Ја да ти кажам, 100% веруем дека внземаљци ги изградиле пошо лугето нема шанси да дигнат толкави коцки па ни со тие направи шо ги имале во тоа време.
Steven Myers has created this Internet site in honor of his hero Edward J. Kunkel and his book Pharaoh's Pump.
Kunkel argued that the great pyramid in the desert at Giza was a water pump.
Myers has created The
Pharaoh's Pump Foundation, which, he claims, is going to build a pump using ancient Egyptian technology.
He is accepting donations. Even if it were true that Giza was a water pump in the desert,
why bother to build a copy of a pump that's been broken for thousands of years? Because the "ancient pumping technology is nonpolluting and does not require fossil fuels or electricity to operate." Just like windmills! Not quite. According to Myers, the pyramid pump
was fueled by fire. I am just guessing here, but I think if it was fueled by fire, something had to burn. I guess they burned
all those forests that used to be in the desert, or maybe they burned some magic non-polluting fuel brought in by aliens.
Apparently, Myers envisions a countryside dotted with pyramids, pumping our polluted rivers and streams into our polluted cities and out to our poisoned and mineral-depleted farmlands.
Myers' visions seem to have been stimulated by his reading of 5/5/2000: Ice: The Ultimate Disaster by Richard W. Noone, a cult classic which, among other things,
predicted doomsday on May 5, 2000,
when Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn were aligned with Earth. This alignment, he said, would cause the polar ice caps to melt. Since Noah won't be around to build an ark for us,
we'll need pyramids to pump all that water away from our cities. Otherwise, we drown. It seems of little interest to Myers that astronomers
were well aware of the upcoming alignment and did not see any need for concern. Of course, the
astronomers were right.
It's happened before and it will happen again.(ИИи ништо не се случи!!!!)
The notion that Giza was a water pump is bunk,as presented in Christopher Dunn's new book The Giza Power Plant. Giza was not a water pump but a power plant! Dunn claims that the Giza power plant worked
"by responding harmonically with the seismic energy contained within the Earth." He claims that "the Great Pyramid became a coupled oscillator and drew energy through it and converted it to electromagnetic energy through the sophisticated use of acoustics and quartz-bearing rock." What did the ancient Egyptians use this great power plant for? Among other things,
they used it for levitation, according to Mr. Cohan.
Dunn is said to be "
an engineer with intimate knowledge of machine tools." He went to Egypt and became convinced that many of the artifacts created by the ancient Egyptians
had to be done using precisely machined tools.
Once he believed this, i
t was not difficult for him to see evidence everywhere (confirmation bias) and see everything from the smallest artifact to wall carvings and papyrus paintings to the pyramids themselves as requiring advanced technology.
Margaret Morris (The Egyptian Pyramid Mystery is Solved) thinks Dunn is all wet because he didn't realize that the stones the Egyptians used to build the pyramids weren't natural and didn't need to be cut from quarries.
The stones are synthetic and were made by adding water to "earthen materials" and shaped while soft.
(што ја објаснува прецизноста).
Myers and those who see Giza as a water pump have also deluded themselves.
How easy it is to find supportive evidence for our hypotheses! And how powerfully strong our arguments seem when we selectively present our facts and make no effort to find contrary evidence.
It is especially easy when our audience isn't knowledgeable enough to know what's been left out or how plausible one's claims are.
What next? That mummies were repositories of vibratory chi?
That all those centuries of hieroglyphics that give no indication of a high-tech society, were done that way so that future generations wouldn't know how advanced the Egyptians were? That those ancient historians, such as Herodotus, who are brought in to support the view that the pyramid was a water pump because he says he saw water around it, omitted mentioning that the Egyptians had created a huge water pump in the desert? Maybe Herodotus, not being from Atlantis, couldn't tell the difference between a water pump and a power plant. Fortunately, our modern day alternative "scientists" can. They just don't realize how easy it is to deceive ourselves into believing something simply because we can find confirmation for our belief in the form of data that is consistent with the belief, or is easily molded to be consistent with the belief.
Така даааа...ма какви ти вонземјани:pos2::pos2::pos2:
Кога египќаните знаеле и хемија(користеле т.н огнени бушилици,огнени стрели...отрови),знаеле геометрија,астрономија и имале милиони робови чуму де толку тешко бе да ги изградат...и секак НЕМА НИТУ ЕДЕН ДОКАЗ ЗА БИЛО КАКВА ВИСОКА ТЕХНОЛОГИЈА ИЛИ ПАК ВОНЗЕМЈАНИ!
ти кажа и стана закон
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прогугал ќе најдеш информации, компјутерски пресметки базирани на некои симулаци итн итн ...
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