe, the Bryges,(once inhabitants of Macedon and Thrace) were one and the same people'(Wilkes1992:145)

'Phrygians constituted the main body of the population of the greater part of Thrace, Macedonia, and Illyricum' (p.622)

William Smith & Mahmoud Saba - Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography 1857

Photo: Forms for making Qeleshe in the Muzeum of Kruja

P.S. Watch this video made by, '1bilderberg':

Morever, there are also a number of Illyrian gods and godesses, that today survive in the Albanian culture, folkore, and language. To name a few:

1. EN - An old Illyrian God whose name lives on in the Albanian word for Thursday. With the comming of Christianity, EN was denoted to demonic status (Lurker 2004:57) -------------- E ENJTE

2. PRENDE (North Albanian: PRENNE) - Old Illyrian Godess of Love, the female partner of the Thunder-God ; Perendi.
Today, she is nothing more than a Catholic Saint, But in Albanian folk-beliefs she still rates as 'Zoja e Bukurise' (Queen of the Beauty). Friday is the day sacred to the 'Godess of Love' (Lurker 2004:155) ---- E PREMTE

3. PERENDI - Old Illyrian name for God, related to the Lithuanian - 'Perkunas', the God of Thunder, and the Greek word, 'keraunos = lightning. That is to say Perendi was a storm-god (Lurker 2004)

4. SHURDI - A god of thunderstorms, whose antecedents go back to the ancient Illyrians. The name is interpreted as meaning 'the deaf one', and may be connected with the name of the Thracian thunder-god 'Zibelthiurdos' (Lurker2004:172).

5. TOMOR - A divinity whose antecedents go far back into Illyrian times; 'father of the Gods and of men, and also known as BABA TOMOR. He is flanked by two female eagles with long beaks. The winds are his servitors. Even today, Albanian peasants swear by him. His spouse was supposed to be 'Bukura e Dheut' (Lurker 2004:186)

6. BUKURA E DHEUT, 'Beauty of the earth'- Old fairy-like creature in Albanian folklore and folk-tale. She is always ready to help, and so powerful that she can undertake tasks that would normally be the province of God or of an Angel. Her castle is guarded by all sorts of weird and wonderful creatures. She often develops a demonic dimension and is then in touch with the underwold (Lurker 2004:38).


1. A. Stipcevic 1989 'Iliri: povijest, zivot, kultura'.
2. Mark Tirta 2004 'Mitologjia nder Shqiptare'
3. Manfred Lurker 2004 'The Routledge dictionary of Gods and Godesses, Devils and Demons'
Член од
13 јули 2009
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Answer provided by Elizabeth Pyatt, Pennsylvania State University

In 3200 BC, there were many, many languages spoken besides Sumerian and Egyptian, but they weren't fortunate enough to have a writing system. These languages are just as old. To take one interesting case, the Albanian language (spoken north of Greece) was not written down until about the 15th century AD, yet Ptolemy mentions the people in the first century BC.* The linguistic and archaeological evidence suggests that Albanians were a distinct people for even longer than that. So Albanian has probably existed for several millennia, but has only been written down for 500 years. With a twist of fate, Albanian might be considered very "old" and Greek pretty "new".

Illyrian language

Indo-European language spoken in pre-Roman times along the eastern coast of the Adriatic Sea and in southeastern Italy. The language of the Illyrian fragments found in Italy is usually called Messapic, or Messapian. Some scholars believe the modern Albanian language to be descended from Illyrian. See also Messapic language.


http://www.history.com/encyclopedia.do?articleId=200549separate subfamily of the INDO-EUROPEAN LANGUAGES, (q.v.), sometimes classified as the only surviving branch of the Thraco-Illyrian subfamily. It is the official language of Albania, and is spoken in parts of Yugoslavia, and isolated pockets in southern Italy and Greece.

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1717), schrieb das die albanische Sprache aus dem Illyrischen kommt.

Hans Erik Tunman (1746-1778), schwedischer Historiker, forschte die albanische Sprache im Lateinischen Griechischen und Byzantischen Schriften, und kam auf die Schlussfolgerung das die Albaner die Nachfolger der alten Pelasgo-Illyrern sind.

Johann Georg von Hahn (1811-1869), war österreichischer Diplomat und Albanologe. Hahn war 1847 Konsul in Janina, 1851 in Syra und ab 1869 Generalkonsul in Athen. Er gilt als Begründer der Albanien-Forschung. Er sammelte vor Ort Material, lernte Albanisch und wies die Zugehörigkeit des Albanischen zur indogermanischen Sprachfamilie nach. In "Albanesische Studien", schreibt er das die albanische Sprache aus dem Illyrischen kommt und die illyrische Sprache aus dem Pelasgischen.

Franz Bop (Deutschland, 1791-1867), schrieb das die albanische Sprache die älteste Sprache Europas ist.

D. Camarda (Italien, 1821 - 1882), argumentiert aus alten Schriften, dass die albanische Sprache eine der ältesten sprachen der Welt ist.

Eduard Schneider (Frankreich, 1894), er schreibt in sein Buch "Die Pelasgen und ihre nachkommen", dass die albanische Sprache der sauberste und glaubhafteste Beweis der pelasgischen Sprache ist.

Giuseppe Schiro (Sizilien, 1865-1927).

Holder Pedersen (Denmark, 1867-1953).

Norbert Jokl (Albanologe, Jude aus Österreich, 1887-1942), er wurde von den Nazis hingerichtet bevor er sein Werk vollendete.

Gustav Meyer (Graz, 1850-1900) (Österreichischer Linguist).

Giuseppe Catapano (Italien)

Mathieu Aref (Frankreich)

Robert d'Angély (Frankreich)

Aristeides Kollias (Griechenlan)

Neal Malcolm (Gross Britanien)

John Wilkes (Gross Britanien)

Aleksandar Stipcevic (Kroatien)

Edwin E. Jacques (USA)


Es waren die Westeuropäischen Sprachwissenschaftler und Historiker, die schon vor 400 Jahren behaupteten das die Albaner die Nachfolger der alten Pelasgo-Illyrern sind, und nicht die Albaner selbst, denn die Albaner waren von den Türken am Boden zerstört, sie wussten nicht mehr das sie die Nachfolger der Pelasgo-Illyrer sind.


Стоик и Машкртник!
Член од
27 јануари 2007
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А јас ќе почекам на краток превод, нека биде во вид на сублимација тоа што е постирано погоре, но на македонски.

Во спротивно ... бришам.
Член од
13 јули 2009
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А јас ќе почекам на краток превод, нека биде во вид на сублимација тоа што е постирано погоре, но на македонски.

Во спротивно ... бришам.
Answer provided by Elizabeth Pyatt, Pennsylvania State University

In 3200 BC, there were many, many languages spoken besides Sumerian and Egyptian, but they weren't fortunate enough to have a writing system. These languages are just as old. To take one interesting case, the Albanian language (spoken north of Greece) was not written down until about the 15th century AD, yet Ptolemy mentions the people in the first century BC.* The linguistic and archaeological evidence suggests that Albanians were a distinct people for even longer than that. So Albanian has probably existed for several millennia, but has only been written down for 500 years. With a twist of fate, Albanian might be considered very "old" and Greek pretty "new".

Kratok prevod : Eden zanimliv slucaj e so Albanskiot jazik koj se zborel vo severna Grcija , Uste Ptolomej go spomenuva vo 1 vek pred Hristos , lingvistite i arheolozite dokazuvaat i ukazuvat deka Albanacite se narod mnogu postari i povise od toa vreme ..

Es waren die Westeuropäischen Sprachwissenschaftler und Historiker, die schon vor 400 Jahren behaupteten das die Albaner die Nachfolger der alten Pelasgo-Illyrern sind, und nicht die Albaner selbst, denn die Albaner waren von den Türken am Boden zerstört, sie wussten nicht mehr das sie die Nachfolger der Pelasgo-Illyrer sind.
Kaj iminjata sto se pisuvani gore , bile naucnici , lingvisti , i Istoricari ,koi pred 400 godini dokazaa deka Albancite se se po poreklo Pelazgo-Iliri ...Po dovadjanjeto na Turcite vo ovie prostori Albancite bea unsiteni , sto veke neznaea kade im e glavata , pisuva vo textot ..http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diskussion:Illyrien

Еј океј е.

Ама може јас да пастам нешто.
Ова твоето е веќе видено, и секако не можеме да убедиме некого, а и тие нас не можат да не убедат, ама сепак да има нешто што поперманентно ќе ги уложи да работат во декодација на истото.
Ne mie pricinata da ubedam ili da ubedimo nekogo , nego Temata e "POREKLO NA ALBANCITE ",ako jas i ti ne pisuvame vo temaa , nekoi od diskutantite ke ne nosi i vo Bangladesh :vozbud:

Bratot Краток превод во вид на сублимација или бришам без пардон.
JAS kako taka ti dadov prevod , sega imam i jas prashanje : Prvo brisi gi slobodno . drugo ako ne sum dobrodojden vo ovoj forum slobodno kazi ??

Dali nekogo uvrediv , dali nekogo provocirav ?
Vo sto tie problemot ?
Zasto pisuva Angliski i Germanski ?
Ako e do toa , najdi mi eden forum vo svetot sto ne se postuvaat takvi zaitovi , ili po yug- forumite ?


...yet Ptolemy mentions the people in the first century BC.*

The linguistic and archaeological evidence suggests that Albanians were a distinct people for even longer than that. ..
aj da go vidime toa Ptolomeevo spomnuvanje vo original,ili vo prevod Ptolomeevata Geografija kade go pisuva toa.

aj da gi vidime tie arheoloski naodi koi Albancite gi pravat tolku drevni....

jazikot,na koj ako gi isfrlime pozajmenite zborovi,nikoj ne mu znae poteklo (osven slicnosti so Kavkazi Arabsko-semitskiot)?
Член од
13 јули 2009
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aj da go vidime toa Ptolomeevo spomnuvanje vo original,ili vo prevod Ptolomeevata Geografija kade go pisuva toa.

aj da gi vidime tie arheoloski naodi koi Albancite gi pravat tolku drevni....

jazikot,na koj ako gi isfrlime pozajmenite zborovi,nikoj ne mu znae poteklo (osven slicnosti so Kavkazi Arabsko-semitskiot)?
vo sekoj post imas i link !

Za Kavkazite , ja sum siguren deka i ti ne veruvas vo toa :)
Член од
13 јули 2009
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Albo-Arnauti -Caucasus- Arnauti
Albo-Bushati - Caucasus-Bushati (also the name of an Albanian tribe)
Albo-Baboti - Caucasus-Baboti
Albo-Baka -Caucasus-Bako
Albo-Ballagati - Caucasus-Balagati
Albo-Ballaj,Balli - Caucasus- Bali
Albo-Bathore- Caucasus- Batharia
Albo-Bater- Caucasus- Bataris

Ovie se Albanski zborovi ??
Koj ti go rekol toa ?

ovoj e linkot sto se prasuvase http://linguistlist.org/ask-ling/oldest.html


Стоик и Машкртник!
Член од
27 јануари 2007
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JAS kako taka ti dadov prevod , sega imam i jas prashanje : Prvo brisi gi slobodno . drugo ako ne sum dobrodojden vo ovoj forum slobodno kazi ??

Dali nekogo uvrediv , dali nekogo provocirav ?
Vo sto tie problemot ?
Zasto pisuva Angliski i Germanski ?
Ako e do toa , najdi mi eden forum vo svetot sto ne se postuvaat takvi zaitovi , ili po yug- forumite ?
Доколку јас ти постирам Шпански и Јапонски извори дали дискусијата ќе има смисла доколку нема превод?

Дискутираме на македонски јазик и можеме да употребуваме странски извори меѓутоа не во обемни копи-пасте без превод текстови, затоа што како прво не ми се чита нешто несредено и на германски, ниту имам намера јас да те преведувам за да разберам што си сакал да напишеш.

Мора да има сублимација на најважаните поенти и немора да биде пастиран целиот странски текст, доволно е да оставиш линк.

Така ќе биде ем прегледно ем разбирливо.
Член од
13 јули 2009
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Bratot , ok .

Anevano , gleam si go postiral mnogu cesto ovoj link vo vrska so Kavkazite , pa iskreno da recam koga citav poveke vo taa tvoja stranica se smeev , evo sto pisuva : The number of Albanians or Arnauts is estimated
at 1,500,000; for they are not confined to Albania,
but axe scattered over several other provinces,
although their chief place of settlement is Albania.
They are descendants of the old Epirotes or lUyrians;
other ethnographers, however, assert that they ai-e
descendants of the Albanians, who formerly lived in
Caucasus^ and were identical with the Alans.

Albancite se so poteklo ILIRI , ali nekoe vreme ziveele vo Kavkaz !
Ovaa e smesna stranica :)
Najdi nekoja druga , ti preoporacuvam odi kaj Srbskite stranici imas KUP takvi :)

Доколку јас ти постирам Шпански и Јапонски извори дали дискусијата ќе има смисла доколку нема превод?

Дискутираме на македонски јазик и можеме да употребуваме странски извори меѓутоа не во обемни копи-пасте без превод текстови, затоа што како прво не ми се чита нешто несредено и на германски, ниту имам намера јас да те преведувам за да разберам што си сакал да напишеш.

Мора да има сублимација на најважаните поенти и немора да биде пастиран целиот странски текст, доволно е да оставиш линк.

Така ќе биде ем прегледно ем разбирливо.
Ok. Se soglasuvam.


...pa iskreno da recam koga citav poveke vo taa tvoja stranica se smeev , evo sto pisuva : The number of Albanians or Arnauts is estimated at 1,500,000; for they are not confined to Albania,
but axe scattered over several other provinces, although their chief place of settlement is Albania.
They are descendants of the old Epirotes or lUyrians; other ethnographers, however, assert that they ai-e descendants of the Albanians, who formerly lived in Caucasus^ and were identical with the Alans.

Albancite se so poteklo ILIRI , ali nekoe vreme ziveele vo Kavkaz !
Ovaa e smesna stranica :)
...other ethnographers:vozbud::vozbud:, however, assert that they are descendants of the Albanians, who formerly lived in Caucasus and were identical with the Alans.

razbiras nesto ili da ti nacrtam?

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