Фан клуб: Милан


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Член од
27 јуни 2008
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Инаку имаше нешто што го читав денес и верувам на сите ќе ви стане јасно еднаш засекогаш зошто Милан веќе не троши како порано и нема ни да троши.
Малце поише има за читање ама вреди,а и мал проблем со спојлерот само у последниот има текст,читајте од таму :D
AC Milan News
Galliani: "We’re proud of everything that we’ve done in the past 26 years. We have been extraordinary, winning 28 trophies during this time"

Galliani: "But the thing that makes this club proud is everything that we’ve done for the youngsters."

Galliani: "Football is education. It's good for your psychophysical well-being."

Galliani: "We want to dedicate our energy to the youngsters. I'm satisfied with what's going on in our youth department."

Galliani: "We've brought De Sciglio, Merkel & Strasser into the 1st team. Verdi & Oduamadi are playing for Torino. Romagnoli is at Pescara."

Galliani: "Both our Primavera and our Allievi are in the final 8. We’re dedicating important economic resources into our youth department."

Galliani: "We signed De Sciglio when he was 10 years old. We went to Cimiano and paid €500 euros for him."

Galliani: "When Montolivo was 7 years old, Zagatti could see that he would become a great player." -->

--> "But Montolivo's parents decided not to sell him to us and instead they let him develop at Atalanta."

Galliani: "I'm saying all this to tell you that it's fundamental to invest in youngsters and we're trying to do it in the best possible way"

Galliani: "Gabriel didn’t grow up in our youth department. Football-wise he grew up in Cruzeiro."

Galliani: "Gabriel is the goalkeeper for the Brazilian U20 team. He still hasn’t turned 20 yet."

Galliani: "Gabriel will be signed in July. Our scouts have spoken very highly of him."

Galliani: "Now Gabriel will take a tour of San Siro in order to check out the pitch and the changing rooms."

Galliani: "If we could create many players like Kingsley Boateng, then it would be great and ideal."

Galliani: "Kingsley Boateng was spotted at Milan Junior Camp when he was 10, then he entered our youth system and then our first team." -->

--> "it's the best possible outcome and result of our youth department."

Galliani: "The results aren't the primary objective of our youth system."

Galliani: "The objective is to create players that can become a part of the 25-man first team."

Galliani: "It's more important that a youth player breaks into our first team, than winning titles with him youth team."

Galliani: "The important thing isn't to get more points than Inter at youth level. The important thing is that youth players develop well."

Galliani: "I'm looking for people who have brought useful players to Milan." -->

--> "I'm looking for those who advised us to sign Abate and Antonini." -->

--> "I'm going back to those people who brought us these youngsters back then."

Galliani: "Winning is very important, but the primary objective is to develop these youngsters in the best possible way."

Galliani: "It's important to follow the loaned out players like Oduamadi, Romagnoli and Verdi. They're co-owned."

Galliani: "Antonini was away for 8 years before returning to Milan." -->

--> "But often it's decided that youngsters get sold, like it happened with Matri, Astori, Donadel, Marzoratti. There are many examples."

Galliani: "There are many players in Serie A and Serie B who came from Milan's youth system."

Galliani: "Gabriel is only 19 years old, and he’s a non-EU player."

Galliani: "I believe that Carmona is one of the youngsters who will be promoted to the first team."

Galliani: "Our objective is to prepare the youngsters and then keep them here or sell them to other Serie A clubs."

Galliani: "Due to Euro 2012, 7 or 8 Primavera players will be present during the first training session at Milanello on the 9th of July."

Galliani is expected to be in Madrid tomorrow, where he will attend the funeral of Florentino Perez' wife. She passed away 2 days ago. RIP.[\SPOILER]
Отвори го вистинскиот спојлер и освој награда ! :D


NZT-48, want some?
Член од
24 октомври 2007
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Инаку имаше нешто што го читав денес и верувам на сите ќе ви стане јасно еднаш засекогаш зошто Милан веќе не троши како порано и нема ни да троши.
Малце поише има за читање ама вреди,а и мал проблем со спојлерот само у последниот има текст,читајте од таму :D
AC Milan News
Galliani: "We’re proud of everything that we’ve done in the past 26 years. We have been extraordinary, winning 28 trophies during this time"

Galliani: "But the thing that makes this club proud is everything that we’ve done for the youngsters."

Galliani: "Football is education. It's good for your psychophysical well-being."

Galliani: "We want to dedicate our energy to the youngsters. I'm satisfied with what's going on in our youth department."

Galliani: "We've brought De Sciglio, Merkel & Strasser into the 1st team. Verdi & Oduamadi are playing for Torino. Romagnoli is at Pescara."

Galliani: "Both our Primavera and our Allievi are in the final 8. We’re dedicating important economic resources into our youth department."

Galliani: "We signed De Sciglio when he was 10 years old. We went to Cimiano and paid €500 euros for him."

Galliani: "When Montolivo was 7 years old, Zagatti could see that he would become a great player." -->

--> "But Montolivo's parents decided not to sell him to us and instead they let him develop at Atalanta."

Galliani: "I'm saying all this to tell you that it's fundamental to invest in youngsters and we're trying to do it in the best possible way"

Galliani: "Gabriel didn’t grow up in our youth department. Football-wise he grew up in Cruzeiro."

Galliani: "Gabriel is the goalkeeper for the Brazilian U20 team. He still hasn’t turned 20 yet."

Galliani: "Gabriel will be signed in July. Our scouts have spoken very highly of him."

Galliani: "Now Gabriel will take a tour of San Siro in order to check out the pitch and the changing rooms."

Galliani: "If we could create many players like Kingsley Boateng, then it would be great and ideal."

Galliani: "Kingsley Boateng was spotted at Milan Junior Camp when he was 10, then he entered our youth system and then our first team." -->

--> "it's the best possible outcome and result of our youth department."

Galliani: "The results aren't the primary objective of our youth system."

Galliani: "The objective is to create players that can become a part of the 25-man first team."

Galliani: "It's more important that a youth player breaks into our first team, than winning titles with him youth team."

Galliani: "The important thing isn't to get more points than Inter at youth level. The important thing is that youth players develop well."

Galliani: "I'm looking for people who have brought useful players to Milan." -->

--> "I'm looking for those who advised us to sign Abate and Antonini." -->

--> "I'm going back to those people who brought us these youngsters back then."

Galliani: "Winning is very important, but the primary objective is to develop these youngsters in the best possible way."

Galliani: "It's important to follow the loaned out players like Oduamadi, Romagnoli and Verdi. They're co-owned."

Galliani: "Antonini was away for 8 years before returning to Milan." -->

--> "But often it's decided that youngsters get sold, like it happened with Matri, Astori, Donadel, Marzoratti. There are many examples."

Galliani: "There are many players in Serie A and Serie B who came from Milan's youth system."

Galliani: "Gabriel is only 19 years old, and he’s a non-EU player."

Galliani: "I believe that Carmona is one of the youngsters who will be promoted to the first team."

Galliani: "Our objective is to prepare the youngsters and then keep them here or sell them to other Serie A clubs."

Galliani: "Due to Euro 2012, 7 or 8 Primavera players will be present during the first training session at Milanello on the 9th of July."

Galliani is expected to be in Madrid tomorrow, where he will attend the funeral of Florentino Perez' wife. She passed away 2 days ago. RIP.[\SPOILER]

Камени мост.... кај е топчето :pos::pos::pos::pos::pos:
Член од
21 октомври 2009
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Инаку имаше нешто што го читав денес и верувам на сите ќе ви стане јасно еднаш засекогаш зошто Милан веќе не троши како порано и нема ни да троши.
Малце поише има за читање ама вреди,а и мал проблем со спојлерот само у последниот има текст,читајте од таму :D
AC Milan News
Galliani: "We’re proud of everything that we’ve done in the past 26 years. We have been extraordinary, winning 28 trophies during this time"

Galliani: "But the thing that makes this club proud is everything that we’ve done for the youngsters."

Galliani: "Football is education. It's good for your psychophysical well-being."

Galliani: "We want to dedicate our energy to the youngsters. I'm satisfied with what's going on in our youth department."

Galliani: "We've brought De Sciglio, Merkel & Strasser into the 1st team. Verdi & Oduamadi are playing for Torino. Romagnoli is at Pescara."

Galliani: "Both our Primavera and our Allievi are in the final 8. We’re dedicating important economic resources into our youth department."

Galliani: "We signed De Sciglio when he was 10 years old. We went to Cimiano and paid €500 euros for him."

Galliani: "When Montolivo was 7 years old, Zagatti could see that he would become a great player." -->

--> "But Montolivo's parents decided not to sell him to us and instead they let him develop at Atalanta."

Galliani: "I'm saying all this to tell you that it's fundamental to invest in youngsters and we're trying to do it in the best possible way"

Galliani: "Gabriel didn’t grow up in our youth department. Football-wise he grew up in Cruzeiro."

Galliani: "Gabriel is the goalkeeper for the Brazilian U20 team. He still hasn’t turned 20 yet."

Galliani: "Gabriel will be signed in July. Our scouts have spoken very highly of him."

Galliani: "Now Gabriel will take a tour of San Siro in order to check out the pitch and the changing rooms."

Galliani: "If we could create many players like Kingsley Boateng, then it would be great and ideal."

Galliani: "Kingsley Boateng was spotted at Milan Junior Camp when he was 10, then he entered our youth system and then our first team." -->

--> "it's the best possible outcome and result of our youth department."

Galliani: "The results aren't the primary objective of our youth system."

Galliani: "The objective is to create players that can become a part of the 25-man first team."

Galliani: "It's more important that a youth player breaks into our first team, than winning titles with him youth team."

Galliani: "The important thing isn't to get more points than Inter at youth level. The important thing is that youth players develop well."

Galliani: "I'm looking for people who have brought useful players to Milan." -->

--> "I'm looking for those who advised us to sign Abate and Antonini." -->

--> "I'm going back to those people who brought us these youngsters back then."

Galliani: "Winning is very important, but the primary objective is to develop these youngsters in the best possible way."

Galliani: "It's important to follow the loaned out players like Oduamadi, Romagnoli and Verdi. They're co-owned."

Galliani: "Antonini was away for 8 years before returning to Milan." -->

--> "But often it's decided that youngsters get sold, like it happened with Matri, Astori, Donadel, Marzoratti. There are many examples."

Galliani: "There are many players in Serie A and Serie B who came from Milan's youth system."

Galliani: "Gabriel is only 19 years old, and he’s a non-EU player."

Galliani: "I believe that Carmona is one of the youngsters who will be promoted to the first team."

Galliani: "Our objective is to prepare the youngsters and then keep them here or sell them to other Serie A clubs."

Galliani: "Due to Euro 2012, 7 or 8 Primavera players will be present during the first training session at Milanello on the 9th of July."

Galliani is expected to be in Madrid tomorrow, where he will attend the funeral of Florentino Perez' wife. She passed away 2 days ago. RIP.[\SPOILER]

милан троши многу.. очигледно троши повеќе отколку што заработува .... менаџментот на милан наместо да се руди да ги зголеми приходите , се труди да не западни во поголем минус па да неможе берлускони да ги врати долговите. Милан ќе биди „ваков’’ се додека
1. Не се откупи Сан Сиро (или да се направи нов стадион)..... со ова парите од влезници дирекно за клубот, клубот би вредел повеќе, би поевтиниле влезниците..
2. не се заангажира за поголеми спонзорски договори,
3.не се отвори на пазарот и да се продаде дел од акциите..
4.победи на Лига на Шампиони (заедно или без Серија А) што ќе му донеси медиумска слава, мал финансиски бонус
5. подмлади тимот и исфрли играчи кои не се потребни , а земаат плата.

Ваквата состојба на никого не му одговара ниту на Берлускони (кој би плаќал 50 милиони годишно само за тимот да функционира), ниту на тимот, кој не би бил конкурентен на трансфер пазарот, а со тоа и на теренот, а ниту ни на навивачите кој треба да го гледаат милан во едно вакво бледо издание.....
Член од
25 јануари 2009
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се заигравте со спојлериве :D
Член од
30 јануари 2008
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Само за Марли ова :D

Lyon-director, Lacombe: "I wouldn't be suprised if Milan were really considering to sign Lloris."
"It's useless to say that a player isn't for sale, and then a big club makes an offer that you can't refuse...and as everyone knows, we really need money"

Деј нид мани, ви донт хев ени мани !!

И нели овој Габриел имаше ЕУ пасош, што лупета сеа ќељавиов дека е нон ЕУ плејер ?!
Член од
1 јуни 2011
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Овој Габриел мора да има еу пасош оти гледам дека како националност му е ставено Португалија и Бразил. И го купиле за 440.000 евра :icon_mrgr:
Член од
16 август 2007
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According to Sky, Galliani proposed Liverpool to end Aquilani's contract so that they won't pay his 4m wages and Milan would get him free. :pos:
Член од
8 јануари 2012
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Деј нид мани, ви донт хев ени мани !!

И нели овој Габриел имаше ЕУ пасош, што лупета сеа ќељавиов дека е нон ЕУ плејер ?!
На рати Марли,на рати :D
Патем викаа дека имаша ама испадна дека нема на крај. Како и да е со ова покажуваат дека сеедно им е на кого ќе ги потрошат тие нон-еу места,нема да купуваат многу,поготово не од тие попознатите таленти од Бразил(Гансо,Нејмар итн итн).

А за другиве еј ќе ви еам педерите,прв пут ставам спојлер и така испадна шо ме дупчите сеа :pos::pos::pos:
Барем приметивте ли дека Де Шиљо го купиле за 500 евра?:pos::pos::pos::pos:
Член од
21 октомври 2009
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јас кога те цитирав (ако воопшто прочита :cautious: ) , нанејчена ми го даде во спојлер мислењето ....
иначе ја Де Шиљо мислам дека треба појчем да го играме.. во две утакмици покажа многу повеќе од Абате цела сезона.... т.е. мислам дека на почеток следна сезоона треба ДеШиљо прва а Абате втора постава, барем додека се соземи Абате и дојди присебе.... :coffee:
Член од
25 јануари 2009
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According to Sky, Galliani proposed Liverpool to end Aquilani's contract so that they won't pay his 4m wages and Milan would get him free. :pos:
ништо помалку не очекував од галијани :D
--- надополнето: 25 мај 2012 во 00:00 ---
На рати Марли,на рати :D
Патем викаа дека имаша ама испадна дека нема на крај. Како и да е со ова покажуваат дека сеедно им е на кого ќе ги потрошат тие нон-еу места,нема да купуваат многу,поготово не од тие попознатите таленти од Бразил(Гансо,Нејмар итн итн).

А за другиве еј ќе ви еам педерите,прв пут ставам спојлер и така испадна шо ме дупчите сеа :pos::pos::pos:
Барем приметивте ли дека Де Шиљо го купиле за 500 евра?:pos::pos::pos::pos:
нели 100 евра ...од кај сеа 500 ?? :D
Член од
8 јануари 2012
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јас кога те цитирав (ако воопшто прочита :cautious: ) , нанејчена ми го даде во спојлер мислењето ....
иначе ја Де Шиљо мислам дека треба појчем да го играме.. во две утакмици покажа многу повеќе од Абате цела сезона.... т.е. мислам дека на почеток следна сезоона треба ДеШиљо прва а Абате втора постава, барем додека се соземи Абате и дојди присебе.... :coffee:
Ех гледаш многу сеир се изнагледав и заборавив на твојот пост :pos::pos:
Се согласувам со тебе,поради тоа Милан не може да функционира баш како што треба а и Берлускони сака што помалце да има удел во клубот,сака Милан да може да си стои на сопствени нозе,да може да опстане и без него мислам. Но ова е само мое мислење.

Абате сезонава тапа,би ми било многу драго ако Де Шиљо му го земе местото,малиот ме изненади,супер е.
Пасови добри дава,центаршути,се бори. Малце треба да добие на искуство да добие.
--- надополнето: 25 мај 2012 во 00:11 ---
нели 100 евра ...од кај сеа 500 ?? :D
Galliani: "We signed De Sciglio when he was 10 years old. We went to Cimiano and paid €500 euros for him."


Bone for Tuna
Член од
3 февруари 2007
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Galliani has confirmed that Malaga contacted him last week and made an inquiry about Robinho.

Па ако нудат 15+ милиони... слободно.
Член од
8 јануари 2012
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Galliani has confirmed that Malaga contacted him last week and made an inquiry about Robinho.

Па ако нудат 15+ милиони... слободно.
Првичната понуда како што прочитав е некаде 18-20 милиони и имаше една реплика на еден фан:
Where do I sign?

За овие пари нека цепа циганчето,но под услов истите да се искористат за трансфери.


Tutta lα miα vitα...
Член од
6 август 2007
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Робињо би го искористил само за Гансо/Нејмар или некое друго бразилче... инаку ваке нејќем да иде :)

Kajgana Shop

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